Exemple #1
            public static int Initialize(Ddeml.DdeCallback pfnCallback, int afCmd)
                lock (_Table) 
                    // Initialize a DDEML instance.
                    int instanceId = 0;
                    Ddeml.DdeInitialize(ref instanceId, pfnCallback, afCmd, 0);
                    if (instanceId != 0)
                        // Make sure this thread has an IMessageFilter on it.
                        LocalDataStoreSlot slot = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(DataSlot);
                        if (Thread.GetData(slot) == null) 
                            InstanceManager filter = new InstanceManager();
                            Thread.SetData(slot, filter);

                        // Add an entry to the table that maps the instance identifier to the current thread.
                        _Table.Add(instanceId, Ddeml.GetCurrentThreadId());
                    return instanceId;