public ActionResult booking1(tblBooking b1) //values of booking are bought through b1 object { if (ModelState.IsValid) { tblLogin z = (tblLogin)Session["customerid"]; string n = z.UserId; if (n == b1.Customer_ID) { string s = Dbclass.Hotelbooking(b1); //validations and billamount is returned through this s if (s.StartsWith("N") || s.StartsWith("a") || s.StartsWith("H")) //if validations are not satisfied it goes to booking view and generate which validation is missing { ViewBag.msg = s; return(View("booking")); } else { ViewBag.msg = s; Session["bill"] = s; Session["var"] = b1; //here we are storing object of tblbooking by using sessions so that we can use this value after payment slist = Dbclass.getstate(); //this slist consists values of bankdetails we will use it to populate dropdown values in payment view ViewBag.bankid = slist; return(View("payment")); } } else { ViewBag.msg = "Please Enter Your CustomerId"; return(View("booking")); } } return(View("booking")); }