protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //insert data to database ResponseQuery = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_SubmitInvoice", new { @InvoiceNumber = txtInvoiceNumber.Text, Userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); //show notification if (ResponseQuery.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Submit Invoice Item", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); hfStatus.Value = "Submit"; SetDataOnoad(txtInvoiceNumber.Text); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Submit Invoice Item", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, ex.Message, Page, GetType()); } }
protected void gridInvoiceItem_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e) { try { int key = Convert.ToInt16(e.Keys[0]); BootstrapPopupControl popup = popupAddLO; BootstrapGridView grid = (BootstrapGridView)popup.FindControl("gridAddLO"); //execute data to database ResponseQuery = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_DeleteInvoice_Item", new { InvoiceNumber = txtInvoiceNumber.Text, LO_ID = key, userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); //set gridview invoice item e.Cancel = true; gridInvoiceItem.DataBind(); //show notification gridInvoiceItem.JSProperties["cpRes"] = ResponseQuery; } catch (Exception ex) { gridInvoiceItem.JSProperties["cpRes"] = ex.Message; } }
protected void gvMasterDataUser_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e) { string response = string.Empty; try { response = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_DeleteMasterDataUser", new { userid = e.Keys[0], userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); } catch (Exception ex) { response = ex.Message; } finally { gvMasterDataUser.JSProperties["cpRes"] = response; e.Cancel = true; if (response.Contains("Success")) { gvMasterDataUser.CancelEdit(); } } }
protected void gridSPPB_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e) { int SPP_ID = Convert.ToInt32(e.Keys[0]); try { response = DbTransaction.DbToString(QueryDeleteSPP, new { SPP_ID = SPP_ID, userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); e.Cancel = true; gridSPPB.DataBind(); if (response.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Delete SPPB", response, this.Page, GetType()); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Delete SPPB", response, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, "Delete SPPB", ex.Message, this.Page, GetType()); } }
protected void gvProductSP3M_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e) { //ListProductSP3M.Remove(ListProductSP3M.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == e.Keys[0].ToString())); //e.Cancel = true; string Response = string.Empty; try { int SP3MItem_ID = Convert.ToInt16(e.Keys[0]); Response = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_DeleteSP3M_Item", new { SP3M_Items_ID = SP3MItem_ID, userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); e.Cancel = true; gvProductSP3M.CancelEdit(); if (Response.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Delete Product", Response, this.Page, GetType()); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Delete Product", Response, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, "Delete Product", ex.Message, this.Page, GetType()); } }
protected void gridListInvoice_CustomCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridViewCustomCallbackEventArgs e) { if (e.Parameters != null) { string[] arrParam = e.Parameters.Split('|'); if (arrParam[0] == "Process") { //set value string key = arrParam[1]; object rownumber = gridListInvoice.GetSelectedFieldValues("Invoice_ID"); string invoicenumber = gridListInvoice.GetRowValuesByKeyValue(key, "InvoiceNumber").ToString(); //execute data to database ResponseQuery = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_SubmitInvoicePertamina", new { Invoice_ID = key, Invoice_No = invoicenumber, userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); //show notification gridListInvoice.JSProperties["cpRes"] = ResponseQuery; } } }
protected void gridInvoiceItem_RowUpdating(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataUpdatingEventArgs e) { try { //update list int LoID = Convert.ToInt16(e.Keys[0]); int ProdukID = Convert.ToInt16(e.Keys[1]); ResponseQuery = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_EditInvoice_Items", new { InvoiceNumber = txtInvoiceNumber.Text, @Lo_ID_FK = LoID, @Product_ID_FK = ProdukID, @Price = Convert.ToInt32(e.NewValues["PriceUnit"]), Userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); //set gridview invoice item e.Cancel = true; //gridInvoiceItem.DataBind(); gridInvoiceItem.CancelEdit(); //show notification gridInvoiceItem.JSProperties["cpRes"] = ResponseQuery; } catch (Exception ex) { gridInvoiceItem.JSProperties["cpRes"] = ex.Message; } }
protected void gridListInvoice_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e) { //set invoice id int Invoice_ID = Convert.ToInt32(e.Keys[0]); try { //delete invoice ResponseQuery = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_DeleteInvoice", new { Invoice_ID = Invoice_ID, userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); //refresh gridview e.Cancel = true; gridListInvoice.DataBind(); //show message if (ResponseQuery.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Delete Invoice", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Delete Invoice", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, "Delete Invoice", ex.Message, this.Page, GetType()); } }
protected void btnReject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Response = string.Empty; try { //set sp3m id //set variable from query string SP3M_ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)Request.QueryString["SP3M_ID"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["SP3M_ID"]); Response = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_RejectSP3M", new { SP3M_ID = SP3M_ID, nosp3m = txtSP3M_Number.Text.Trim(), userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); if (Response.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Reject SP3M", Response, this.Page, GetType()); SetEnabled(false); SetEnabledButton(UserProfile.Roles, StatusSP3M); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Reject SP3M", Response, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, "Reject SP3M", ex.Message, this.Page, GetType()); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //initialize invoice item string InvoiceItem = string.Empty; ListInvoiceItem = GetDatainvoiceItem(txtInvoiceNumber.Text ?? string.Empty); //warning if invoice item is empty if (ListInvoiceItem.Count == 0) { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Simpan Invoice", "Data Invoice Item belum diinput", this.Page, GetType()); return; } //get data invoice item foreach (InvoiceModel.InvoiceItem item in ListInvoiceItem) { InvoiceItem += string.Format("{0}|", item.LO_ID); } //set product item if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(InvoiceItem)) { InvoiceItem = InvoiceItem.Remove(InvoiceItem.Length - 1); } //insert data to database ResponseQuery = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_AddInvoice", new { Type = hfInvoiceType.Value , InvoiceNumber = txtInvoiceNumber.Text , ApproveBy = txtApproveBy.Text ?? string.Empty , InvoiceDate = dateInvoice.Date == DateTime.MinValue ? Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900") : dateInvoice.Date , Note = txtNote.Text ?? string.Empty , Status = 1 , Userlogin = UserProfile.Username , InvoiceItem = InvoiceItem }, true); //show notification if (ResponseQuery.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Simpan Invoice", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Simpan Invoice", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, "Simpan Invoice", ex.Message, Page, GetType()); } }
public static string DeleteMasterDataDriver(MasterDataModel.MasterDataDriver item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_DeleteMasterDataDriver", new { Driver_ID = item.Driver_ID, UpdateBy = item.UpdateBy }, true); return(res); }
public static string DeleteMasterDataTBBM(MasterDataModel.MasterDataTBBM item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_DeleteMasterDataTBBM", new { TBBM_ID_PK = item.TBBM_ID_PK, UpdateBy = item.UpdateBy }, true); return(res); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SPP_ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)Request.QueryString["SPP_ID"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["SPP_ID"]); ResponseQuery = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_SubmitSPP", new { SPP_ID = SPP_ID, nospp = txtSPP_Number.Text.Trim(), userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); if (ResponseQuery.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Submit SPP", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); SetEnabled(false); SetEnabledButton(UserProfile.Roles, StatusSPP); //approve when user is internal foreach (MasterDataModel.MasterDataRole role in UserProfile.Roles) { if (role.RoleName == UserProfile.USER_INTERNAL) { ResponseQuery = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_ApproveSPP", new { SPP_ID = SPP_ID, nospp = txtSPP_Number.Text.Trim(), userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); if (ResponseQuery.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Approve SPP", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); SetEnabled(false); SetEnabledButton(UserProfile.Roles, StatusSPP); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Approve SPP", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); } } } } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Submit SPP", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, "Submit SPPB", ex.Message, this.Page, GetType()); } }
public static string DeleteMasterDataSPSH(MasterDataModel.MasterDataSPSH item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_DeleteMasterDataSPSH", new { SPSH_ID = item.SPSH_ID, UpdateBy = item.UpdateBy }, true); return(res); }
public static string DeleteMasterDataVehicle(MasterDataModel.MasterDataKendaraan item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_DeleteMasterDataVehicle", new { Vehicle_ID = item.Vehicle_ID, UpdateBy = item.UpdateBy }, true); return(res); }
protected void gvProductSP3M_RowInserting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataInsertingEventArgs e) { //validate data sp3m header if (!ValidateInsertSP3M(txtSP3M_Number.Text, cmbForce.Text)) { e.Cancel = true; alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Simpan Produk", "Data SP3M belum diinput, harap input data SP3M terlebih dahulu.", this.Page, GetType()); return; } try { //set noSP3M if (SP3M_ID == 0) { NoSP3M = txtSP3M_Number.Text; } //insert data product string response = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_AddSP3M_Item", new { SP3M_ID = SP3M_ID, NoSP3M = NoSP3M, product = e.NewValues["ProductName"], unitcapacity = 1, //only liter quantityvolume = e.NewValues["QuantityVolume"], priceunit = e.NewValues["PriceUnit"], pricetotal = e.NewValues["SubTotal"], userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); //refresh grid e.Cancel = true; //show notification if (response.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Simpan Produk", response, this.Page, GetType()); gvProductSP3M.CancelEdit(); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Simpan Produk", response, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, ex.Message, this.Page, GetType()); } }
public static string AddMasterDataTBBM(MasterDataModel.MasterDataTBBM item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_AddMasterDataTBBM", new { Region_ID_FK = item.Region_ID_FK, Name = item.Name, Address = item.Address, Telp = item.Telp, Email = item.Email, CreationBy = item.CreationBy }, true); return(res); }
public static string EditMasterDataDistance(MasterDataModel.MasterDataDistance item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_EditMasterDataDistance", new { TBBM_ID = item.TBBM_ID, SPSH_ID = item.SPSH_ID, Distance = item.Distance, NormalRate = item.NormalRate, SpecialRate = item.SpecialRate, UpdateBy = item.UpdateBy }, true); return(res); }
public static string EditMasterDataTransporterFee(MasterDataModel.MasterDataTransporterFee item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_EditMasterDataTransporterFee", new { Transporter_ID = item.Transporter_ID, Region_ID = item.Region_ID, HandlingFee = item.HandlingFee, OATDistanceLimit = item.OATDistanceLimit, OATPriceUnderEqualLimit = item.OATPriceUnderEqualLimit, OATPriceAboveLimit = item.OATPriceAboveLimit, UpdateBy = item.UpdateBy }, true); return(res); }
public static string AddMasterDataTransporter(MasterDataModel.MasterDataTransporter item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_AddMasterDataTransporter", new { TransporterName = item.TransporterName, Address = item.Address, Phone = item.Phone, Email = item.Email, Contact1 = item.Contact1, Contact2 = item.Contact2, CreationBy = item.CreationBy }, true); return(res); }
public static string AddMasterDataSPSH(MasterDataModel.MasterDataSPSH item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_AddMasterDataSPSH", new { NewSPSH_ID = item.NewSPSH_ID, Region_ID = item.Region_ID, Name = item.Name, Address = item.Address, Telp = item.Telp, Email = item.Email, CreationBy = item.CreationBy }, true); return(res); }
public static string EditMasterDataTBBM(MasterDataModel.MasterDataTBBM item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_EditMasterDataTBBM", new { TBBM_ID_PK = item.TBBM_ID_PK, Region_ID_FK = item.Region_ID_FK, Name = item.Name, Address = item.Address, Telp = item.Telp, Email = item.Email, UpdateBy = item.UpdateBy }, true); return(res); }
protected void gvProductSP3M_RowUpdating(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataUpdatingEventArgs e) { //ListProductSP3M[gvProduct.EditingRowVisibleIndex].ProductID = (string)e.NewValues["NamaProduk"]; //ListProductSP3M[gvProduct.EditingRowVisibleIndex].NamaProduk = (string)e.NewValues["NamaProduk"]; //ListProductSP3M[gvProduct.EditingRowVisibleIndex].Kuantum = (float)e.NewValues["Kuantum"]; //ListProductSP3M[gvProduct.EditingRowVisibleIndex].HargaSatuan = (float)e.NewValues["HargaSatuan"]; //ListProductSP3M[gvProduct.EditingRowVisibleIndex].HargaJumlah = (float)e.NewValues["HargaJumlah"]; //e.Cancel = true; //gvProduct.CancelEdit(); string Response = string.Empty; try { int SP3MItem_ID = Convert.ToInt16(e.Keys[0]); Response = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_EditSP3M_Item", new { SP3M_Items_ID = SP3MItem_ID, //product = e.NewValues["ProductName"], productname = e.NewValues["ProductName"], unitcapacity = 1, quantityvolume = e.NewValues["QuantityVolume"], priceunit = e.NewValues["PriceUnit"], userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); e.Cancel = true; gvProductSP3M.CancelEdit(); if (Response.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Edit Product", Response, this.Page, GetType()); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Edit Product", Response, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, "Edit Product", ex.Message, this.Page, GetType()); } }
protected void gvAuthParameter_RowInserting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataInsertingEventArgs e) { string Response = string.Empty; try { //initialize control BootstrapGridView gv = (BootstrapGridView)gvMasterDataUser; BootstrapTextBox txtusername = (BootstrapTextBox)gv.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txtUserName"); BootstrapGridView gridAuth = (BootstrapGridView)gv.FindEditFormTemplateControl("gvAuthParameter"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)e.NewValues["ParameterName"]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)e.NewValues["ParameterValue"])) { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Add Authentication", "Parameter is not complete", this.Page, GetType()); e.Cancel = true; return; } Response = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_AddUserAuthentication", new { username = txtusername.Text, name = e.NewValues["ParameterName"], value = e.NewValues["ParameterValue"], userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); if (Response.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Add Authentication", Response, this.Page, GetType()); e.Cancel = true; gridAuth.CancelEdit(); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Add Authentication", Response, this.Page, GetType()); e.Cancel = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, "Add Authentication", ex.Message, this.Page, GetType()); } }
public static string AddMasterDataDriver(MasterDataModel.MasterDataDriver item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_AddMasterDataDriver", new { Transporter_ID = item.Transporter_ID, ImageName = item.ImageName, ImageBytes = item.ImageBytes, Name = item.Name, Birthday = item.Birthday, Address = item.Address, Email = item.Email, Phone1 = item.Phone1, Phone2 = item.Phone2, CreationBy = item.CreationBy }, true); return(res); }
public static string AddMasterDataVehicle(MasterDataModel.MasterDataKendaraan item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_AddMasterDataVehicle", new { Transporter_ID = item.Transporter_ID, Number = item.Number, Code = item.Code, Merk = item.Merk, YearManufacture = item.YearManufacture, Type_ID = item.Type_ID, VehicleCategory_ID = item.VehicleCategory_ID, Capacity = item.Capacity, UnitCapacity_ID = item.UnitCapacity_ID, CreationBy = item.CreationBy }, true); return(res); }
public static string SubmitLO(LOModel.LO item) { string res = DbTransaction.DbToString("sp_SubmitLO", new { SPP_Items_ID = item.SPP_Items_ID, Transporter_ID = item.Transporter_ID, Vehicle_ID = item.Vehicle_ID, Driver_ID = item.Driver_ID, NoLo = item.NoLO, LODate = item.LODate, NoDO = item.NoDO, DODate = item.DODate, CustomerPO_Number = item.CustomerPO_Number, CustomerDate = item.CustomerDate, OrderNumber = item.OrderNumber, OrderDate = item.OrderDate, DeliveryNote = item.DeliveryNote, CreationBy = item.CreationBy }, true); return(res); }
protected void btnSaveHeader_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtInvoiceNumber.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dateInvoice.Text)) { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Simpan Invoice", "Please Input Mandatory Fields", Page, GetType()); return; } try { ResponseQuery = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_AddInvoice_Header", new { Type = hfInvoiceType.Value, InvoiceNumber = txtInvoiceNumber.Text, InvoiceDate = dateInvoice.Date == DateTime.MinValue ? Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900") : dateInvoice.Date, ApproveBy = txtApproveBy.Text, Note = txtNote.Text, Status = 1, Username = UserProfile.Username, InvoiceId = 0 }, true); //show notification if (ResponseQuery.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Simpan Invoice", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Simpan Invoice", ResponseQuery, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, "Simpan Invoice", ex.Message, this.Page, GetType()); } }
protected void gridAddLO_CustomCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridViewCustomCallbackEventArgs e) { if (e.Parameters == "Checked") { //initialize variable string InvoiceItem = string.Empty; string NoDO = string.Empty; float? Product_ID; string ProductName = string.Empty; float? QuantityVolume; float? PriceUnit; string strItem = string.Empty; List <Object> SelectItems = gridAddLO.GetSelectedFieldValues("LO_ID"); foreach (object LoID in SelectItems) { //set item selected NoDO = gridAddLO.GetRowValuesByKeyValue(LoID, "NoDO").ToString(); Product_ID = Convert.ToInt16(gridAddLO.GetRowValuesByKeyValue(LoID, "Product_ID").ToString()); ProductName = gridAddLO.GetRowValuesByKeyValue(LoID, "ProductName").ToString(); QuantityVolume = Convert.ToInt32(gridAddLO.GetRowValuesByKeyValue(LoID, "QuantityVolume").ToString()); PriceUnit = Convert.ToInt64(gridAddLO.GetRowValuesByKeyValue(LoID, "PriceUnit").ToString()); //string item strItem = LoID.ToString() + ';' + NoDO + ';' + Product_ID + ';' + QuantityVolume + ';' + PriceUnit; ////add data to list //ListInvoiceItem.Add(new InvoiceModel.InvoiceItem //{ // LO_ID = Convert.ToInt16(item), // NoLO = NoLO, // Product_ID = Convert.ToInt16(Product_ID), // ProductName = ProductName, // QuantityVolume = Convert.ToInt32(QuantityVolume), // PriceUnit = Convert.ToInt64(PriceUnit) //}); //concatenate data LO InvoiceItem += string.Format("{0}|", strItem); } //set product item if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(InvoiceItem)) { InvoiceItem = InvoiceItem.Remove(InvoiceItem.Length - 1); } //insert data to database ResponseQuery = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_AddInvoice_Item", new { Type = hfInvoiceType.Value, InvoiceNumber = txtInvoiceNumber.Text, ApproveBy = txtApproveBy.Text ?? string.Empty, InvoiceDate = dateInvoice.Date == DateTime.MinValue ? Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900") : dateInvoice.Date, Note = txtNote.Text ?? string.Empty, Status = 1, Userlogin = UserProfile.Username, InvoiceItem = InvoiceItem }, true); //show notification gridAddLO.JSProperties["cpRes"] = ResponseQuery; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Response = string.Empty; try { if (gvProductSP3M.IsEditing == true) { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Simpan SP3M", "Data Produk sedang dalam proses edit. <br> Simpan/ batalkan terlebih dahulu perubahannya !!!", this.Page, GetType()); gvProductSP3M.Focus(); return; } //set sp3m id //set variable from query string SP3M_ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)Request.QueryString["SP3M_ID"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["SP3M_ID"]); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)hfSP3MId.Get("Id"))) { SP3M_ID = Convert.ToInt16(hfSP3MId.Get("Id").ToString()); } Response = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_SubmitSP3M", new { SP3M_ID = SP3M_ID, nosp3m = txtSP3M_Number.Text.Trim(), userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); if (Response.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Submit SP3M", Response, this.Page, GetType()); SetEnabled(false); SetEnabledButton(UserProfile.Roles, StatusSP3M); //approve when user is internal foreach (MasterDataModel.MasterDataRole role in UserProfile.Roles) { if (role.RoleName == UserProfile.USER_INTERNAL) { Response = DbTransaction.DbToString("dbo.sp_ApproveSP3M", new { SP3M_ID = SP3M_ID, nosp3m = txtSP3M_Number.Text.Trim(), userlogin = UserProfile.Username }, true); if (Response.Contains("Success")) { alert.MessageString(Alert.SUCCESS, "Approve SP3M", Response, this.Page, GetType()); SetEnabled(false); SetEnabledButton(UserProfile.Roles, StatusSP3M); } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Approve SP3M", Response, this.Page, GetType()); } } } } else { alert.MessageString(Alert.WARNING, "Submit SP3M", Response, this.Page, GetType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { alert.MessageString(Alert.ERROR, "Submit SP3M", ex.Message, this.Page, GetType()); } }