public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetMonitorLinkmanList(string lm_uname, string lm_udept, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lm_uname)) { where += " and lm_uname like '%" + lm_uname + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lm_udept)) { where += " and lm_udept like '%" + lm_udept + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } //string sql = String.Format("select * from [dbo].SMC_User where 1=1 {0}", where); if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(@"" + maindbName + @".dbo.monitor_linkman", "*", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, ""); return(result); }
public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetDeviceDisableAuthorizationSys(string uid, string model, string u_unitcode, string u_auth_submit_time_start, string u_auth_submit_time_end, int deviceAuthStatus, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = ""; if (deviceAuthStatus >= 0) { where += " and dua.status=" + deviceAuthStatus + ""; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid)) { where += " and u.u_uid like '%" + uid + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_unitcode)) { where += " and u.u_unitcode like '%" + u_unitcode + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_unitcode)) { where += " and u.u_unitcode like '%" + u_unitcode + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model)) { where += " and d.model like '%" + model + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_auth_submit_time_start)) { where += " and dua.applytime >= '" + u_auth_submit_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_auth_submit_time_end)) { where += " and dua.applytime <= '" + u_auth_submit_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } //string sql = String.Format("select * from [dbo].SMC_User where 1=1 {0}", where); if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(@"deviceuserapply dua join deviceuser du on join " + maindbName + @".dbo.smc_user u on u.u_uid=du.uid join device d on", ", u.u_uid useruid,u.u_unitname unitname,u.u_unitcode unitcode,u.u_name username,du.deviceid,d.model,d.description,dua.applytime,dua.status", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, ""); return(result); }
public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetMonitorLogList(string timeStart, string timeEnd, string log_status, string log_df_lever, string log_df_item, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = ""; int _log_status = -1;// if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(log_status)) { _log_status = Convert.ToInt32(log_status); } if (_log_status >= 0) { where += " and log_status=" + _log_status + ""; } int _log_df_lever = -1;// if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(log_df_lever)) { _log_df_lever = Convert.ToInt32(log_df_lever); } if (_log_df_lever >= 0) { where += " and log_df_lever=" + _log_df_lever + ""; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(log_df_item)) { where += " and log_df_item like '%" + log_df_item + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(timeStart)) { where += " and log_datetime >= '" + timeStart + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(timeEnd)) { where += " and log_datetime <= '" + timeEnd + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } //string sql = String.Format("select * from [dbo].SMC_User where 1=1 {0}", where); if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(@"" + maindbName + @".dbo.Monitor_Log", "*", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, ""); return(result); }
public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetAppPackageSyncList(string appName, string application, string unitcode, string auth_time_start, string auth_time_end, string syncstatus, string orderby, int pageIndex, int pageSize) { string where = "pe.pe_authstatus=1"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(appName)) { where += " and pe.pe_Name like '%" + appName + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(syncstatus)) { where += " and pe.pe_SyncStatus = '" + syncstatus + "'"; } else { where += " and (pe.pe_syncstatus=0 or pe.pe_syncstatus=2)"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(unitcode)) { where += " and pe.pe_unitcode like '%" + unitcode + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(application)) { where += " and pe.pe_ApplicationName like '%" + application + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(auth_time_start)) { where += " and pe.pe_AuthTime >= '" + auth_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(auth_time_end)) { where += " and pe.pe_AuthTime <= '" + auth_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(@"" + maindbName + @".dbo.smc_packageext pe", "*", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, ""); return(result); }
public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetApplicationExtList(string appName, string application, string u_unitcode, string u_auth_submit_time_start, string u_auth_submit_time_end, string categoryID, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryID)) { where += " and pe.pe_CategoryID like '%" + categoryID + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(appName)) { where += " and pe.pe_displayName like '%" + appName + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_unitcode)) { where += " and pe.pe_unitcode like '%" + u_unitcode + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_unitcode)) { where += " and pe.pe_unitcode like '%" + u_unitcode + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(application)) { where += " and pe.pe_ApplicationName like '%" + application + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_auth_submit_time_start)) { where += " and pe.pe_AuthSubmitTime >= '" + u_auth_submit_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_auth_submit_time_end)) { where += " and pe.pe_AuthSubmitTime <= '" + u_auth_submit_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } //string sql = String.Format("select * from [dbo].SMC_User where 1=1 {0}", where); if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(@"" + maindbName + @".dbo.smc_packageext pe", "*", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, ""); return(result); }
public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetUnImportedAppPackages(string name, string displayName, string clientType, string lost_time_start, string lost_time_end, string type, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = " id not in (select tableid from {0}..smc_packageext) "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { where += " and [name] like '%" + name + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName)) { where += " and [displayName] like '%" + displayName + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientType)) { where += " and [clientType] like '%" + clientType + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { where += " and [type] like '%" + type + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lost_time_start)) { //where += " and d.locktime >= '" + lost_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lost_time_end)) { //where += " and d.locktime <= '" + lost_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetMainDBName(); string appDBName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); string tableName = maindbName + ".dbo.package4ai"; where = String.Format(where, appDBName); SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(tableName, "id,name,displayname,type,clienttype,version,buildver,downloaduri", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, "id desc", where, ""); return(result); }
public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetMonitorConfigList(string hostname, string updatestatus, string isuse, string enalbe_time_start, string enalbe_time_end, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = ""; int _updatestatus = -1;// if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(updatestatus)) { _updatestatus = Convert.ToInt32(updatestatus); } if (_updatestatus >= 0) { where += " and cfg_updatestatus=" + _updatestatus + ""; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hostname)) { where += " and cfg_hostname like '%" + hostname + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(isuse)) { where += " and cfg_isuse like '%" + isuse + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(enalbe_time_start)) { where += " and cfg_usedate >= '" + enalbe_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(enalbe_time_end)) { where += " and cfg_usedate <= '" + enalbe_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } //string sql = String.Format("select * from [dbo].SMC_User where 1=1 {0}", where); if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(@"" + maindbName + @".dbo.Monitor_Config", "*", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, ""); return(result); }
public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetMonitorCmdList(string cmd_title, string cmd_senddate_start, string cmd_senddate_end, string cmd_executeresult, string cmd_code, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = ""; int _cmd_executeresult = -1;// if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_executeresult)) { _cmd_executeresult = Convert.ToInt32(cmd_executeresult); } if (_cmd_executeresult >= 0) { where += " and cmd_executeresult=" + _cmd_executeresult + ""; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_title)) { where += " and cmd_title like '%" + cmd_title + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_code)) { where += " and cmd_code like '%" + cmd_code + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_senddate_start)) { where += " and cmd_senddate >= '" + cmd_senddate_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd_senddate_end)) { where += " and cmd_senddate <= '" + cmd_senddate_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } //string sql = String.Format("select * from [dbo].SMC_User where 1=1 {0}", where); if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(@"" + maindbName + @".dbo.Monitor_Cmd", "*", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, ""); return(result); }
public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetUserRetryLock(string uid, string username, string u_unitcode, string u_lock_time_start, string u_lock_time_end, int lockStatus, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = "u_lock_status=1"; if (lockStatus >= 0) { where += " and u.u_lock_status=" + lockStatus + ""; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid)) { where += " and u.u_uid like '%" + uid + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_unitcode)) { where += " and u.u_unitcode like '%" + u_unitcode + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { where += " and u.u_name like '%" + username + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_lock_time_start)) { where += " and u_lock_time >= '" + u_lock_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_lock_time_end)) { where += " and u_lock_time <= '" + u_lock_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } //string sql = String.Format("select * from [dbo].SMC_User where 1=1 {0}", where); if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(@"dbo.smc_user u", "u.u_id id, u.u_uid useruid,u.u_unitname unitname,u.u_unitcode unitcode,u.u_name username,u.u_enable_status,u_lock_status,u_lock_time,u_lock_expire_time", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, ""); return(result); }
public JsonFlexiGridData QueryShow(PageView view) { /*string column = @"UnitName,UserCount,PadAndroid,PadiOS,PCWindows,PhoneAndroid,PhoneiOS,UsageCount"; * * StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); * sql.Append(@"select UnitName,COUNT(distinct UserName) as UserCount,"); * sql.AppendLine(@"sum(case Device when 'PAd/Android' then UsageCount else 0 end)'PadAndroid',"); * sql.AppendLine(@"sum(case Device when 'PAd/iOS' then UsageCount else 0 end)'PadiOS',"); * sql.AppendLine(@"sum(case Device when 'PC/Windows' then UsageCount else 0 end)'PCWindows',"); * sql.AppendLine(@"sum(case Device when 'Phone/Android' then UsageCount else 0 end)'PhoneAndroid',"); * sql.AppendLine(@"sum(case Device when 'Phone/iOS' then UsageCount else 0 end)'PhoneiOS'"); * sql.AppendLine(",SUM(UsageCount) as UsageCount from (select * from [UsageLogDaily] where 1=1"); * * sql.AppendLine(")a group by UnitName"); * return base.QueryDataForFlexGridByPager(column, string.Format("({0}) as temp", sql.ToString()), view.OrderBy.ToString(), "UnitName", string.Empty, view);*/ string column = @"UnitName,UserCount,PadAndroid,PadiOS,PCWindows,PhoneAndroid,PhoneiOS,UsageCount"; StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.Append(@"select UnitName,COUNT(distinct UserName) as UserCount,"); sql.Append(@"sum(case Device when 'PAd/Android' then UsageCount else 0 end) PadAndroid,"); sql.Append(@"sum(case Device when 'PAd/iOS' then UsageCount else 0 end) PadiOS,"); sql.Append(@"sum(case Device when 'PC/Windows' then UsageCount else 0 end) PCWindows,"); sql.Append(@"sum(case Device when 'Phone/Android' then UsageCount else 0 end) PhoneAndroid,"); sql.Append(@"sum(case Device when 'Phone/iOS' then UsageCount else 0 end) PhoneiOS"); sql.Append(",SUM(UsageCount) as UsageCount from (select * from "); string statisticsDbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); sql.Append(statisticsDbName); sql.Append("..[UsageLogDaily] where 1=1"); sql.Append(")a group by UnitName"); string with = "with t as (" + sql.ToString() + ") "; string tableName = "t"; string orderBy = "UnitName Asc"; string where = "UnitName is not null"; Log4NetHelper.Info("tableName:" + tableName + " column:" + column + " orderBy:" + orderBy + " where:" + where + " with:" + with); SmartBox.Console.Common.SelectPagnationEx r = base.SelectPaginationEx(tableName, column, view.PageIndex + 1, view.PageSize, orderBy, where, with); JsonFlexiGridData result = BaseDao <object> .ConvertJosnFlexGridData(r.Result.Tables[0], view, "UnitName"); = r.PageCount; = r.RecordCount; return(result); }
public JsonFlexiGridData QueryTime3(SearchStatisticOnlineTime view) { string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetMainDBName(); string buadb = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["bua_db_name"]; string statisticsDbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); string sql = @"with t as( select uid,deviceid,begintime,lasttime,cast(datediff(mi,begintime,isnull(lasttime,getdate())) as numeric(12,3)) times from userusinglog where 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.StartTime)) { sql += " and begintime >= '" + view.StartTime + " 0:00:00'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.EndTime)) { sql += " and lasttime <= '" + view.EndTime + " 23:59:59'";//logouttime } sql += @"),u as (select uid,deviceid,begintime,lasttime,cast(times /60 as numeric(12,2)) times from t), v as( select isnull(d.resource,'') clienttype,u.uid,u.deviceid,u.begintime,u.lasttime,u.times from u left join device d on ),w as( select clienttype,uid,sum(times) times from v group by clienttype,uid ),x as ( select usr.u_uid UserUid,usr.u_name User_Full_Name,usr.u_unitname ORG_NAME, isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='phone/android'),0) as PhoneAndroid, isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='pad/android'),0) as PadAndroid, isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='phone/ios'),0) as PhoneiOS, isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='pad/ios'),0) as PadiOS from " + statisticsDbName + @".dbo.smc_user usr ) select * from x"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.UID)) { sql += " where UserUid = '" + view.UID + "'";//logouttime } DataSet ds = base.ExecuteDataset(sql, CommandType.Text); JsonFlexiGridData result = BaseDao <object> .ConvertJosnFlexGridData(ds.Tables[0], view, "UserUid"); = 1; = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; return(result); }
public JsonFlexiGridData QueryUser(PageView view) { string column = @"UserName,UnitName,PadAndroid,PadiOS,PCWindows,PhoneAndroid,PhoneiOS"; string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetMainDBName(); string statisticDBName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.Append("select UserName,UnitName,"); sql.AppendLine("sum(case Device when 'PAD/ANDROID' then UsageCount else 0 end)'PadAndroid',"); sql.AppendLine("sum(case Device when 'PAD/IOS' then UsageCount else 0 end)'PadiOS',"); sql.AppendLine("sum(case Device when 'PC/Windows' then UsageCount else 0 end)'PCWindows',"); sql.AppendLine("sum(case Device when 'PHONE/ANDROID' then UsageCount else 0 end)'PhoneAndroid',"); sql.AppendLine("sum(case Device when 'PHONE/IOS' then UsageCount else 0 end)'PhoneiOS'"); sql.AppendLine(" from (select * from "); sql.AppendLine(statisticDBName); sql.AppendLine("..[UsageLogDaily] where 1=1"); sql.AppendLine(")a group by UserName,UnitName"); string with = "with t as (" + sql.ToString() + ") "; with = with.Replace("[UserLoginInfo]", " " + maindbName + ".dbo.[UserLoginInfo]").Replace("V_BUA_USER", maindbName + ".dbo.V_BUA_USER"); string tableName = "t"; string orderBy = view.OrderBy.ToString().ToLower().Replace(" order by ", ""); string where = "UserName is not null"; with = with.Replace("\r\n", ""); Log4NetHelper.Info("QueryUser-tableName:" + tableName + " column:" + column + " orderBy:" + orderBy + " where:" + where + " with:" + with); SmartBox.Console.Common.SelectPagnationEx rs = base.SelectPaginationEx(tableName, column, view.PageIndex + 1, view.PageSize, orderBy, where, with); JsonFlexiGridData result = BaseDao <object> .ConvertJosnFlexGridData(rs.Result.Tables[0], view, "UnitName"); = rs.PageCount; = rs.RecordCount; return(result); //return base.QueryDataForFlexGridByPager(column, string.Format("({0}) as temp", sql.ToString()), view.OrderBy.ToString(), "UnitName", string.Empty, view); }
public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetStatisticsByUnit(string uid, string model, string u_unitcode, string lost_time_start, string lost_time_end, string unlost_time_start, string unlost_time_end, int status, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = ""; if (status >= 0) { //where += " and d.status=" + status + ""; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model)) { //where += " and d.model like '%" + model + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lost_time_start)) { //where += " and d.losttime >= '" + lost_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lost_time_end)) { //where += " and d.losttime <= '" + lost_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(unlost_time_start)) { //where += " and d.unlosttime >= '" + unlost_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(unlost_time_end)) { //where += " and d.unlosttime <= '" + unlost_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } //string sql = String.Format("select * from [dbo].SMC_User where 1=1 {0}", where); if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string statisticsDbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); string column = @"UnitCode,isnull (UnitName, UnitCode) UnitName ,UserCount,PadAndroid,PadiOS,PCWindows,PhoneAndroid,PhoneiOS,UsageCount"; StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.Append(@"select UnitCode,(select unit_name from "); sql.Append(statisticsDbName); sql.Append(@"..[smc_unit] where unit_id =unitcode) UnitName,COUNT(distinct UserName) as UserCount,"); sql.Append(@"sum(case Device when 'PAd/Android' then UsageCount else 0 end) PadAndroid,"); sql.Append(@"sum(case Device when 'PAd/iOS' then UsageCount else 0 end) PadiOS,"); sql.Append(@"sum(case Device when 'PC/Windows' then UsageCount else 0 end) PCWindows,"); sql.Append(@"sum(case Device when 'Phone/Android' then UsageCount else 0 end) PhoneAndroid,"); sql.Append(@"sum(case Device when 'Phone/iOS' then UsageCount else 0 end) PhoneiOS"); sql.Append(",SUM(UsageCount) as UsageCount from (select * from "); sql.Append(statisticsDbName); sql.Append("..[UsageLogDaily] where 1=1"); sql.Append(")a group by UnitCode"); string with = "with t as (" + sql.ToString() + ") "; string tableName = "t"; //string orderBy = "UnitName Asc"; where += " UnitCode is not null"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_unitcode)) { where += " and UnitCode = '" + u_unitcode + "'"; } // string sql = @"with t as( //select uid,deviceid,begintime,lasttime,cast(datediff(mi,begintime,isnull(lasttime,getdate())) as numeric(12,3)) times from userusinglog where 1=1 "; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lost_time_start)) // { // sql += " and begintime >= '" + lost_time_start + " 0:00:00'"; // } // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lost_time_end)) // { // sql += " and lasttime <= '" + lost_time_end + "'";//logouttime // } // sql += @"),u as //(select uid,deviceid,begintime,lasttime,cast(times /60 as numeric(12,2)) times from t), //v as( //select isnull(d.resource,'') clienttype,u.uid,u.deviceid,u.begintime,u.lasttime,u.times from u left join device d on //),w as( //select clienttype,uid,sum(times) times from v group by clienttype,uid //),x //as ( //select usr.u_uid UserUid,usr.u_name User_Full_Name,usr.u_unitcode Org_Code,usr.u_unitname ORG_NAME, //isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='phone/android'),0) as PhoneAndroid, //isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='pad/android'),0) as PadAndroid, //isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='phone/ios'),0) as PhoneiOS, //isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='pad/ios'),0) as PadiOS // from " + maindbName + @".dbo.smc_user usr //)"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid)) { where += " UserUid like '%" + uid + "%'"; } SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(tableName, column, pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, with); return(result); }
public List <IDictionary <string, object> > GetTaskCenter(string uid, string model, string u_unitcode, string u_auth_submit_time_start, string u_auth_submit_time_end, int deviceAuthStatus, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = ""; if (deviceAuthStatus >= 0) { where += " and dua.status=" + deviceAuthStatus + ""; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid)) { where += " and u.u_uid like '%" + uid + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_unitcode)) { where += " and u.u_unitcode like '%" + u_unitcode + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model)) { where += " and d.model like '%" + model + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_auth_submit_time_start)) { where += " and dua.applytime >= '" + u_auth_submit_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_auth_submit_time_end)) { where += " and dua.applytime <= '" + u_auth_submit_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } //bool isSystemManager = true; string sUnitCondition1 = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_unitcode)) { sUnitCondition1 = " and u.u_unitcode = '" + u_unitcode + "'"; } string s = String.Format(@"with t_deviceauth as( select 'deviceauth' t,count( cn from smartbox.dbo.deviceuserapply dua join smartbox.dbo.deviceuser du on join smartboxapp.dbo.smc_user u on u.u_uid=du.uid where dua.status=0 {0}) ,t_userauth as ( select 'userauth' t,count(u_id) cn from smartboxapp.dbo.smc_user u where u.u_enable_status = 2 {1} ),t_deviceunlock as ( select 'deviceunlock' t,count( cn from smartbox.dbo.device d join smartbox.dbo.deviceuser du on join smartboxapp.dbo.smc_user u on u.u_uid=du.uid where d.status=1 {2} ),t_userunlock as ( select 'userunlock' t,count(u_uid) cn from smartboxapp.dbo.SMC_User u where u_lock_status=1 {3} ) select * from t_deviceauth union all select * from t_userauth union all select * from t_deviceunlock union all select * from t_userunlock", sUnitCondition1, sUnitCondition1, sUnitCondition1, sUnitCondition1); where = ""; string statisticDBName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetMainDBName(); s = s.Replace("smartboxapp.", statisticDBName + "."); s = s.Replace("smartbox.", maindbName + "."); DataSet ds = base.ExecuteDataset(s, System.Data.CommandType.Text); List <IDictionary <string, object> > r = TranslateTable(ds.Tables[0]); //SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(@"", "*", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, s); return(r); }
public JsonFlexiGridData QueryTime2(SearchStatisticOnlineTime view) { string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetMainDBName(); string buadb = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["bua_db_name"]; string statisticsDbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); string sql = @"with t as( select useruid,device,logintime,isnull(logouttime,getdate()) logouttime,datediff(mi,logintime,isnull(logouttime,getdate())) times from " + maindbName + @".dbo.UserLoginInfo where logouttime is not null "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.StartTime)) { sql += " where logintime >= '" + view.StartTime + " 0:00:00'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.EndTime)) { sql += " and logintime <= '" + view.EndTime + " 23:59:59'";//logouttime } sql += @"),pc as( select * from t where device='PC/WINDOWS' or device='pc/windows8' ),apad as ( select * from t where device='Pad/Android' or device='ANDROID_PAD' ),aphone as ( select * from t where device='Phone/Android' or device='ANDROID_PHONE' ),ipad as ( select * from t where device='PAD/IOS' ),iphone as ( select * from t where device='PHONE/IOS' ),u as ( select u_uid user_uid,u_name user_name,(select unit_name from " + statisticsDbName + @"..smc_unit where unit_id=bu.u_unitcode) org_name from " + statisticsDbName + @"..smc_user bu where u_unitcode is not null ),suser as( select distinct useruid from " + maindbName + @".dbo.UserLoginInfo ) , siphone as( select useruid,cast(cast(sum(times) as decimal(18,2)) / 60 as decimal(18,2)) time_iphone from iphone group by useruid ), sipad as( select useruid,cast(cast(sum(times) as decimal(18,2)) / 60 as decimal(18,2)) time_ipad from ipad group by useruid ), saphone as( select useruid,cast(cast(sum(cast(times as decimal(15,2))) as decimal(18,2)) / 60 as decimal(18,2)) time_aphone from aphone group by useruid ), sapad as( select useruid,cast(cast(sum(times) as decimal(18,2)) / 60 as decimal(18,2)) time_apad from apad group by useruid ), spc as( select useruid,cast(cast(sum(times) as decimal(18,2)) / 60 as decimal(18,2)) time_pc from pc group by useruid ),st as( select suser.useruid,u.user_name User_Full_Name,u.org_name, isnull(siphone.time_iphone, 0.00) PhoneiOS, isnull(sipad.time_ipad, 0.00) PadiOS, isnull(saphone.time_aphone, 0.00) PhoneAndroid, isnull(sapad.time_apad, 0.00) PadAndroid from suser left join siphone on suser.useruid=siphone.useruid left join sipad on suser.useruid=sipad.useruid left join saphone on suser.useruid=saphone.useruid left join sapad on suser.useruid=sapad.useruid join u on u.user_uid=suser.useruid ) select * from st order by org_name "; DataSet ds = base.ExecuteDataset(sql, CommandType.Text); JsonFlexiGridData result = BaseDao <object> .ConvertJosnFlexGridData(ds.Tables[0], view, "UserUid"); = 1; = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; return(result); }
public JsonFlexiGridData QueryAppName(PageView view) { List <string> AppNameList = new List <string>(); //所有应用 List <string> AppDisplayNamelist = new List <string>(); //所有应用名称 string conStringMainDb = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[AppConfig.mainDbKey].ToString(); //AppConfig.mainDbKey; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(conStringMainDb); string statisticsDbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); try { conn.Open(); string sql = "select distinct name,displayName from application where name in (select distinct appname from [" + statisticsDbName + "].[dbo].[UsageLogDaily])"; Log4NetHelper.Info("QueryAppName-sql:" + sql); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { AppNameList.Add(r.ItemArray[0].ToString()); AppDisplayNamelist.Add(r.ItemArray[1].ToString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log4NetHelper.Error(e); } finally { conn.Close(); } try { StringBuilder columns = new StringBuilder("UserName,UnitName"); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.Append("select UserName,UnitName"); string fformat = ",sum(case AppName when '{0}' then UsageCount else 0 end)'{1}'"; foreach (string s in AppNameList) { string ns = s.Replace(".", "@"); string sqlCondition = ""; columns.Append("," + ns); sqlCondition = string.Format(fformat, s, ns); sql.Append(sqlCondition); } string column = columns.ToString(); sql.Append(" from (select * from "); sql.Append(statisticsDbName); sql.Append("..[UsageLogDaily] where 1=1"); sql.Append(")a group by UserName,UnitName"); string with = "with t as (" + sql.ToString() + ") "; string tableName = "t"; string orderBy = "UnitName Asc"; string where = "UserName is not null"; SmartBox.Console.Common.SelectPagnationEx rs = base.SelectPaginationEx(tableName, column, view.PageIndex + 1, view.PageSize, orderBy, where, with); JsonFlexiGridData result = BaseDao <object> .ConvertJosnFlexGridData(rs.Result.Tables[0], view, "UnitName"); = rs.PageCount; = rs.RecordCount; return(result); } catch (Exception e) { Log4NetHelper.Error(e); return(null); } //return base.QueryDataForFlexGridByPager(column, string.Format("({0}) as temp", sql.ToString()), view.OrderBy.ToString(), "UnitName", string.Empty, view); }
public SelectPagnationExDictionary GetTimeIndex(string uid, string model, string u_unitcode, string lost_time_start, string lost_time_end, string unlost_time_start, string unlost_time_end, int status, string orderby, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { string where = ""; if (status >= 0) { //where += " and d.status=" + status + ""; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(u_unitcode)) { where += " and Org_Code like '%" + u_unitcode + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model)) { //where += " and d.model like '%" + model + "%'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lost_time_start)) { //where += " and d.losttime >= '" + lost_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lost_time_end)) { //where += " and d.losttime <= '" + lost_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(unlost_time_start)) { //where += " and d.unlosttime >= '" + unlost_time_start + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(unlost_time_end)) { //where += " and d.unlosttime <= '" + unlost_time_end + "'"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { //orderby = " order by " + orderby; } //string sql = String.Format("select * from [dbo].SMC_User where 1=1 {0}", where); if (where.StartsWith(" and ", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { where = where.Substring(5); } string maindbName = DbSqlHelper.GetStatisticDBName(); string sql = @"with t as( select uid,deviceid,begintime,lasttime,cast(datediff(mi,begintime,isnull(lasttime,getdate())) as numeric(12,3)) times from userusinglog where 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lost_time_start)) { sql += " and begintime >= '" + lost_time_start + " 0:00:00'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lost_time_end)) { sql += " and lasttime <= '" + lost_time_end + "'";//logouttime } sql += @"),u as (select uid,deviceid,begintime,lasttime,cast(times /60 as numeric(12,2)) times from t), v as( select isnull(d.resource,'') clienttype,u.uid,u.deviceid,u.begintime,u.lasttime,u.times from u left join device d on ),w as( select clienttype,uid,sum(times) times from v group by clienttype,uid ),x as ( select usr.u_uid UserUid,usr.u_name User_Full_Name,usr.u_unitcode Org_Code,usr.u_unitname ORG_NAME, isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='phone/android'),0) as PhoneAndroid, isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='pad/android'),0) as PadAndroid, isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='phone/ios'),0) as PhoneiOS, isnull((select times from w where w.uid=usr.u_uid and w.clienttype='pad/ios'),0) as PadiOS from " + maindbName + @".dbo.smc_user usr )"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid)) { where += " UserUid like '%" + uid + "%'"; } string cte = sql; SelectPagnationExDictionary result = this.SelectPaginationExDictionary(@"x", "*", pageIndex + 1, pageSize, orderby, where, cte); return(result); }