Exemple #1
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression e)
     Check.NotNull <DbPropertyExpression>(e, nameof(e));
 public override VisitedExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     DbVariableReferenceExpression variable = expression.Instance as DbVariableReferenceExpression;
     if (variable == null || variable.VariableName != _projectVarName.Peek())
         throw new NotSupportedException();
     return new PropertyExpression(expression.Property);
        /// <summary>Implements the visitor pattern for retrieving an instance property.</summary>
        /// <param name="expression">The expression.</param>
        /// <returns>The implemented visitor.</returns>
        public override DbExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            var baseExpression         = base.Visit(expression);
            var baseExpressionProperty = baseExpression as DbPropertyExpression;

            if (baseExpressionProperty == null)

            var navProp = baseExpressionProperty.Property as NavigationProperty;

            if (navProp != null && baseExpression.ResultType.ToString().Contains("Transient.collection["))
                var targetEntityType = navProp.ToEndMember.GetEntityType();
                var fullName         = targetEntityType.FullName;

                baseExpression = ApplyFilter(baseExpression, fullName);
            else if (QueryFilterManager.AllowPropertyFilter && navProp != null)
                var targetEntityType = navProp.ToEndMember.GetEntityType();
                var fullName         = targetEntityType.FullName;

                baseExpression = ApplyFilter(baseExpression, fullName);

Exemple #4
        internal static bool TryMatchPropertyEqualsValue(
            DbExpression expression, string propertyVariable, out DbPropertyExpression property, out object value)
            property = null;
            value    = null;
            // make sure when is of the form Discriminator = Constant
            if (expression.ExpressionKind
                != DbExpressionKind.Equals)
            var equals = (DbBinaryExpression)expression;

            if (equals.Left.ExpressionKind
                != DbExpressionKind.Property)
            property = (DbPropertyExpression)equals.Left;
            if (!TryMatchConstant(equals.Right, out value))

            // verify the property is a property of the input variable
            if (property.Instance.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.VariableReference
                ((DbVariableReferenceExpression)property.Instance).VariableName != propertyVariable)

Exemple #5
            public override DbExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
                Check.NotNull <DbPropertyExpression>(expression, nameof(expression));
                DbExpression dbExpression;

                return(expression.Instance.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.VariableReference || !(((DbVariableReferenceExpression)expression.Instance).VariableName == this.variableName) || !this.replacements.TryGetValue(expression.Property.Name, out dbExpression) ? base.Visit(expression) : dbExpression);
Exemple #6
            public override TreeNode Visit(DbPropertyExpression e)
                Check.NotNull <DbPropertyExpression>(e, nameof(e));
                TreeNode treeNode1 = (TreeNode)null;

                if (e.Instance != null)
                    treeNode1 = this.VisitExpression(e.Instance);
                    if (e.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.VariableReference || e.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.Property && treeNode1.Children.Count == 0)
                TreeNode    treeNode2 = new TreeNode(".", new TreeNode[0]);
                EdmProperty property  = e.Property as EdmProperty;

                if (property != null && !(property.DeclaringType is RowType))
                    ExpressionPrinter.PrinterVisitor.AppendFullName(treeNode2.Text, (EdmType)property.DeclaringType);
                if (treeNode1 != null)
                    treeNode2.Children.Add(new TreeNode("Instance", new TreeNode[1]
        // <summary>
        // Determines whether two expressions match.
        // They match if they are  of the shape
        // expr1 -> DbPropertyExpression(... (DbPropertyExpression(DbVariableReferenceExpression(expr1BindingVariableName), nameX), ..., name1)
        // expr1 -> DbPropertyExpression(... (DbPropertyExpression(DbVariableReferenceExpression(expr2BindingVariableName), nameX), ..., name1),
        // i.e. if they only differ in the name of the binding.
        // </summary>
        private static bool AreMatching(
            DbPropertyExpression expr1, DbPropertyExpression expr2, string expr1BindingVariableName, string expr2BindingVariableName)
            if (expr1.Property.Name
                != expr2.Property.Name)

            if (expr1.Instance.ExpressionKind
                != expr2.Instance.ExpressionKind)

            if (expr1.Instance.ExpressionKind
                == DbExpressionKind.Property)
                           (DbPropertyExpression)expr1.Instance, (DbPropertyExpression)expr2.Instance, expr1BindingVariableName,

            var instance1 = (DbVariableReferenceExpression)expr1.Instance;
            var instance2 = (DbVariableReferenceExpression)expr2.Instance;

            return(String.Equals(instance1.VariableName, expr1BindingVariableName, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                   String.Equals(instance2.VariableName, expr2BindingVariableName, StringComparison.Ordinal));
        public override SqlFragment Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            PropertyFragment fragment = expression.Instance.Accept(this) as PropertyFragment;


            // if we are not at the top level property then just return
            if (propertyLevel > 0)

            // we are at the top level property so now we can do our work
            ColumnFragment column = GetColumnFromPropertyTree(fragment);

            for (int i = fragment.Properties.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                InputFragment inputFragment = scope.GetFragment(fragment.Properties[i]);
                if (inputFragment != null)
                    column.TableAlias = inputFragment.Name;
        public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            Check.NotNull(expression, "expression");

Exemple #10
        private string GetValue(DbPropertyExpression prop, DbConstantExpression val)
            var dbCastExpression = val.CastTo(prop.Property.TypeUsage);
            var value            = dbCastExpression.ToString();

Exemple #11
        public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression e)
            Check.NotNull(e, "e");

            // Currently the DbPropertyExpression.EdmProperty member property may only be either:
            // - EdmProperty
            // - RelationshipEndMember
            // - NavigationProperty
            var end = e.Property as RelationshipEndMember;

            if (end != null)
                Dump(end, "Property");
            else if (Helper.IsNavigationProperty(e.Property))
                Dump((NavigationProperty)e.Property, "Property");

            if (e.Instance != null)
                Dump(e.Instance, "Instance");
            public override TreeNode Visit(DbPropertyExpression e)
                TreeNode inst = null;

                if (e.Instance != null)
                    inst = this.VisitExpression(e.Instance);
                    if (e.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.VariableReference ||
                        (e.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.Property && 0 == inst.Children.Count))

                TreeNode    retInfo = new TreeNode(".");
                EdmProperty prop    = e.Property as EdmProperty;

                if (prop != null && !(prop.DeclaringType is RowType))
                    // Entity, Relationship, Complex
                    AppendFullName(retInfo.Text, prop.DeclaringType);

                if (inst != null)
                    retInfo.Children.Add(new TreeNode("Instance", inst));

Exemple #13
        public override VisitedExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
             * Algorithm for finding the correct reference expression: "Collection"."Name"
             * The collection is always a leaf InputExpression, found by lookup in _refToNode.
             * The name for the collection is found using node.TopName.
             * We must now follow the path from the leaf down to the root,
             * and make sure the column is projected all the way down.
             * We need not project columns at a current InputExpression.
             * For example, in
             *  SELECT ? FROM <from> AS "X" WHERE "X"."field" = <value>
             * we use the property "field" but it should not be projected.
             * Current expressions are stored in _currentExpressions.
             * There can be many of these, for example if we are in a WHERE EXISTS (SELECT ...) or in the right hand side of an Apply expression.
             * At join nodes, column names might have to be renamed, if a name collision occurs.
             * For example, the following would be illegal,
             *  SELECT "X"."A" AS "A", "Y"."A" AS "A" FROM (SELECT 1 AS "A") AS "X" CROSS JOIN (SELECT 1 AS "A") AS "Y"
             * so we write
             *  SELECT "X"."A" AS "A", "Y"."A" AS "A_Alias<N>" FROM (SELECT 1 AS "A") AS "X" CROSS JOIN (SELECT 1 AS "A") AS "Y"
             * The new name is then propagated down to the root.

            string name = expression.Property.Name;
            string from = (expression.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.Property)
                ? ((DbPropertyExpression)expression.Instance).Property.Name
                : ((DbVariableReferenceExpression)expression.Instance).VariableName;

            PendingProjectsNode node = _refToNode[from];
            from = node.TopName;
            while (node != null)
                foreach (var item in node.Selects)
                    if (_currentExpressions.Contains(item.Exp))

                    var use = new StringPair(from, name);

                    if (!item.Exp.ColumnsToProject.ContainsKey(use))
                        var oldName = name;
                        while (item.Exp.ProjectNewNames.Contains(name))
                            name = oldName + "_" + NextAlias();
                        item.Exp.ColumnsToProject[use] = name;
                        name = item.Exp.ColumnsToProject[use];
                    from = item.AsName;
                node = node.JoinParent;
            return new ColumnReferenceExpression { Variable = from, Name = name };
        public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression e)
            Check.NotNull(e, "e");

Exemple #15
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     Write("Name", expression.Property.Name);
     Write("Instance", expression.Instance);
        public override DbExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)

            _currentProperty = (EdmProperty)expression.Property;

Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles record flattening, which works as follows.
        /// consider an expression <c>Prop(y, Prop(x, Prop(d, Prop(c, Prop(b, Var(a)))))</c>
        /// where a,b,c are joins, d is an extent and x and y are fields.
        /// b has been flattened into a, and has its own SELECT statement.
        /// c has been flattened into b.
        /// d has been flattened into c.
        /// We visit the instance, so we reach Var(a) first.  This gives us a (join)symbol.
        /// Symbol(a).b gives us a join symbol, with a SELECT statement i.e. Symbol(b).
        /// From this point on , we need to remember Symbol(b) as the source alias,
        /// and then try to find the column.  So, we use a SymbolPair.
        /// We have reached the end when the symbol no longer points to a join symbol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="JoinSymbol"/> if we have not reached the first
        /// Join node that has a SELECT statement.
        /// A <see cref="SymbolPair"/> if we have seen the JoinNode, and it has
        /// a SELECT statement.
        /// A <see cref="SqlBuilder"/> with {Input}.propertyName otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        public override ISqlFragment Visit(DbPropertyExpression e)
            var instanceSql = e.Instance.Accept(this);

            // Since the DbVariableReferenceExpression is a proper child of ours, we can reset
            // isVarSingle.
            if (e.Instance is DbVariableReferenceExpression)
                isVarRefSingle = false;

            // We need to flatten, and have not yet seen the first nested SELECT statement.
            if (instanceSql is JoinSymbol)
                var joinSymbol = (JoinSymbol)instanceSql;
                if (joinSymbol.IsNestedJoin)
                    return(new SymbolPair(joinSymbol, joinSymbol.NameToExtent[e.Property.Name]));

            // ---------------------------------------
            // We have seen the first nested SELECT statement, but not the column.
            if (instanceSql is SymbolPair)
                SymbolPair symbolPair = (SymbolPair)instanceSql;
                if (symbolPair.Column is JoinSymbol)
                    symbolPair.Column = ((JoinSymbol)symbolPair.Column).NameToExtent[e.Property.Name];
                    // symbolPair.Column has the base extent.
                    // we need the symbol for the column, since it might have been renamed
                    // when handling a JOIN.
                    if (symbolPair.Column.Columns.ContainsKey(e.Property.Name))
                        return(new SqlBuilder(symbolPair.Source, ".", symbolPair.Column.Columns[e.Property.Name]));
            // ---------------------------------------

            if (instanceSql is Symbol)
                return(new ColumnSymbol((Symbol)instanceSql, new Symbol(e.Property.Name, null)));

            // At this point the column name cannot be renamed, so we do
            // not use a symbol.
            return(new SqlBuilder(instanceSql, ".", QuoteIdentifier(e.Property.Name)));
Exemple #18
 public override VisitedExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     // not quite sure what this does
     // may be . notation for seperating
     // scopes (such as schema.table.column)
     //VisitedExpression variable = expression.Instance.Accept(this);
     VariableReferenceExpression variable = new VariableReferenceExpression(expression.Instance.Accept(this).ToString(), _variableSubstitution);
     return new PropertyExpression(variable, expression.Property);
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements the visitor pattern for <see cref="T:System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbPropertyExpression"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">The <see cref="T:System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbPropertyExpression"/> that is visited.</param>
        public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            if (expression == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("expression");

Exemple #20
 public override DbExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression property)
     Check.NotNull <DbPropertyExpression>(property, nameof(property));
     if (property.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.VariableReference && this.IsOuterBindingVarRef((DbVariableReferenceExpression)property.Instance))
Exemple #21
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     EntityUtils.CheckArgumentNull <DbPropertyExpression>(expression, nameof(expression));
     if (expression.Instance == null)
Exemple #22
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PropertyAlias))
Exemple #23
        public override VisitedExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            // not quite sure what this does
            // may be . notation for seperating
            // scopes (such as schema.table.column)
            //VisitedExpression variable = expression.Instance.Accept(this);
            VariableReferenceExpression variable = new VariableReferenceExpression(expression.Instance.Accept(this).ToString(), _variableSubstitution);

            return(new PropertyExpression(variable, expression.Property));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Visitor pattern method for <see cref="DbPropertyExpression" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression"> The DbPropertyExpression that is being visited. </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        ///     <paramref name="expression" />
        ///     is null
        /// </exception>
        public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            // #433613: PreSharp warning 56506: Parameter 'expression' to this public method must be validated: A null-dereference can occur here.
            Check.NotNull(expression, "expression");

            if (expression.Instance != null)
Exemple #25
            public override DbExpressionEntitySetInfo Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
                DbExpressionStructuralTypeEntitySetInfo setInfos = VisitExpression(expression.Instance) as DbExpressionStructuralTypeEntitySetInfo;

                if (setInfos != null)
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     Check.NotNull <DbPropertyExpression>(expression, nameof(expression));
     if (expression.Property.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EdmProperty)
     this._errors.Add(new EdmSchemaError(Strings.Mapping_UnsupportedPropertyKind_QueryView((object)this._setMapping.Set.Name, (object)expression.Property.Name, (object)expression.Property.BuiltInTypeKind), 2073, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, this._setMapping.EntityContainerMapping.SourceLocation, this._setMapping.StartLineNumber, this._setMapping.StartLinePosition));
        public override VisitedExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            DbVariableReferenceExpression variable = expression.Instance as DbVariableReferenceExpression;

            if (variable == null || variable.VariableName != _projectVarName.Peek())
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            return(new PropertyExpression(expression.Property));
 public override DbExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression property)
     // check for a property of the outer projection binding (that can be remapped)
     if (property.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.VariableReference &&
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     Check.NotNull <DbPropertyExpression>(expression, nameof(expression));
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PropertyAlias))
Exemple #30
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     if (expression.Property.BuiltInTypeKind != BuiltInTypeKind.EdmProperty)
         _errors.Add(new EdmSchemaError(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Mapping_UnsupportedPropertyKind_QueryView(
                                            _setMapping.Set.Name, expression.Property.Name, expression.Property.BuiltInTypeKind), (int)StorageMappingErrorCode.MappingUnsupportedPropertyKindQueryView,
                                        EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, _setMapping.EntityContainerMapping.SourceLocation, _setMapping.StartLineNumber,
Exemple #31
 private DiscriminatorMap(DbPropertyExpression discriminator,
                          List <KeyValuePair <object, EntityType> > typeMap,
                          Dictionary <EdmProperty, DbExpression> propertyMap,
                          Dictionary <Query.InternalTrees.RelProperty, DbExpression> relPropertyMap,
                          EntitySet entitySet)
     this.Discriminator  = discriminator;
     this.TypeMap        = typeMap.AsReadOnly();
     this.PropertyMap    = propertyMap.ToList().AsReadOnly();
     this.RelPropertyMap = relPropertyMap.ToList().AsReadOnly();
     this.EntitySet      = entitySet;
 private DiscriminatorMap(DbPropertyExpression discriminator,
     List<KeyValuePair<object, EntityType>> typeMap,
     Dictionary<EdmProperty, DbExpression> propertyMap,
     Dictionary<Query.InternalTrees.RelProperty, DbExpression> relPropertyMap,
     EntitySet entitySet)
     this.Discriminator = discriminator;
     this.TypeMap = typeMap.AsReadOnly();
     this.PropertyMap = propertyMap.ToList().AsReadOnly();
     this.RelPropertyMap = relPropertyMap.ToList().AsReadOnly();
     this.EntitySet = entitySet;
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression propertyExpression)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this._nextPropertyAlias) || string.Equals(this._nextPropertyAlias, propertyExpression.Property.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal))
     this._select.Append(" AS ");
Exemple #34
        private DbSetClause GetInsertSetClause(string column, DbExpression newValueToSetToDb, DbInsertCommandTree insertCommand)
            // Create the variable reference in order to create the property
            DbVariableReferenceExpression variableReference = DbExpressionBuilder.Variable(insertCommand.Target.VariableType,
            // Create the property to which will assign the correct value
            DbPropertyExpression tenantProperty = DbExpressionBuilder.Property(variableReference, column);
            // Create the set clause, object representation of sql insert command
            DbSetClause newSetClause = DbExpressionBuilder.SetClause(tenantProperty, newValueToSetToDb);

 private DiscriminatorMap(
     DbPropertyExpression discriminator,
     List<KeyValuePair<object, EntityType>> typeMap,
     Dictionary<EdmProperty, DbExpression> propertyMap,
     Dictionary<RelProperty, DbExpression> relPropertyMap,
     EntitySet entitySet)
     Discriminator = discriminator;
     TypeMap = new ReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<object, EntityType>>(typeMap);
     PropertyMap = new ReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<EdmProperty, DbExpression>>(propertyMap.ToList());
     RelPropertyMap = new ReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<RelProperty, DbExpression>>(relPropertyMap.ToList());
     EntitySet = entitySet;
 private DiscriminatorMap(
     DbPropertyExpression discriminator,
     List<KeyValuePair<object, EntityType>> typeMap,
     Dictionary<EdmProperty, DbExpression> propertyMap,
     Dictionary<RelProperty, DbExpression> relPropertyMap,
     EntitySet entitySet)
     Discriminator = discriminator;
     TypeMap = typeMap.AsReadOnly();
     PropertyMap = propertyMap.ToList().AsReadOnly();
     RelPropertyMap = relPropertyMap.ToList().AsReadOnly();
     EntitySet = entitySet;
        public override Expression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            string propertyName = expression.Property.GetColumnName();

            Expression sourceExpression = this.Visit(expression.Instance);
            Expression result = Expression.Property(sourceExpression, propertyName);

            // Every property access result is nullable in SQL
            // Check if the propery type is not nullable
            if (result.Type.IsValueType && !TypeHelper.IsNullable(result.Type))
                // Make it nullable
                result = Expression.Convert(result, TypeHelper.MakeNullable(result.Type));

            return result;
 public override VisitedExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     DbVariableReferenceExpression variable = expression.Instance as DbVariableReferenceExpression;
     if (variable == null || variable.VariableName != _projectVarName.Peek())
         throw new NotSupportedException();
     if (!_processingReturning)
         return new PropertyExpression(expression.Property);
         // the table name needs to be quoted, the column name does not.
         // http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-bugs/2007-01/msg00102.php
         string tableName = QuoteIdentifier(_variableSubstitution[variable.VariableName]);
         if (variable.VariableName == _commandTree.Target.VariableName)
             // try to get the table name schema qualified.
             DbScanExpression scan = _commandTree.Target.Expression as DbScanExpression;
             if (scan != null)
     #if ENTITIES6
                 System.Data.Entity.Core.Metadata.Edm.MetadataProperty metadata;
                 System.Data.Metadata.Edm.MetadataProperty metadata;
                 string overrideSchema = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/12/edm/EntityStoreSchemaGenerator:Schema";
                 if (scan.Target.MetadataProperties.TryGetValue(overrideSchema, false, out metadata) && metadata.Value != null)
                     tableName = QuoteIdentifier(metadata.Value.ToString()) + "." + tableName;
                 else if (scan.Target.MetadataProperties.TryGetValue("Schema", false, out metadata) && metadata.Value != null)
                     tableName = QuoteIdentifier(metadata.Value.ToString()) + "." + tableName;
                     tableName = QuoteIdentifier(scan.Target.EntityContainer.Name) + "." + tableName;
         return new LiteralExpression("currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('" + tableName + "', '" + expression.Property.Name + "'))");
        //  This is called for any navigation property reference so we can apply filters for those entities here.
        //  That includes any navigation properties referenced in functions (.Where() clauses) and also any
        //  child entities that are .Include()'d.
        public override DbExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Visit(DbPropertyExpression): EdmType.Name={0}", expression.ResultType.ModelTypeUsage.EdmType.Name);
            var baseResult = base.Visit(expression);

            var basePropertyResult = baseResult as DbPropertyExpression;
            if (basePropertyResult == null)
                return baseResult;      //  base.Visit changed type!

            var navProp = basePropertyResult.Property as NavigationProperty;
            if (navProp != null)
                var targetEntityType = navProp.ToEndMember.GetEntityType();

                var containers = _ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetItems<EntityContainer>(DataSpace.CSpace).First();
                var filterList = FindFiltersForEntitySet(targetEntityType.MetadataProperties);

                if (filterList.Any())
                    //  If the expression contains a collection (i.e. the child property is an IEnumerable), we can bind directly to it.
                    //  Otherwise, we have to create a DbScanExpression over the ResultType in order to bind.
                    if (baseResult.ResultType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType)
                        var binding = DbExpressionBuilder.Bind(baseResult);
                        var newFilterExpression = BuildFilterExpressionWithDynamicFilters(filterList, binding, null);
                        if (newFilterExpression != null)
                            //  If not null, a new DbFilterExpression has been created with our dynamic filters.
                            return newFilterExpression;
                    else if (baseResult.ResultType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType)
                        if (DoesNotSupportElementMethod(_DbContext))
                            //  Oracle and MySQL do not support the "newFilterExpression.Element()" method that we need to call 
                            //  at the end of this block.  Oracle *MAY* support it in a newer release but not sure
                            //  (see https://community.oracle.com/message/10168766#10168766).
                            //  But users may not have the option of upgrading their database so decided to try to support it.
                            //  If we find it is supported by newer versions, can detect those versions and allow the normal handling.
                            //  To apply any necessary filters to these entities, we're going to have to do it using SSpace.
                            //  These entities will be visited via the DbScan visit method so we will apply filters there.
                            //  If one of those filters then references a child property, the filter will fail.
                            return baseResult;

                        DbExpression scanExpr;

                        var entitySet = containers.EntitySets.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ElementType.Name == baseResult.ResultType.EdmType.Name);
                        if (entitySet == null)
                            if (baseResult.ResultType.EdmType.BaseType == null)
                                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("EntitySet not found for {0}", baseResult.ResultType.EdmType.Name));

                            //  Did not find the entity set for the property but it has a base type.
                            //  This means the entity set of the property is a derived class of a TPT base class.
                            //  Find the entity set of the parent and then map it to the type we need.
                            //  Then we can bind against that expression.
                            entitySet = containers.EntitySets.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ElementType.Name == baseResult.ResultType.EdmType.BaseType.Name);
                            if (entitySet == null)        //  hope we don't need to do this recursively...
                                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("EntitySet not found for {0} or BaseType {1}", baseResult.ResultType.EdmType.Name, baseResult.ResultType.EdmType.BaseType.Name));

                            var parentScanExpr = DbExpressionBuilder.Scan(entitySet);
                            scanExpr = DbExpressionBuilder.OfType(parentScanExpr, baseResult.ResultType);
                            scanExpr = DbExpressionBuilder.Scan(entitySet);

                        var binding = DbExpressionBuilder.Bind(scanExpr);

                        //  Build the join conditions that are needed to join from the source object (basePropertyResult.Instance)
                        //  to the child object (the scan expression we just creating the binding for).
                        //  These conditions will be and'd with the filter conditions.
                        var associationType = navProp.RelationshipType as AssociationType;
                        if (associationType == null)
                            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unable to find AssociationType on navigation property of single child property {0} in type {1}", navProp.Name, navProp.DeclaringType.FullName));
                        if (associationType.Constraint == null)
                            //  KNOWN_ISSUE:
                            //  If this happens, the model does not contain the foreign key (the "id" property).  EF will automatically generate
                            //  it based on naming rules when generating the SSpace/database models but does not expose the Constraint here in the
                            //  AssociationType.  In order for us to be able to generate the conditions correctly, those Foreign Keys need to be
                            //  specified on the model.  To fix/handle this, we would need to examine the SSpace Association Sets (which do have
                            //  these relations!!) to try to map that information back to CSpace to figure out the correct properties of the FK conditions.
                            //  or...the models just need to contain the necessary "ID" properties for the FK relations so that they are available here
                            //  (in CSpace) for us to generate the necessary join conditions.
                            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("FK Constriant not found for association '{0}' - must directly specify foreign keys on model to be able to apply this filter", associationType.FullName));

                        //  Figure out if the "baseResults" are the from side or to side of the constraint so we can create the properties correctly
                        //  Note that this navigation property may be the same type as parent entity (so both association types
                        //  will be the same type).  In that case, we need to figure out which side of the association matches the
                        //  PKs of the main entity.
                        var fromEdmType = ((AssociationEndMember)associationType.Constraint.FromRole).GetEntityType();
                        var toEdmType = ((AssociationEndMember)associationType.Constraint.ToRole).GetEntityType();
                        bool baseResultIsFromRole;
                        if (fromEdmType != toEdmType)
                            baseResultIsFromRole = (basePropertyResult.Instance.ResultType.EdmType == fromEdmType);
                            //  When same, basePropertyResult is the child property and binding is the main entity.
                            //  Fixes issue #85.
                            baseResultIsFromRole = false;

                        DbExpression joinCondition = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < associationType.Constraint.FromProperties.Count; i++)
                            var prop1 = DbExpressionBuilder.Property(basePropertyResult.Instance, baseResultIsFromRole ? associationType.Constraint.FromProperties[i] : associationType.Constraint.ToProperties[i]);
                            var prop2 = DbExpressionBuilder.Property(binding.Variable, baseResultIsFromRole ? associationType.Constraint.ToProperties[i] : associationType.Constraint.FromProperties[i]);

                            var condition = prop1.Equal(prop2) as DbExpression;
                            joinCondition = (joinCondition == null) ? condition : joinCondition.And(condition);

                        //  Translate the filter predicate into a DbExpression bound to the Scan expression of the target entity set.
                        //  Those conditions are then and'd with the join conditions necessary to join the target table with the source table.
                        var newFilterExpression = BuildFilterExpressionWithDynamicFilters(filterList, binding, joinCondition);
                        if (newFilterExpression != null)
                            //  Converts the collection results into a single row.  The expected output is a single item so EF will
                            //  then populate the results of that query into the property in the model.
                            //  The resulting SQL will be a normal "left outer join" just as it would normally be except that our
                            //  filter predicate conditions will be included with the normal join conditions.

                            //  MySQL needs this Limit() applied here or it throws an error saying:
                            //  Unable to cast object of type 'MySql.Data.Entity.SelectStatement' to type 'MySql.Data.Entity.LiteralFragment'.
                            //  But don't do that unless necessary because it produces extra "outer apply" sub queries in MS SQL.
                            //  This trick does not work for Oracle...
                            if (_DbContext.IsMySql())
                                return newFilterExpression.Limit(DbConstantExpression.FromInt32(1)).Element();

                            return newFilterExpression.Element();

            return baseResult;
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression) { }
        internal static bool TryMatchPropertyEqualsValue(DbExpression expression, string propertyVariable, out DbPropertyExpression property, out object value)
            property = null;
            value = null;
            // make sure when is of the form Discriminator = Constant
            if (expression.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Equals) { return false; }
            var equals = (DbBinaryExpression)expression;
            if (equals.Left.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Property) { return false; }
            property = (DbPropertyExpression)equals.Left;
            if (!TryMatchConstant(equals.Right, out value)) { return false; }

            // verify the property is a property of the input variable
            if (property.Instance.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.VariableReference ||
                ((DbVariableReferenceExpression)property.Instance).VariableName != propertyVariable) { return false; }

            return true;
 public override DbExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression property)
     // check for a property of the outer projection binding (that can be remapped)
     if (property.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.VariableReference &&
         return m_varRefMemberBindings[property.Property.Name];
     return base.Visit(property);
            public override DbExpression Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
                DbExpression result = null;

                DbExpression replacementValue;
                if (expression.Instance.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.VariableReference &&
                    (((DbVariableReferenceExpression)expression.Instance).VariableName == this.variableName) &&
                    this.replacements.TryGetValue(expression.Property.Name, out replacementValue))
                    result = replacementValue;
                    result = base.Visit(expression);
                return result;
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     Contract.Requires(expression != null);
 private string GetValue(DbPropertyExpression prop, DbConstantExpression val)
     var dbCastExpression = val.CastTo(prop.Property.TypeUsage);
     var value = dbCastExpression.ToString();
     return value;
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method for <see cref="RemoveNonSortProperties"/>
 /// Checks whether expr has a 'match' in the given list of property expressions. 
 /// If it does, the matching expression is removed form the list, to speed up future matching.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expr"></param>
 /// <param name="sortList"></param>
 /// <param name="exprBindingVariableName"></param>
 /// <param name="sortExpressionsBindingVariableName"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static bool HasMatchInList(
     DbPropertyExpression expr, IList<DbPropertyExpression> list, string exprBindingVariableName,
     string listExpressionsBindingVariableName)
     for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
         if (AreMatching(expr, list[i], exprBindingVariableName, listExpressionsBindingVariableName))
             // This method is used for matching element of two list without duplicates,
             // thus if match is found, remove it from the list, to speed up future matching.
             return true;
     return false;
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PropertyAlias))
		public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
        /// <summary>
        ///     Visitor pattern method for <see cref="DbPropertyExpression" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression"> The DbPropertyExpression that is being visited. </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        ///     <paramref name="expression" />
        ///     is null
        /// </exception>
        public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            // #433613: PreSharp warning 56506: Parameter 'expression' to this public method must be validated: A null-dereference can occur here.
            Check.NotNull(expression, "expression");

            if (expression.Instance != null)
            public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
                Check.NotNull(expression, "expression");

            public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression propertyExpression)


                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_nextPropertyAlias)
                    && !string.Equals(_nextPropertyAlias, propertyExpression.Property.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    _select.Append(" AS ");
 /// <summary>
 ///     Visitor pattern method for DbPropertyExpression.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expression"> The DbPropertyExpression that is being visited. </param>
 public abstract void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Visitor pattern method for <see cref="DbPropertyExpression" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression"> The DbPropertyExpression that is being visited. </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        ///     <paramref name="expression" />
        ///     is null
        /// </exception>
        public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            Check.NotNull(expression, "expression");

            if (expression.Instance != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements the visitor pattern for <see cref="T:System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbPropertyExpression"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">The <see cref="T:System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbPropertyExpression"/> that is visited.</param>
        public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
            if (expression == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("expression");

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether two expressions match. 
        /// They match if they are  of the shape 
        ///   expr1 -> DbPropertyExpression(... (DbPropertyExpression(DbVariableReferenceExpression(expr1BindingVariableName), nameX), ..., name1)
        ///   expr1 -> DbPropertyExpression(... (DbPropertyExpression(DbVariableReferenceExpression(expr2BindingVariableName), nameX), ..., name1),
        /// i.e. if they only differ in the name of the binding.  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expr1"></param>
        /// <param name="expr2"></param>
        /// <param name="expr1BindingVariableName"></param>
        /// <param name="expr2BindingVariableName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool AreMatching(
            DbPropertyExpression expr1, DbPropertyExpression expr2, string expr1BindingVariableName, string expr2BindingVariableName)
            if (expr1.Property.Name
                != expr2.Property.Name)
                return false;

            if (expr1.Instance.ExpressionKind
                != expr2.Instance.ExpressionKind)
                return false;

            if (expr1.Instance.ExpressionKind
                == DbExpressionKind.Property)
                return AreMatching(
                    (DbPropertyExpression)expr1.Instance, (DbPropertyExpression)expr2.Instance, expr1BindingVariableName,

            var instance1 = (DbVariableReferenceExpression)expr1.Instance;
            var instance2 = (DbVariableReferenceExpression)expr2.Instance;

            return (String.Equals(instance1.VariableName, expr1BindingVariableName, StringComparison.Ordinal)
                    && String.Equals(instance2.VariableName, expr2BindingVariableName, StringComparison.Ordinal));
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression e)
     // Currently the DbPropertyExpression.EdmProperty member property may only be either:
     // - EdmProperty 
     // - RelationshipEndMember
     // - NavigationProperty
     RelationshipEndMember end = e.Property as RelationshipEndMember;
     if (end != null)
         Dump(end, "Property");
     else if (Helper.IsNavigationProperty(e.Property))
         Dump((NavigationProperty)e.Property, "Property");
     if (e.Instance != null)
         Dump(e.Instance, "Instance");
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression e)
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
 /// <summary>
 /// Visitor pattern method for <see cref="DbPropertyExpression"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expression">The DbPropertyExpression that is being visited.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="expression"/> is null</exception>
 public override void Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
     if (expression.Instance != null)