public LinqEngine(DbModel dbModel) { _dbModel = dbModel; _translator = new ExpressionTranslator(dbModel); _optimizer = new ExpressionOptimizer(); _specialExpressionTranslator = new SpecialExpressionTranslator(); }
public EntityApp Build(DbFirstConfig config) { _config = config; _app = new EntityApp(); var log = _app.ActivationLog; _dbSettings = new DbSettings(_config.Driver, DbOptions.Default, _config.ConnectionString); _dbSettings.SetSchemas(_config.Schemas); var modelLoader = _config.Driver.CreateDbModelLoader(_dbSettings, log); _dbModel = modelLoader.LoadModel(); Util.Check(_dbModel.Tables.Count() > 0, "No tables found in the database. Code generation aborted."); // Prepare type generator _tempNamespace = "_dummy_" + _callCount++; // artificial unique namespace for dummy interface types // Construct model setup and model GenerateModulesAndAreas(); _entityModel = new EntityModel(_app); EntityModelBuilder.SetModel(_app, _entityModel); _entityModel.ClassesAssembly = new EntityClassesAssembly(); //generate entities and members GenerateEntities(); SetupPrimaryKeys(); GenerateReferenceMembers(); CreateIndexes(); SetupKeyMembers(); return _app; }
public static Employee Employee(string id) { using (var context = new DbModel<Employee>()) { return context.Get(id); } }
public void AddDbModelChanges(DbUpgradeInfo upgradeInfo, MemoryLog log) { _upgradeInfo = upgradeInfo; _newModel = upgradeInfo.NewDbModel; _oldModel = upgradeInfo.OldDbModel; _log = log; _options = _upgradeInfo.Settings.UpgradeOptions; var driver = _newModel.Driver; _useRefIntegrity = driver.Supports(DbFeatures.ReferentialConstraints) && _newModel.Config.Options.IsSet(DbOptions.UseRefIntegrity) ; _compareTables = _options.IsSet(DbUpgradeOptions.UpdateTables); _compareIndexes = _options.IsSet(DbUpgradeOptions.UpdateIndexes); _compareViews = driver.Supports(DbFeatures.Views) && _options.IsSet(DbUpgradeOptions.UpdateViews); var usesStoredProcs = driver.Supports(DbFeatures.StoredProcedures) && _newModel.Config.Options.IsSet(DbOptions.UseStoredProcs); _compareStoredProcs = usesStoredProcs && _options.IsSet(DbUpgradeOptions.UpdateStoredProcs); _dropUnknown = _options.IsSet(DbUpgradeOptions.DropUnknownObjects); _supportsSchemas = driver.Supports(DbFeatures.Schemas); _supportsOrderInIndexes = driver.Supports(DbFeatures.OrderedColumnsInIndexes); // Nullify all obj.Peer fields to make sure we drop references to old model - mostly convenience in debugging // to allow multiple entry into this method in debugger _oldModel.ResetPeerRefs(); MatchObjectsWithPeers(); //new stuff BuildChangeList(); // Do not do it here, refs to old objects might be need by Sql generators; we will reset refs after completing update // _newModel.ResetPeerRefs() }
public static async Task<string> DeleteEmployee(string id) { using (var context = new DbModel<Employee>()) { return await context.Remove(id); } }
public static Dependent Dependent(string empid, string id) { using (var context = new DbModel<Employee>()) { var emp = context.Get(empid); if (emp == null) return null; return emp.Dependents.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault(); } }
public static async Task<Employee> AddEmployee(Employee employee) { using (var context = new DbModel<Employee>()) { if (employee.Dependents == null) employee.Dependents = new List<Dependent>(); return await context.Add(employee); } }
public static async Task<Benefits> AddDiscount(BenefitsDiscount benefitsDiscount) { using (var context = new DbModel<Benefits>()) { var benef = context.First(); benef.Discounts.Add(benefitsDiscount); return await context.Update(benef); } }
public bool VersionsChanged; //true if detected any version changes #endregion Fields #region Constructors public DbUpgradeInfo(DbSettings settings, DbModel newModel) { Settings = settings; NewDbModel = newModel; var serverType = NewDbModel.Driver.ServerType; Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Method = DbUpgradeMethod.Auto; //might be changed by update tool app UserName = "******"; Status = UpgradeStatus.None; }
public TranslationContext(TranslationContext source) { this.DbModel = source.DbModel; this.Command = source.Command; this.CallStack = source.CallStack; this.ExternalValues = source.ExternalValues; this.MetaTables = source.MetaTables; this.SelectExpressions = source.SelectExpressions; this.LambdaParameters = source.LambdaParameters; this._currentScopeIndex = source._currentScopeIndex; }
public static async Task<Benefits> UpdateCosts(BenefitsCost benefitsCost) { using (var context = new DbModel<Benefits>()) { var benef = context.First(); benef.Cost.Employee = benefitsCost.Employee; benef.Cost.Dependent = benefitsCost.Dependent; benef.Cost.Description = benefitsCost.Description; return await context.Update(benef); } }
public static async Task<Benefits> DeleteDiscount(string id) { using (var context = new DbModel<Benefits>()) { var benef = context.First(); var bd = benef.Discounts.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (bd == null) return null; benef.Discounts.Remove(bd); return await context.Update(benef); } }
public static async Task<Employee> DeleteDependent(string empid, string id) { using (var context = new DbModel<Employee>()) { var emp = context.Get(empid); if (emp == null) return null; var dep = emp.Dependents.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (dep == null) return null; emp.Dependents.Remove(dep); return await context.Update(emp); } }
public TranslationContext(DbModel dbModel, LinqCommand command) { DbModel = dbModel; Command = command; CallStack = new Stack<MethodInfo>(); SelectExpressions = new List<SelectExpression>(); _currentScopeIndex = SelectExpressions.Count; SelectExpressions.Add(new SelectExpression()); ExternalValues = new List<ExternalValueExpression>(); MetaTables = new List<MetaTableExpression>(); LambdaParameters = new Dictionary<string, Expression>(); }
public static async Task<Employee> AddDependent(string empid, Dependent dependent) { using (var context = new DbModel<Employee>()) { var emp = context.Get(empid); if (emp == null) return null; if (emp.Dependents == null) emp.Dependents = new List<Dependent>(); emp.Dependents.Add(dependent); return await context.Update(emp); } }
public static async Task<Benefits> UpdateDiscount(string id, BenefitsDiscount benefitsDiscount) { using (var context = new DbModel<Benefits>()) { var benef = context.First(); var bd = benef.Discounts.Where( x => == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (bd == null) return null; bd.Percentage = benefitsDiscount.Percentage; bd.Predicate = benefitsDiscount.Predicate; bd.Description = benefitsDiscount.Description; return await context.Update(benef); } }
public static async Task<Employee> UpdateEmployee(string id, Employee employee) { using (var context = new DbModel<Employee>()) { var emp = context.Get(id); if (emp == null) return null; emp.Name = employee.Name; emp.Email = employee.Email; emp.Age = employee.Age; emp.PaycheckAmount = employee.PaycheckAmount; emp.PaychecksPerYear = employee.PaychecksPerYear; emp.HireDate = employee.HireDate; return await context.Update(emp); } }
/// <summary> /// Add Demo data to the database (10 random employee names will be added) /// </summary> /// <param name="count">The count of employees to add (default = 10)</param> /// <returns>Returns a list of names for those employees added</returns> public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Get(int count = 10) { try { var employees = new List<string>(); using (var context = new DbModel<Employee>()) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string name = RandomName; int age = rnd.Next(28, 45); employees.Add(name); var newEmployee = new Employee { Name = name, Email = name.Replace(' ', '.') + "", Age = age, PaycheckAmount = 2000.00, PaychecksPerYear = 26, HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-rnd.Next(500, (age - 22) * 300)), Dependents = new List<Dependent>() }; // Add some dependents for (int j = 0; j < rnd.Next(0, 4); j++) { var dependent = new Dependent { Name = RandomName, Age = rnd.Next(age++, age + 10) }; newEmployee.Dependents.Add(dependent); } await context.Add(newEmployee); } } return Ok(employees); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); return InternalServerError(e); } }
public DbModel Build() { // create model _dbModel = new DbModel(_entityModel.App, _config); _dbSqlBuilder = _driver.CreateDbSqlBuilder(_dbModel); _driver.OnDbModelConstructing(_dbModel); BuildTables(); CreateTableKeys(); SetupOrderBy(); //ref constraints are created in a separate loop, after creating PKs BuildRefConstraints(); CheckObjectNames(); CompileViews(); BuildCrudCommands(); BuildSequences(); _driver.OnDbModelConstructed(_dbModel); CheckErrors(); return _dbModel; }
public static Benefits Benefits(bool bypassCache) { var response = new Benefits(); var memCache = MemoryCache.Default.Get(Constants.Cache.BENEFITS); if ((bypassCache) || (memCache == null)) { using (var context = new DbModel<Benefits>()) { response = context.First(); } var policy = new CacheItemPolicy { SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromHours(1) }; MemoryCache.Default.Add(Constants.Cache.BENEFITS, response, policy); } else { response = (Benefits)memCache; } return response; }
static public async Task Initialize() { using (var context = new DbModel<Employee>()) { await context.Initialize(); } using (var context = new DbModel<Benefits>()) { await context.Initialize(); await context.Update( new Benefits { id = "1", Cost = initCost, Discounts = initDiscount } ); } }
private void _ListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { splSelectedTest.Children.Clear(); selectedTest = _ListView.SelectedItem as Test; if (selectedTest != null) { using (var db = new DbModel()) { int i = 0; //var query = from t in db.Tests // join q in db.Questions on t.ID equals q.TestFk // join a in db.Answers on q.ID equals a.QuestionFk // where t.ID == test.ID // select new { QuestionText = q.Name, QuestionType = q.QuestionType, Answer = a.Text }; foreach (var item in db.Questions.ToList()) { if (item.TestFk == selectedTest.ID) { i++; TextBlock txtBlock = new TextBlock(); txtBlock.Text = "Fråga " + i; splSelectedTest.Children.Add(txtBlock); TextBlock txt = new TextBlock(); txt.Text = item.Name; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.AppData)) { Image imgQuestion = new Image(); string imgPath = item.AppData; Uri imgUri = new Uri(imgPath); BitmapImage imgBitMap = new BitmapImage(imgUri); imgQuestion.Source = imgBitMap; imgQuestion.MaxHeight = 200; imgQuestion.MaxWidth = 200; splSelectedTest.Children.Add(imgQuestion); } splSelectedTest.Children.Add(txt); foreach (var a in db.Answers.ToList()) { if (a.QuestionFk == item.ID) { switch (item.QuestionType) { case "envalsfråga": RadioButton ans = new RadioButton(); ans.Content = a.Text; splSelectedTest.Children.Add(ans); break; case "Flervalsfråga": CheckBox ans2 = new CheckBox(); ans2.Content = a.Text; splSelectedTest.Children.Add(ans2); break; case "rangordning": TextBlock ans3 = new TextBlock(); ans3.Text = a.Text; splSelectedTest.Children.Add(ans3); break; default: break; } } } } } Button sendbtn = new Button(); Button sendBackbtn = new Button(); StackPanel splSendTestControl = new StackPanel(); splSendTestControl.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; sendbtn.Content = "Skicka till studenter"; sendBackbtn.Content = "Skicka till lärare"; splSendTestControl.Children.Add(sendbtn); splSendTestControl.Children.Add(sendBackbtn); splSelectedTest.Children.Add(splSendTestControl); sendbtn.Click += Sendbtn_Click; sendBackbtn.Click += SendBackbtn_Click; } } }
public PgDbSqlBuilder(DbModel model) : base(model) { }
public void Dispose() { this.ConnectionString = null; this.DbModel = null; }
private DbTableInfo FindTable(DbModel dbModel, string schema, string tableName) { return(dbModel.GetTable(schema, tableName)); }
public TurretRepository(DbModel context) : base(context) { }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void Apply(EntityType item, DbModel model) { var indexInfos = new List <IndexInfo>(); foreach (var property in item.Properties) { foreach (var metadataProperty in property.MetadataProperties) { if (!(metadataProperty.Value is IndexAnnotation annotation)) { continue; } foreach (var index in annotation.Indexes) { var info = index.Name != null?indexInfos.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == index.Name) : null; if (info == null) { info = new IndexInfo { Name = index.Name }; indexInfos.Add(info); } else { var other = info.Entries[0].Index; if (index.IsUnique != other.IsUnique || index.IsClustered != other.IsClustered) { throw new Exception("Invalid index configuration."); } } info.Entries.Add(new IndexEntry { Column = property, Annotation = metadataProperty, Index = index }); } } } if (indexInfos.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (var indexInfo in indexInfos) { var columns = indexInfo.Entries.OrderBy(e => e.Index.Order).Select(e => e.Column.Name).ToList(); if (indexInfo.Name != null && indexInfo.Name != IndexOperation.BuildDefaultName(columns)) { continue; } bool unique = indexInfo.Entries[0].Index.IsUnique; string name = $"{(unique ? "UX" : "IX")}_{string.Join("_", columns.Select(column => column.Replace("_", string.Empty)))}"; if (name.Length > 128) { name = name.Substring(0, 128); } if (indexInfo.Name == name) { continue; } foreach (var entry in indexInfo.Entries) { var index = new IndexAttribute(name); if (entry.Index.Order >= 0) { index.Order = entry.Index.Order; } if (entry.Index.IsUniqueConfigured) { index.IsUnique = entry.Index.IsUnique; } if (entry.Index.IsClusteredConfigured) { index.IsClustered = entry.Index.IsClustered; } entry.Index = index; entry.Modified = true; } } foreach (var indexInfo in indexInfos.SelectMany(ii => ii.Entries).GroupBy(e => e.Annotation)) { if (indexInfo.Any(e => e.Modified)) { indexInfo.Key.Value = new IndexAnnotation(indexInfo.Select(e => e.Index)); } } }
public LinqSqlProvider(DbModel dbModel) { DbModel = dbModel; Driver = dbModel.Driver; }
public SQLiteLinqSqlProvider(DbModel dbModel) : base(dbModel) { }
public CourseController(DbModel db) { this.db = db; }
protected EdmType GetStorePrimitiveType(DbModel model, PrimitiveTypeKind typeKind) { return(model.ProviderManifest.GetStoreType(TypeUsage.CreateDefaultTypeUsage(PrimitiveType.GetEdmPrimitiveType(typeKind))).EdmType); }
public abstract IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model);
public GroupFamilyQuery(DbModel context) { model = context; }
public bool Serialize(DbModel edmModel, XmlWriter xmlWriter) { return(_serializer.Serialize(edmModel.DatabaseMapping, xmlWriter)); }
public UserMasterBAL() { db = new DbModel(); }
public void Apply(EdmModel item, DbModel model) { // fn_GetLookUpCode var valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("CodeName", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); var valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("Id", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int16), ParameterMode.In); var valueParameter3 = FunctionParameter.Create("culture", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); var returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); var function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetLookUpCode", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2, valueParameter3 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_GetLookUpUserCode valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("CodeName", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("Id", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int16), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter3 = FunctionParameter.Create("culture", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetLookUpUserCode", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2, valueParameter3 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_GetSysCodeId valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("CodeName", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("CodeId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int16), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int16), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetSysCodeId", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_GetAttachments valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("Source", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("SourceId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetAttachments", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_ForceUpload valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("Source", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("SourceId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_ForceUpload", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_GetDocsCount valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("CompanyId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("EmpId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter3 = FunctionParameter.Create("JobId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetDocsCount", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2, valueParameter3 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_TrlsName valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("Name", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("Culture", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_TrlsName", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_TrlsMsg valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("Name", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("Culture", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_TrlsMsg", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_GetEmpStatus valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("EmpId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetEmpStatus", new[] { valueParameter1 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_GetCompanyDoc valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("Source", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("SourceId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter3 = FunctionParameter.Create("TypeId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetCompanyDoc", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2, valueParameter3 }, new[] { returnValue }); // Format valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("value", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.DateTime), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("format", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter3 = FunctionParameter.Create("culture", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "FORMAT", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2, valueParameter3 }, new[] { returnValue }); //fn_GetPageId valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("CompanyId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("ObjectName", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter3 = FunctionParameter.Create("Version", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetPageId", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2, valueParameter3 }, new[] { returnValue }); //fn_GetColumnTitle valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("CompanyId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("culture", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter3 = FunctionParameter.Create("ObjectName", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); var valueParameter4 = FunctionParameter.Create("Version", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); var valueParameter5 = FunctionParameter.Create("ColumnName", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetColumnTitle", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2, valueParameter3, valueParameter4, valueParameter5 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_GetWorkFlowStatus valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("Source", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("SourceId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter3 = FunctionParameter.Create("DocumentId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter4 = FunctionParameter.Create("culture", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetWorkFlowStatus", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2, valueParameter3, valueParameter4 }, new[] { returnValue }); // fn_CommaSeperatedNames valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("table", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter4 = FunctionParameter.Create("comma", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); valueParameter5 = FunctionParameter.Create("culture", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_CommaSeperatedNames", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter4, valueParameter5 }, new[] { returnValue }); //fn_GetDoc var param1 = FunctionParameter.Create("Source", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); var param2 = FunctionParameter.Create("SourceId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetDoc", new[] { param1, param2 }, new[] { returnValue }); //fn_GetDocument param1 = FunctionParameter.Create("Source", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); param2 = FunctionParameter.Create("SourceId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetDocument", new[] { param1, param2 }, new[] { returnValue }); //fn_GetStramDoc var valueparam1 = FunctionParameter.Create("Source", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.In); var valueparam2 = FunctionParameter.Create("SourceId", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32), ParameterMode.In); returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.String), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_GetStramDoc", new[] { valueparam1, valueparam2 }, new[] { returnValue }); //// fn_FilterRequestTabs //valueParameter1 = FunctionParameter.Create("Tab", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Byte), ParameterMode.In); //valueParameter2 = FunctionParameter.Create("ApprovalStatus", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Byte), ParameterMode.In); //valueParameter3 = FunctionParameter.Create("Start", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.DateTime), ParameterMode.In); //valueParameter4 = FunctionParameter.Create("End", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.DateTime), ParameterMode.In); //returnValue = FunctionParameter.Create("result", this.GetStorePrimitiveType(model, PrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean), ParameterMode.ReturnValue); //function = this.CreateAndAddFunction(item, "fn_FilterRequestTabs", new[] { valueParameter1, valueParameter2, valueParameter3, valueParameter4 }, new[] { returnValue }); }
public void Apply(EntityContainer item, DbModel model) { var functionDescriptors = new FunctionDiscovery(model, _methodClassType).FindFunctions(); var storeFunctionBuilder = new StoreFunctionBuilder(model, _defaultSchema); foreach (var functionDescriptor in functionDescriptors) { var storeFunctionDefinition = storeFunctionBuilder.Create(functionDescriptor); model.StoreModel.AddItem(storeFunctionDefinition); if (functionDescriptor.StoreFunctionKind != StoreFunctionKind.ScalarUserDefinedFunction) { var functionImportDefinition = CreateFunctionImport(model, functionDescriptor); model.ConceptualModel.Container.AddFunctionImport(functionImportDefinition); List <FunctionImportResultMapping> resultMappings = new List <FunctionImportResultMapping>(); if (functionDescriptor.ReturnTypes.All(t => t is EntityType || t is ComplexType)) { foreach (EdmType returnType in functionDescriptor.ReturnTypes) { FunctionImportStructuralTypeMapping typeMapping; if (returnType is EntityType) { var entityType = (EntityType)returnType; var returnTypePropertyMappings = new Collection <FunctionImportReturnTypePropertyMapping>(); foreach (var propertyMapping in model.GetEntityTypePropertyMappings(entityType).OfType <ScalarPropertyMapping>()) { returnTypePropertyMappings.Add(new FunctionImportReturnTypeScalarPropertyMapping(propertyMapping.Property.Name, propertyMapping.Column.Name)); } typeMapping = new FunctionImportEntityTypeMapping( Enumerable.Empty <EntityType>(), new[] { entityType }, returnTypePropertyMappings, Enumerable.Empty <FunctionImportEntityTypeMappingCondition>()); } else // ComplexType { var complexType = (ComplexType)returnType; var returnTypePropertyMappings = new Collection <FunctionImportReturnTypePropertyMapping>(); foreach (var property in complexType.Properties) { returnTypePropertyMappings.Add(new FunctionImportReturnTypeScalarPropertyMapping(property.Name, property.Name)); } typeMapping = new FunctionImportComplexTypeMapping(complexType, returnTypePropertyMappings); } FunctionImportResultMapping resultMapping = new FunctionImportResultMapping(); resultMappings.Add(resultMapping); resultMapping.AddTypeMapping(typeMapping); } } if (functionImportDefinition.IsComposableAttribute) { model.ConceptualToStoreMapping.AddFunctionImportMapping( new FunctionImportMappingComposable( functionImportDefinition, storeFunctionDefinition, resultMappings.FirstOrDefault() ?? new FunctionImportResultMapping(), model.ConceptualToStoreMapping)); } else { // HACK: Currently, FunctionImportMappingNonComposable ctor does not support code-first construction because // it depends on EdmItemCollection being available from StorageMappingItemCollection. Code-first does // not create a StorageMappingItemCollection and, as a result, this ctor will throw a null reference // exception if any result mappings are passed to it in code-first context. This must be resolved in // EF itself. Until then, _only composable functions can support custom named column mappings_. Once // this issue is resolved in EF then the commented code should replace the current "empty array" // resultMapping parameter to enable custom mappings for non-composable functions as well: model.ConceptualToStoreMapping.AddFunctionImportMapping( new FunctionImportMappingNonComposable( functionImportDefinition, storeFunctionDefinition, // resultMappings.Any() ? resultMappings.ToArray() : new FunctionImportResultMapping[0], new FunctionImportResultMapping[0], model.ConceptualToStoreMapping)); } } } // TODO: model defined functions? }
public void Apply(EdmProperty property, DbModel model) { var columnName = char.ToLower(property.Name[0]) + property.Name.Substring(1); property.Name = columnName; }
public FunctionParameter ToFunctionParameter([NotNull] DbModel model, ParameterMode mode) { return(FunctionParameter.Create(Name, model.GetStorePrimitiveType(Kind), mode)); }
public OracleCrudSqlBuilder(DbModel dbModel) : base(dbModel) { }
public MySqlDbSqlBuilder(DbModel dbModel) : base(dbModel) { }
public MovieController() { db = new DbModel(); }
public LinqEngine(DbModel dbModel) { _dbModel = dbModel; _entityModel = _dbModel.EntityModel; _translator = new ExpressionTranslator(dbModel); }
public EntityFrameworkUnitOfWorkFactory(string connectionString, DbModel dbModel) { this.ConnectionString = connectionString; this.DbModel = dbModel; }
public override Vita.Data.Driver.LinqSqlProvider CreateLinqSqlProvider(DbModel dbModel) { return new MySqlLinqSqlProvider(dbModel); }
public override DbSqlBuilder CreateDbSqlBuilder(DbModel dbModel) { return new MySqlDbSqlBuilder(dbModel); }
public abstract LinqSqlProvider CreateLinqSqlProvider(DbModel dbModel);
protected abstract void ProcessModel( DbModel model, string storeModelNamespace, ModelBuilderSettings settings, ModelBuilderEngineHostContext hostContext, List <EdmSchemaError> errors);
public DbTableInfo(DbModel model, string schema, string tableName, EntityInfo entity, DbObjectType objectType = DbObjectType.Table) : base(model, schema, objectType, entity) { TableName = tableName; Entity = entity; //might be null Kind = EntityKind.Table; if (Entity != null) Kind = Entity.Kind; else if (objectType == DbObjectType.View) Kind = EntityKind.View; // when loading from database FullName = model.Driver.GetFullName(Schema, tableName); base.GlobalName = DbModelHelper.GetGlobalName(Schema, TableName); model.AddTable(this); }
// maxParamsCount is 2300 for MS SQL, but we're being a bit cautious here public MsLinqSqlBuilder(DbModel dbModel, LinqCommand command) : base(dbModel, command) { _msDialect = (MsSqlDialect)dbModel.Driver.SqlDialect; }
public SqlCeDbSqlBuilder(DbModel dbModel) : base(dbModel) { }
public UserRepository(DbModel model) { this.context = model; }
public override void OnDbModelConstructed(DbModel dbModel) { foreach (var table in dbModel.Tables) { // Names of PK constraints in MySql is 'PRIMARY', cannot be changed // PK is always used as clustered index, but we consider clustered indexes as not supported in MySql if (table.PrimaryKey != null) table.PrimaryKey.Name = "PRIMARY"; // All foreign keys have a supporting index; if there's no matching index already, it is created automatically. foreach(var key in table.Keys) { if (key.KeyType.IsSet(KeyType.ForeignKey)) { var supportingIndex = DbModelHelper.FindMatchingIndex(key, table.Keys); if (supportingIndex == null) //if no supporting index, then mark this key as an index key.KeyType |= KeyType.Index; } //Drop descending flag - see notes at the top of the file // MySql supports ordered columns in indexes, but there's no way to get this information // when loading index columns from the database - at least I don't know any // so we set all column direction to ASC after construction DbModel foreach(var kc in key.KeyColumns) kc.Desc = false; } // auto_increment (identity) columns must be associated with key (PK or index). For auto-inc columns that are NOT PKs we create artificial index var autoIncCols = table.Columns.Where(c => c.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity)); foreach (var col in autoIncCols) { if (col.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.PrimaryKey)) continue; var ind = new DbKeyInfo(col.ColumnName, col.Table, KeyType.Index); //added automatically to table.Keys list ind.KeyColumns.Add(new DbKeyColumnInfo(col)); } } // Remove double-quotes from StoredProcedure names - MySqlDriver does not like it foreach (var cmd in dbModel.Commands) { cmd.FullCommandName = cmd.FullCommandName.Replace("\"", ""); } base.OnDbModelConstructed(dbModel); }
private void CreateDatabase(Database db, DbModel model) { const string tableTmpl = "CREATE TABLE [{0}] (\n{1}\n);"; const string columnTmpl = " [{0}] {1} {2}"; // name, type, decl const string primaryKeyTmpl = " [{0}] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT "; const string foreignKeyTmpl = " FOREIGN KEY ({0}) REFERENCES {1} ({2})"; const string indexTmpl = "CREATE INDEX {0} ON {1} ({2});"; var indicies = new Dictionary <string, Index>(); foreach (var type in model.StoreModel.EntityTypes) { var defs = new List <string>(); // columns foreach (var p in type.Properties) { var decls = new HashSet <string>(); if (!p.Nullable) { decls.Add("NOT NULL"); } var annotations = p.MetadataProperties .Select(x => x.Value) .OfType <IndexAnnotation>(); foreach (var annotation in annotations) { foreach (var attr in annotation.Indexes) { if (attr.IsUnique) { decls.Add("UNIQUE"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Name)) { continue; } Index index; if (!indicies.TryGetValue(attr.Name, out index)) { index = new Index { Name = attr.Name, Table = type.Name, Columns = new List <string>(), }; indicies.Add(index.Name, index); } index.Columns.Add(p.Name); } } if (p.Name == "Id") { continue; } defs.Add(string.Format(columnTmpl, p.Name, p.TypeName, string.Join(" ", decls))); } // primary keys if (type.KeyProperties.Any()) { var keys = type.KeyProperties.Select(x => x.Name); defs.Add(string.Format(primaryKeyTmpl, string.Join(", ", keys))); } // foreign keys foreach (var assoc in model.StoreModel.AssociationTypes) { if (assoc.Constraint.ToRole.Name == type.Name) { var thisKeys = assoc.Constraint.ToProperties.Select(x => x.Name); var thatKeys = assoc.Constraint.FromProperties.Select(x => x.Name); defs.Add(string.Format(foreignKeyTmpl, string.Join(", ", thisKeys), assoc.Constraint.FromRole.Name, string.Join(", ", thatKeys))); } } // create table var sql = string.Format(tableTmpl, type.Name, string.Join(",\n", defs)); db.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql); } // create index foreach (var index in indicies.Values) { var columns = string.Join(", ", index.Columns); var sql = string.Format(indexTmpl, index.Name, index.Table, columns); db.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql); } }
public abstract SqlFragment GetSql(DbModel dbModel);
public QueryFactory(DbModel context) { model = context; }
public abstract DbSqlBuilder CreateDbSqlBuilder(DbModel dbModel);
public override SqlFragment GetSql(DbModel dbModel) { return(new TextSqlFragment(Value)); }
public virtual void OnDbModelConstructing(DbModel dbModel) { }
private void AddDataToBase() { List <Answer> lxAnswer = AddAnswer(); //Done List <Course> lxCourse = AddCourse(); //Done List <Occupation> lxOcc = AddOccupation(); //Done List <Questions> lxQuestions = AddQuestion(); //Done List <Student> lxStudent = AddStudent(); //Done List <StudentAnswer> lxStudentAnswer = AddStudentAwnser(); //Done List <StudentClassCourse> lxSGC = AddStudentClassCourse(); //Done List <StudentClass> lxSC = AddStudentClass(); //Done List <StudentTest> lxStudentTest = AddStudentTest(); //Done List <Test> lxTest = AddTest(); //Done List <User> lxUser = AddUser(); //Done List <UserTest> lxUserTest = AddUserTest(); //Done #region UsingDB //using (var db = new DbModel()) //{ // foreach (var item in lxOcc) // { // db.Occupations.Add(item); // } // db.SaveChanges(); //} //using (var db = new DbModel()) //{ // foreach (var item in lxCourse) // { // db.Courses.Add(item); // } // db.SaveChanges(); //} //using (var db = new DbModel()) //{ // foreach (var item in lxSC) // { // db.StudentClasses.Add(item); // } // db.SaveChanges(); //} //using (var db = new DbModel()) //{ // foreach (var item in lxSGC) // { // db.StudentClassCourses.Add(item); // } // db.SaveChanges(); //} //using (var db = new DbModel()) //{ // foreach (var item in lxStudent) // { // db.Students.Add(item); // } // db.SaveChanges(); //} //using (var db = new DbModel()) //{ // foreach (var item in lxUser) // { // db.Users.Add(item); // } // db.SaveChanges(); //} //using (var db = new DbModel()) //{ // foreach (var item in lxTest) // { // db.Tests.Add(item); // } // db.SaveChanges(); //} //using (var db = new DbModel()) //{ // foreach (var item in lxUserTest) // { // db.UserTests.Add(item); // } // db.SaveChanges(); //} //using (var db = new DbModel()) //{ // foreach (var item in lxQuestions) // { // db.Questions.Add(item); // } // db.SaveChanges(); //} //using (var db = new DbModel()) //{ // foreach (var item in lxAnswer) // { // db.Answers.Add(item); // } // db.SaveChanges(); //} using (var db = new DbModel()) { foreach (var item in lxStudentTest) { db.StudentTests.Add(item); } db.SaveChanges(); } #endregion }