protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlStaffPosition.Items.Count != 0) { staffJobPositions = jobs.StaffJobPosition(); foreach (var item in staffJobPositions) { ddlStaffPosition.Items.Add(item.StaffJobPositionTR.ToString()); ddlStaffPosition.Items[ddlStaffPosition.Items.Count - 1].Value =; } } btnUpdate.ServerClick += BtnUpdate_ServerClick; btnClear.ServerClick += BtnClear_ServerClick; BtnUpload.Text = Resources.Index.Upload; btnClear.Value = Resources.Index.Clean; if (Request.QueryString["Process"] != null) { string Processs = Request.QueryString["Process"]; if (Processs == "EditStaff") { Prcs = AddNewStaff.Process.EditStaff; id = Request.QueryString["id"].Clean(); Dictionary <string, string> condition = new Dictionary <string, string>(); condition.Add("id", id); allstaffs = jobs.Staffs(condition); btnUpdate.Value = Resources.Index.Update; if (allstaffs.Count > 0) { PageTitle = Resources.Index.EditReference; { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string CategoryName = allstaffs[0].id.ToString().Clean(); ddlStaffPosition.SelectedValue = CategoryName; txtStaffName.Value = allstaffs[0].StaffName.ToString().Clean(); txtStaffNumber.Value = allstaffs[0].StaffPhone.ToString().Clean(); txtStaffEmail.Value = allstaffs[0].StaffEmail.ToString().Clean(); image1.ImageUrl = allstaffs[0].StaffProfilePhoto.ToString().Clean(); imageuploading.Visible = false; } } } else { PageTitle = Resources.Index.DataNotFound; Prcs = AddNewStaff.Process.DataNotFound; } } else if (Processs == "DeleteStaff") { PageTitle = Resources.Index.DeleteStaff; Prcs = AddNewStaff.Process.DeleteStaff; id = Request.QueryString["id"].Clean(); int result = jobs.query("Delete staffs where id='" + id + "'"); if (result > 0) { Response.Redirect("/StaffsList.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("Error1"); } } else { Title = Resources.Index.WrongParameter; } } else { btnUpdate.Value = Resources.Index.AddStaff; PageTitle = Resources.Index.AddStaff; Prcs = Process.AddStaff; Viewingimages.Visible = false; uploadbuttondiv.Visible = false; } if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { if (Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName) == ".jpg" || Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName) == ".png") { Random rndm = new Random(); string PhotoExtensions = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); string PhotoName = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName /*+ rndm.Next(99999999, 999999999) + PhotoExtensions*/; //Firstly we will save chosen images to \\images\\ folder as temporary FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\Content\\img\\uploads\\temp\\") + PhotoName); //After we are converting as bitmap Bitmap Photo = new Bitmap(Server.MapPath("~\\Content\\img\\uploads\\temp\\") + PhotoName); int Width = 215; int Height = 215; //Resizing the photo Size Size = new Size(Width, Height); //Resmi boyutlandırıyoruz. Bitmap ResizedPhoto = new Bitmap(Photo, Size); string Resizedandsavedphoto = "~\\Content\\img\\uploads\\" + PhotoName; //We are saving resized photo to \\images\\userphotos\\ folder ResizedPhoto.Save(Server.MapPath(Resizedandsavedphoto), ImageFormat.Jpeg); Photo.Dispose(); ResizedPhoto.Dispose(); //we delete the photo we saved as temporary FileInfo Firstuploadedphoto = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~\\Content\\img\\uploads\\temp\\") + PhotoName); Firstuploadedphoto.Delete(); image1.ImageUrl = Resizedandsavedphoto.Clean(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { languagess = jobs.Languages(); allstaffs = jobs.Staffs(); BtnAddNew.Text = Resources.Index.AddNewStaff; }