         * Pre:  id must be an integer or the empty string
         * Post:  The input parameters are used to search for existing students.  Matching student
         *        information is displayed in the input gridview.
         * @param gridView is the gridView in which the search results will be displayed
         * @param id is the id being searched for - must be an integer or the empty string
         * @param firstName is all or part of the first name being searched for
         * @param lastName is all or part of the last name being searched for
         * @param districtId is the id of the district to search in
         * @returns true if results were found and false otherwise
        private bool searchStudents(GridView gridView, string id, string firstName, string lastName, string session, int districtId)
            bool result = true;

                DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentSearchResults(id, firstName, lastName, districtId);

                //If there are results in the table, display them.  Otherwise clear current
                //results and return false
                if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    gridView.DataSource = table;

                    //save the data for quick re-binding upon paging
                    Session[session] = table;
                else if (table != null && table.Rows.Count == 0)
                    result = false;
                else if (table == null)
                    if (gridView == gvStudent1Search)
                        lblStudent1SearchError.Text    = "An error occurred during the search";
                        lblStudent1SearchError.Visible = true;
                        lblStudent2SearchError.Text    = "An error occurred during the search";
                        lblStudent2SearchError.Visible = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (gridView == gvStudent1Search)
                    lblStudent1SearchError.Text    = "An error occurred during the search";
                    lblStudent1SearchError.Visible = true;
                    lblStudent2SearchError.Text    = "An error occurred during the search";
                    lblStudent2SearchError.Visible = true;

                Utility.LogError("Coordinate Students", "searchStudents", "gridview: " + gridView.ID + ", id: " + id +
                                 ", firstName: " + firstName + ", lastName: " + lastName + ", session: " + session,
                                 "Message: " + e.Message + "   Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, -1);

         * Pre:  The current user's highest permission level is district admin
         * Post: The only student's shown in the student dropdowns belong to th current district admin
         * @param districtId is the id of the district to get students from
        private void showDistrictStudentsOnly(int districtId)
            DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentSearchResults("", "", "", districtId);

            ddlStudent1.DataSourceID = null;
            ddlStudent1.DataSource   = table;

            ddlStudent2.DataSourceID = null;
            ddlStudent2.DataSource   = table;