Exemple #1
 private void DisplaySchoolInfo(int userId)
     using (var helper = new DbHelper.Office())
         var school = helper.GetSchoolOfUser(userId);
         if (school != null)
             if (SiteMap.CurrentNode != null)
                 var list = new List <IdAndName>()
                     new IdAndName()
                         Name    = SiteMap.RootNode.Title
                         , Value = SiteMap.RootNode.Url
                         , Void  = true
                     new IdAndName()
                         Name = school.Name
                                //,Value = SiteMap.CurrentNode.ParentNode.Url
             lblName.Text = school.Name;
             //lblSchoolName.Text = school.Name;
             //lblSchoolType.Text = school.SchoolType == null ? "" : school.SchoolType.Name;
             //lblCity.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(school.City)?"N/A":school.City;
             lblCountry.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(school.Address)?"N/A":school.Address;
             lblEmail.Text   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(school.EmailGeneral)?"N/A":school.EmailGeneral;
             lblWebsite.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(school.Website)?"N/A":school.Website;
             lblPhoneNo.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(school.PhoneMain)?"N/A":school.PhoneMain;
Exemple #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                var user = Page.User as CustomPrincipal;
                if (user == null)
                    loginDiv.Visible = true;
                    SiteMapUc.SetData(new List <IdAndName>()
                        new IdAndName()
                            Name = "Contact"
                using (var helper = new DbHelper.Office())
                    var school = helper.GetSchoolOfUser(user == null ? 0 : user.SchoolId);
                    lblAddress.Text             = school.Address;
                    lblPhoneAfterHours.Text     = school.PhoneAfterHours;
                    lblPhoneMain.Text           = school.PhoneMain;
                    lnkEmailGeneral.Text        = school.EmailGeneral;
                    lnkEmailGeneral.NavigateUrl = "mailto:" + school.EmailGeneral;

                    lnkEmailMarketing.Text        = school.EmailMarketing;
                    lnkEmailMarketing.NavigateUrl = "mailto:" + school.EmailMarketing;

                    lnkEmailSupport.Text        = school.EmailSupport;
                    lnkEmailSupport.NavigateUrl = "mailto:" + school.EmailSupport;
Exemple #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var user     = Page.User as CustomPrincipal;
                var loginUrl = "Home.aspx";//"ViewsSite/Account/Login.aspx";

                if (user != null)
                    //EarlierUc.EmptyData += EarlierUc_EmptyData;
                    //check for school
                    UserId            = user.Id;
                    SchoolId          = user.SchoolId;
                    lnkLoginName.Text = user.FirstName;//.UserName;

                    if (!IsPostBack)
                        CoursesMenuUc1.UserId = user.Id;
                        //using(var fileHelper = new DbHelper.WorkingWithFiles())
                        //CoursesUc.UserId = user.Id;
                        //EarlierUc.UserId = user.Id;
                            var editMode = Session["editMode"] as string;
                            if (editMode == null)
                                //turn on edit mode
                                Session["editMode"] = "0";
                                lblEditMode.Text    = "Turn on edit mode";
                                if (editMode == "1")
                                    //turn off edit mode
                                    lblEditMode.Text = "Turn off edit mode";
                                    //turn on edit mode
                                    lblEditMode.Text = "Turn on edit mode";
                            //turn on edit mode
                            Session["editMode"] = "0";
                            lblEditMode.Text    = "Turn on edit mode";

                        using (var usrHelper = new DbHelper.User())
                            using (var helper = new DbHelper.Office())
                                #region Student Info

                                var usr     = usrHelper.GetUser(user.Id);
                                var student = usr.Student;

                                //if (student.Any())
                                //    var std = student.FirstOrDefault();
                                //    if (std != null)
                                //    {
                                //        var stdBatch = std.StudentBatch.FirstOrDefault();
                                //        if (stdBatch != null)
                                //        {
                                //            lblUserInfo.Text = "(" + stdBatch.ProgramBatch.NameFromBatch;
                                //            try
                                //            {
                                //                //if (user.AcademicYearId > 0)
                                //                {
                                //                    var rc = usr.Classes.Select(x => x.SubjectClass)
                                //                        .Where(x => x.RunningClassId != null && !(x.Void ?? false))
                                //                        .Select(x => x.RunningClass)
                                //                        .FirstOrDefault(x => (x.IsActive ?? false) && !(x.Void ?? false));
                                //                    if (rc != null)
                                //                    {
                                //                        lblUserInfo.Text += "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + rc.GetYearAndSubYearName;
                                //                    }
                                //                }
                                //            }
                                //            catch { }
                                //            lblUserInfo.Text += ")";
                                //        }
                                //    }


                                var school = helper.GetSchoolOfUser(user.Id);
                                if (school != null)
                                    //imgSchool.ImageUrl = "~/Content/Images/"
                                    lblSchoolName.Text = school.Name;
                                    SchoolId           = user.SchoolId;
                                    var f = helper.GetSchoolImage(school.ImageId);
                                    if (f != null)
                                        imgSchool.ImageUrl = f.FileDirectory + f.FileName;

                                    if (Request.Url.AbsolutePath.ToLower().StartsWith("/default.aspx"))
                                        //noticeboarduc,eventsuc, onlineusersuc
                                        //pnlBody.CssClass = "body-grey";

                                        //earlier--not used now
                                        //middlePanel.Style.Add("border-right", "1px solid darkgrey");
                                        //middlePanel.Style.Add("border-left", "1px solid darkgrey");

                                        right_panel.Visible = true;
                                        //pnlBody.CssClass = "body-white";
                                        middlePanel.Style.Add("background-color", "white");
                                        middlePanel.Attributes.Add("class", "col-md-10");

                        //if (Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains("BookView")
                        //    || Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains("Create")
                        //    || Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains("Report"))
                        //    right_panel.Visible = false;
                        var text  = txtSearch.Text;
                        var words = text.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                        //var lst = words.Select(x => !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)));
                        var modifiedText = "";
                        foreach (var w in words.Where(x => !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(x))))
                            modifiedText += w + "+";
                        modifiedText = modifiedText.TrimEnd('+');
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modifiedText))
                            Response.Redirect("~/Views/Search/?input=" + modifiedText, false);
                            txtSearch.Text = "";

                        //string parameter = Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"]; // parameter
                        //var target = Request["__EVENTTARGET"]; // btnSave
                        //if (parameter == "txtSearch")
                        //    //var converted = target.Replace(' ', '+');
                        //    Response.Redirect("~/Views/Search/?input=" + modifiedText, false);

                    #region NOtice earlier , now commented

                    using (var helper = new DbHelper.Notifications())
                        if (user.IsInRole(DbHelper.StaticValues.Roles.Manager))
                            var due = helper.GetDueClassesNotification(user.SchoolId);
                            if (due.Any())
                                lblEmptyNotice.Visible = false;
                                //imgNotificationIcon.ImageUrl = "~/Content/Icons/Notice/Info-urgent-light-26px.png";

                                //var hlink = new HyperLink()
                                //    Text = "Due classes, Mark completion (" + due.Count + ")",
                                //    NavigateUrl = "~/Views/Class/DueClasses.aspx"

                                var text = "Due classes, Mark completion (" + due.Count + ")";
                                var url  = "/Views/Class/DueClasses.aspx";
                                var li   = "<li><a href = '" + url + "'>"
                                           + text
                                           + "</a></li>";

                                plHolderNotice.Controls.Add(new Literal()
                                    Text = li

                            var noTeacher = helper.GetNoTeacherInClassNotification(user.SchoolId);
                            if (noTeacher.Any())
                                lblEmptyNotice.Visible = false;
                                //imgNotificationIcon.ImageUrl = "~/Content/Icons/Notice/Info-urgent-light-26px.png";

                                //var hlink = new HyperLink()
                                //    //<span style='background-color:red;color:white;padding:-2px;'></span>"
                                //    Text = "Teacher not assigned to class (" + noTeacher.Count + ")",
                                //    NavigateUrl = "~/Views/Class/TeacherNotAssignedClasses.aspx"
                                //Teacher not assigned to class
                                var url  = "/Views/Class/TeacherNotAssignedClasses.aspx";
                                var text = "Classes without teachers (" + noTeacher.Count + ")";
                                var li   = "<li><a href = '" + url + "'>"
                                           + text
                                           + "</a></li>";
                                plHolderNotice.Controls.Add(new Literal()
                                    Text = li

                    //using (var nhelper = new DbHelper.Notice())
                    //    var notices = nhelper.GetNotices(user.SchoolId, user.Id);

                    //    foreach (var n in notices)
                    //    {
                    //        var nUc =
                    //            (NoticeItemUc)
                    //                Page.LoadControl("~/ViewsSite/User/ModulesUc/NoticeItemUc.ascx");
                    //        nUc.SetData("~/Views/NoticeBoard/NoticeDetail.aspx?nId=" + n.Id, n.Title
                    //            , "posted on : " + ((n.PublishedDate == null) ? "" : n.PublishedDate.Value.ToShortDateString())
                    //            , n.Void ?? false);
                    //        plHolderNotice.Controls.Add(nUc);
                    //    }
                    //    if (notices.Any())
                    //    {
                    //        lblEmptyNotice.Visible = false;
                    //    }
                    //    //DataList1.DataSource = notices.Take(5).ToList();
                    //    //DataList1.DataBind();

                    //    var unViewed = notices.Where(x => (x.Void ?? false)).ToList();
                    //    if (!unViewed.Any())
                    //    {
                    //        imgNoticeIcon.ImageUrl = "~/Content/Icons/Notice/agt_announcements.png";
                    //        //imgNoticeIndicator.Visible = false;
                    //        //lblNoticeIndication.Visible = false;
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        imgNoticeIcon.ImageUrl = "~/Content/Icons/Notice/agt_announcements_excla.png";
                    //        //imgNoticeIndicator.Visible = true;
                    //        //lblNoticeIndication.Text = "&nbsp; " + unViewed.Count + " &nbsp; ";
                    //    }



                    if (user.IsInRole("manager"))
                        var schoolCreateUrl = "Views/Office/School/Create.aspx";
                        var isSchoolUrl     = Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains(schoolCreateUrl);
                        if (user.SchoolId <= 0 && !isSchoolUrl)
                            Response.Redirect("~/" + schoolCreateUrl);

                        SettingsUc settings =
                        //settings.UserId = user.Id;
                        lnkEditMode.Visible = true;

                        //earlier settings
                        //lnkSettingMenu.Visible = true;

                    else if (user.IsInRole("teacher"))
                        SettingsTeacher teachersettings =
                        //settings.UserId = user.Id;
                        lnkEditMode.Visible = true;
                    var path = Request.Url.AbsolutePath;//.Contains(loginUrl);
                    if (!path.Contains(loginUrl))
                        var home    = path.ToLower().Contains("home.aspx");
                        var about   = path.ToLower().Contains("about.aspx");
                        var contact = path.ToLower().Contains("contact.aspx");
                        if (!(home || about || contact))
                            Response.Redirect("~/" + loginUrl);
                            left_panel.Visible             = false;
                            right_panel.Visible            = true;
                            menubar_right_text_all.Visible = false;
                        //if (path.Contains("Home.aspx"))
                        //    Response.Redirect("~/Home.aspx");
                        //else if (path.Contains("About.aspx"))
                        //    Response.Redirect("~/About.aspx");
                        //else if (path.Contains("Contact.aspx"))
                        //    Response.Redirect("~/Contact.aspx");
                        //      Response.Redirect("~/" + loginUrl);
Exemple #4
        private void PopulateSchoolInfo(CustomPrincipal user)
            using (var helper = new DbHelper.Office())
                var sch = helper.GetSchoolOfUser(user.Id);

                if (sch != null)
                    CKEditor1.Text       = sch.Description;
                    hidSchoolId.Value    = sch.Id.ToString();
                    txtAddress.Text      = sch.Address;
                    txtName.Text         = sch.Name;
                    txtEmailGeneral.Text = sch.EmailGeneral;
                    //txtEmailMarketing.Text = sch.EmailMarketing;
                    //txtEmailSupport.Text = sch.EmailSupport;
                    txtPhoneMain.Text = sch.PhoneMain;
                    //txtPhoneAfterHours.Text = sch.PhoneAfterHours;
                    hidImageId.Value = sch.ImageId.ToString();

                    //txtStreet.Text = sch.Street;
                    txtWeb.Text     = sch.Website;
                    hidUserId.Value = sch.UserId.ToString();
                    //cmbSchoolType.SelectedValue = sch.SchoolTypeId.ToString();
                    var f = helper.GetSchoolImage(sch.ImageId);
                    if (f != null)
                        //var fileName = Path.GetFileName(f.FilePath);
                        var image = new FileResourceEventArgs()
                            Id = f.Id,
                            //CreatedBy = user.Id
                            //CreatedDate = DateTime.Now
                            FileDisplayName = f.DisplayName //Path.GetFileName(imageFile.FileName)
                                                            // FileDirectory = DbHelper.StaticValues.SchoolFileLocation //StaticValue.UserImageDirectory
                                                            // ,
                                                            //FileName = fileName
                            FilePath = DbHelper.StaticValues.SchoolFileLocation + f.FileName
                                       //Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + GetExtension(imageFile.FileName, imageFile.ContentType)
                            FileSizeInBytes = f.FileSizeInBytes //imageFile.ContentLength
                            FileType = f.FileType               //imageFile.ContentType
                            IconPath = f.IconPath
                            //SubjectId = SubjectId
                        FilesDisplay1.SetInitialValues(new List <FileResourceEventArgs>()
                if (SiteMap.CurrentNode != null)
                    var list = new List <IdAndName>()
                        new IdAndName()
                            Name    = SiteMap.RootNode.Title
                            , Value = SiteMap.RootNode.Url
                            , Void  = true
                        new IdAndName()
                            Name    = sch == null?SiteMap.CurrentNode.ParentNode.Title:sch.Name
                            , Value = SiteMap.CurrentNode.ParentNode.Url
                            , Void  = true
                        new IdAndName()
                            Name = "Edit"