public async Task <int> InsertDb(DbDefinition dbdefinition, DbObject[] dbObjects, DbColumn[] columns, DbIndex[] indices, DbIndexColumn[] indicesColumns) { return(await _db.CommandAsync(async (conn, trn, timeout) => { string sql = @"INSERT INTO 'SchemaSearch.Dbs' (Server, DbName, IndexDateUtc) Values (@Server, @DbName, @IndexDateUtc);"; await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, dbdefinition, trn, timeout); sql = "SELECT last_insert_rowid()"; var dbId = await conn.QuerySingleAsync <int>(sql, dbdefinition, trn, timeout); dbObjects.ForEach(p => p.DbId = dbId); columns.ForEach(p => p.DbId = dbId); indices.ForEach(p => p.DbId = dbId); indicesColumns.ForEach(p => p.DbId = dbId); sql = @"INSERT INTO 'SchemaSearch.DbObjects' (DbId, ObjectId, Type, SchemaName, Name, Definition, ModificationDate, ParentObjectId) Values (@DbId, @ObjectId, @Type, @SchemaName, @Name, @Definition, @ModificationDate, @ParentObjectId);"; await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, dbObjects, trn, timeout); sql = @"INSERT INTO 'SchemaSearch.DbColumns' (DbId, TableId, Name, Datatype, Precision, Definition) Values (@DbId, @TableId, @Name, @Datatype, @Precision, @Definition);"; await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, columns, trn, timeout); sql = @"INSERT INTO 'SchemaSearch.DbIndices' (DbId, OwnerId, IndexNumber, Name, Type, FilterDefinition, IsUnique) Values (@DbId, @OwnerId, @IndexNumber, @Name, @Type, @FilterDefinition, @IsUnique);"; await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, indices, trn, timeout); sql = @"INSERT INTO 'SchemaSearch.DbIndicesColumns' (DbId, OwnerId, IndexNumber, IndexColumnId, OwnerColumnId, ColumnName, IsDesc, Included) Values (@DbId, @OwnerId, @IndexNumber, @IndexColumnId, @OwnerColumnId, @ColumnName, @IsDesc, @Included);"; await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, indicesColumns, trn, timeout); return dbId; })); }
/// <summary> /// Execute SQL command. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> internal override GatewayResult Execute() { GatewayResult result = new GatewayResult(); try { if (DbDefinition != null) { DatabaseDefinition dbDefinition = (DatabaseDefinition)DbDefinition.Clone(); UpdateDataBaseLocation(dbDefinition); result.ErrorCode = GatewayAdapter.Gateway.SQLExecute(dbDefinition, sqlStatement, storageAttributes, out statementReturnedValues, ref dbFields); for (int i = 0; i < statementReturnedValues.Length; i++) { if (statementReturnedValues[i] != null) { statementReturnedValues[i] = GatewayAdapter.StorageConvertor.ConvertGatewayToRuntimeField(dbFields[i], statementReturnedValues[i]); } } } else { result.ErrorCode = GatewayErrorCode.DatasourceNotExist; } } catch { throw new NotImplementedException(); } SetErrorDetails(result); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Execute DbDisconnect command. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> internal override GatewayResult Execute() { GatewayResult result = new GatewayResult(); try { if (DbDefinition != null) { DatabaseDefinition dbDefinition = (DatabaseDefinition)DbDefinition.Clone(); UpdateDataBaseLocation(dbDefinition); result.ErrorCode = GatewayAdapter.Gateway.DbDisconnect(dbDefinition.Location, out tableName); } else { result.ErrorCode = GatewayErrorCode.DatasourceNotExist; } } catch { throw new NotImplementedException(); } SetErrorDetails(result); return(result); }
internal override GatewayResult Execute() { GatewayResult result = new GatewayResult(); DatabaseDefinition dbDefinition = (DatabaseDefinition)DbDefinition.Clone(); UpdateDataBaseLocation(dbDefinition); result.ErrorCode = GatewayAdapter.Gateway.FileRename(DataSourceDefinition, DestinationDataSourceDefinition, dbDefinition); SetErrorDetails(result); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// set error details on the command /// </summary> /// <param name="result"></param> protected virtual void SetErrorDetails(GatewayResult result) { string errorString = "";; int errorCode = 0; if (!result.Success) { // TODO: Error handling. // Temporary !!! DatabaseDefinition databaseDefinition = (DatabaseDefinition)DbDefinition.Clone(); UpdateDataBaseLocation(databaseDefinition); GatewayAdapter.Gateway.LastError(databaseDefinition, false, ref errorCode, ref errorString); result.ErrorParams = new object[] { DataSourceDefinition.Name, errorString }; } }
internal override GatewayResult Execute() { Record(); GatewayResult result = new GatewayResult(); RTDataSource rtDataSource = GatewayAdapter.GetDataSource(DataSourceDefinition); //SerializeDatasource(DataSourceDefinition); //Serialize(); if (rtDataSource == null) { rtDataSource = new RTDataSource(DataSourceDefinition); rtDataSource.GatewayAdapter = GatewayAdapter; } // TODO: Access (HDLINFO hdl_info_tbl_.datatbl) // TODO: Foreign keys // share & mode are ignored if (!rtDataSource.IsOpened) { try { DatabaseDefinition dbDefinition = (DatabaseDefinition)DbDefinition.Clone(); UpdateDataBaseLocation(dbDefinition); result.ErrorCode = GatewayAdapter.Gateway.FileOpen(DataSourceDefinition, dbDefinition, FileName, Access, DbShare.Write, DbOpen.Normal, null); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new ApplicationException("The SQLite database couldn't be opened.", ex); } } if (result.Success) { rtDataSource.Open(); } SetErrorDetails(result); return(result); }
internal override GatewayResult Execute() { Record(); GatewayAdapterCursor gatewayAdapterCursor = new GatewayAdapterCursor(RuntimeCursor.CursorDefinition); gatewayAdapterCursor.CursorType = CursorType.Regular; GatewayResult result = new GatewayResult(); DatabaseDefinition dbDefinition = (DatabaseDefinition)DbDefinition.Clone(); UpdateDataBaseLocation(dbDefinition); result.ErrorCode = GatewayAdapter.Gateway.CrsrPrepare(gatewayAdapterCursor, dbDefinition); if (result.Success) { GatewayAdapter.AddCursor(RuntimeCursor, gatewayAdapterCursor); } // db_rng_val_alloc ?? SetErrorDetails(result); return(result); }
public async Task <int> IndexAsync(DbConnectionString dbConnectionString) { if (DbHelper.IsSystemDb(dbConnectionString.Database)) { throw new Exception("Cannot index system db: " + dbConnectionString.Database); } using (await _asyncLock.LockAsync()) { var dbId = await DbExistsAsync(dbConnectionString); if (dbId > 0) { return(dbId); } string dbObjectsQuery = @" WITH DefinitionInfo (object_id, definition) AS ( SELECT m.object_id , m.definition from sys.sql_modules as m UNION SELECT c.object_id, 'CHECK ' + c.definition from sys.check_constraints as c UNION SELECT dc.object_id, 'DEFAULT' + dc.definition + ' FOR [' + + ']' FROM sys.default_constraints as dc INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON dc.parent_object_id = c.object_id AND dc.parent_column_id = c.column_id UNION SELECT s.object_id, s.base_object_name from sys.synonyms as s ) SELECT o.object_id AS 'objectId' , o.type_desc as 'type', schema_name(o.schema_id) AS 'schemaName',, DefinitionInfo.definition, o.modify_date as ModificationDate, Parent.object_id as parentObjectId FROM sys.objects AS o LEFT JOIN DefinitionInfo ON DefinitionInfo.object_id = o.object_id LEFT JOIN sys.objects AS Parent ON Parent.object_id = o.parent_object_id and Parent.is_ms_shipped = 0 WHERE o.is_ms_shipped = 0 AND NOT (o.parent_object_id > 0 AND Parent.object_id IS NULL)"; string columnsQuery = @" SELECT as 'TableId',, AS 'datatype', c.prec AS 'precision', c.scale AS 'scale', cc.definition FROM sys.syscolumns AS c INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON = o.object_id INNER JOIN sys.types AS t ON c.xusertype = t.user_type_id LEFT JOIN sys.computed_columns AS cc ON cc.object_id = o.object_id AND cc.column_id = c.colid WHERE o.type = 'U' and o.is_ms_shipped = 0 ORDER BY, c.colid"; string indicesQuery = @" SELECT t.object_id ownerId, i.index_id 'indexNumber', i.[name], i.type_desc 'type', i.filter_definition FilterDefinition, i.is_unique IsUnique FROM sys.indexes i INNER JOIN sys.objects t ON t.object_id = i.object_id WHERE t.is_ms_shipped = 0 AND index_id > 0 ORDER BY t.object_id, i.index_id"; string indicesColumnsQuery = @" SELECT OwnerId = ind.object_id, IndexNumber = ind.index_id, IndexColumnId = ic.index_column_id, OwnerColumnId = col.column_id, ColumnName =, IsDesc = ic.is_descending_key, Included = ic.is_included_column FROM sys.indexes ind INNER JOIN sys.index_columns ic ON ind.object_id = ic.object_id and ind.index_id = ic.index_id INNER JOIN sys.columns col ON ic.object_id = col.object_id and ic.column_id = col.column_id INNER JOIN sys.objects t ON ind.object_id = t.object_id WHERE t.is_ms_shipped = 0 ORDER BY ind.object_id, ind.index_id, ic.index_column_id;"; using (var connection = new SqlConnection(dbConnectionString.ConnectionString)) { var dbobjects = (await connection.QueryAsync <DbObject>(dbObjectsQuery)).ToArray(); var dbColumns = (await connection.QueryAsync <DbColumn>(columnsQuery)).ToArray(); var dbIndices = (await connection.QueryAsync <DbIndex>(indicesQuery)).ToArray(); var dbIndicesColumns = (await connection.QueryAsync <DbIndexColumn>(indicesColumnsQuery)).ToArray(); var dbDefinition = new DbDefinition() { DbName = dbConnectionString.Database, Server = dbConnectionString.Server, IndexDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; return(await _schemaSearchRepository.InsertDb(dbDefinition, dbobjects, dbColumns, dbIndices, dbIndicesColumns)); } } }