private void AddTransactionNotifications(DbCryptoContext db, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime) { var groupedTransfers = db.Transfers.Where(t => startTime <= t.Date && endTime > t.Date).GroupBy(t => new { t.Token, t.OutgoingAddress }).Select(g => new { Token = g.Key.Token, Wallet = g.Key.OutgoingAddress, Value = g.Sum(x => x.Value), UsdValue = g.Sum(x => x.UsdValue) }); foreach (var gt in groupedTransfers) { // get token Token t = db.Tokens.First(tkn => tkn.Contract == gt.Token); if (GetTokenNotificationValue(t) <= gt.Value) { if (db.Notifications.Where(n => gt.Wallet == n.LinkedWallet.Address && n.DateTime.AddHours(24) > ConvertTime(DateTime.Now) && gt.Value <= n.Value * 2).Count() != 0) { continue; } Wallet w = db.Wallets.SingleOrDefault(wal => wal.Address == gt.Wallet); if (w == null) { w = new Wallet() { Address = gt.Wallet }; w.Name = GetWalletName(w.Address); db.Wallets.Add(w); db.SaveChanges(); } // Send SMS for big transaction if ((gt.Value / t.TotalSupply) > 0.01) { SendSMS("Trascation for token " + t.Name + " - " + String.Format("{0:#,##0}", gt.UsdValue) + "$"); } db.Notifications.Add(new Notification() { Action = Actions.BigDailySum, LinkedWallet = w, Description = "[" + t.Name + "]. Transfer summ per day: " + String.Format("{0:#,##0}", gt.Value) + " (" + String.Format("{0:#,##0}", gt.UsdValue) + "$)" + " on the wallet: " + gt.Wallet, DateTime = ConvertTime(DateTime.Now), Value = gt.Value, PercentOfSupply = gt.Value / t.TotalSupply * 100, USDValue = gt.UsdValue }); db.SaveChanges(); } } }
private void AddNewTokenNotifications(DbCryptoContext db, List <WatchedToken> wt) { // Удаление нетребующих уведомлений обменников List <Exchange> exchangeToNotNotify = db.Exchange.Where(ex => !ex.NotifyOnNextUpdate).ToList(); List <Exchange> changeExchangeStatus = new List <Exchange>(); exchangeToNotNotify.ForEach(etnn => { if (wt.Where(wte => wte.Exchange.ID == etnn.ID).Count() > 0) { changeExchangeStatus.Add(etnn); } }); changeExchangeStatus.ForEach(ces => wt.RemoveAll(t => t.Exchange.ID == ces.ID)); db.Exchange.Where(ex => changeExchangeStatus.Where(ces => ces.ID == ex.ID).Count() > 0).ToList().ForEach(ex => ex.NotifyOnNextUpdate = true); db.SaveChanges(); var groupedTokens = wt.GroupBy(t => new { t.Exchange }).Select(g => new { Exchange = g.Key.Exchange, NumberOfTokens = g.Count() }); /* * foreach (var gt in groupedTokens) * { * if (gt.NumberOfTokens == 1) * SendSMS(wt.First(watchedToken => watchedToken.Exchange.ID == gt.Exchange.ID).Name + " was added to " + gt.Exchange.Title); * else * SendSMS(gt.NumberOfTokens + " new tokens was added to " + gt.Exchange.Title); * } */ foreach (WatchedToken token in wt) { Wallet w = db.Wallets.FirstOrDefault(wal => wal.Address == token.Comment); db.Notifications.Add(new Notification() { Action = Actions.NewToken, LinkedWallet = w, Description = "[" + token.Name + "]. New token on excange " + token.Exchange.Title + " . Wallet address: " + token.Comment, DateTime = ConvertTime(DateTime.Now), }); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void Update(DbCryptoContext db, ILogger _logger) { logger = _logger; logger.LogDebug("Parser.Update starting..."); List <Token> tokens = db.Tokens.ToList(); foreach (Token t in tokens) { if (!t.IsObserved) { continue; } // Update Total Supply double nts = UpdateTotalSupply(t.Contract, t.Decimals); if (nts != -1) { t.TotalSupply = Convert.ToUInt64(nts); db.SaveChanges(); } double price = 0; try { price = TokenParser.GetPriceByContract(t.Contract, _logger); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } // Add new trascations Transfer lastTransfer = db.Transfers.Where(ft => ft.Token == t.Contract).OrderBy(ft => ft.Date).LastOrDefault(); DateTime startTime = lastTransfer == null?ConvertTime(DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)) : lastTransfer.Date.AddMinutes(-20); List <Transfer> transfers = GetTransactionsForToken(t, t.Decimals, startTime, ConvertTime(DateTime.Now), price); AddTransactions(db, t, transfers); } // Add new notifications AddTransactionNotifications(db, ConvertTime(DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)), ConvertTime(DateTime.Now)); logger.LogDebug("Exchange Update start..."); List <WatchedToken> wt = ExchangeUpdater.Update(db); logger.LogDebug("Exchange Update:" + wt.Count + " new tokens"); logger.LogDebug("New Token Notifications start..."); AddNewTokenNotifications(db, wt); logger.LogDebug("Add New Token Notifications finished"); logger.LogDebug("New Token Tweet Notifications updating..."); TwitterParser.Update(db); logger.LogDebug("Add New Token Tweet Notifications finished"); logger.LogDebug("Parser.Update finished"); }
public static void RemoveAllWatchedTokens(DbCryptoContext db, int excId) { var wt = db.WatchedTokens.Where(w => w.Exchange.ID == excId).ToList(); db.WatchedTokens.RemoveRange(wt); Exchange ex = db.Exchange.First(e => e.ID == excId); ex.NotifyOnNextUpdate = false; db.SaveChanges(); }
private void AddTransactions(DbCryptoContext db, Token t, List <Transfer> transfers) { int i = 0; foreach (Transfer tr in transfers) { if (db.Transfers.Where(trans => trans.Token == t.Contract && tr.TransactionHash == trans.TransactionHash).Count() == 0) { db.Transfers.Add(tr); i++; } } db.SaveChanges(); logger.LogDebug("Token: " + t.Name + ". Added " + i + " transfers"); }
public static void Update(DbCryptoContext db) { List <TwitterAccount> cachAccs = db.TwitterAccount.ToList(); foreach (TwitterAccount ta in cachAccs) { DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now; string resResponse; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { resResponse = wc.DownloadString("" + ta.Name); } // get content List <Twitt> tweets = new List <Twitt>(); string rs = resResponse; while (true) { string tag = GetStringByTag(rs, "<div class=\"js-tweet-text-container\">", "</p>"); if (tag != "") { int ind = rs.IndexOf("<div class=\"js-tweet-text-container\">"); // cut inner tag : <p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="tl" data-aria-label-part="0"> rs = rs.Substring(ind + 20); HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.LoadHtml(tag); string result = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.InnerText; Twitt t = new Twitt() { content = result.ToLower() }; tweets.Add(t); } else { break; } } rs = resResponse; int index = 0; while (true) { string tag = GetStringByTag(rs, "_timestamp js-short-timestamp", "</span>", false); if (tag != "") { int ind = rs.IndexOf("_timestamp js-short-timestamp"); int localind = tag.IndexOf("data-time=\"") + "data-time=\"".Length; rs = rs.Substring(ind + 50); tweets[index].dateTime = epoch.AddSeconds(long.Parse(GetUntilOrEmpty(tag.Substring(localind), "\""))); index++; } else { break; } } List <Twitt> newTwitts = tweets.Where(t => t.dateTime > ta.LastUpdated).ToList(); Wallet w = db.Wallets.FirstOrDefault(); //Get filter words List <string> filter = ta.Template.Split(new string[] { "^^" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); List <Notification> nots = new List <Notification>(); newTwitts.ForEach(t => { if (filter.Any(t.content.Contains)) { nots.Add(new Notification() { Action = Actions.NewTweet, DateTime = t.dateTime, Description = "New tweet from " + ta.Name + ". " + t.content, LinkedWallet = w }); // Call(nots.Last().Description, "79997135966"); 79250813700 Call(nots.Last().Description, "79250813700"); } }); nots.ForEach(d => db.Notifications.Add(d)); db.SaveChanges(); ta.LastUpdated = currentTime; db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void SetUsdPriceToZero(DbCryptoContext db) { db.Transfers.Where(t => t.UsdValue != 0).ToList().ForEach(t => t.UsdValue = 0); db.SaveChanges(); }
public static List <WatchedToken> Update(DbCryptoContext db) { List <WatchedToken> res = new List <WatchedToken>(); List <WatchedToken> resTwoEntries = new List <WatchedToken>(); List <WatchedToken> counterTokens = new List <WatchedToken>(); foreach (Exchange ex in db.Exchange) { List <WatchedToken> wt = db.WatchedTokens.Where(w => w.Exchange.ID == ex.ID).ToList(); List <Wallet> wallets = db.Wallets.Where(w => w.Exchange.ID == ex.ID).ToList(); if (wallets.Count == 0) { continue; } foreach (Wallet w in wallets) { BuildURLForWalletBalance(w.Address); List <WatchedToken> responsedTokens = GetWalletTokens(w.Address); foreach (WatchedToken token in responsedTokens) { if (wt.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == token.Name) == null) { WatchedToken watchToken = new WatchedToken() { DateTime = token.DateTime, Exchange = ex, Name = token.Name, ShortName = token.ShortName, Comment = w.Address }; res.Add(watchToken); } else { if (wt.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == token.Name) != null && counterTokens.Where(t => t.Name == token.Name).Count() == 0 && res.Where(t => t.Name == token.Name).Count() == 0) { counterTokens.Add(wt.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == token.Name)); } } } wt = db.WatchedTokens.Where(wtc => wtc.Exchange.ID == ex.ID).ToList(); } foreach (WatchedToken token in counterTokens) { WatchedToken tfu = db.WatchedTokens.Where(wtc => wtc.Exchange.ID == ex.ID).FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == token.Name); if (tfu != null) { tfu.Counter++; db.SaveChanges(); if (tfu.Counter == 2) { resTwoEntries.Add(tfu); } } } } db.WatchedTokens.RemoveRange(db.WatchedTokens.Where(t => t.Counter == 0)); db.SaveChanges(); res.ForEach(rt => db.WatchedTokens.Add(rt)); db.SaveChanges(); //тут фильтровать, если дохуя возвращается новых токенов return(resTwoEntries); }