private void SetParameters(ParsedQuery query) { if (query.Named) { foreach (var name in query.ParameterNames.Distinct()) { _command.AddParameter(name, ParameterSource[name]); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < query.ParameterNames.Count; i++) { var name = query.ParameterNames[i]; _command.AddParameter(i.ToString(), ParameterSource[name]); } } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a parameter to the call (for all types other than strings) /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="DataType">Data type of the parameter</typeparam> /// <param name="ID">Name of the parameter</param> /// <param name="Direction">Direction that the parameter goes (in or out)</param> /// <param name="Command">Command object</param> /// <param name="Value">Value to add</param> /// <returns>The DbCommand object</returns> public static DbCommand AddParameter <DataType>(this DbCommand Command, string ID, DataType Value = default(DataType), ParameterDirection Direction = ParameterDirection.Input) { Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(Command != null, "Command"); Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID), "ID"); return(Command.AddParameter(ID, new GenericEqualityComparer <DataType>().Equals(Value, default(DataType)) ? typeof(DataType).To(DbType.Int32) : Value.GetType().To(DbType.Int32), Value, Direction)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a parameter to the call (for all types other than strings) /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="DataType">Data type of the parameter</typeparam> /// <param name="ID">Name of the parameter</param> /// <param name="Direction">Direction that the parameter goes (in or out)</param> /// <param name="Command">Command object</param> /// <param name="Value">Value to add</param> public static void AddParameter <DataType>(this DbCommand Command, string ID, DataType Value = default(DataType), ParameterDirection Direction = ParameterDirection.Input) { Command.ThrowIfNull("Command"); ID.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty("ID"); Command.AddParameter(ID, new GenericEqualityComparer <DataType>().Equals(Value, default(DataType)) ? typeof(DataType).ToDbType() : Value.GetType().ToDbType(), Value, Direction); }
/// <summary>Adds a parameter array of <see cref="DbParameter" />s to the <see cref="DbCommand" />.</summary> /// <param name="dbCommand"><see cref="DbCommand" /> instance.</param> /// <param name="dbParameters">Parameter array of database parameters.</param> /// <returns>The given <see cref="DbCommand" /> instance.</returns> public static DbCommand AddParameters(this DbCommand dbCommand, params DbParameter[] dbParameters) { foreach (var dbParameter in dbParameters) { dbCommand.AddParameter(dbParameter); } return(dbCommand); }
/// <summary>Adds a list of <see cref="DbParameter" />s to the <see cref="DbCommand" />.</summary> /// <param name="dbCommand"><see cref="DbCommand" /> instance.</param> /// <param name="dbParameters">List of database parameters.</param> /// <returns>The given <see cref="DbCommand" /> instance.</returns> public static DbCommand AddParameters(this DbCommand dbCommand, IEnumerable <DbParameter> dbParameters) { foreach (var dbParameter in dbParameters) { dbCommand.AddParameter(dbParameter); } return(dbCommand); }
public void CreateOrder(FlowerOrder order) { using (DbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionStr)) { using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = @"udpCreateOrder"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.AddParameter("@customer_id", DbType.Int32, order.CustomerId); cmd.AddParameter("@created_at", DbType.DateTime, order.CreatedAt); cmd.AddParameter("@delivery_address", DbType.String, order.DeliveryAddress); cmd.AddParameter("@delivery_phone", DbType.String, order.DeliveryPhone); cmd.AddParameter("@process_status", DbType.Int32, order.ProcessStatus); conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } }
public void Update(Models.PotentialCustomer @new, Models.PotentialCustomer old) { var item = @new; item.Id = old.Id; DbCommand comm = this.GetCommand("PotentialCustomer_Update"); comm.AddParameter <int>(this.Factory, "Id", item.Id); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "CusName", item.CusName); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "CusPhone", item.CusPhone); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "CusEmail", item.CusEmail); this.SafeExecuteNonQuery(comm); }
public bool AddToBatch(ISqlDialect dialect, List <string> queries, DbCommand command, List <Action <DbDataReader> > actions, int index) { var sql = $"delete from {dialect.QuoteForTableName(_store.Configuration.TablePrefix + _store.Configuration.TableNameConvention.GetIndexTable(IndexType, Collection))} where {dialect.QuoteForColumnName("DocumentId")} = @Id_{index};"; queries.Add(sql); command.AddParameter($"Id_{index}", DocumentId, DbType.Int32); return(true); }
public List <HtmlItemField> GetByItem(HtmlItem item) { DbCommand comm = this.GetCommand("HtmlItemField_GetByItem"); comm.AddParameter <int>(this.Factory, "ItemId", item.Id); DataTable dt = this.GetTable(comm); return(EntityBase.ParseListFromTable <HtmlItemField>(dt)); }
public bool UserExist(Client model) { bool auth = false; using (DbConnection db = new SqlConnection(FL_Manager.connectionString)) { DbCommand command = db.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "select [dbo].User_created(@Username, @Password)"; command.AddParameter("@Username", DbType.String, model.Username); command.AddParameter("@Password", DbType.String, model.Password); db.Open(); DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { auth = reader.GetBoolean(0); } } return(auth); }
protected override void Delete(DbConnection connection) { DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE ContactId = @ContactId"; command.AddParameter("ContactId", DbType.Int32, this.Id); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
/// <summary> /// Agregar un conjunto de parámetros a un objeto del tipo <see cref="DbCommand"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="command">Objeto del tipo <see cref="DbCommand"/></param> /// <param name="parameters">Lista de objetos del tipo <see cref="UDbParameter"/> con la información de los parámetros</param> public static void AddParameter(this DbCommand command, UDbParameter[] parameters) { if (parameters != null) // agregar los parámetros al comando { foreach (var parameter in parameters) { command.AddParameter(parameter); } } }
public static DbCommand AddParameters( this DbCommand cmd, StringBuilder query, IDictionary parameters, char parameterPrefix = DefaultPrefix) { Check.ArgNotNull(cmd, nameof(cmd)); Check.ArgNotNull(query, nameof(query)); if (parameters != null && parameters.Count > 0) { bool replace = parameterPrefix != DefaultPrefix; var enumerator = parameters.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); var hasPrefix = enumerator.Key.ToString()[0] == DefaultPrefix; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { var parameterName = parameterPrefix + key; var value = parameters[key]; if (!replace) { cmd.AddParameter(parameterName, value); continue; } if (hasPrefix) { parameterName = parameterPrefix + key.Substring(1); query.Replace(key, parameterName); cmd.AddParameter(parameterName, value); continue; } query.Replace(DefaultPrefix + key, parameterName); cmd.AddParameter(parameterName, value); } } cmd.CommandText = query.ToString(); return(cmd); }
public void CreateFlower(Flower flower) { using (DbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionStr)) { using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = @"udpCreateFlower"; cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.AddParameter("@name", System.Data.DbType.String, flower.Name); cmd.AddParameter("@description", System.Data.DbType.String, flower.Description); cmd.AddParameter("@img_url", System.Data.DbType.String, flower.ImgUrl); cmd.AddParameter("@price", System.Data.DbType.Double, flower.Price); cmd.AddParameter("@remaining", System.Data.DbType.Int32, flower.Remaining); conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } }
protected string AddContextProperty(DbCommand cmd, string sql, string sqlColumnName, string sqlParameterName, string value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { return(""); } if (value.Contains("*")) { sql += $" {sqlColumnName} LIKE @{sqlParameterName}"; cmd.AddParameter(sqlParameterName, value.Replace("*", "%")); } else { sql += $" {sqlColumnName} = @{sqlParameterName}"; cmd.AddParameter(sqlParameterName, value); } return(sql + " AND "); }
public static DbCommand AddParameters( this DbCommand cmd, StringBuilder query, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > parameters, char parameterPrefix = '@') { Check.ArgNotNull(cmd, nameof(cmd)); Check.ArgNotNull(query, nameof(query)); if (parameters != null) { bool replace = parameterPrefix != DefaultPrefix; bool hasPrefix = parameters.First().Key[0] == DefaultPrefix; foreach (var set in parameters) { var key = set.Key; var parameterName = parameterPrefix + key; var value = set.Value; if (!replace) { cmd.AddParameter(key, value); continue; } if (hasPrefix) { parameterName = parameterPrefix + key.Substring(1); query.Replace(key, parameterName); cmd.AddParameter(parameterName, value); continue; } query.Replace(DefaultPrefix + key, parameterName); cmd.AddParameter(parameterName, value); } } cmd.CommandText = query.ToString(); return(cmd); }
public void Update(Models.UrlPageInfo @new, Models.UrlPageInfo old) { var item = @new; item.Url = old.Url; DbCommand comm = this.GetCommand("UrlPageInfo_Update"); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "Url", item.Url); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "PageTitle", item.PageTitle); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "MetaKeyword", item.MetaKeyword); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "MetaDescription", item.MetaDescription); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "MetaRobots", item.MetaRobots); this.SafeExecuteNonQuery(comm); }
public void Remove(Models.UrlPageInfo item) { DbCommand comm = this.GetCommand("UrlPageInfo_Delete"); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "Url", item.Url); this.SafeExecuteNonQuery(comm); }
public List <Models.UrlPageInfo> GetAll(int startIndex, int count, ref int totalItems) { DbCommand comm = this.GetCommand("UrlPageInfo_GetAll"); comm.AddParameter <int>(this.Factory, "StartIndex", startIndex); comm.AddParameter <int>(this.Factory, "Count", count); DbParameter totalItemsParam = comm.AddParameter(this.Factory, "totalItems", DbType.Int32, null); totalItemsParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; DataTable dt = this.GetTable(comm); if (totalItemsParam.Value != DBNull.Value) { totalItems = Convert.ToInt32(totalItemsParam.Value); } return(EntityBase.ParseListFromTable <UrlPageInfo>(dt)); }
public override GlobSession Get(GlobSession dummy) { string sql = "select top 1 * from [glob_Session] u where u.[SessionId]= @SessionId"; DbCommand comm = this.GetCommandSQL(sql); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "SessionId", dummy.SessionId); var dr = this.GetFirstRow(comm); return(EntityBase.GetFromDataRow <GlobSession>(dr)); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a parameterized SQL INSERT statement from the given object and adds it to the /// <see cref="DbCommand" />. /// </summary> public DbCommand AppendInsertCommand(DbCommand dbCommand, IDictionary <string, object> columnNamesAndValues, string sqlInsertStatementTemplate, string tableName, KeywordEscapeMethod keywordEscapeMethod = KeywordEscapeMethod.None) { //TODO: performance optimization: would have better performance if parameter values were changed instead of rebuilding the command every time ( //TODO: do we really want this a dictionary?? seems like a waste to do all that hashing when building it if (columnNamesAndValues == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(columnNamesAndValues)); } if (sqlInsertStatementTemplate == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlInsertStatementTemplate)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlInsertStatementTemplate)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlInsertStatementTemplate), "The 'sqlInsertStatementTemplate' parameter must not be null, empty, or whitespace."); } if (sqlInsertStatementTemplate.Contains("{0}") == false || sqlInsertStatementTemplate.Contains("{1}") == false || sqlInsertStatementTemplate.Contains("{2}") == false) { throw new Exception("The 'sqlInsertStatementTemplate' parameter does not conform to the template requirements of containing three string.Format arguments. A valid example is: INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES({2});"); } GetEscapeStrings(keywordEscapeMethod, out var preKeywordEscapeCharacter, out var postKeywordEscapeCharacter); var linePrefix = Environment.NewLine + "\t"; var columns = string.Empty; var values = string.Empty; foreach (var nameAndValue in columnNamesAndValues) { if (nameAndValue.Value == null) { continue; } columns += linePrefix + preKeywordEscapeCharacter + nameAndValue.Key + postKeywordEscapeCharacter + ","; // Note that we are appending the ordinal parameter position as a suffix to the parameter name in order to create // some uniqueness for each parameter name so that this method can be called repeatedly as well as to aid in debugging. var parameterName = "@" + nameAndValue.Key + "_p" + dbCommand.Parameters.Count; values += linePrefix + parameterName + ","; dbCommand.AddParameter(parameterName, nameAndValue.Value); } dbCommand.AppendCommandText(string.Format(sqlInsertStatementTemplate, tableName, columns.TrimEnd(','), values.TrimEnd(','))); return(dbCommand); }
public int RemoveBySysGroup(SysGroup sysGroup) { DbCommand comm = this.GetCommandSQL(""); string sql = string.Format(@"delete from [SysUserInGroup] where [SysUserInGroup.GroupCode]= @groupCode"); comm.CommandText = TranslateSQLQuery(sql); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "GroupCode", sysGroup.Code); return(this.SafeExecuteNonQuery(comm)); }
public List <Products> GetListProductByParentCate(string ProductCategoryId) { DbCommand comm = this.GetCommandSQL(""); string sql = string.Format(@"select * from Products where [IsActive] = 1 and [ProductCategoryID] in (select ProductCategoryID from ProductCategory where [IsActive] = 1 and ([Parent_ProductCategoryID] = @ProductCategoryId or [ProductCategoryID] = @ProductCategoryId)) order by [OrderNo]"); comm.CommandText = TranslateSQLQuery(sql); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "ProductCategoryId", ProductCategoryId); var dt = this.GetTable(comm); return(EntityBase.ParseListFromTable <Products>(dt)); }
public SliderDTO AddOrUpdateSlider(int?Id, SliderDTO slider) { try { SliderDTO sliderDTO = null; if (Id != null) { sliderDTO = GetSlider((int)Id); } using (DbConnection dbConnection = DbFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionString)) { DbCommand cmd = DbFactory.CreateCommand(); cmd.Connection = dbConnection; cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandText = "CreateUpdateSlider"; cmd.AddParameter("@Id", Id, DbType.Int32); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Name", slider.ImageUrl); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Title", slider.Title); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Description", slider.Description); dbConnection.Open(); using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { SliderDTO sliderDto = new SliderDTO { Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"].ToString()), ImageUrl = reader["image_name"].ToString(), Title = reader["title"].ToString(), Description = reader["description"].ToString() }; if (Id != null) { if (sliderDTO.ImageUrl != slider.ImageUrl) { var filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/" + sliderDTO.ImageUrl); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { File.Delete(filePath); } } } return(sliderDto); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(null); }
public List <Products> SearchByKey(string key) { DbCommand comm = this.GetCommandSQL(""); string sql = string.Format(@"select * from Products where [IsActive] = 1 and [ProductKeyword] like '%'+@key+'%'"); comm.CommandText = TranslateSQLQuery(sql); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "key", key); var dt = this.GetTable(comm); return(EntityBase.ParseListFromTable <Products>(dt)); }
public List <ProductCategories> GetAllChildren(string Parent_ProductCategoryID) { DbCommand comm = this.GetCommandSQL(""); string sql = string.Format(@"select * from ProductCategory where [IsActive] = 1 and [Parent_ProductCategoryID] = @Parent_ProductCategoryID order by [OrderNo]"); comm.CommandText = TranslateSQLQuery(sql); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "Parent_ProductCategoryID", Parent_ProductCategoryID); var dt = this.GetTable(comm); return(EntityBase.ParseListFromTable <ProductCategories>(dt)); }
public void Remove(Models.PotentialCustomer item) { DbCommand comm = this.GetCommand("PotentialCustomer_Delete"); comm.AddParameter <int>(this.Factory, "Id", item.Id); this.SafeExecuteNonQuery(comm); }
public void AddMulti(DataTable table) { DbCommand comm = this.GetCommand("Sp_Sys_Group_AddMulti"); //comm.Parameters.Add("@tblSys_Group_Type", SqlDbType.Structured).Value = (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0) ? table : new Sys_Group().InitTable(); //comm.Parameters["@tblSys_Group_Type"].TypeName = "MyTableType"; comm.AddParameter <DataTable>(this.Factory, "tblSys_Group_Type", (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0) ? table : new Sys_Group().InitTable()); this.SafeExecuteNonQuery(comm); }
public ProductCategories GetByProductCategoryID(string ProductCategoryID) { DbCommand comm = this.GetCommandSQL(""); string sql = string.Format(@"select * from ProductCategory where [ProductCategoryID] = @ProductCategoryID"); comm.CommandText = TranslateSQLQuery(sql); comm.AddParameter <string>(this.Factory, "ProductCategoryID", ProductCategoryID); var dt = this.GetTable(comm); return(EntityBase.ParseListFromTable <ProductCategories>(dt).FirstOrDefault()); }
public override bool AddToBatch(ISqlDialect dialect, List <string> queries, DbCommand command, List <Action <DbDataReader> > actions, int index) { var documentTable = _store.Configuration.TableNameConvention.GetDocumentTable(Collection); var deleteCmd = $"delete from {dialect.QuoteForTableName(_store.Configuration.TablePrefix + documentTable)} where {dialect.QuoteForColumnName("Id")} = @Id_{index};"; queries.Add(deleteCmd); command.AddParameter($"Id_{index}", Document.Id, DbType.Int32); return(true); }