void TriggerPromotionEnding()

        updateTextBox("You’re Promoted\n\nFigaro Newton stops by your cubicle. He looks at you with pity and says, “Larry, I’m giving you a promotion.” \n\nYour name’s not Larry. That’s fine you guess, but you still feel empty inside. \n\n GAME OVER");
        DayReportButton.morningOrEvening = DayReportButton.GAME_OVER;
    void Awake()
        instance     = this;
        textBox      = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text> ();
        reportButton = GetComponent <Button> ();
        music1       = ((GameObject)Resources.Load("music1")).GetComponent <AudioSource> ().clip;
        music2       = ((GameObject)Resources.Load("music2")).GetComponent <AudioSource> ().clip;
        music3       = ((GameObject)Resources.Load("music3")).GetComponent <AudioSource> ().clip;
        music3MoreA  = ((GameObject)Resources.Load("music3moreA")).GetComponent <AudioSource> ().clip;
        music3MoreB  = ((GameObject)Resources.Load("music3moreBLOOP")).GetComponent <AudioSource> ().clip;

        sfxAlarm1 = ((GameObject)Resources.Load("alarm")).GetComponent <AudioSource> ().clip;
        sfxAlarm2 = ((GameObject)Resources.Load("alarm2")).GetComponent <AudioSource> ().clip;
    void TriggerEnding()

        if (!GameController.MeetupAtJJ && Cactus.isDead)
            updateTextBox("Chaos is a Ladder\n\nHaving taken over the corrupt company and thusly, the world, the Elder God grants you your promised promotion. You are now the assistant to the liaison of the overlord. You can’t help but feel like you could have gotten more out of the deal. Life is “okay,” you suppose.");
        else if (GameController.MeetupAtJJ && Cactus.isDead)
            updateTextBox("I like the Cut of your Jib\n\n As you pull into the parking lot, you can see the elder god waiting for you. “Hey man, you got Margaret with you? I’m starving.” By his side you see his lacky and your former supervisor, Figaro Newton on his cell phone. Just seeing him fills you with rage. With the unshakeable confidence of a man who does not fear death, you shout, “I’m pretty hungry myself and I’m done eating leftovers. Now, Helper Demon!” Helper demon sinks his fangs into Figaro’s neck, draining his soul. You feel the wicked man’s power transfer to you.\n\nThe Elder God quakes and lightning streaks across the sky. It roars: “You dare defy me!?” \n\nAnd dare you did. The Elder God smacks you around a bit, but you get a few good licks in. The Elder God is impressed by your chutzpah and decides to spare you and Margaret. You live happily ever after as its demonic lieutenants.");
        else if (GameController.MeetupAtJJ && !Cactus.isDead)
            updateTextBox(" As you pull into the parking lot, you can see the elder god waiting for you. “Hey man, you got Margaret with you? I’m starving.” By his side you see his lacky and your former supervisor, Figaro Newton on his cell phone. Just seeing him fills you with rage. With the unshakeable confidence of a man who does not fear death, you shout, “I’m pretty hungry myself and I’m done eating leftovers. Now, Helper Demon!” Helper demon sinks his fangs into Figaro’s neck, draining his soul. You feel the wicked man’s power transfer to you. “How’s that for initiative,” you ask with a smirk.\n\nThe Elder God quakes and lightning streaks across the sky. It roars: “You dare not defy me!?” \n\nBut you dared. The Elder God lays down a hate-filled pummeling upon your weak, human body. Just before it strikes the final, fatal blow, a javelin of brilliant light erupts from the direction of your apartment. The Elder God howls in agony as it is pierced by what appears to be a spine from a cactus. You spot a glowing cactus against the darkened sky, it’s Percival! He begins to spin like a top, launching more spines at machine gun speeds. The Elder God recoils at the assault and opens a portal, back to Lubbock. “I can’t believe you betrayed me, not cool man!” he shouts as he makes his retreat. \n\nAs the dusty settles, you are joined by Percival. He explains that for years he has been storing the love and care you have given him in his plump and juicy innards, and in your moment of need, he used that immense power to gain sentience. With the ancient evil gone, the world ripe for reshaping. With your courage, Percival’s power, and Margaret’s ever-watchful auditing eye, you recreate the earth in your image. \n\f");
        DayReportButton.morningOrEvening = DayReportButton.GAME_OVER;