public void AddHour(int day, Day.TimeCodes type, float hours) { days[day].Add(type, hours); }
public void RemoveHours(int day, Day.TimeCodes type, float hours) { days[day].Remove(type, hours); }
public static void Run() { Console.WriteLine("What year are you in!"); int Year = PromptForInt(); Console.WriteLine("What Month now?"); int Month = PromptForInt(); Console.WriteLine("What day?"); int day = PromptForInt(); DateTime daytime = new DateTime(Year, Month, day); TimeCard c = new TimeCard(daytime); bool finished = false; while (!finished) { Console.WriteLine("Would you like to add(press 1) or remove(press 2) exit(press 0)"); int choice = PromptForIntInRange(0, 2); if (choice == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Yo boi what day would you like to modifiiii!"); int addDay = PromptForIntInRange(1, 14); Console.WriteLine("Regular: 1, Sick: 2, Vacation: 3"); choice = PromptForIntInRange(1, 3); Day.TimeCodes timCody = Day.TimeCodes.REGULAR; switch (choice) { case 1: timCody = Day.TimeCodes.REGULAR; break; case 2: timCody = Day.TimeCodes.SICK; break; case 3: timCody = Day.TimeCodes.VACATION; break; } Console.WriteLine("Yess thats good I think now give me how many hours m8..yes"); float amount = PromptForFloat(); c.AddHour((addDay - 1), timCody, amount); } else if (choice == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Yo boi what day would you like to modifiiii!"); int removeDay = PromptForIntInRange(1, 14); Console.WriteLine("Regular: 1, Sick: 2, Vacation: 3"); choice = PromptForIntInRange(1, 3); Day.TimeCodes timCody = Day.TimeCodes.REGULAR; switch (choice) { case 1: timCody = Day.TimeCodes.REGULAR; break; case 2: timCody = Day.TimeCodes.SICK; break; case 3: timCody = Day.TimeCodes.VACATION; break; } Console.WriteLine("Yess thats good I think now give me how many removed hours m8..yes"); float amount = PromptForFloat(); c.RemoveHours((removeDay - 1), timCody, amount); } else if (choice == 0) { finished = true; } Console.WriteLine(c); Console.ReadLine(); } }