private void GetUserData_DoAction(User user, DateTime date) { // 先判斷是否要invoke if (this.Dispatcher.CheckAccess() == false) { // 這裡是下載事件處理,優先權設定為ContextIdle => 列舉值為 3。 幕後作業完成後,會處理作業。 this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <User, DateTime>(GetUserData_DoAction), user, date); } else { if (user != null) { //if (user.MeetingList.Length < 1) // txtNothing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; InitUI(user.MeetingList, date); DataTable dt = MSCE.GetDataTable("select ListDate from UserData where UserID =@1 and ListDate =@2" , user.ID , DateTool.MonthFirstDate(date).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(@"UPDATE [UserData] SET [ListDate] = @1 ,[UserJson] = @2 where UserID = @3 and ListDate =@4" , DateTool.MonthFirstDate(date).ToString("yyyyMMdd") , JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user) , user.ID , DateTool.MonthFirstDate(date).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } else { MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO [UserData] ([UserID],[ListDate],UserJson) VALUES (@1,@2,@3)" , user.ID , DateTool.MonthFirstDate(date).ToString("yyyyMMdd") , JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user)); } // 會議列表的上下一頁不要複寫Buton的JSON了 // HomeUserButtonAryJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user.EnableButtonList); } else { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("無法取得資料,請稍後再試"); } MouseTool.ShowArrow(); } }
public static void AsyncPOST(string UserID, string UserPWD, DateTime date, Action <User, DateTime> DoAction, Action ErrorAction = null) { Action <HttpWebResponse> action = null; Action action2 = null; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass4 _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass = new _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass4(); = date; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass.DoAction = DoAction; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass.ErrorAction = ErrorAction; try { string url = WsTool.GetUrl(); string format = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><UserInfo><UserID><![CDATA[{0}]]></UserID><UserPW><![CDATA[{1}]]></UserPW><UserDevice>1</UserDevice><UserDateBegin>{2}</UserDateBegin><UserDateEnd>{3}</UserDateEnd></UserInfo>"; format = string.Format(format, UserID, UserPWD, DateTool.MonthFirstDate("yyyyMMdd"), DateTool.MonthLastDate("yyyyMMdd")); Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary["XmlDoc"] = format; HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = HttpTool.GetHttpWebRequest(url + "/UserData", "POST", dictionary); if (action == null) { action = new Action <HttpWebResponse>(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass._003CAsyncPOST_003Eb__0); } Action <HttpWebResponse> responseAction = action; if (action2 == null) { action2 = new Action(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass._003CAsyncPOST_003Eb__1); } HttpTool.DoWithResponse(httpWebRequest, responseAction, action2); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass.ErrorAction != null) { _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass.ErrorAction(); } AutoClosingMessageBox.Show(ex.Message); LogTool.Debug(ex); } }
private void CheckLogin(User user) { try { if (user != null) { switch (user.State) { case "0": string HomeUserButtonAryJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user.EnableButtonList); string UTC = user.UTC == null?DateTool.GetCurrentTimeInUnixMillis().ToString() : user.UTC.ToString(); long deltaUTC = 0; try { deltaUTC = DateTool.GetCurrentTimeInUnixMillis() - long.Parse(UTC); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTool.Debug(ex); } string SQL = @"Update NowLogin set UserID=@1,UserName=@2,UserPWD=@3,MeetingListDate=getdate(),HomeUserButtonAryJSON=@4,UserEmail=@5,UTC=@6,DeltaUTC=@7,RemeberLogin=@8"; int success = MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(SQL , user.ID , user.Name , tbUserPWD.Password.Trim() , HomeUserButtonAryJSON , user.Email , UTC , deltaUTC.ToString() , cbRemeberLogin.IsChecked == true ?"true":"false"); if (success < 1) { LogTool.Debug(new Exception(@"DB失敗: " + SQL)); return; } try { //DB操作更新 DataTable dt = MSCE.GetDataTable("select UserID from LoginInfo where UserID =@1" , user.ID); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(@"UPDATE [LoginInfo] SET [UserID] = @1 ,[UserPWD] = @2 ,UserJson = @3 where UserID=@4" , user.ID , tbUserPWD.Password.Trim() , JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user) , user.ID); } else { MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO [LoginInfo] ([UserID],[UserPWD],UserJson) VALUES (@1,@2,@3)" , user.ID , tbUserPWD.Password.Trim() , JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user)); } dt = MSCE.GetDataTable("select ListDate from UserData where UserID =@1 and ListDate =@2" , user.ID , DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(@"UPDATE [UserData] SET [ListDate] = @1 ,[UserJson] = @2 where UserID = @3 and ListDate =@4" , DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyyMMdd") , JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user) , user.ID , DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } else { MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO [UserData] ([UserID],[ListDate],UserJson) VALUES (@1,@2,@3)" , user.ID , DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyyMMdd") , JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user)); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTool.Debug(ex); } this.Hide(); Home f2 = new Home(user, tbUserPWD.Password.Trim()); f2.Show(); App.IsChangeWindow = true; this.Close(); break; case "1": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("無此使用者帳號,請重新輸入"); break; case "2": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("帳號密碼錯誤或帳號已被鎖定"); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTool.Debug(ex); } canLogin = true; MouseTool.ShowArrow(); }
private void CallLigon() { canLogin = false; MouseTool.ShowLoading(); try { string UserID = tbUserID.Text.Trim(); string UserPWD = tbUserPWD.Password.Trim(); string UserDateBegin = DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Today).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); //"20190101"; string UserDateEnd = DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1)).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); //"20190101"; //Network.HttpRequest hr = new Network.HttpRequest(); if (NetworkTool.CheckNetwork() > 0) { string url = WsTool.GetUrl(); string xmlData = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><UserInfo><UserID><![CDATA[{0}]]></UserID><UserPW><![CDATA[{1}]]></UserPW><UserDevice>1</UserDevice><UserDateBegin>{2}</UserDateBegin><UserDateEnd>{3}</UserDateEnd></UserInfo>"; xmlData = string.Format(xmlData, UserID, UserPWD, UserDateBegin, UserDateEnd); Dictionary <string, string> postData = new Dictionary <string, string>(); postData["XmlDoc"] = xmlData; //LogTool.Debug(xmlData); HttpWebRequest request = HttpTool.GetHttpWebRequest(url + "/UserData", "POST", postData); // init your request...then: //lambda //呼叫方法,第二個是lambda匿名方法 DoWithResponse(request, (response) => { //這裡面是不同的執行序; User user = null; try { string data = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd(); //LogTool.Debug(data); user = XmlHelper.XmlDeserialize <User>(data, Encoding.UTF8); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("登入失敗,請重新登入"); })); LogTool.Debug(ex); } this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <User>(CheckLogin), user); }); } else { //DB查詢登入 DataTable dt = MSCE.GetDataTable("select UserID from LoginInfo where UserID =@1", UserID); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { dt = MSCE.GetDataTable("select UserJson from LoginInfo where UserID =@1 and UserPWD=@2" , UserID , UserPWD); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { User user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(dt.Rows[0]["UserJson"].ToString()); string HomeUserButtonAryJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user.EnableButtonList); string UTC = user.UTC.ToString(); long deltaUTC = 0; try { deltaUTC = DateTool.GetCurrentTimeInUnixMillis() - long.Parse(UTC); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTool.Debug(ex); } string SQL = @"Update NowLogin set UserID=@1,UserName=@2,UserPWD=@3,MeetingListDate=getdate(),HomeUserButtonAryJSON=@4,UserEmail=@5,UTC=@6,DeltaUTC=@7,RemeberLogin=@8"; int success = MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(SQL , user.ID , user.Name , tbUserPWD.Password.Trim() , HomeUserButtonAryJSON , user.Email , DateTool.GetCurrentTimeInUnixMillis().ToString() , deltaUTC.ToString() , cbRemeberLogin.IsChecked == true ? "true" : "false"); if (success < 1) { LogTool.Debug(new Exception(@"DB失敗: " + SQL)); return; } this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <User>(CheckLogin), user); } else { MouseTool.ShowArrow(); AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("您的密碼錯誤"); canLogin = true; } } else { MouseTool.ShowArrow(); AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("無此使用者帳號,請重新輸入"); canLogin = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MouseTool.ShowArrow(); AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("登入失敗"); canLogin = true; } }
// private void btnLastNext_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { SV.ScrollToVerticalOffset(1); Image img = sender as Image; if (img.Name.Equals("btnLast")) { MeetingListDate = MeetingListDate.AddMonths(-1); } else { MeetingListDate = MeetingListDate.AddMonths(1); } // 非同步POST方法 MouseTool.ShowLoading(); //檢查是否有網路連線 Network.HttpRequest hr = new Network.HttpRequest(); if (NetworkTool.CheckNetwork() > 0) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { //無快取機制 //GetUserData.AsyncPOST(UserID, UserPWD // , MeetingListDate // , (userObj, dateTime) => GetUserData_DoAction(userObj, dateTime)); //有快取機制 if (PreLoadLastNextMonthDict.ContainsKey(MeetingListDate) == true) { GetUserData_DoAction(PreLoadLastNextMonthDict[MeetingListDate], MeetingListDate); //預載上一個月和下一個月 PreLoadLastNextMonth(); } else { GetUserData.AsyncPOST(UserID, UserPWD , MeetingListDate , (userObj, dateTime) => { GetUserData_DoAction(userObj, dateTime); //預載上一個月和下一個月 PreLoadLastNextMonth(); }); } }); //}).ContinueWith(task => //{ // //預載上一個月 // //Thread.Sleep(100); // //GetUserData.AsyncPOST(UserID, UserPWD // // , MeetingListDate.AddMonths(-1) // // , (userObj, dateTime) => { LastNextDict[dateTime] = userObj; }); //}).ContinueWith(task => //{ // //預載下一個月 // //Thread.Sleep(100); // //GetUserData.AsyncPOST(UserID, UserPWD // // , MeetingListDate.AddMonths(1) // // , (userObj, dateTime) => { LastNextDict[dateTime] = userObj; }); //}); } else { //DB查詢日期 DataTable dt = MSCE.GetDataTable("select UserJson from UserData where UserID =@1 and ListDate=@2" , UserID , DateTool.MonthFirstDate(MeetingListDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); User user = new User(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(dt.Rows[0]["UserJson"].ToString()); } else { dt = MSCE.GetDataTable("select top 1 UserJson from UserData where UserID =@1" , UserID); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(dt.Rows[0]["UserJson"].ToString()); } user.MeetingList = new UserMeeting[0]; } GetUserData_DoAction(user, MeetingListDate); } //, () => { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("無法取得資料,請稍後再試"); })); }); #region 步POST方法 //User user=GetUserData.POST(UserID, UserPWD, // DateTool.MonthFirstDate(MeetingListDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), // DateTool.MonthLastDate(MeetingListDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); //if (user != null) //{ // if (user.MeetingList.Length < 1) // txtNothing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; // InitUI(user.MeetingList, MeetingListDate); // // 會議列表的上下一頁不要複寫Buton的JSON了 // // HomeUserButtonAryJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user.EnableButtonList); //} //else //{ // AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("無法取得資料,請稍後再試"); //} #endregion // 先做UI,再把按鈕的JSON存下來 string SQL = @"update NowLogin Set MeetingListDate=@1"; //,HomeUserButtonAryJSON=@2 int success = MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(SQL, MeetingListDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); //, HomeUserButtonAryJSON); if (success < 1) { LogTool.Debug(new Exception(@"DB失敗: " + SQL)); } }
private void GetNewMeeting_DoAction(string dataString) { // 先判斷是否要invoke if (this.Dispatcher.CheckAccess() == false) { // 這裡是下載事件處理,優先權設定為ContextIdle => 列舉值為 3。 幕後作業完成後,會處理作業。 this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <string>(GetNewMeeting_DoAction), dataString); } else { try { string CourseOrMeeting_String = PaperLess_Emeeting.Properties.Settings.Default.CourseOrMeeting_String; XDocument xml = null; string State = ""; try { xml = XDocument.Parse(dataString); State = xml.Element("User").Attribute("State").Value.Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTool.Debug(ex); } switch (State) { case "0": string NewAddMeetingID = xml.Element("User").Element("MeetingData").Attribute("ID").Value.Trim(); string BeginTime = xml.Element("User").Element("MeetingData").Attribute("BeginTime").Value.Trim(); DateTime date = DateTime.Now; bool IsValid = DateTime.TryParse(BeginTime, out date); if (IsValid == false) { date = DateTime.Now; } // 先做UI,再把按鈕的JSON存下來 //string SQL = @"update NowLogin Set MeetingListDate=@1,NewAddMeetingID=@2";//,HomeUserButtonAryJSON=@2 //int success = MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(SQL, date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"),NewAddMeetingID);//, HomeUserButtonAryJSON); //if (success < 1) // LogTool.Debug(new Exception(@"DB失敗: " + SQL)); this.NewAddMeetingID = NewAddMeetingID; // 非同步POST方法 MouseTool.ShowLoading(); //GetUserData.AsyncPOST(UserID, UserPWD // , date // , (userObj, dateTime) => GetUserData_DoAction(userObj, dateTime)); if (NetworkTool.CheckNetwork() > 0) { GetUserData.AsyncPOST(UserID, UserPWD , date , (userObj, dateTime) => GetUserData_DoAction(userObj, dateTime)); } else { //DB查詢日期 DataTable dt = MSCE.GetDataTable("select UserJson from UserData where UserID =@1 and ListDate=@2" , UserID , DateTool.MonthFirstDate(MeetingListDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); User user = new User(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(dt.Rows[0]["UserJson"].ToString()); } else { dt = MSCE.GetDataTable("select top 1 UserJson from UserData where UserID =@1" , UserID); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(dt.Rows[0]["UserJson"].ToString()); } user.MeetingList = new UserMeeting[0]; } GetUserData_DoAction(user, MeetingListDate); } AutoClosingMessageBox.Show(string.Format("成功加入{0}", CourseOrMeeting_String)); //重整列表 break; case "1": //AutoClosingMessageBox.Show(string.Format("該機關非{0}人員", CourseOrMeeting_String)); AutoClosingMessageBox.Show(string.Format("本{0}未邀請貴機關單位參與", CourseOrMeeting_String)); //AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("該機關非與會人員"); break; case "2": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("已加入過"); break; case "3": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0}不存在", CourseOrMeeting_String)); break; case "4": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0}尚未發佈", CourseOrMeeting_String)); break; case "5": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("無此使用者"); break; case "6": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("加入失敗"); break; case "7": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("機密會議"); break; case "8": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("會議已取消"); break; default: AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("新增錯誤,請聯絡系統管理人員"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("新增錯誤,請聯絡系統管理人員"); LogTool.Debug(ex); } txtPinCode.Text = ""; MouseTool.ShowArrow(); } }
private void CheckLogin(User user) { try { if (user != null) { switch (user.State) { case "0": { string text = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user.EnableButtonList); string text2 = (user.UTC == null) ? DateTool.GetCurrentTimeInUnixMillis().ToString() : user.UTC.ToString(); long num = 0L; try { num = DateTool.GetCurrentTimeInUnixMillis() - long.Parse(text2); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTool.Debug(ex); } string text3 = "Update NowLogin set UserID=@1,UserName=@2,UserPWD=@3,MeetingListDate=getdate(),HomeUserButtonAryJSON=@4,UserEmail=@5,UTC=@6,DeltaUTC=@7,RemeberLogin=@8"; string[] array = new string[8] { user.ID, user.Name, tbUserPWD.Password.Trim(), text, user.Email, text2, num.ToString(), null }; bool?isChecked = cbRemeberLogin.IsChecked; array[7] = ((isChecked.GetValueOrDefault() && isChecked.HasValue) ? "true" : "false"); int num2 = MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(text3, array); if (num2 < 1) { LogTool.Debug(new Exception("DB失敗: " + text3)); return; } try { DataTable dataTable = MSCE.GetDataTable("select UserID from LoginInfo where UserID =@1", user.ID); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE [LoginInfo] SET \r\n [UserID] = @1\r\n\t\t ,[UserPWD] = @2\r\n ,UserJson = @3\r\n\t\t where UserID=@4", user.ID, tbUserPWD.Password.Trim(), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user), user.ID); } else { MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [LoginInfo] ([UserID],[UserPWD],UserJson)\r\n VALUES (@1,@2,@3)", user.ID, tbUserPWD.Password.Trim(), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user)); } dataTable = MSCE.GetDataTable("select ListDate from UserData where UserID =@1 and ListDate =@2", user.ID, DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE [UserData] SET \r\n [ListDate] = @1\r\n\t\t ,[UserJson] = @2\r\n\t\t where UserID = @3 and ListDate =@4", DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user), user.ID, DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } else { MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [UserData] ([UserID],[ListDate],UserJson)\r\n VALUES (@1,@2,@3)", user.ID, DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user)); } } catch (Exception ex2) { LogTool.Debug(ex2); } Hide(); Home home = new Home(user, tbUserPWD.Password.Trim()); home.Show(); Close(); break; } case "1": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("無此使用者帳號,請重新輸入"); break; case "2": AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("帳號密碼錯誤或帳號已被鎖定"); break; } } } catch (Exception ex3) { LogTool.Debug(ex3); } canLogin = true; MouseTool.ShowArrow(); }
private void CallLigon() { Action <HttpWebResponse> action = null; canLogin = false; MouseTool.ShowLoading(); try { string text = tbUserID.Text.Trim(); string text2 = tbUserPWD.Password.Trim(); string text3 = DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Today).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string text4 = DateTool.MonthFirstDate(DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1)).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); if (NetworkTool.CheckNetwork() > 0) { string url = WsTool.GetUrl(); string format = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><UserInfo><UserID><![CDATA[{0}]]></UserID><UserPW><![CDATA[{1}]]></UserPW><UserDevice>1</UserDevice><UserDateBegin>{2}</UserDateBegin><UserDateEnd>{3}</UserDateEnd></UserInfo>"; format = string.Format(format, text, text2, text3, text4); Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary["XmlDoc"] = format; HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = HttpTool.GetHttpWebRequest(url + "/UserData", "POST", dictionary); if (action == null) { action = new Action <HttpWebResponse>(_003CCallLigon_003Eb__10); } DoWithResponse(httpWebRequest, action); } else { DataTable dataTable = MSCE.GetDataTable("select UserID from LoginInfo where UserID =@1", text); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { dataTable = MSCE.GetDataTable("select UserJson from LoginInfo where UserID =@1 and UserPWD=@2", text, text2); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { User user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(dataTable.Rows[0]["UserJson"].ToString()); string text5 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user.EnableButtonList); string s = user.UTC.ToString(); long num = 0L; try { num = DateTool.GetCurrentTimeInUnixMillis() - long.Parse(s); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTool.Debug(ex); } string text6 = "Update NowLogin set UserID=@1,UserName=@2,UserPWD=@3,MeetingListDate=getdate(),HomeUserButtonAryJSON=@4,UserEmail=@5,UTC=@6,DeltaUTC=@7,RemeberLogin=@8"; string[] array = new string[8] { user.ID, user.Name, tbUserPWD.Password.Trim(), text5, user.Email, DateTool.GetCurrentTimeInUnixMillis().ToString(), num.ToString(), null }; bool?isChecked = cbRemeberLogin.IsChecked; array[7] = ((isChecked.GetValueOrDefault() && isChecked.HasValue) ? "true" : "false"); int num2 = MSCE.ExecuteNonQuery(text6, array); if (num2 < 1) { LogTool.Debug(new Exception("DB失敗: " + text6)); } else { base.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <User>(CheckLogin), user); } } else { MouseTool.ShowArrow(); AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("您的密碼錯誤"); canLogin = true; } } else { MouseTool.ShowArrow(); AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("無此使用者帳號,請重新輸入"); canLogin = true; } } } catch (Exception) { MouseTool.ShowArrow(); AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("登入失敗"); canLogin = true; } }