public override void DoJob() { base.DoJob(); // Look for relevant items in inventory foreach (Item item in me.inventory) { if (item.type.Contains("Farm Animal")) { animals.Add((FarmAnimal)item); } else if (item.type.Contains("Produce")) { produce.Add(item); } } // Buy animals if possible for (int i = animals.Count; i < maxAnimals; i++) { FarmAnimal toBuy = new FarmAnimal(possibleAnimals[Random.Range(0, possibleAnimals.Count)]); if ( >= toBuy.value + me.alwaysDoJobThreshold) // Make sure the farmer has enough money saved to buy the animal { gc.LogMessage( + " has bought a " + + " for " + toBuy.value + " Gold.", "LGray"); me.GetPaid(-toBuy.value, true); me.inventory.Add(toBuy); animals.Add(toBuy); } } // Get produce from animals foreach (FarmAnimal animal in animals) { int animalHarvestRoll = Random.Range(0, 100); if (animalHarvestRoll < me.GetEffectiveJobSkill() + 40) // Anyone with a jobSkill of at least 60 should always succeed at harvesting { Item newProduce = animal.MakeProduce(); me.inventory.Add(newProduce); produce.Add(newProduce); gc.LogMessage( + " got a " + + " from a " + + ".", "LGray"); } } // Plant crops if nothing is growing already, and if it's either Spring or Summer, and NOT Droughtlike or Dry. if (currentlyGrowing.Count < 1 && (gc.curSeason == Season.Spring || gc.curSeason == Season.Summer) && gc.curWeather != Weather.Droughtlike && gc.curWeather != Weather.Dry) { Item cropToGrow = possibleCrops[Random.Range(0, possibleCrops.Count)]; int cropsToGrow = Random.Range(1, Mathf.CeilToInt(me.GetEffectiveJobSkill() / 10f)); for (int i = 0; i < cropsToGrow; i++) { currentlyGrowing.Add(new Item(cropToGrow)); } me.Speak("Let's plant some " + cropToGrow.pluralName + " today."); // Time to grow is affected by jobSkill. int daysTillHarvest = Random.Range(minHarvestDays, maxHarvestDays + 1); //Debug.Log("daysTillHarvest: " + daysTillHarvest); daysTillHarvest = Mathf.RoundToInt(daysTillHarvest * ((float)minJobSkillToReduceGrowTime / me.GetEffectiveJobSkill())); //Debug.Log("timeModifier: " + (float)minJobSkillToReduceGrowTime / me.GetEffectiveJobSkill()); harvestDate = DateFuncs.GetFutureDate(gc.curDate, daysTillHarvest); //Debug.Log("Crops will be ready to harvest on " + DateFuncs.DateToString(harvestDate) + ", which is in " + daysTillHarvest + " days."); } // Crops get wiped if there's an ongoing drought. if (gc.curWeather == Weather.Droughtlike) { gc.LogMessage("The ongoing drought has withered away " + me.commonName + "'s crops.", "DRed"); currentlyGrowing.Clear(); } // Harvest if crops are ready if (DateFuncs.Equals(gc.curDate, harvestDate)) { me.Speak("Ah, the harvest is in!"); foreach (Item crop in currentlyGrowing) { Item toAdd = new Item(crop); me.inventory.Add(toAdd); produce.Add(toAdd); } gc.LogMessage( + " has harvested " + currentlyGrowing.Count + " " + currentlyGrowing[0].pluralName + ".", "LGray"); currentlyGrowing.Clear(); } // Check how much food the farmer has int foodAmt = me.CountItemsByType("Food"); //Debug.Log(me.myName + " has " + foodAmt + " units of food left."); // Sell up to 3 crops to market int cropsToSell = produce.Count; if (cropsToSell > 3) { cropsToSell = 3; } if (cropsToSell > 0) { int sellValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cropsToSell; i++) { if (produce[0].type.Contains("Food") && foodAmt <= me.prefMinFood && >= me.alwaysDoJobThreshold) { break; } sellValue += produce[0].value; gc.LogMessage( + " has sold a " + produce[0].name + ".", "LGray"); if (produce[0].type.Contains("Food")) { foodAmt--; } gc.GetComponent <ShopScript>().SellToShop(produce[0]); me.inventory.Remove(produce[0]); produce.RemoveAt(0); } if (sellValue > 0) { me.Speak("Nice, I sold " + sellValue + " Gold worth of produce today."); me.GetPaid(sellValue, true); } else { me.Speak("I ain't got no produce to sell today."); } //Debug.Log(me.myName + " has " + foodAmt + " units of food left."); } else { me.Speak("I ain't got no produce to sell today."); } animals.Clear(); produce.Clear(); }
// Finds the number of days it would take to reach the current day one month from now, and simulates that many days. public void SimMonth() { Date futureDate = DateFuncs.GetFutureDate(curDate, 0, 0, 1); SimDays(DateFuncs.DaysUntil(curDate, futureDate)); }