public void AddTag(string group, string tag, dpTypes type)
            ITagInfo newTag = DatapoolSvr.CreateTagInfo(group, tag, type);

            if (!tags.ContainsValue(newTag))
                tags.Add(key, newTag);
                tags[key].UpdateValueEvent += NewTag_UpdateValueEvent;
Exemple #2
        /*  Receive pile number from datapool as arg
         *  Read SQL on Stockpile System (IP received as arg)
         *  Select Product Info that matches that pile number
         *  Write tag and important product info to datapool
         *  Exit
         *  Example: SqlReaderAddon -p 2574 -i -g Product -t Name
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string pileNumber = string.Empty;
            string ipAddress  = string.Empty;
            string pileName   = string.Empty;
            string dpGroup    = string.Empty;
            string dpTag      = string.Empty;
            var    p          = new OptionSet()
                { "p|pile=", "the {Pile} number to look up.",
                  v => pileNumber = v.ToString() },
                { "i|ip=", "Ip Address of SQL Server",
                  v => ipAddress = v.ToString() },
                { "g|group=", "the datapool {Group} to store into.",
                  v => dpGroup = v.ToString() },
                { "t|tag=", "the datapool {Tag} to store into.",
                  v => dpTag = v.ToString() }

            if (ipAddress == string.Empty | pileNumber == string.Empty)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
                string insString = @"SELECT Top 1 * FROM [Nautilus].[dbo].[ProductTable] WHERE name LIKE '%" + pileNumber + @"%'";
                conn.ConnectionString = "Server=" + ipAddress + ";Database=nautilus;Trusted_Connection=True;";
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insString, conn))
                    SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        pileName = (string)reader["name"];

            DatapoolSvr.IpAddress = @"";
            DatapoolSvr.MonitorPeriodMilliSeconds = 1000;
            // DatapoolSvr.MonitorTags(tagList);
            Datapool.ITagInfo tagInfo = DatapoolSvr.CreateTagInfo("car", "temp", dpTypes.FLOAT);
            tagInfo.UpdateValueEvent += TagInfo_UpdateValueEvent;

             * // This is our Unicode string:
             * string unicodeWrite = @"Write [<" + dpGroup + @"><" + dpTag + @"><" + pileName + @">]";  // datapool write...Tag must already exist
             * // datapool read example:   string readCode = @"Read [<car><temp>]";
             * // Convert a string to utf-8 bytes.
             * byte[] utfWrite = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(unicodeWrite);
             * byte[] uCode = new byte[utfWrite.Length * 2 + 1];
             * // Convert utf-8 bytes to a string.
             * // string s_unicode2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8Bytes);
             * // convert utf-8 to null seperated utf-8 terminiated by 0x04
             * for (int i = 0; i < utfWrite.Length; i++)
             * {
             *  uCode[2 * i] = utfWrite[i];
             * }
             * uCode[2 * utfWrite.Length] = 0x04;
             * Socket soc = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
             * IPAddress ipAdd = IPAddress.Parse(@"");
             * IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(ipAdd, 8111);
             * soc.Connect(remoteEP);
             * // Byte[] buffer = new Byte[500];  A buffer that could be used during a read
             * //soc.Send(uCode);
             * soc.Send(uCode);    // send the read or write string.  If read, receive the reply.
             * // int x = soc.Receive(buffer);
             * // Byte[] output = new Byte[x / 2 + 1];
             * // for (int i = 0; i < x; i+=2)
             * // {
             * //    output[i / 2] = buffer[i];
             * // }
             * // string s_out = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(output);
             * Console.WriteLine(pileName);
             * QueryMonitoredTags
             * MonitorTags [<dpGroup><dpTag><dptype>]
Exemple #3
 private static void TagInfo_UpdateValueEvent(ITagInfo e)