public async Task DailyAsync() { DatabaseUserEntry entry = Database.GetUserEntry(0, Context.Message.Author.Id); async Task giveCoins() { entry.LastDaily = DateTime.Now; entry.Coins += DailyCoinAmount; Database.WriteData(); await ReplyAsync($"> You have been given **{DailyCoinAmount}**, your total is now **{entry.Coins}**."); } if (entry.LastDaily == null) { await giveCoins(); } else { // Assume no one waits exactly a year, even if they do its not that bad if (entry.LastDaily.Value.DayOfYear != DateTime.Now.DayOfYear) { await giveCoins(); } else { await ReplyAsync($"> You have already collected your daily today, please try again tomorrow."); } } }
public async Task TransferCoinAsync(IUser target, uint amount) { if (target.IsBot) { return; } DatabaseUserEntry entry = Database.GetUserEntry(0, Context.Message.Author.Id); DatabaseUserEntry targetUser = Database.GetUserEntry(0, target.Id); if (entry.Coins > amount) { await transferCoins(); } else { await ReplyAsync($"> {Emotes.BelfastPout} You don't seem to have {amount} coins to transfer."); } async Task transferCoins() { entry.Coins -= amount; targetUser.Coins += amount; Database.WriteData(); await ReplyAsync($"> {Emotes.BelfastHappy} You have given **{target.Mention}** {amount} coins!"); } }
public async Task SellCardAsync([Summary("Card rarity to sell")] string rarity, [Summary("Card name to sell")][Remainder] string cardName) { DatabaseUserEntry userData = Db.GetUserEntry(0, Context.Message.Author.Id); GachaCard exits = userData.Cards.FirstOrDefault(card => string.Equals(card.Name, cardName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && string.Equals(card.Rarity.ToString(), rarity, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (exits != null) { uint refundCoin = GetPriceForCard(exits.Rarity); await ReplyAsync($"> Sold **{exits.Name} [{exits.Rarity.ToString()}]** for **{refundCoin}** coins {Emotes.DiscordCoin}"); if (exits.Amount > 1) { exits.Amount--; } else { if (userData.FavoriteCard == exits) { userData.FavoriteCard = null; } userData.Cards.Remove(exits); } userData.Coins += refundCoin; Db.WriteData(); return; } await ReplyAsync("> Couldn't find the specified card with given name"); }
public async Task GetUserGacha([Summary("(optional) The user profile to get")] IUser target = null) { target = target ?? Context.Message.Author; if (target.IsBot) { return; } DatabaseUserEntry userData = Db.GetUserEntry(0, target.Id); if (userData.Cards.Count <= 0) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emotes.BelfastShock} You don't seem to have any cards.\nTry .gao to open cards."); return; } string characterString = userData.Cards.Count > 0 ? userData.Cards.Select(card => $"► **[{card.Name}]({card.Id})** [{card.Rarity}] x{card.Amount}").NewLineSeperatedString() : "**None**"; string[] strings = characterString.NCharLimitToClosestDelimeter(512, "\n"); await PaginatedMessageService.SendPaginatedDataMessageAsync( Context.Channel, strings, (result, index, footer) => GetUserGachaEmbed(target, result, footer) ); }
public async Task InitializeAsync() { if (m_client == null) { m_logger.LogWarning($"[{nameof(MessageRewardService)}] m_client is null, ignoring"); return; } m_client.MessageReceived += async(SocketMessage msg) => { SocketUserMessage message = msg as SocketUserMessage; int argPos = 0; if (!(message.HasStringPrefix(m_config.Configuration.Prefix, ref argPos, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || message.HasMentionPrefix(m_client.CurrentUser, ref argPos) || message.Author.IsBot)) { //DatabaseUserEntry userDB = m_db.GetUserEntry((message.Channel as SocketGuildChannel).Guild.Id, message.Author.Id); DatabaseUserEntry userDB = m_db.GetUserEntry(0, message.Author.Id); IUser user = message.Author; userDB.Coins++; uint oldLevel = userDB.Level; userDB.Xp += (uint)Math.Log(message.Content.Length + 1); uint newLevel = userDB.Level; if (oldLevel != newLevel) { uint oldCoins = userDB.Coins; uint awardedCoins = (uint)Math.Pow(userDB.Level / 2f, 4f); userDB.Coins += awardedCoins; Embed embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(0xFF1288) .WithThumbnailUrl(Emotes.BelfastHappy.Url) .WithAuthor(author => { author .WithName($"Profile of {message.Author.Username}") .WithIconUrl($"{message.Author.GetAvatarUrl()}"); }) .WithTitle($"{user.Username} Leveled Up! ▲") .AddField("Details", $"► Level: **{oldLevel}** => **{userDB.Level}**\n" + $"► Coins: **{oldCoins}** => **{userDB.Coins}** {Emotes.DiscordCoin} (**+{awardedCoins}**{Emotes.DiscordCoin})") .Build(); m_db.WriteData(); //await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed); } } await Task.CompletedTask; }; await Task.CompletedTask; }
public async Task FavoriteCardAsync([Summary("Card name to favorite")][Remainder] string cardName) { DatabaseUserEntry userData = Db.GetUserEntry(0, Context.Message.Author.Id); GachaCard exits = userData.Cards.FirstOrDefault(card => string.Equals(card.Name, cardName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (exits != null) { userData.FavoriteCard = exits; await ReplyAsync($"> Set **{exits.Name}** as favorite card"); Db.WriteData(); return; } await ReplyAsync("> Couldn't find the specified card with given name"); }
public async Task WarnAsync([Summary("User that will be warned")] SocketGuildUser target, [Summary("Reason for warning the user")][Remainder] string reason = "No reason specified") { Logger.LogInfo($"Warning {target}"); if (target.IsBot) { await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} You cannot warn a bot"); return; } if (target == Context.User) { await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} You cannot warn yourself"); return; } bool isHigherRole = IsBotHigherRoleThan(target); if (isHigherRole) { DatabaseUserEntry user = Db.GetUserEntry(target.Guild.Id, target.Id); user.Warns.Add(new Warn(reason, Context.User.Id)); Db.WriteData(); IDMChannel dm = await target.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); await dm.SendMessageAsync($"You have been warned on {Context.Guild.Name} for {reason}"); await ReplyAsync($"Warned {target.Mention} for \"{reason}\""); if (user.Warns.Count == 2) { await KickUserAsync(target, reason); } else if (user.Warns.Count >= Config.Configuration.MaxWarnAmount) { await BanUserAsync(target, reason); } } else { await ReplyAsync($"Can't warn {target.Mention} with higher role than me"); } }
public async Task CheckProfileAsync([Summary("(optional) The user profile to get")] IUser target = null) { target = target ?? Context.Message.Author; if (target.IsBot) { return; } DatabaseUserEntry userData = Db.GetUserEntry(0, target.Id); string warns = "NaN"; if (Context.Guild != null) { DatabaseUserEntry serverUserData = Db.GetUserEntry(Context.Guild.Id, target.Id); warns = serverUserData.Warns.Count.ToString(); } Embed embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(0xF5CD63) .WithAuthor(author => { author .WithName($"Profile of {target.Username}") .WithIconUrl($"{target.GetAvatarUrl()}"); }) .AddField("Details ▼", $"__**Status In Current Server**__\n" + $"► Warn Amount: **{warns}**/{Config.Configuration.MaxWarnAmount}\n" + $"__**Profile**__\n" + $"► Level: **{userData.Level}** [**{userData.Xp}**] \n" + $"► Coins: **{userData.Coins}** {Emotes.DiscordCoin}\n" + $"► Gacha Rolls: **{userData.GachaRolls}**\n" + $"► Card Amount: **{userData.Cards.Count}**\n" + $"► Favorite Card: **{(userData.FavoriteCard != null ? $"[{userData.FavoriteCard.Name}]({userData.FavoriteCard.Id})" : "None")}**") .WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithText($"Requested by {Context.User}") .WithIconUrl(Context.User.GetAvatarUrl()); }) .WithThumbnailUrl($"{target.GetAvatarUrl()}") .Build(); await ReplyAsync(embed : embed); }
public async Task DeleteWarningAsync([Summary("User who's warning will be deleted")] SocketGuildUser target, int index) { Logger.LogInfo($"Deleting warning number {index} from {target}"); int proIndex = index - 1; DatabaseUserEntry user = Db.GetUserEntry(target.Guild.Id, target.Id); if (proIndex > user.Warns.Count || proIndex < 0) { await ReplyAsync($"Out of bounds, user has {user.Warns.Count} warnings"); return; } user.Warns.RemoveAt(proIndex); Db.WriteData(); await ReplyAsync($"Deleted warning number {index} from {target.Mention}"); }
public async Task WarningsAsync([Summary("User who's warnings will be displayed")] SocketGuildUser target = null) { Logger.LogInfo($"Showing {target}'s warnings)"); target = target ?? Context.User as SocketGuildUser; if (target == null) { await ReplyAsync("Couldn't find a user to target"); return; } DatabaseUserEntry user = Db.GetUserEntry(target.Guild.Id, target.Id); EmbedFieldBuilder builder = new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithName($"{target}'s Warnings"); string value = string.Empty; int i = 1; foreach (Warn warn in user.Warns) { value += $"{i}. {warn.Reason}\n"; i++; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { value = "No warnings"; } builder.WithValue(value); Embed embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(0xf09e24) .WithFields(builder) .Build(); await ReplyAsync(embed : embed); }
public async Task GetGacha([Summary("Card pack index")][Remainder] int cardPack = 1) { if (!Config.Configuration.Packs.TryGetValue(cardPack, out string content)) { await ReplyAsync("> Invalid Card Pack"); return; } DatabaseUserEntry userData = Db.GetUserEntry(0, Context.Message.Author.Id); if (userData.Coins < Config.Configuration.GachaPrice) { await ReplyAsync($"> Insufficient Coins {Emotes.DiscordCoin}"); return; } AnimeCharacterDatabaseApi.AnimeResult anime = await AnimeCharacterDatabaseApi.Client.SearchAnimeAsync(content); AnimeCharacterDatabaseApi.CharacterResult result = await AnimeCharacterDatabaseApi.Client.GetCharactersAsync(anime.Id); userData.Coins -= Config.Configuration.GachaPrice; userData.GachaRolls++; m_random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); float rarityLevel = (float)m_random.NextDouble(); GachaCard newCard = new GachaCard { Name = result.Name, Id = result.Id, Amount = 1 }; newCard.Rarity = newCard.Rarity.ToPercent(rarityLevel); GachaCard existingCard = userData.Cards.SingleOrDefault(card => card.Id == result.Id && card.Rarity == newCard.Rarity); if (existingCard != null) { existingCard.Amount++; } else { userData.Cards.Add(newCard); } Db.WriteData(); Embed embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(GetColorForCard(newCard.Rarity)) .WithAuthor(author => { author .WithName($"Opened {anime.Name} Card Pack! 🎉") .WithUrl($"{result.Id}"); }) .WithThumbnailUrl(anime.Image) .AddField($"Details", $"► Rarity: **{newCard.Rarity}**\n" + $"► Name: **{result.Name}**\n" + $"► Gender: **{result.Gender}**\n" + $"► From: **{anime.Name}**\n" + $"{result.Name} has been added to you cards list!") .WithImageUrl(result.ImageUrl) .WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithText($"Paid {Config.Configuration.GachaPrice} coins for a roll") .WithIconUrl(Context.User.GetAvatarUrl()); }) .Build(); await ReplyAsync(embed : embed); }