public List<OtherResource> GetOtherResources(string countryCode) { return LogTime(() => { var db = new DatabaseRepository(); var data = db.GetOtherResources(countryCode); return data.Select(d => new OtherResource {Name = d.Name, Link = d.Link, OrderId = d.OrderId}) .ToList(); }, "other resources request for country {0}", countryCode); }
public List<Document> GetDocuments(string countryCode) { return LogTime(() => { var db = new DatabaseRepository(); var data = db.GetDocuments(countryCode).OrderBy(d => d.DocType).ThenBy(d => d.DocName); return data.Select(d => new Document {Name = d.DocName, Link = d.DocLink, Type = d.DocTypeDescription}) .ToList(); }, "documents request for country {0}", countryCode); }
public IList<Model.Country> GetCountries() { var db = new DatabaseRepository(); return db.GetCountries() .Select( c => new Model.Country { Code = c.CountryCode, Name = c.CountryAlias ?? c.CountryName, IsHighIncome = c.IncomeId == 3 || c.IncomeId == 5 }) .OrderBy(c => c.IsHighIncome) .ThenBy(c => c.Name) .ToList(); }
public List<Project> GetProjects(string countryCode) { return LogTime(() => { var db = new DatabaseRepository(); var result = db.GetBankProjects(countryCode).Select(d => new Project { Amount = d.Amount, ApprovalDate = d.ApprovalDate, CountryCode = d.CountryCode, ProjectId = d.ProjectId, ProjectLink = d.ProjectLink, ProjectName = d.ProjectName, ProjectType = d.ProjectType, ProjectStatus = d.ProjectStatus }).ToList(); return result; }, "project request for country {0}", countryCode); }
private static void ProcessPOData() { try { OdbcConnection cn; var notifiedlist = new ArrayList(); // user_1 = receiving rack location // user_2 = Receiver // user_3 = Received Date // user_4 = Bin Cleared Date // user_5 = Notified // POQuery = "Select icpo.buyer, icpo.ponum, icpo.user_1, icpo.user_2, icpo.user_3, icpo.user_4, icpo.user_5, icpo.defaultjobnum, as vendorName, icpo.user_6, icpo.defaultworkorder, icpo.attachid from icpo inner join vendor on vendor.vennum = icpo.vennum where icpo.user_3 is not null and icpo.user_5 = 0 order by icpo.ponum asc"; OdbcConnectionStringBuilder just = new OdbcConnectionStringBuilder { Driver = "ComputerEase" }; just.Add("Dsn", "Company 0"); just.Add("Uid", config.Uid); just.Add("Pwd", config.Pwd); cn = new OdbcConnection(just.ConnectionString); cn.Open(); log.Info("[ProcessPOData] Connection to database opened successfully"); var dbRepository = new DatabaseRepository(cn, log, config.POAttachmentBasePath); List <PurchaseOrder> purchaseOrdersToNotify; try { purchaseOrdersToNotify = dbRepository.GetPurchaseOrdersToNotify(); log.Info("purchaseOrdersToNotify found " + purchaseOrdersToNotify.Count.ToString() + " items."); foreach (PurchaseOrder po in purchaseOrdersToNotify) { var job = dbRepository.GetEmailBodyInformation(po.JobNumber, po.PurchaseOrderNumber, po.WorkOrderNumber); var buyerEmployee = EmployeeLookup.FindEmployeeFromAllEmployees(dbRepository.GetEmployees(), po.Buyer); var projectManagerEmployee = job.ProjectManagerName.Length > 0 ? EmployeeLookup.FindEmployeeFromAllEmployees(dbRepository.GetEmployees(), job.ProjectManagerName) : new Employee(); log.Info("[ProcessPOData] ----------------- Found PO Number " + po.PurchaseOrderNumber + " -------------------"); var emailSubject = String.Format(EmailSubject, po.PurchaseOrderNumber, po.Vendor); var emailBody = FormatEmailBody(po.ReceivedOnDate, po.PurchaseOrderNumber, po.ReceivedBy, po.Bin, buyerEmployee.Name, po.Vendor, job, po.Notes); ArrayList primaryRecipients = new ArrayList(); ArrayList bccList = new ArrayList(); if ((config.Mode == live) || (config.Mode == monitor)) { primaryRecipients.Add(buyerEmployee.EmailAddress); if (projectManagerEmployee.EmailAddress.Length > 0 && buyerEmployee.EmailAddress != projectManagerEmployee.EmailAddress) { primaryRecipients.Add(projectManagerEmployee.EmailAddress); } } if (((config.Mode == monitor) || (config.Mode == debug)) && (config.MonitorEmailAddresses != null && config.MonitorEmailAddresses.Count > 0)) { foreach (string monitorEmailAddress in config.MonitorEmailAddresses) { bccList.Add(monitorEmailAddress); } } if ((primaryRecipients.Count == 0) && (bccList.Count > 0)) { primaryRecipients.Add(bccList[0]); } if (sendEmail(primaryRecipients, bccList, emailSubject, emailBody, po.Attachments)) { notifiedlist.Add(po.PurchaseOrderNumber); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info(ex.Message); } foreach (string poNum in notifiedlist) { try { dbRepository.MarkPOAsNotified(poNum); } catch (Exception x) { log.Error(String.Format("[ProcessPOData] Error updating PO {0} to be Notified: {1}", poNum, x.Message)); } } cn.Close(); } catch (Exception x) { log.Error("[ProcessPOData] Exception: " + x.Message); return; } return; }
public int updateFacebookFeeds(Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts fbAcc) { apiHitsCount = 0; Model.DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(); if (fbAcc.LastUpdate.AddHours(1) <= DateTime.UtcNow) { if (fbAcc.IsAccessTokenActive) { dynamic feeds = Socioboard.Facebook.Data.FbUser.getFeeds(fbAcc.AccessToken); dynamic profile = Socioboard.Facebook.Data.FbUser.getFbUser(fbAcc.AccessToken); apiHitsCount++; if (Convert.ToString(profile) != "Invalid Access Token") { fbAcc.Friends = Socioboard.Facebook.Data.FbUser.getFbFriends(fbAcc.AccessToken); apiHitsCount++; try { fbAcc.EmailId = (Convert.ToString(profile["email"])); } catch { fbAcc.EmailId = fbAcc.EmailId; } try { fbAcc.ProfileUrl = (Convert.ToString(profile["link"])); } catch { fbAcc.ProfileUrl = (Convert.ToString(profile["picture"]["data"]["url"])); } try { fbAcc.gender = (Convert.ToString(profile["gender"])); } catch { fbAcc.gender = fbAcc.gender; } try { = (Convert.ToString(profile["bio"])); } catch { =; } try { fbAcc.about = (Convert.ToString(profile["about"])); } catch { fbAcc.about = fbAcc.about; } try { fbAcc.coverPic = (Convert.ToString(profile["cover"]["source"])); } catch { fbAcc.coverPic = fbAcc.coverPic; } try { fbAcc.birthday = (Convert.ToString(profile["birthday"])); } catch { fbAcc.birthday = fbAcc.birthday; } try { JArray arry = JArray.Parse(profile["education"]); if (arry.Count > 0) { = Convert.ToString(arry[arry.Count - 1]["school"]["name"]); = Convert.ToString(arry[arry.Count - 1]["concentration"]["name"]); } } catch { =; =; } try { JArray arry = JArray.Parse(profile["work"]); if (arry.Count > 0) { fbAcc.workPosition = Convert.ToString(arry[0]["position"]["name"]); fbAcc.workCompany = Convert.ToString(arry[0]["employer"]["name"]); } } catch { fbAcc.workPosition = fbAcc.workPosition; fbAcc.workCompany = fbAcc.workCompany; } try { dbr.Update <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts>(fbAcc); } catch { } while (apiHitsCount < MaxapiHitsCount && feeds != null && feeds["data"] != null) { apiHitsCount++; if (feeds["data"] != null) { Console.WriteLine(feeds["data"]); foreach (var result in feeds["data"]) { MongoFacebookFeed objFacebookFeed = new MongoFacebookFeed(); objFacebookFeed.Type = "fb_feed"; objFacebookFeed.ProfileId = fbAcc.FbUserId; objFacebookFeed.Id = MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); try { objFacebookFeed.FromProfileUrl = "" + result["from"]["id"] + "/picture?type=small"; } catch (Exception) { objFacebookFeed.FromProfileUrl = "" + fbAcc.FbUserId + "/picture?type=small"; } try { objFacebookFeed.FromName = result["from"]["name"].ToString(); } catch (Exception) { objFacebookFeed.FromName = fbAcc.FbUserName; } try { objFacebookFeed.FromId = result["from"]["id"].ToString(); } catch (Exception) { objFacebookFeed.FromId = fbAcc.FbUserId; } objFacebookFeed.FeedId = result["id"].ToString(); objFacebookFeed.FeedDate = DateTime.Parse(result["created_time"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); try { objFacebookFeed.FbComment = "" + result["id"] + "/comments"; objFacebookFeed.FbLike = "" + result["id"] + "/likes"; } catch (Exception) { } try { objFacebookFeed.Likecount = result["likes"]["summary"]["total_count"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { objFacebookFeed.Commentcount = result["comments"]["summary"]["total_count"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { objFacebookFeed.postType = result["type"].ToString(); } catch { objFacebookFeed.postType = "status"; } try { objFacebookFeed.postingFrom = result["application"]["name"].ToString(); } catch { objFacebookFeed.postingFrom = "Facebook"; } try { objFacebookFeed.Picture = result["picture"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { objFacebookFeed.Picture = ""; } string message = string.Empty; try { if (result["message"] != null) { message = result["message"]; } } catch (Exception ex) { try { if (result["description"] != null) { message = result["description"]; } } catch (Exception exx) { try { if (result["story"] != null) { message = result["story"]; } } catch (Exception exxx) { message = string.Empty; } } } if (message == null) { message = ""; } dynamic comment; try { comment = result["comments"]; } catch (Exception) { comment = null; } objFacebookFeed.FeedDescription = message; objFacebookFeed.EntryDate = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); //objFacebookFeed._facebookComment = FbPostComments(objFacebookFeed.FeedId, fbAcc.AccessToken); objFacebookFeed._facebookComment = FbPostComments(objFacebookFeed.FeedId, comment); try { MongoRepository mongorepo = new MongoRepository("MongoFacebookFeed"); var ret = mongorepo.Find <MongoFacebookFeed>(t => t.FeedId == objFacebookFeed.FeedId && t.ProfileId == objFacebookFeed.ProfileId); var task = Task.Run(async() => { return(await ret); }); int count = task.Result.Count; if (count < 1) { mongorepo.Add <MongoFacebookFeed>(objFacebookFeed); } else { try { FilterDefinition <BsonDocument> filter = new BsonDocument("FeedId", objFacebookFeed.FeedId); var update = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("postType", objFacebookFeed.postType).Set("postingFrom", objFacebookFeed.postingFrom).Set("Likecount", objFacebookFeed.Likecount).Set("Commentcount", objFacebookFeed.Commentcount).Set("_facebookComment", objFacebookFeed._facebookComment); mongorepo.Update <MongoFacebookFeed>(update, filter); } catch { } } } catch (Exception ex) { //_logger.LogInformation(ex.Message); //_logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } if (apiHitsCount < MaxapiHitsCount) { //AddFbPostComments(objFacebookFeed.FeedId, fbAcc.AccessToken); } } } else { apiHitsCount = MaxapiHitsCount; } try { feeds = Socioboard.Facebook.Data.FbUser.fbGet(fbAcc.AccessToken, feeds["paging"]["next"]); } catch { apiHitsCount = MaxapiHitsCount; } } fbAcc.LastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow; dbr.Update <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts>(fbAcc); } } } else { apiHitsCount = 0; } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// To Get the top three profile with given group Id /// </summary> /// <param name="groupId">group Id</param> /// <param name="redisCache">redis cache database</param> /// <param name="dbr">database object</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception> public static List <profilesdetail> GetTop3GroupProfiles(long groupId, Cache redisCache, DatabaseRepository dbr) { var getTop3GroupProfiles = new List <profilesdetail>(); var groupProfiles = dbr.Find <Groupprofiles>(t => t.groupId == groupId && t.profileType != SocialProfileType.GPlus).ToList(); if (groupProfiles.Count == 0) { return(getTop3GroupProfiles); } var userDetails = redisCache.Get <User>("User") ?? dbr.FindFirstMatch <User>(t => t.Id == groupProfiles[0].profileOwnerId); redisCache.Set(SocioboardConsts.CacheGroupProfiles + groupId, groupProfiles); var addedProfile = new List <SocialProfileType>(); foreach (var profile in groupProfiles) { if (getTop3GroupProfiles.Count >= 3) { break; } if (userDetails.AccountType == SBAccountType.Free && addedProfile.Contains(profile.profileType)) { continue; } addedProfile.Add(profile.profileType); AddedProfileDetails(redisCache, dbr, getTop3GroupProfiles, profile); } return(getTop3GroupProfiles); }
public IActionResult AddProfileToGroup(string profileId, long groupId, long userId, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType profileType) { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groupprofiles> lstGroupProfiles = GroupProfilesRepository.getGroupProfiles(groupId, _redisCache, dbr); if (lstGroupProfiles.Where(t => t.profileId.Equals(profileId)).Count() > 0) { return(BadRequest("profile already added")); } else { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups grp = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => == groupId).FirstOrDefault(); if (grp == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid groupId")); } else { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groupprofiles grpProfile = new Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groupprofiles(); if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Facebook || profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.FacebookFanPage || profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.FacebookPublicPage) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts fbAcc = Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (fbAcc == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid profileId")); } if (fbAcc.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = fbAcc.FbUserName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = "" + fbAcc.FbUserId + "/picture?type=small"; grpProfile.profileType = profileType; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Twitter) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount twtAcc = Repositories.TwitterRepository.getTwitterAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (twtAcc == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid profileId")); } if (twtAcc.userId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = twtAcc.twitterScreenName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = twtAcc.profileImageUrl; grpProfile.profileType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Twitter; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.GPlus) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Googleplusaccounts gplusAccount = Repositories.GplusRepository.getGPlusAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (gplusAccount == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid ProfileId")); } if (gplusAccount.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = gplusAccount.GpUserName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = gplusAccount.GpProfileImage; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Instagram) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Instagramaccounts _Instagramaccounts = Repositories.InstagramRepository.getInstagramAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (_Instagramaccounts == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid ProfileId")); } if (_Instagramaccounts.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = _Instagramaccounts.InsUserName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = _Instagramaccounts.ProfileUrl; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.LinkedIn) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.LinkedInAccount _LinkedInAccount = Repositories.LinkedInAccountRepository.getLinkedInAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (_LinkedInAccount == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid ProfileId")); } if (_LinkedInAccount.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = _LinkedInAccount.LinkedinUserName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = _LinkedInAccount.ProfileImageUrl; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.LinkedInComapanyPage) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.LinkedinCompanyPage _LinkedInAccount = Repositories.LinkedInAccountRepository.getLinkedinCompanyPage(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (_LinkedInAccount == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid ProfileId")); } if (_LinkedInAccount.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = _LinkedInAccount.LinkedinPageName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = _LinkedInAccount.LogoUrl; } grpProfile.entryDate = DateTime.UtcNow; grpProfile.groupId =; grpProfile.profileId = profileId; grpProfile.profileType = profileType; dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groupprofiles>(grpProfile); //codes to clear cache _redisCache.Delete(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.CacheGroupProfiles + groupId); //end codes to clear cache return(Ok("Added Successfully")); } } }
public IActionResult AddFacebookPages(long userId, long groupId) { string data = Request.Form["profileaccesstoken"]; string[] accesstoken = data.Split(','); int addedPageCount = 0; int invalidaccessToken = 0; foreach (var item in accesstoken) { dynamic profile = Fbpages.getFbPageData(item); string subscribed_apps = Fbpages.subscribed_apps(item, Convert.ToString(profile["id"])); try { string x = Convert.ToString(profile); _logger.LogError(x); } catch { } if (Convert.ToString(profile) == "Invalid Access Token") { invalidaccessToken++; // return Ok("Invalid Access Token"); } else { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _env); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts fbacc = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(Convert.ToString(profile["id"]), _redisCache, dbr); if (fbacc != null && fbacc.IsActive == true) { addedPageCount++; //return Ok("Facebook Page added by other user."); } else { Groups ngrp = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => t.adminId == userId && == groupId).FirstOrDefault(); if (ngrp == null) { return(Ok("Wrong Group Id")); } // Adding Facebook Page int res = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.AddFacebookPage(profile, dbr, userId,, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType.FacebookPage, item, _redisCache, _appSettings, _logger); } } } if (addedPageCount == accesstoken.Length) { return(Ok("Facebook Pages added by other user.")); } else if (addedPageCount == accesstoken.Length) { return(Ok("Facebook Pages having Invalid Access Token.")); } else if (invalidaccessToken > 0 && addedPageCount > 0) { return(Ok("Pages added successfully and " + addedPageCount + " pages added by other user or " + invalidaccessToken + " pages having invalid access token issue")); } else if (invalidaccessToken > 0) { return(Ok("Pages added successfully" + invalidaccessToken + " pages having invalid access token issue")); } else if (addedPageCount > 0) { return(Ok("Pages added successfully and " + addedPageCount + " pages added by other user")); } return(Ok("Page added successfully")); }
public IActionResult SchedulePagePost(string profileId, int TimeInterVal, long UserId) { int addedPageCount = 0; int invalidaccessToken = 0; profileId = profileId.TrimEnd(','); try { try { foreach (var items in profileId.Split(',')) { string pageUrls = Request.Form["pageUrls"]; Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts _Facebookaccounts = new Facebookaccounts(); DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); _Facebookaccounts = FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(items, _redisCache, dbr); List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.PageDetails> pageid = Helper.FacebookHelper.GetFbPagePostDetails(pageUrls, _Facebookaccounts.AccessToken); if (pageid.Count == 0) { invalidaccessToken++; } foreach (Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.PageDetails item in pageid) { addedPageCount++; if (_Facebookaccounts != null) { LinkShareathon _LinkShareathon = new LinkShareathon(); _LinkShareathon.Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); _LinkShareathon.strId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(); _LinkShareathon.Userid = UserId; _LinkShareathon.Facebookusername = _Facebookaccounts.FbUserName; _LinkShareathon.FacebookPageUrl = item.PageUrl; _LinkShareathon.TimeInterVal = TimeInterVal; _LinkShareathon.Facebookpageid = item.PageId; _LinkShareathon.IsActive = true; MongoRepository _ShareathonRepository = new MongoRepository("LinkShareathon", _appSettings); _ShareathonRepository.Add(_LinkShareathon); new Thread(delegate() { Helper.FacebookHelper.schedulePage_Post(_Facebookaccounts.AccessToken, item.PageId, TimeInterVal); }).Start(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } catch (System.Exception ex) { } if (addedPageCount == profileId.Length) { return(Ok("successfully added")); } else if (invalidaccessToken > 0) { return(Ok(invalidaccessToken + "pages access token expired")); } return(Ok("successfully added")); }
public IActionResult GetGroupProfiles(long groupId) { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); return(Ok(GroupProfilesRepository.getGroupProfiles(groupId, _redisCache, dbr))); }
public IActionResult DeleteGroup(long groupId) { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); return(Ok(GroupMembersRepository.adminDelete(groupId, _redisCache, dbr))); }
public IActionResult LeaveGroup(long groupId, long userId) { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); return(Ok(GroupMembersRepository.LeaveTeam(groupId, userId, _redisCache, dbr))); }
public static string ComposeMessage(Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType profiletype, string accessToken, string fbUserId, string message, string profileId, long userId, string imagePath, string link, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.MediaType mediaType, string profileName, DatabaseRepository dbr, ILogger _logger) { string ret = ""; FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = accessToken; System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls; var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { args["message"] = message; } if (profiletype == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType.FacebookProfile) { args["privacy"] = FbUser.SetPrivacy("Public", fb, profileId); } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { if (!imagePath.Contains("mp4") && !imagePath.Contains("mov") && !imagePath.Contains("mpeg") && !imagePath.Contains("wmv") && !imagePath.Contains("avi") && !imagePath.Contains("flv") && !imagePath.Contains("3gp")) { Uri u = new Uri(imagePath); string filename = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(u.AbsolutePath).Replace(".", ""); var media = new FacebookMediaObject { FileName = "filename", ContentType = "image/" + extension }; var webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] img = webClient.DownloadData(imagePath); media.SetValue(img); args["source"] = media; ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/photos", args).ToString(); } else { Uri u = new Uri(imagePath); string filename = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; filename = imagePath.Substring(imagePath.IndexOf("get?id=") + 7); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename)) { extension = filename.Substring(filename.IndexOf(".") + 1); } var media = new FacebookMediaObject { FileName = filename, ContentType = "video/" + extension }; //byte[] img = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imagepath); var webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] img = webClient.DownloadData(imagePath); media.SetValue(img); args["title"] = message; args["description"] = message; args["source"] = media; ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/videos", args).ToString();//v2.1 } } else { args["message"] = message; ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/feed", args).ToString(); } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { args["link"] = link; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { args["picture"] = imagePath.Replace("&", "&"); } ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/feed", args).ToString();//v2.1 } ScheduledMessage scheduledMessage = new ScheduledMessage(); scheduledMessage.createTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.picUrl = "" + fbUserId + "/picture?type=small";//imagePath; scheduledMessage.profileId = profileId; if (profiletype == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType.FacebookProfile) { scheduledMessage.profileType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Facebook; } else { scheduledMessage.profileType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.FacebookFanPage; } scheduledMessage.scheduleTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.shareMessage = message; scheduledMessage.userId = userId; scheduledMessage.status = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.ScheduleStatus.Compleated; scheduledMessage.url = imagePath;//""+ fbUserId + "/picture?type=small"; scheduledMessage.mediaType = mediaType; scheduledMessage.socialprofileName = profileName; dbr.Add <ScheduledMessage>(scheduledMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } return(ret); }
public IActionResult GetGroupAdmin(long groupId) { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); return(Ok(GroupMembersRepository.getGroupadmin(groupId, _redisCache, dbr))); }
public IActionResult GetAdvanceSearchData(string keywords) { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); return(Ok(Repositories.ContentStudioRepository.GetAdvanceSearchdata(keywords, _redisCache, _appSettings))); }
public IActionResult ReconnectFbAccount(string accessToken, long groupId, long userId, string reconnect, string profileId) { dynamic profile = FbUser.getFbUser(accessToken); try { string x = Convert.ToString(profile); _logger.LogError(x); } catch { } if (Convert.ToString(profile) == "Invalid Access Token") { return(Ok("Invalid Access Token")); } DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _env); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts fbacc = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(Convert.ToString(profile["id"]), _redisCache, dbr); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts fbaccw = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); //fbacc = fbacc.Where(t => t.FbUserId.Contains("127471161024815")).ToList(); try { if (fbacc.FbUserId == profileId) { if (fbacc != null && fbacc.IsActive == true) { if (fbacc.UserId == userId) { Groups ngrp = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => t.adminId == userId && == groupId).FirstOrDefault(); if (ngrp == null) { return(Ok("Wrong Group Id")); } int res = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.ReFacebookAccount(profile, FbUser.getFbFriends(accessToken), dbr, userId,, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType.FacebookProfile, accessToken, reconnect, _redisCache, _appSettings, _logger); if (res == 1) { MongoRepository repofb = new MongoRepository("FacebookPasswordChangeUserDetail", _appSettings); try { var result = repofb.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.FacebookPasswordChangeUserDetail>(t => t.profileId == fbacc.FbUserId); var task = Task.Run(async() => { return(await result); }); int count = task.Result.Count; IList <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.FacebookPasswordChangeUserDetail> lstFbFeeds = task.Result; if (count > 0) { FilterDefinition <BsonDocument> filter = new BsonDocument("profileId", lstFbFeeds.FirstOrDefault().profileId); var update = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("status", true); repofb.Update <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.FacebookPasswordChangeUserDetail>(update, filter); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(Ok("Facebook account Reconnect Successfully")); } else { return(Ok("Error while Reconnecting Account")); } } } } else { return(Ok("Oops! login information is wrong , login the profile which has to be reconnected")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Ok("Oops! login information is wrong , login the profile which has to be reconnected")); } return(Ok()); }
public void GetLatestTrendsFromTwiter() { try { string homepageUrl = ""; string trendsUrl = ""; string homePageResponse = getHtmlfromUrl(trendsUrl); try { string[] GetTrends = Regex.Split(homePageResponse, "data-trend-name="); GetTrends = GetTrends.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in GetTrends) { try { string temptrend = string.Empty; string trend = getBetween(item, "\"", "\\\"").Replace("'", "'"); trend = Regex.Replace(trend, @"\\u[\d\w]{4}", String.Empty); trend = trend.Replace("#", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trend) && !trend.Contains("_") && !trend.Contains("__")) { if (trend.ToLower().Contains(" ")) { temptrend = trend.Replace(" ", "_"); } else if (trend.ToLower().Contains("/")) { temptrend = trend.Replace("/", "_"); } else if (trend.ToLower().Contains("'\'")) { temptrend = trend.Replace("'\'", "_"); } else { temptrend = trend.ToLower(); } //Trendingkeyword _Trendingkeyword = new Trendingkeyword(); //_Trendingkeyword.Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); //_Trendingkeyword.strId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(); //_Trendingkeyword.keyword = trend; //_Trendingkeyword.TrendingType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.TrendingType.twitter; //_Trendingkeyword.trendingdate= SBHelper.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.UtcNow); //MongoRepository mongorepo = new MongoRepository("Trendingkeyword"); //var ret=mongorepo.Find<Trendingkeyword>(t => t.keyword == trend && t.TrendingType==Domain.Socioboard.Enum.TrendingType.twitter); //var task = Task.Run(async () => //{ // return await ret; //}); //int count = task.Result.Count; //if(count<1) //{ // mongorepo.Add<Trendingkeyword>(_Trendingkeyword); // AddTwittertrendingHashTagFeeds(trend, _Trendingkeyword.strId, ""); //} DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(); List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards> boards = new List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(); try { boards = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(t => t.boardName.Equals(trend.ToLower()) && t.isActive ==; string Bid = string.Empty; if (boards == null || boards.Count() == 0) { //Bid = boards.First().boardId; Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards board = new Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards(); board.TempboardName = temptrend.ToLower(); board.isActive =; board.boardName = trend.ToLower(); board.trendingtype = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.TrendingType.twitter; board.createDate = DateTime.UtcNow; board.boardId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); board.twitterHashTag = AddTwitterHashTag(trend, board.boardId); board.instagramHashTag = AddInstagramHashTag(trend, board.boardId); board.gplusHashTag = AddGplusHashTag(trend, board.boardId); dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(board); string boardcreation = getHtmlfromUrl("" + board.boardName); if (boardcreation.Contains("true")) { Console.WriteLine("created new sitemap for twitter trending keyword" + boardcreation); } Console.WriteLine("created new bord for twitter trending keyword" + board.boardName); } else { Bid = boards.First().boardId; Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards board = dbr.Single <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(t => t.boardId == Bid); // board.TempboardName = temptrend; board.isActive =; board.createDate = DateTime.UtcNow; //board.boardId = board.boardId; //board.facebookHashTag = AddFacebookHashTag(trds[0], trds[1], board.boardId, ref HttpHelper, ref facebookUser); //board.twitterHashTag = AddTwitterHashTag(trend, board.boardId); //board.instagramHashTag = AddInstagramHashTag(trend, board.boardId); //board.gplusHashTag = AddGplusHashTag(trend, board.boardId); dbr.Update <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(board); string boardcreation = getHtmlfromUrl("" + board.boardName); if (boardcreation.Contains("true")) { Console.WriteLine("created new sitemap for twitter trending keyword" + boardcreation); } Console.WriteLine("created new bord for twitter trending keyword" + board.boardName); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public IActionResult PluginScheduleMessage(string profile, string twitterText, string tweetId, string tweetUrl, string facebookText, string url, string imgUrl, long userId, string scheduleTime, string localscheduleTime) { string[] profiles = profile.Split(','); foreach (var item in profiles) { string[] ids = item.Split('~'); if (ids[1] == "facebook") { try { string updatedtext = ""; string postmessage = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(facebookText)) { string[] updatedmessgae = Regex.Split(facebookText, "<br>"); foreach (var items in updatedmessgae) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(items)) { if (items.Contains("https://") || items.Contains("http://")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { url = items; if (items.Contains("https://")) { string link = getBetween(url + "###", "https", "###"); link = "https" + link; url = link; } if (items.Contains("http://")) { string link = getBetween(url + "###", "http", "###"); link = "http" + link; url = link; } } } if (items.Contains("hhh") || items.Contains("nnn")) { if (items.Contains("hhh")) { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + items.Replace("hhh", "#"); } else { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + items; } } else { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + items; } } } } updatedtext = postmessage; DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts objFacebookAccount = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(ids[0], _redisCache, dbr); Helper.ScheduleMessageHelper.ScheduleMessage(ids[0], objFacebookAccount.FbUserName, updatedtext.ToString(), Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.FacebookFanPage, userId, url, imgUrl, "" + ids[0] + "/picture?type=small", scheduleTime, localscheduleTime, _appSettings, _redisCache, dbr, _logger); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else { try { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(twitterText) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgUrl)) { twitterText = twitterText + " " + tweetUrl; Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount objTwitterAccount = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.TwitterRepository.getTwitterAccount(ids[0], _redisCache, dbr); Helper.ScheduleMessageHelper.ScheduleMessage(ids[0], objTwitterAccount.twitterScreenName, twitterText, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Twitter, userId, "", imgUrl, objTwitterAccount.profileImageUrl, scheduleTime, localscheduleTime, _appSettings, _redisCache, dbr, _logger); } else { string data = TwitterRepository.TwitterRetweet_post(ids[0], tweetId, userId, 0, dbr, _logger, _redisCache, _appSettings); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } return(Ok()); }
public IActionResult RetainGrpMber(long userId) { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); return(Ok(GroupMembersRepository.RetainGrpMber(userId, _redisCache, dbr))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ComposeMessage(string message, string profileId, long userId, string imagePath, string link, IFormFile files) { var filename = ""; var apiimgPath = ""; var uploads = string.Empty; string postmessage = ""; if (files != null) { if (files.Length > 0) { var fileName = Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(files.ContentDisposition).FileName.Trim('"'); // await file.s(Path.Combine(uploads, fileName)); filename = Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue .Parse(files.ContentDisposition) .FileName .Trim('"'); var tempName = Domain.Socioboard.Helpers.SBHelper.RandomString(10) + '.' + fileName.Split('.')[1]; //apiimgPath = _appSettings.ApiDomain + "/api/Media/get?id=" + $@"{tempName}"; filename = _appEnv.WebRootPath + "\\upload" + $@"\{tempName}"; uploads = _appSettings.ApiDomain + "/api/Media/get?id=" + $@"{tempName}"; // size += file.Length; try { using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filename)) { files.CopyTo(fs); fs.Flush(); } filename = uploads; } catch (System.Exception ex) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { uploads = imagePath; } } } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { uploads = imagePath; } //string[] updatedmessgae = Regex.Split(message, "<br>"); //message = postmessage; DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); string[] lstProfileIds = null; if (profileId != null) { lstProfileIds = profileId.Split(','); profileId = lstProfileIds[0]; } else { return(Ok("profileId required")); } foreach (var item in lstProfileIds) { if (item.StartsWith("fb")) { try { new Thread(delegate() { string prId = item.Substring(3, item.Length - 3); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts objFacebookAccount = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(prId, _redisCache, dbr); string ret = Helper.FacebookHelper.ComposeMessage(objFacebookAccount.FbProfileType, objFacebookAccount.AccessToken, objFacebookAccount.FbUserId, message, prId, userId, uploads, link, dbr, _logger); }).Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (item.StartsWith("tw")) { try { new Thread(delegate() { string prId = item.Substring(3, item.Length - 3); string ret = Helper.TwitterHelper.PostTwitterMessage(_appSettings, _redisCache, message, prId, userId, uploads, true, dbr, _logger); }).Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (item.StartsWith("lin")) { try { new Thread(delegate() { string prId = item.Substring(4, item.Length - 4); string ret = Helper.LinkedInHelper.PostLinkedInMessage(uploads, userId, message, prId, filename, _redisCache, _appSettings, dbr); }).Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (item.StartsWith("Cmpylinpage")) { try { new Thread(delegate() { string prId = item.Substring(12, item.Length - 12); string ret = Helper.LinkedInHelper.PostLinkedInCompanyPagePost(uploads, userId, message, prId, _redisCache, dbr, _appSettings); }).Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } return(Ok("Posted")); }
public IActionResult InviteGroupMembers(long groupId, string members) { List <Groupmembers> lstGrpMembers = new List <Groupmembers>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(members)) { return(BadRequest("members should not be null.")); } else { string[] lstmem = members.Split(';'); foreach (var item in lstmem) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { Groupmembers grpMember = new Groupmembers(); string[] memData = item.Split(':'); = memData[2]; grpMember.firstName = memData[0]; grpMember.lastName = memData[1]; lstGrpMembers.Add(grpMember); } } } DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups grp = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => == groupId).FirstOrDefault(); if (grp == null) { return(BadRequest("wrong group Id")); } else if (grp.groupName.Equals(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName)) { return(BadRequest("you can't invite members to default group.")); } foreach (var member in lstGrpMembers) { User inMemUser = _redisCache.Get <User>(; if (inMemUser == null) { inMemUser = dbr.Find <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(; } member.groupid = groupId; member.memberCode = Domain.Socioboard.Helpers.SBHelper.RandomString(15); member.isAdmin = false; member.memberStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.GroupMemberStatus.MailSent; if (inMemUser != null) { member.userId = inMemUser.Id; member.profileImg = inMemUser.ProfilePicUrl; //todo : code to add in user notification list. } Groupmembers temp = dbr.Find <Groupmembers>(t => t.groupid == groupId && ==; if (temp == null) { dbr.Add <Groupmembers>(member); var savedMembers = dbr.Find <Groupmembers>(t => t.groupid == groupId && ==; var lstnotifications = dbr.Single <Notifications>(t => t.MsgId ==; if (lstnotifications == null && savedMembers != null) { var notify = new Notifications { MsgId =, MsgStatus = "Invited", notificationtime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), NotificationType = grp.groupName, ReadOrUnread = "Unread", UserId = member.userId }; dbr.Add <Notifications>(notify); } _redisCache.Delete(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.CacheGroupMembers + groupId); string path = _appEnv.WebRootPath + "\\views\\mailtemplates\\groupinvitation.html"; string html = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); html = html.Replace("[FirstName]", member.firstName); html = html.Replace("[JoinLink]", _appSettings.Domain + "/Home/GroupInvite?Token=" + member.memberCode + "&email=" +; _emailSender.SendMailSendGrid(_appSettings.frommail, "",, "", "", "Socioboard Team Invitation Link", html, _appSettings.SendgridUserName, _appSettings.SendGridPassword); } } return(Ok()); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DraftScheduleMessage(string message, long userId, string scheduledatetime, long groupId, IFormFile files) { var uploads = _appEnv.WebRootPath + "\\wwwwroot\\upload\\"; var filename = ""; string postmessage = ""; if (files != null) { if (files.Length > 0) { var fileName = Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(files.ContentDisposition).FileName.Trim('"'); // await file.s(Path.Combine(uploads, fileName)); filename = Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue .Parse(files.ContentDisposition) .FileName .Trim('"'); var tempName = Domain.Socioboard.Helpers.SBHelper.RandomString(10) + '.' + fileName.Split('.')[1]; //filename = _appEnv.WebRootPath + $@"\{tempName}"; filename = _appEnv.WebRootPath + "\\upload" + $@"\{tempName}"; uploads = _appSettings.ApiDomain + "/api/Media/get?id=" + $@"{tempName}"; // size += file.Length; using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filename)) { files.CopyTo(fs); fs.Flush(); } filename = uploads; } } string[] updatedmessgae = Regex.Split(message, "<br>"); foreach (var item in updatedmessgae) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { if (item.Contains("hhh") || item.Contains("nnn")) { if (item.Contains("hhh")) { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + item.Replace("hhh", "#"); } } else { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + item; } } } if (scheduledatetime == null) { scheduledatetime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(); } message = postmessage; DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); Helper.ScheduleMessageHelper.DraftScheduleMessage(message, userId, groupId, filename, scheduledatetime, _appSettings, _redisCache, dbr, _logger); return(Ok()); }
public IActionResult PostCommentOnLinkedinCompanyPage(string pageId, long userId, string updatekey, string comment) { string postmessage = ""; DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _env); comment = comment.Replace("hhh", "#").Replace("nnn", "&"); string[] updatedmessgae = Regex.Split(comment, "<br>"); foreach (var item in updatedmessgae) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { if (item.Contains("https://") || item.Contains("http://")) { try { comment = "http" + Utility.getBetween(item, "http", " "); try { comment = comment.Split(' ')[0].ToString(); } catch (Exception) { comment = "http" + Utility.getBetween(item, "http", " "); } } catch { string temp_item = item + "###"; comment = "http" + Utility.getBetween(temp_item, "http", "###"); try { comment = comment.Split(' ')[0].ToString(); } catch (Exception) { comment = "http" + Utility.getBetween(temp_item, "http", "###"); } } } if (item.Contains("hhh")) { if (item.Contains("hhh")) { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + item.Replace("hhh", "#"); } } else { //postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + item; } if (item.Contains("nnn")) { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + item.Replace("nnn", "&"); } else { //postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + item; } postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + item; } } try { //comment = ""; //updatedtext = postmessage.Replace(url, ""); // updatedtext = postmessage; comment = postmessage; } catch (Exception ex) { comment = postmessage; } string postdata = Repositories.LinkedInAccountRepository.PostCommentOnLinkedinCompanyPage(pageId, updatekey, comment, userId, _redisCache, _appSettings, dbr); return(Ok(postdata)); }
public IActionResult DeleteProfile(long groupId, long userId, string profileId) { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); return(Ok(GroupProfilesRepository.DeleteProfile(groupId, userId, profileId, _redisCache, dbr, _appSettings))); }
public IActionResult AddGoogleAccount(string code, long groupId, long userId) { string ret = string.Empty; string objRefresh = string.Empty; string refreshToken = string.Empty; string access_token = string.Empty; DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); oAuthTokenGPlus ObjoAuthTokenGPlus = new oAuthTokenGPlus(_appSettings.GoogleConsumerKey, _appSettings.GoogleConsumerSecret, _appSettings.GoogleRedirectUri); oAuthToken objToken = new oAuthToken(_appSettings.GoogleConsumerKey, _appSettings.GoogleConsumerSecret, _appSettings.GoogleRedirectUri); JObject userinfo = new JObject(); try { objRefresh = ObjoAuthTokenGPlus.GetRefreshToken(code); JObject objaccesstoken = JObject.Parse(objRefresh); _logger.LogInformation(objaccesstoken.ToString()); try { refreshToken = objaccesstoken["refresh_token"].ToString(); } catch { } access_token = objaccesstoken["access_token"].ToString(); string user = objToken.GetUserInfo("self", access_token.ToString()); //_logger.LogInformation(user); userinfo = JObject.Parse(JArray.Parse(user)[0].ToString()); string people = objToken.GetPeopleInfo("self", access_token.ToString(), Convert.ToString(userinfo["id"])); userinfo = JObject.Parse(JArray.Parse(people)[0].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { //access_token = objaccesstoken["access_token"].ToString(); //ObjoAuthTokenGPlus.RevokeToken(access_token); _logger.LogInformation(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); ret = "Access Token Not Found"; return(Ok(ret)); } Domain.Socioboard.Models.Googleplusaccounts gplusAcc = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.GplusRepository.getGPlusAccount(Convert.ToString(userinfo["id"]), _redisCache, dbr); if (gplusAcc != null && gplusAcc.IsActive == true) { if (gplusAcc.UserId == userId) { return(Ok("GPlus account already added by you.")); } return(Ok("GPlus account added by other user.")); } Groups ngrp = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => t.adminId == userId && == groupId).FirstOrDefault(); if (ngrp == null) { return(Ok("group not exist")); } // Adding GPlus Profile int x = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.GplusRepository.AddGplusAccount(userinfo, dbr, userId,, access_token, refreshToken, _redisCache, _appSettings, _logger); if (x == 1) { return(Ok("Gplus Account Added Successfully")); } else { return(Ok("Issues while adding account")); } }
public IActionResult ComposeMessage(string message, string profileId, long userId, string imagePath, string link) { if (profileId != null) { string[] lstProfileIds = profileId.Split(','); profileId = lstProfileIds[0]; } else { return(Ok("profileId required")); } string ret = ""; DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _env); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts objFacebookAccount = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = objFacebookAccount.AccessToken; System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls; var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { args["message"] = message; } args["privacy"] = FbUser.SetPrivacy("Public", fb, profileId); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { Uri u = new Uri(imagePath); string filename = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(u.AbsolutePath).Replace(".", ""); var media = new FacebookMediaObject { FileName = "filename", ContentType = "image/" + extension }; //byte[] img = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imagepath); var webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] img = webClient.DownloadData(imagePath); media.SetValue(img); args["source"] = media; ret = fb.Post("v2.0/" + objFacebookAccount.FbUserId + "/photos", args).ToString(); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { args["link"] = link; } ret = fb.Post("v2.0/" + objFacebookAccount.FbUserId + "/feed", args).ToString(); } ScheduledMessage scheduledMessage = new ScheduledMessage(); scheduledMessage.createTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.picUrl = imagePath; scheduledMessage.profileId = profileId; scheduledMessage.profileType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Facebook; scheduledMessage.scheduleTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.shareMessage = message; scheduledMessage.userId = userId; scheduledMessage.status = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.ScheduleStatus.Compleated; scheduledMessage.url = ret; dbr.Add <ScheduledMessage>(scheduledMessage); ret = "success"; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.Message); ret = "failure"; } return(Ok(ret)); }
public IActionResult GoogleLogin(string code, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType accType) { string ret = string.Empty; string objRefresh = string.Empty; string refreshToken = string.Empty; string access_token = string.Empty; oAuthTokenGPlus ObjoAuthTokenGPlus = new oAuthTokenGPlus(_appSettings.GoogleConsumerKey, _appSettings.GoogleConsumerSecret, _appSettings.GoogleRedirectUri); oAuthToken objToken = new oAuthToken(_appSettings.GoogleConsumerKey, _appSettings.GoogleConsumerSecret, _appSettings.GoogleRedirectUri); JObject userinfo = new JObject(); try { objRefresh = ObjoAuthTokenGPlus.GetRefreshToken(code); JObject objaccesstoken = JObject.Parse(objRefresh); _logger.LogInformation(objaccesstoken.ToString()); try { refreshToken = objaccesstoken["refresh_token"].ToString(); } catch { } access_token = objaccesstoken["access_token"].ToString(); string user = objToken.GetUserInfo("self", access_token.ToString()); _logger.LogInformation(user); userinfo = JObject.Parse(JArray.Parse(user)[0].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { //access_token = objaccesstoken["access_token"].ToString(); //ObjoAuthTokenGPlus.RevokeToken(access_token); _logger.LogInformation(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); ret = "Access Token Not Found"; return(Ok(ret)); } string EmailId = string.Empty; try { EmailId = (Convert.ToString(userinfo["email"])); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EmailId)) { return(Ok("Google Not retuning Email")); } try { User inMemUser = _redisCache.Get <User>(EmailId); if (inMemUser != null) { return(Ok(inMemUser)); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogInformation(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); IList <User> lstUser = dbr.Find <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(EmailId)); if (lstUser != null && lstUser.Count() > 0) { DateTime d1 = DateTime.UtcNow; //User userTable = dbr.Single<User>(t => t.EmailId == EmailId); //userTable.LastLoginTime = d1; lstUser.First().LastLoginTime = d1; dbr.Update <User>(lstUser.First()); _redisCache.Set <User>(lstUser.First().EmailId, lstUser.First()); return(Ok(lstUser.First())); } else { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Googleplusaccounts gplusAcc = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.GplusRepository.getGPlusAccount(Convert.ToString(userinfo["id"]), _redisCache, dbr); if (gplusAcc != null && gplusAcc.IsActive == true) { return(Ok("GPlus account added by other user.")); } Domain.Socioboard.Models.User user = new Domain.Socioboard.Models.User(); if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Free) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Free; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Deluxe) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Deluxe; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Premium) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Premium; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Topaz) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Topaz; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Platinum) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Platinum; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Gold) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Gold; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Ruby) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Ruby; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Standard) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Standard; } user.PaymentType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.PaymentType.paypal; user.ActivationStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBUserActivationStatus.Active; user.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; user.EmailId = EmailId; user.ExpiryDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); user.UserName = "******"; user.EmailValidateToken = "Google"; user.UserType = "User"; user.LastLoginTime = DateTime.UtcNow; user.PaymentStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBPaymentStatus.UnPaid; try { user.FirstName = (Convert.ToString(userinfo["name"])); } catch { } user.RegistrationType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBRegistrationType.Google; int SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.User>(user); User nuser = dbr.Single <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(user.EmailId)); if (SavedStatus == 1 && nuser != null) { Groups group = new Groups(); group.adminId = nuser.Id; group.createdDate = DateTime.UtcNow; group.groupName = Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName; SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Groups>(group); if (SavedStatus == 1) { Groups ngrp = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => t.adminId == nuser.Id && t.groupName.Equals(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName)).FirstOrDefault(); GroupMembersRepository.createGroupMember(, nuser, _redisCache, dbr); // Adding GPlus Profile Api.Socioboard.Repositories.GplusRepository.AddGplusAccount(userinfo, dbr, nuser.Id,, access_token, refreshToken, _redisCache, _appSettings, _logger); } } return(Ok(nuser)); } }
public static List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.Rss> GetRssDataByUser(long userId, long groupId, Helper.AppSettings _appSettings, DatabaseRepository dbr) { string[] profileids = null; MongoRepository _RssRepository = new MongoRepository("Rss", _appSettings); List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.Rss> lstRss = new List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.Rss>(); List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groupprofiles> lstGroupprofiles = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groupprofiles>(t => t.groupId == groupId).ToList(); profileids = lstGroupprofiles.Select(t => t.profileId).ToArray(); var ret = _RssRepository.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.Rss>(t => profileids.Contains(t.ProfileId)); var task = Task.Run(async() => { return(await ret); }); return(lstRss = task.Result.ToList()); }
public BaseClassImpl() { this.databaseRepository = new DatabaseRepository(); }
public static List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.twtfollowfollowing> gettwtfollofollowingReport(string[] profileId, int daysCount, Helper.Cache _redisCache, Helper.AppSettings _appSettings, DatabaseRepository dbr) { MongoRepository mongorepo = new MongoRepository("MongoTwitterDailyReports", _appSettings); List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.twtfollowfollowing> inMemtwtDailyReports = _redisCache.Get <List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.twtfollowfollowing> >(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.CacheInstagramDailyReport + profileId); if (inMemtwtDailyReports != null) { return(inMemtwtDailyReports); } else { List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.twtfollowfollowing> reportdata = new List <twtfollowfollowing>(); DateTime dayStart = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-daysCount).Year, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-daysCount).Month, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-daysCount).Day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime dayEnd = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month, DateTime.UtcNow.Day, 23, 59, 59, DateTimeKind.Utc); var ret = mongorepo.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.MongoTwitterDailyReports>(t => profileId.Contains(t.profileId) && t.timeStamp <= Helper.DateExtension.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(dayEnd) && t.timeStamp >= Helper.DateExtension.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(dayStart)); var task = Task.Run(async() => { return(await ret); }); if (task.Result != null) { IList <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.MongoTwitterDailyReports> lstfbpagereportdata = task.Result.ToList(); var Instapid = lstfbpagereportdata.GroupBy(x => x.profileId).Select(x => x.First()).ToList(); var random = new Random(); foreach (Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.MongoTwitterDailyReports twtprofiledata in Instapid) { // DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount> lstTwtAcc = new List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount>(); Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount twtAcc = Repositories.TwitterRepository.getTwitterAccount(twtprofiledata.profileId, _redisCache, dbr); //Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount twtAccname = dbr.Find().twtAccname(); var randomColor = String.Format("#{0:X6}", random.Next(0x1000000)); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.twtfollowfollowing repo = new twtfollowfollowing(); long twtFollowerCount = lstfbpagereportdata.ToList().Where(t => t.profileId == twtprofiledata.profileId).Sum(t => t.newFollowers); long twtFollowingCount = lstfbpagereportdata.ToList().Where(t => t.profileId == twtprofiledata.profileId).Sum(t => t.newFollowing); repo.startdate = dayStart; repo.endtdate = dayEnd; repo.twtFollowerCounts = twtFollowerCount; repo.twtFollowingCounts = twtFollowingCount; repo.profileId = twtprofiledata.profileId; repo.twtName = twtAcc.twitterScreenName; repo.profilepic = twtAcc.profileImageUrl; repo.colors = Convert.ToString(randomColor); reportdata.Add(repo); } // long TwitterFollowerCount = lstfbpagereportdata.ToList().Where(t => profileId.Contains(t.profileId)).Sum(t => t.followcount); if (lstfbpagereportdata.Count > 0) { _redisCache.Set(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.CacheInstagramDailyReport + profileId, lstfbpagereportdata.ToList()); } return(reportdata.OrderBy(t => t.startdate).ToList()); // return lstfbpagereportdata.OrderBy(t =>; } return(new List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.twtfollowfollowing>()); } }
public static List <Groupprofiles> getGroupProfiles(long groupId, Cache _redisCache, DatabaseRepository dbr) { return(GetAllGroupProfiles(groupId, _redisCache, dbr)); //try //{ // var inMemGroupProfiles = _redisCache.Get<List<Groupprofiles>>(SocioboardConsts.CacheGroupProfiles + groupId); // if (inMemGroupProfiles != null) // return inMemGroupProfiles; //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); //} //var topgroupProfiles = dbr.Find<Groupprofiles>(t => t.groupId == groupId).ToList(); //var groupProfiles = topgroupProfiles.Take(3).ToList(); //_redisCache.Set(SocioboardConsts.CacheGroupProfiles + groupId, groupProfiles); //return groupProfiles; }
public List<Tab> GetTabs(string countryCode) { return LogTime(() => { var db = new DatabaseRepository(); var data = db.GetAllTabs(); var result = data.GroupBy(t => new Tuple<string, string>(t.TabCode, t.TabName)) .Select( r => new Tab { Code = r.Key.Item1, Name = r.Key.Item2, Sections = r.GroupBy(g => g.SectionName) .Select( t => new Section { OrderId = t.First().SectionOrderId.Value, SectionType = t.First().SectionType, Id = t.First().SectionId, Name = t.Key, Description = t.First().SectionDescription, ChartIds = t.Where(c => c.ChartId != null) .OrderBy(c => c.ChartOrderId) .Select(c => c.ChartId) .ToList() }) .ToList() }).ToList(); foreach (var t in result) { t.Sections = t.Sections.OrderBy(s => s.OrderId).ToList(); } var projects = GetProjects(countryCode); var documents = GetDocuments(countryCode); var other = GetOtherResources(countryCode); var keyStats = GetKeyStatistics(countryCode); var sections = result.SelectMany(t => t.Sections); foreach (var section in sections) { switch (section.SectionType) { case "IFC": case "Bank": case "Knowledge Product": section.Data = projects.Where(p => p.ProjectType == section.SectionType).ToList(); break; case "Document": section.Data = documents; break; case "Other": section.Data = other; break; case "Key Statistics": section.Data = keyStats; break; } } return result; }, "tab info request for country {0}", countryCode); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="groupId"></param> /// <param name="redisCache"></param> /// <param name="dbr"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <Groupprofiles> GetAllGroupProfiles(long groupId, Cache redisCache, DatabaseRepository dbr) { var addedProfile = new List <SocialProfileType>(); var groupProfilesPerUserPlan = new List <Groupprofiles>(); try { var inMemGroupProfiles = redisCache.Get <List <Groupprofiles> >(SocioboardConsts.CacheGroupProfiles + groupId); if (inMemGroupProfiles != null && inMemGroupProfiles.Count > 0) { var userDetails = redisCache.Get <User>("User") ?? dbr.FindFirstMatch <User>(t => t.Id == inMemGroupProfiles[0].profileOwnerId); foreach (var profile in inMemGroupProfiles) { if (userDetails.AccountType == SBAccountType.Free && addedProfile.Contains(profile.profileType)) { continue; } if (userDetails.AccountType != SBAccountType.Free) { var maxCount = Domain.Socioboard.Helpers.SBHelper.GetMaxProfileCount(userDetails.AccountType); if (groupProfilesPerUserPlan.Count >= maxCount) { return(groupProfilesPerUserPlan); } } addedProfile.Add(profile.profileType); groupProfilesPerUserPlan.Add(profile); } return(groupProfilesPerUserPlan); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } var groupProfiles = dbr.Find <Groupprofiles>(t => t.groupId == groupId).ToList(); redisCache.Set(SocioboardConsts.CacheGroupProfiles + groupId, groupProfiles); if (groupProfiles.Count == 0) { return(groupProfilesPerUserPlan); } var currentUserDetails = redisCache.Get <User>("User") ?? dbr.FindFirstMatch <User>(t => t.Id == groupProfiles[0].profileOwnerId); foreach (var profile in groupProfiles) { if (currentUserDetails.AccountType == SBAccountType.Free && addedProfile.Contains(profile.profileType)) { continue; } if (currentUserDetails.AccountType != SBAccountType.Free) { var maxCount = Domain.Socioboard.Helpers.SBHelper.GetMaxProfileCount(currentUserDetails.AccountType); if (groupProfilesPerUserPlan.Count >= maxCount) { return(groupProfilesPerUserPlan); } } addedProfile.Add(profile.profileType); groupProfilesPerUserPlan.Add(profile); } return(groupProfilesPerUserPlan); }
public async Task <ActionResult> ScheduleMessage(string message, string profileId, long userId, string imagePath, string link, string scheduledatetime, string localscheduletime, IFormFile files) { var filename = ""; string postmessage = ""; var uploads = _appEnv.WebRootPath + "\\wwwwroot\\upload\\" + profileId; if (files != null) { if (files.Length > 0) { var fileName = Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(files.ContentDisposition).FileName.Trim('"'); // await file.s(Path.Combine(uploads, fileName)); filename = Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue .Parse(files.ContentDisposition) .FileName .Trim('"'); //apiimgPath = _appSettings.ApiDomain + "/api/Media/get?id=" + $@"{Domain.Socioboard.Helpers.SBHelper.RandomString(10) + '.' + fileName.Split('.')[1]}"; var tempName = Domain.Socioboard.Helpers.SBHelper.RandomString(10) + '.' + fileName.Split('.')[1]; filename = _appEnv.WebRootPath + "\\upload" + $@"\{tempName}"; uploads = _appSettings.ApiDomain + "/api/Media/get?id=" + $@"{tempName}"; // size += file.Length; using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filename)) { files.CopyTo(fs); fs.Flush(); } filename = uploads; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { filename = imagePath; } string[] updatedmessgae = Regex.Split(message, "<br>"); foreach (var item in updatedmessgae) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { if (item.Contains("https://") || item.Contains("http://")) { try { link = "http" + getBetween(item, "http", " "); } catch { string temp_item = item + "###"; link = "http" + getBetween(temp_item, "http", "###"); } } if (item.Contains("hhh") || item.Contains("nnn")) { if (item.Contains("hhh")) { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + item.Replace("hhh", "#"); } } else { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + item; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { message = postmessage.Replace(link, "");; } DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); string[] lstProfileIds = null; if (profileId != null) { lstProfileIds = profileId.Split(','); profileId = lstProfileIds[0]; } else { return(Ok("profileId required")); } string retunMsg = string.Empty; foreach (var item in lstProfileIds) { if (item.StartsWith("fb")) { try { string prId = item.Substring(3, item.Length - 3); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts objFacebookaccounts = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(prId, _redisCache, dbr); Helper.ScheduleMessageHelper.ScheduleMessage(prId, objFacebookaccounts.FbUserName, message, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Facebook, userId, link, filename, "" + prId + "/picture?type=small", scheduledatetime, localscheduletime, _appSettings, _redisCache, dbr, _logger); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); //return Ok("Issue With Facebook schedulers"); } } if (item.StartsWith("page")) { try { string prId = item.Substring(5, item.Length - 5); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts objFacebookaccounts = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(prId, _redisCache, dbr); Helper.ScheduleMessageHelper.ScheduleMessage(prId, objFacebookaccounts.FbUserName, message, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.FacebookFanPage, userId, link, filename, "" + prId + "/picture?type=small", scheduledatetime, localscheduletime, _appSettings, _redisCache, dbr, _logger); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); // return Ok("Issue With Facebook Page schedulers"); } } if (item.StartsWith("tw")) { try { string prId = item.Substring(3, item.Length - 3); Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount objTwitterAccount = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.TwitterRepository.getTwitterAccount(prId, _redisCache, dbr); Helper.ScheduleMessageHelper.ScheduleMessage(prId, objTwitterAccount.twitterScreenName, message, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Twitter, userId, "", filename, objTwitterAccount.profileImageUrl, scheduledatetime, localscheduletime, _appSettings, _redisCache, dbr, _logger); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); // return Ok("Issue With Twitter schedulers"); } } if (item.StartsWith("lin")) { try { string prId = item.Substring(4, item.Length - 4); Domain.Socioboard.Models.LinkedInAccount objLinkedInAccount = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.LinkedInAccountRepository.getLinkedInAccount(prId, _redisCache, dbr); Helper.ScheduleMessageHelper.ScheduleMessage(prId, objLinkedInAccount.LinkedinUserName, message, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.LinkedIn, userId, "", filename, objLinkedInAccount.ProfileImageUrl, scheduledatetime, localscheduletime, _appSettings, _redisCache, dbr, _logger); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); // return Ok("Issue With Linkedin schedulers"); } } if (item.StartsWith("Cmpylinpage")) { try { string prId = item.Substring(12, item.Length - 12); Domain.Socioboard.Models.LinkedinCompanyPage objLinkedinCompanyPage = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.LinkedInAccountRepository.getLinkedinCompanyPage(prId, _redisCache, dbr); Helper.ScheduleMessageHelper.ScheduleMessage(prId, objLinkedinCompanyPage.LinkedinPageName, message, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.LinkedInComapanyPage, userId, "", filename, objLinkedinCompanyPage.LogoUrl, scheduledatetime, localscheduletime, _appSettings, _redisCache, dbr, _logger); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); // return Ok("Issue With Linkedin Page schedulers"); } } } return(Ok("scheduled")); }
public DatabaseVersionSetup GetVersionSetup() { var versionSetup = new DatabaseVersionSetup(); mockSqlServerDatabaseProfile = new Mock<SqlServerDatabaseProfile>(MockBehavior.Strict, "Data Source=GMV-RW-LT;Initial Catalog=Intercontinental;Integrated Security=True" , "Intercontinental4" , "Intercontinental" , _mockITracker.Object); var profile = new DatabaseVersionSetup.Profile("Default", mockSqlServerDatabaseProfile.Object); profile.AddProperties("test1", "test1Prof|withvar|${dp.DatabaseName}|"); profile.AddProperties("test2", "test2"); profile.AddProperties("test2", "test2|over"); profile.AddProperties("insert", "insert.sql"); profile.AddProperties("update", "update.sql"); profile.AddProperties("delete", "delete.sql"); versionSetup.Profiles.Add(profile); var runner = new SqlRunner("CREATE DATABASE ${dp.DatabaseName};", "USE Master; DROP DATABASE ${dp.DatabaseName};"); var repository = new DatabaseRepository("Intercontinental", new UpdatesMetadata(1, "Todau", "Initialize", "rolf", runner)); repository.AddProperties("test0", "test0"); repository.AddProperties("test1", "test1"); var versions = new UpdatesMetadata(2, "2010-04-16", "First update", "Rolf Wessels", new SqlRunner( @"Create2 ${test0} ${test1} ${test2} ${test3}", @"RoleBack2 ${test0} ${test1} ${test2} ${test3}", @"TestData2 ${test0} ${test1} ${test2} ${test3}" ) ); repository.Updates.Add(versions); versions = new UpdatesMetadata(3, "2010-04-16", "First update", "Rolf Wessels", new SqlRunner( @"Create3 ${test0} ${test1} ${test2} ${test3}", @"RoleBack3 ${test0} ${test1} ${test2} ${test3}", @"TestData3 ${test0} ${test1} ${test2} ${test3}" ) ); repository.Updates.Add(versions); File.WriteAllText(@"resources\insert.sql", @"Create4 ${test0} ${test1} ${test2} ${test3}"); File.WriteAllText(@"resources\update.sql", @"RoleBack4 ${test0} ${test1} ${test2} ${test3}"); File.WriteAllText(@"resources\delete.sql", @"TestData4 ${test0} ${test1} ${test2} ${test3}"); repository.Updates.Add(new UpdatesMetadata(4, "2010-04-16", "First update", "Rolf Wessels", new SqlRunner(new SqlFilesExecuter(new[] { @"resources\${insert}" }), new SqlFilesExecuter(new[] { @"resources\${update}" }), new SqlFilesExecuter(new[] { @"resources\${delete}" })))); versionSetup.Repository.Add(repository); return versionSetup; }
private void LoadRepositories(DatabaseVersionSetup versionSetup, IEnumerable<XElement> enumerable) { foreach (var element in enumerable){ string value = element.Attribute("id").Value; var initializeRunners = ReadUpdates(element.Element("initialRunner")); XElement properties = element.Element("properties"); KeyValuePair<string, string>[] props = LoadProperties(properties); var databaseRepository = new DatabaseRepository(value, initializeRunners[0]); databaseRepository.AddProperties(props); databaseRepository.Updates.AddRange(ReadUpdates(element.Element("updates"))); versionSetup.Repository.Add(databaseRepository); } //check for duplicate repository ID if (versionSetup.Repository.Select(x => x.Id).Distinct().Count() != versionSetup.Repository.Count) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Duplicate repository ID names ({0})", string.Join(", ", versionSetup.Repository.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray()))); } }
public IActionResult PluginComposemessage(string profile, string twitterText, string tweetId, string tweetUrl, string facebookText, string url, string imgUrl, long userId) { string[] profiles = profile.Split(','); int i = 0; foreach (var item in profiles) { string[] ids = item.Split('~'); if (ids[1] == "facebook") { string updatedtext = ""; string postmessage = ""; DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts objFacebookAccount = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(ids[0], _redisCache, dbr); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(facebookText)) { string[] updatedmessgae = Regex.Split(facebookText, "<br>"); foreach (var items in updatedmessgae) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(items)) { if (items.Contains("https://") || items.Contains("http://")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { url = items; if (items.Contains("https://")) { string link = getBetween(url + "###", "https", "###"); link = "https" + link; url = link; } if (items.Contains("http://")) { string link = getBetween(url + "###", "http", "###"); link = "http" + link; url = link; } } } if (items.Contains("hhh") || items.Contains("nnn")) { if (items.Contains("hhh")) { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + items.Replace("hhh", "#"); } else { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + items; } } else { postmessage = postmessage + "\n\r" + items; } } } } updatedtext = postmessage.Replace(url, ""); int count = dbr.GetCount <ScheduledMessage>(t => t.shareMessage == updatedtext && t.profileId == objFacebookAccount.FbUserId && t.url == imgUrl && t.scheduleTime.Date == DateTime.UtcNow.Date); if (count > 0) { i++; } else { string ret = Helper.FacebookHelper.ComposeMessage(objFacebookAccount.FbProfileType, objFacebookAccount.AccessToken, objFacebookAccount.FbUserId, updatedtext, ids[0], userId, imgUrl, url, dbr, _logger); } } else { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(twitterText) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgUrl)) { twitterText = twitterText + " " + tweetUrl; int count = dbr.GetCount <ScheduledMessage>(t => t.shareMessage == twitterText && t.profileId == ids[0] && t.url == imgUrl && t.scheduleTime.Date == DateTime.UtcNow.Date); if (count > 0) { i++; } else { string ret = Helper.TwitterHelper.PostTwitterMessage(_appSettings, _redisCache, twitterText, ids[0], userId, imgUrl, true, dbr, _logger); } } else { string data = TwitterRepository.TwitterRetweet_post(ids[0], tweetId, userId, 0, dbr, _logger, _redisCache, _appSettings); } } } if (i > 0) { return(Ok("it seems you already posted this message to few profiles")); } return(Ok("successfully posted")); }