protected void notifySubscribers(LiftContext ctx) { Organization org = Organization.Current; OrgEmail oe = new OrgEmail(); oe.organization_id.Value =; oe = oe.doSingleObjectQuery <OrgEmail>("select"); Request r = new Request(); = ctx.getInt("request_id"); List <Request> rlist = r.doQuery <Request>("get_most_recent_update"); StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(); string title = string.Empty; foreach (Request u in rlist) { if (title.Length == 0) { title = u.title.Value; } body.Append("From: "); body.Append(u.from.Value); body.Append(" ("); body.Append(u.from_email.Value); body.Append(")"); // body.Append(u.getDateTime("post_date").ToString("G")); // times are in utc - needs to be converted to subscriber tz body.Append("\r\n\r\n"); body.Append(u.description.Value); body.Append("\r\n\r\n"); } Email e = new Email(); e.from = org.getFromEmail(); e.Body = body.ToString(); e.subject = "Update: " + title; Subscription s = new Subscription(); s.request_id.Value = ctx.getInt("request_id"); DataSet subsribers = s.doQuery("get_subscribers"); if (DatabasePersist.hasData(subsribers)) { foreach (DataRow subscriber in subsribers.Tables[0].Rows) { e.clearRecipients(); e.addTo(subscriber["email"].ToString()); e.send(); } } }
public void notifyAdjacent(int currentWallId, int userId, int dow, int tod, bool subscribe) { string header = headerMsg; string recvMsg = string.Empty; string giveMsg = string.Empty; string subj = string.Empty; string thisUserHeader = string.Empty; if (subscribe) { recvMsg = recvWatchMsg; giveMsg = giveWatchMsg; subj = "New Watchman Notification"; thisUserHeader = headerMsg; } else { recvMsg = noLongerRecvWatchMsg; giveMsg = noLongerGiveWatchMsg; subj = "Watchman Change Notifcation"; thisUserHeader = unsubscribeHeaderMsg; } OrgEmail oe = new OrgEmail(); oe.organization_id.Value =; oe = oe.doSingleObjectQuery <OrgEmail>("select"); int prevDow = 0; int prevTod = 0; int nextDow = 0; int nextTod = 0; calcPrev(dow, tod, ref prevDow, ref prevTod); calcNext(dow, tod, ref nextDow, ref nextTod); Appt adj = new Appt(); adj["wall_id"] = currentWallId; adj["next_tod"] = nextTod; adj["next_dow"] = nextDow; adj["prev_tod"] = prevTod; adj["prev_dow"] = prevDow; adj["tzoffset"] = LiftTime.UserTzOffset; DataSet neighbors = adj.doQuery("get_adjacent"); User thisUser = new User(); = userId; thisUser = thisUser.doSingleObjectQuery <User>("getobject"); User prior = null; User next = null; if (DatabasePersist.hasData(neighbors)) { foreach (DataRow neighbor in neighbors.Tables[0].Rows) { string rel = neighbor["rel"].ToString(); if (rel == "before") { prior = new User(); = Convert.ToInt32(neighbor["user_id"]); prior = prior.doSingleObjectQuery <User>("getobject"); } if (rel == "after") { next = new User(); = Convert.ToInt32(neighbor["user_id"]); next = next.doSingleObjectQuery <User>("getobject"); } } } StringBuilder currentBody = new StringBuilder(thisUserHeader); replace(currentBody, "day_name", getDay(dow)); replace(currentBody, "time", getTime(tod)); if (prior != null) { StringBuilder priorBody = new StringBuilder(header); replace(priorBody, "day_name", getDay(prevDow)); replace(priorBody, "time", getTime(prevTod)); priorBody.Append(giveMsg); replace(priorBody, "next_first_name", thisUser.first_name.Value); replace(priorBody, "next_last_name", thisUser.last_name.Value); replace(priorBody, "next_email",; replace(priorBody, "next_phone",; currentBody.Append(recvMsg); replace(currentBody, "prev_first_name", prior.first_name.Value); replace(currentBody, "prev_last_name", prior.last_name.Value); replace(currentBody, "prev_email",; replace(currentBody, "prev_phone",; priorBody.Append(footerMsg); Email priorEmail = new Email(); priorEmail.subject = subj; priorEmail.Body = priorBody.ToString(); priorEmail.addTo(; priorEmail.from = Organization.Current.getFromEmail(); priorEmail.send(); } if (next != null) { StringBuilder nextBody = new StringBuilder(header); replace(nextBody, "day_name", getDay(nextDow)); replace(nextBody, "time", getTime(nextTod)); nextBody.Append(recvMsg); replace(nextBody, "prev_first_name", thisUser.first_name.Value); replace(nextBody, "prev_last_name", thisUser.last_name.Value); replace(nextBody, "prev_email",; replace(nextBody, "prev_phone",; currentBody.Append(giveMsg); replace(currentBody, "next_first_name", next.first_name.Value); replace(currentBody, "next_last_name", next.last_name.Value); replace(currentBody, "next_email",; replace(currentBody, "next_phone",; nextBody.Append(footerMsg); Email nextEmail = new Email(); nextEmail.subject = subj; nextEmail.Body = nextBody.ToString(); nextEmail.addTo(; nextEmail.from = Organization.Current.getFromEmail(); nextEmail.send(); } currentBody.Append(footerMsg); Email thisEmail = new Email(); thisEmail.subject = subj; thisEmail.Body = currentBody.ToString(); thisEmail.addTo(; thisEmail.from = Organization.Current.getFromEmail(); thisEmail.send(); }