public ActionResult SendNotification(long id) { var n = DatabaseNotificationService.GetById(id); NotificationSending.NotificationSender.SendNotification(n); return(Redirect("/Notification/NotificationList")); }
public static Notification MarkSent(Notification notification, DateTime time) { notification.Sent = true; notification.SentTime = time; DatabaseNotificationService.Update(notification); return(notification); }
public ActionResult RecallResponse(long id) { var notification = DatabaseNotificationService.GetById(id); var user = DatabasePatientService.GetById(notification.PatientId); string digits = Request["Digits"]; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(digits); if (digits.Contains("9")) { var xml = new XDocument( new XElement("Response", new XElement("Say", "Connecting you to a pharmacist."), new XElement("Dial", DatabasePharmacyService.GetById(user.PharmacyId).PharmacyPhone) ) ); return(new XmlActionResult(xml)); } else { var xml = new XDocument( new XElement("Response", new XElement("Say", "Unrecognized Input, Goodbye") ) ); return(new XmlActionResult(xml)); } }
public ActionResult Refill(long id) { var n = DatabaseNotificationService.GetById(id); var pat = DatabasePatientService.GetById(n.PatientId); Pharmacy p = DatabasePharmacyService.GetById(pat.PharmacyId); p.GetTemplates(); string message = p.GetRefillTemplate().TemplatePhone; var xml = new XDocument( new XElement("Response", new XElement("Gather", new XAttribute("timeout", "10"), new XAttribute("numDigits", "1"), new XAttribute("action", "" + id), new XElement("Say", message ) ), new XElement("Say", "We didn't recieve any input, Goodbye!") ) ); return(new XmlActionResult(xml)); }
/** * Modifies a patients contact preferences to request not to be * contacted again. * * @receives - unsubscribe request from the bottom of notification based emails */ public ActionResult Unsubscribe() { try { var otp = DatabaseEmailOtpService.GetByCode(RouteData.Values["otp"].ToString()); var notification = DatabaseNotificationService.GetById(otp.NotificationId); var patient = DatabasePatientService.GetById(notification.PatientId); if (otp.IsActive()) { if (patient.object_active) { patient.ContactMethod = Patient.PrimaryContactMethod.OptOut; DatabasePatientService.Update(patient); notification.NotificationResponse = "Unsubscribe"; DatabaseNotificationService.Update(notification); DatabaseEmailOtpService.Disable(otp.Id); return(UnsubscribeSuccess()); } else { return(UnsubscribeFailure()); } } else { return(ExpiredOtp()); } } catch (Exception) { return(BadLink()); } }
/** * Sets a notification as responded to. Since the only response requried * by an email, other than ignoring it, is YES it simply starts a refill * * @receives - refill response link from sent emails */ public ActionResult Respond() { try { var otp = DatabaseEmailOtpService.GetByCode(RouteData.Values["otp"].ToString()); var notification = DatabaseNotificationService.GetById(otp.NotificationId); var patient = DatabasePatientService.GetById(notification.PatientId); if (otp.IsActive()) { if (patient.object_active) { notification.NotificationResponse = "Refill"; DatabaseNotificationService.Update(notification); var refill = DatabaseRefillService.GetByPrescriptionId(DatabasePrescriptionService.GetByPatientId(patient.PatientId).PrescriptionId); refill.RefillIt = true; DatabaseRefillService.Update(refill); DatabaseEmailOtpService.Disable(otp.Id); return(RefillSuccess()); } else { return(RefillFailure()); } } else { return(ExpiredOtp()); } } catch (Exception) { return(BadLink()); } }
public ActionResult RefillResponse(long id) { string digits = Request["Digits"]; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Request["To"]); var notification = DatabaseNotificationService.GetById(id); var user = DatabasePatientService.GetById(notification.PatientId); if (digits.Contains("1")) { XDocument xml = null; if (user != null) { notification.NotificationResponse = Request["digits"]; DatabaseNotificationService.Update(notification); var refill = DatabaseRefillService.GetByPrescriptionId(DatabasePrescriptionService.GetByPatientId(user.PatientId).PrescriptionId); refill.RefillIt = true; DatabaseRefillService.Update(refill); xml = new XDocument( new XElement("Response", new XElement("Say", "Your refill will be ready shortly.") ) ); } else { xml = new XDocument( new XElement("Response", new XElement("Say", "couldn't find refill") ) ); } return(new XmlActionResult(xml)); } else if (digits.Contains("9")) { var xml = new XDocument( new XElement("Response", new XElement("Say", "Connecting you to a pharmacist."), new XElement("Dial", DatabasePharmacyService.GetById(user.PharmacyId).PharmacyPhone) ) ); return(new XmlActionResult(xml)); } else { var xml = new XDocument( new XElement("Response", new XElement("Say", "Unrecognized Input, Goodbye") ) ); return(new XmlActionResult(xml)); } }
public ActionResult GetNotifications() { List <Notification> notifications = DatabaseNotificationService.GetDateRange((long)Session["pharm_id"], DateTime.Now, @DateTime.Now.AddDays(7)); ViewBag.date1 = @DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); ViewBag.date2 = @DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToShortDateString(); return(View(notifications)); }
public Refill(Prescription prescription) { PrescriptionId = prescription.PrescriptionId; Refilled = false; RefillIt = false; var notification = Notification.CreateNotification(prescription.PrescriptionDateFilled.AddDays(prescription.PrescriptionDaysSupply - 2), prescription.PatientId, Notification.NotificationType.Refill); DatabaseNotificationService.Insert(notification); }
public ActionResult GetNotifications(string datePicker1, string datePicker2) { var date1 = DateTime.Parse(datePicker1); var date2 = DateTime.Parse(datePicker2); ViewBag.date1 = date1.ToShortDateString(); ViewBag.date2 = date2.ToShortDateString(); List <Notification> notifications = DatabaseNotificationService.GetDateRange((long)Session["pharm_id"], date1, date2); return(View("NotificationList", notifications)); }
//Sends test emails with working callbacks to the email specified public string SendTestEmail() { var u = new User(); var p = new Patient(); var n = new Notification(); var pr = new Prescription(); var r = new Refill(); u.Email = "*****@*****.**"; // PUT YOUR EMAIL HERE TO TEST u.FirstName = "Test"; u.LastName = "User"; u.Phone = "+14055555555"; u.UserId = DatabaseUserService.Insert(u); p.UserId = u.UserId; p.PharmacyId = 1; p.DateOfBirth = DateTime.Now; p.PreferedContactTime = DateTime.Now; p.ContactMethod = Patient.PrimaryContactMethod.Email; p.PersonCode = "0"; p.SendBirthdayMessage = true; p.SendRefillMessage = true; p.PatientId = DatabasePatientService.Insert(p); pr.PatientId = p.PatientId; pr.PrescriptionDaysSupply = 30; pr.PrescriptionRefills = 3; pr.PrescriptionName = "Tylenol"; pr.PrescriptionNumber = 1; pr.PrescriptionUpc = "ABC123"; pr.PrescriptionDateFilled = DateTime.Now; pr.PrescriptionId = DatabasePrescriptionService.Insert(pr); r.RefillIt = false; r.PrescriptionId = pr.PrescriptionId; r.Refilled = false; r.RefillDate = DateTime.Now; r.RefillId = DatabaseRefillService.Insert(r); n.PatientId = p.PatientId; n.Type = Notification.NotificationType.Refill; n.NotificationMessage = "This is a test email for a refill"; n.ScheduledTime = DateTime.Now; n.SentTime = null; n.Sent = false; n.NotificationId = DatabaseNotificationService.Insert(n); EmailService.SendNotification(n); EmailService.SendReset(u); return("Sent an notification and reset email to test account"); }
public ActionResult UploadRecalls(HttpPostedFileBase upload, string recallMessage) { var pharm = DatabasePharmacyService.GetById((long)Session["pharm_id"]); pharm.GetTemplates(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (upload != null && upload.ContentLength > 0) { if (upload.FileName.EndsWith(".csv")) { var stream = upload.InputStream; var csvTable = new DataTable(); using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(stream), true)) { csvTable.Load(csvReader); } foreach (DataRow row in csvTable.Rows) { var patient = new Patient { FirstName = row["PatientFirstName"].ToString(), LastName = row["PatientLastName"].ToString(), Phone = row["Phone"].ToString(), PharmacyId = 1, DateOfBirth = DateTime.Now, Email = "*****@*****.**", ContactMethod = Patient.PrimaryContactMethod.Call, PreferedContactTime = DateTime.Now, PersonCode = row["PersonCode"].ToString() }; var id = DatabaseUserService.Insert(patient); patient.UserId = id; patient.PatientId = DatabasePatientService.Insert(patient); var notification = new Notification(DateTime.Now, patient.PatientId, Notification.NotificationType.Recall, recallMessage); DatabasePatientService.Disable(patient.PatientId); DatabaseNotificationService.Insert(notification); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("File", "This file format is not supported"); return(View(pharm)); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("File", "Please Upload Your file"); } } return(View(pharm)); }
public static bool SendFilledNotification(Refill refill) { var n = new Notification(refill, Notification.NotificationType.Ready); var p = DatabasePrescriptionService.GetById(refill.PrescriptionId); n.PatientId = p.PatientId; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(n.PatientId); n.NotificationId = DatabaseNotificationService.Insert(n); var pat = Patient.PatientDict[n.PatientId]; var twilio = new TwilioApi(pat.getPharmacy()); SendNotification(n, twilio); return(true); }
private List <Notification> getNotifications() { var tempList = DatabaseNotificationService.GetDateRange(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-100), DateTime.Now); List <Notification> list = new List <Notification>(); if (tempList == null) { tempList = new List <Notification>(); } foreach (var n in tempList) { if (!n.Sent && n.ScheduledTime.Date <= DateTime.Now.Date && Patient.PatientDict[n.PatientId].PreferedContactTime.TimeOfDay <= DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay && Patient.PatientDict[n.PatientId].PharmacyId == 1) { list.Add(n); } } // TODO add birthdays and get not sent but before current datetime return(list); }
public ActionResult Recall(long id) { var n = DatabaseNotificationService.GetById(id); var xml = new XDocument( new XElement("Response", new XElement("Gather", new XAttribute("timeout", "10"), new XAttribute("numDigits", "1"), new XAttribute("action", "" + id), new XElement("Say", n.NotificationMessage ) ), new XElement("Say", "Goodbye!") ) ); return(new XmlActionResult(xml)); }
public ActionResult SmsResponse() { var messagingResponse = new MessagingResponse(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SMS Response" + " " + Request["from"] + " " + Request["body"]); if (Request["body"].ToLower() == "yes") { var users = DatabaseUserService.GetMultipleByPhone(Request["from"]); Patient user = null; Notification newest = null; foreach (var u in users) { var patT = DatabasePatientService.GetByUserIdActive(u.UserId); var notificationsT = DatabaseNotificationService.GetByPatientId(patT.PatientId); var newestT = notificationsT[0]; foreach (var n in notificationsT) { if (newestT.SentTime > n.SentTime) { newestT = n; } } if (newestT.Sent && newestT.SentTime > DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-10)) { user = patT; newest = newestT; } } user.LoadUserData(); newest.NotificationResponse = Request["body"]; DatabaseNotificationService.Update(newest); var pres = DatabasePrescriptionService.GetByPatientId(user.PatientId); var refill = DatabaseRefillService.GetByPrescriptionId(pres.PrescriptionId); refill.RefillIt = true; DatabaseRefillService.Update(refill); messagingResponse.Message("Thanks, your prescription will be ready shortly"); } else if (Request["body"].ToLower() == "stop") { var user = DatabaseUserService.GetByPhoneActive(Request["from"]); var pat = DatabasePatientService.GetByUserIdActive(user.UserId); var notifications = DatabaseNotificationService.GetByPatientId(pat.PatientId); var newest = notifications[0]; foreach (var n in notifications) { if (newest.SentTime < n.SentTime) { newest = n; } } if (newest.Type == Notification.NotificationType.Refill) { pat.SendRefillMessage = false; messagingResponse.Message("You have been unsubscribed from refill notifications"); } else if (newest.Type == Notification.NotificationType.Birthday) { pat.SendBirthdayMessage = false; messagingResponse.Message("You have been unsubscribed from birthday notifications"); } else if (newest.Type == Notification.NotificationType.Ready) { pat.SendRefillMessage = false; messagingResponse.Message("You have been unsubscribed from refill notifications"); } DatabasePatientService.Update(pat); } else if (Request["body"].ToLower() == "stop all") { var user = DatabaseUserService.GetByPhoneActive(Request["from"]); var pat = DatabasePatientService.GetByUserIdActive(user.UserId); pat.ContactMethod = Patient.PrimaryContactMethod.OptOut; } return(new TwiMLResult(messagingResponse)); }
public ActionResult DeleteNotification(long id) { DatabaseNotificationService.Disable(id); return(Redirect("/Notification/NotificationList")); }