public async Task SetSensitivityAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                                      [Description("Sensitivity (number of users allowed to join within a given timespan).")] short sensitivity)
                    if (sensitivity < 2 || sensitivity > 20)
                        throw new CommandFailedException("The sensitivity is not in the valid range ([2, 20]).");

                    DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                        cfg.AntifloodSensitivity = sensitivity;

                    DiscordChannel logchn = this.Shared.GetLogChannelForGuild(ctx.Client, ctx.Guild);

                    if (!(logchn is null))
                        var emb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder {
                            Title = "Guild config changed",
                            Color = this.ModuleColor
                        emb.AddField("User responsible", ctx.User.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Invoked in", ctx.Channel.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Antiflood sensitivity changed to", $"Max {gcfg.AntifloodSensitivity} users per {gcfg.AntifloodCooldown}s");
                        await logchn.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build());

                    await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Antiflood sensitivity for this guild has been changed to {Formatter.Bold(gcfg.AntifloodSensitivity.ToString())} users per {gcfg.AntifloodCooldown}s", important : false);
                public async Task SetSensitivityAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                                      [Description("Cooldown (in seconds).")] short cooldown)
                    if (cooldown < 2 || cooldown > 60)
                        throw new CommandFailedException("The cooldown is not in the valid range ([2, 60]).");

                    DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                        cfg.AntiInstantLeaveCooldown = cooldown;

                    DiscordChannel logchn = this.Shared.GetLogChannelForGuild(ctx.Client, ctx.Guild);

                    if (!(logchn is null))
                        var emb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder {
                            Title = "Guild config changed",
                            Color = this.ModuleColor
                        emb.AddField("User responsible", ctx.User.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Invoked in", ctx.Channel.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Instant leave cooldown changed to", $"{gcfg.AntiInstantLeaveCooldown}s");
                        await logchn.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build());

                    await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Instant leave cooldown for this guild has been changed to {Formatter.Bold(gcfg.AntiInstantLeaveCooldown.ToString())}s", important : false);
        public async Task <DiscordRole> GetOrCreateMuteRoleAsync(DiscordGuild guild)
            DiscordRole muteRole = null;

            await this.csem.WaitAsync();

            try {
                using (DatabaseContext db = this.shard.Database.CreateContext()) {
                    DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = guild.GetGuildConfig(db);
                    muteRole = guild.GetRole(gcfg.MuteRoleId);
                    if (muteRole is null)
                        muteRole = guild.Roles.Values.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "gf_mute");
                    if (muteRole is null)
                        muteRole = await guild.CreateRoleAsync("gf_mute", hoist : false, mentionable : false);

                        foreach (DiscordChannel channel in guild.Channels.Values.Where(c => c.Type == ChannelType.Text))
                            await channel.AddOverwriteAsync(muteRole, deny : Permissions.SendMessages | Permissions.SendTtsMessages | Permissions.AddReactions);

                            await Task.Delay(100);
                        gcfg.MuteRoleId = muteRole.Id;
                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();
            } finally {

                public async Task ExecuteGroupAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                                    [Description("Enable?")] bool enable,
                                                    [Description("Cooldown (join-leave max seconds).")] short cooldown)
                    if (cooldown < 2 || cooldown > 60)
                        throw new CommandFailedException("The cooldown is not in the valid range ([2, 60]).");

                    DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                        cfg.AntiInstantLeaveCooldown = cooldown;
                        cfg.AntiInstantLeaveEnabled  = enable;

                    DiscordChannel logchn = this.Shared.GetLogChannelForGuild(ctx.Client, ctx.Guild);

                    if (!(logchn is null))
                        var emb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder {
                            Title       = "Guild config changed",
                            Description = $"AntiInstantLeave {(enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")}",
                            Color       = this.ModuleColor
                        emb.AddField("User responsible", ctx.User.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Invoked in", ctx.Channel.Mention, inline: true);
                        if (enable)
                            emb.AddField("Instant leave cooldown", gcfg.AntiInstantLeaveCooldown.ToString(), inline: true);
                        await logchn.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build());

                    await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"{Formatter.Bold(enable ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")} instant leave actions.", important : false);
Exemple #5
                public async Task SetSensitivityAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                                      [Description("Sensitivity (messages per 5s to trigger action).")] short sensitivity)
                    if (sensitivity < 4 || sensitivity > 10)
                        throw new CommandFailedException("The sensitivity is not in the valid range ([4, 10]).");

                    DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                        cfg.RatelimitSettings.Sensitivity = sensitivity;

                    DiscordChannel logchn = this.Shared.GetLogChannelForGuild(ctx.Client, ctx.Guild);

                    if (!(logchn is null))
                        var emb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder {
                            Title = "Guild config changed",
                            Color = this.ModuleColor
                        emb.AddField("User responsible", ctx.User.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Invoked in", ctx.Channel.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Ratelimit sensitivity changed to", $"Max {gcfg.RatelimitSensitivity} msgs per 5s");
                        await logchn.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build());

                    await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Ratelimit sensitivity for this guild has been changed to {Formatter.Bold(gcfg.RatelimitSensitivity.ToString())} msgs per 5s", important : false);
                public async Task SetCooldownAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                                   [Description("Cooldown.")] TimeSpan cooldown)
                    if (cooldown.TotalSeconds < 5 || cooldown.TotalSeconds > 60)
                        throw new CommandFailedException("The cooldown timespan is not in the valid range ([5, 60] seconds).");

                    DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                        cfg.AntifloodCooldown = (short)cooldown.TotalSeconds;

                    DiscordChannel logchn = this.Shared.GetLogChannelForGuild(ctx.Client, ctx.Guild);

                    if (!(logchn is null))
                        var emb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder {
                            Title = "Guild config changed",
                            Color = this.ModuleColor
                        emb.AddField("User responsible", ctx.User.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Invoked in", ctx.Channel.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Antiflood cooldown changed to", $"{gcfg.AntifloodCooldown}s");
                        await logchn.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build());

                    await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Antiflood cooldown for this guild has been changed to {gcfg.AntifloodCooldown}s", important : false);
        public static DatabaseGuildConfig GetGuildSettings(this DiscordGuild guild, DatabaseContextBuilder dbb)
            DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = null;

            using (DatabaseContext db = dbb.CreateContext())
                gcfg = guild.GetGuildConfig(db);
        public static async Task <DatabaseGuildConfig> GetGuildConfigAsync(this TheGodfatherModule module, ulong gid)
            DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = null;

            using (DatabaseContext db = module.Database.CreateContext())
                gcfg = await db.GuildConfig.FindAsync((long)gid) ?? new DatabaseGuildConfig();
Exemple #9
        public static GuildSettings GetGuildSettings(this CommandContext ctx)
            var dbb = ctx.Services.GetService <DatabaseContextBuilder>();
            DatabaseGuildConfig cfg = null;

            using (var db = dbb.CreateContext())
                cfg = db.GuildConfig.SingleOrDefault(xc => (ulong)xc.GuildId == ctx.Guild.Id);
                public async Task ExecuteGroupAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                                    [Description("Enable?")] bool enable)
                    DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                        cfg.LinkfilterEnabled = enable;

                    await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"{(enable ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")} link filtering!", important : false);

                    await this.LogConfigChangeAsync(ctx, "Linkfilter", gcfg.LinkfilterEnabled);
                public async Task BootersAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                               [Description("Enable?")] bool enable)
                    DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                        cfg.LinkfilterBootersEnabled = enable;

                    await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"{(enable ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")} DDoS/Booter website filtering!", important : false);

                    await this.LogConfigChangeAsync(ctx, "DDoS/Booter websites filtering", gcfg.LinkfilterBootersEnabled);
                public async Task ExecuteGroupAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                                    [Description("Enable?")] bool enable,
                                                    [Description("Sensitivity (number of users allowed to join within a given timespan).")] short sensitivity,
                                                    [Description("Action type.")] PunishmentActionType action = PunishmentActionType.Kick,
                                                    [Description("Cooldown.")] TimeSpan?cooldown = null)
                    if (sensitivity < 2 || sensitivity > 20)
                        throw new CommandFailedException("The sensitivity is not in the valid range ([2, 20]).");

                    if (cooldown?.TotalSeconds < 5 || cooldown?.TotalSeconds > 60)
                        throw new CommandFailedException("The cooldown timespan is not in the valid range ([5, 60] seconds).");

                    var settings = new AntifloodSettings {
                        Action      = action,
                        Cooldown    = (short?)cooldown?.TotalSeconds ?? 10,
                        Enabled     = enable,
                        Sensitivity = sensitivity

                    using (DatabaseContext db = this.Database.CreateContext()) {
                        DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.GetGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id);

                        gcfg.AntifloodSettings = settings;
                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                    DiscordChannel logchn = this.Shared.GetLogChannelForGuild(ctx.Client, ctx.Guild);

                    if (!(logchn is null))
                        var emb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder {
                            Title       = "Guild config changed",
                            Description = $"Antiflood {(enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")}",
                            Color       = this.ModuleColor
                        emb.AddField("User responsible", ctx.User.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Invoked in", ctx.Channel.Mention, inline: true);
                        if (enable)
                            emb.AddField("Antiflood sensitivity", settings.Sensitivity.ToString(), inline: true);
                            emb.AddField("Antiflood cooldown", settings.Cooldown.ToString(), inline: true);
                            emb.AddField("Antiflood action", settings.Action.ToTypeString(), inline: true);
                        await logchn.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build());

                    await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"{Formatter.Bold(enable ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")} antiflood actions.", important : false);
        public static async Task MemberJoinEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherShard shard, GuildMemberAddEventArgs e)
            DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = e.Guild.GetGuildSettings(shard.Database);
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(gcfg.AntiInstantLeaveSettings.Cooldown + 1));

            if (e.Member.Guild is null)

            DiscordChannel wchn = e.Guild.GetChannel(gcfg.WelcomeChannelId);

            if (!(wchn is null))
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gcfg.WelcomeMessage))
                    await wchn.EmbedAsync($"Welcome to {Formatter.Bold(e.Guild.Name)}, {e.Member.Mention}!", StaticDiscordEmoji.Wave);
                    await wchn.EmbedAsync(gcfg.WelcomeMessage.Replace("%user%", e.Member.Mention), StaticDiscordEmoji.Wave);

            try {
                using (DatabaseContext db = shard.Database.CreateContext()) {
                    IQueryable <ulong> rids = db.AutoAssignableRoles
                                              .Where(dbr => dbr.GuildId == e.Guild.Id)
                                              .Select(dbr => dbr.RoleId);
                    foreach (ulong rid in rids.ToList())
                        try {
                            DiscordRole role = e.Guild.GetRole(rid);
                            if (!(role is null))
                                await e.Member.GrantRoleAsync(role);
                                db.AutoAssignableRoles.Remove(db.AutoAssignableRoles.Single(r => r.GuildId == e.Guild.Id && r.RoleId == rid));
                        } catch (Exception exc) {
                                      $"| Failed to assign an automatic role to a new member!\n" +
                                      $"| {e.Guild.ToString()}\n" +
                                      $"| Exception: {exc.GetType()}\n" +
                                      $"| Message: {exc.Message}"
Exemple #14
 private static async Task RegisterGuildAsync(SharedData shared, DatabaseContextBuilder dbb, ulong gid)
     shared.GuildConfigurations.TryAdd(gid, CachedGuildConfig.Default);
     using (DatabaseContext db = dbb.CreateContext()) {
         var gcfg = new DatabaseGuildConfig {
             GuildId = gid
         if (!db.GuildConfig.Contains(gcfg))
             await db.SaveChangesAsync();
        public static async Task <DatabaseGuildConfig> ModifyGuildConfigAsync(this TheGodfatherModule module, ulong gid, Action <DatabaseGuildConfig> action)
            DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = null;

            using (DatabaseContext db = module.Database.CreateContext()) {
                gcfg = await db.GuildConfig.FindAsync((long)gid) ?? new DatabaseGuildConfig();

                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            CachedGuildConfig cgcfg = module.Shared.GetGuildConfig(gid);

            cgcfg = gcfg.CachedConfig;
            module.Shared.UpdateGuildConfig(gid, _ => cgcfg);

        public async Task GetOrSetCurrencyAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                                [RemainingText, Description("New currency.")] string currency = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currency))
                await this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.MoneyBag, $"Currency for this guild: {this.Shared.GetGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id).Currency ?? "credit"}");
                if (currency.Length > 30)
                    throw new CommandFailedException("Currency name cannot be longer than 30 characters!");

                DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                    cfg.Currency = currency;

                await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Changed the currency to: {gcfg.Currency}", important : false);
Exemple #17
        public async Task GetOrSetPrefixAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                              [Description("Prefix to set.")] string prefix = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prefix))
                string p = this.Shared.GetGuildPrefix(ctx.Guild.Id);
                await this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Information, $"Current prefix for this guild: {Formatter.Bold(p)}");


            if (prefix.Length > 12)
                throw new CommandFailedException("Prefix cannot be longer than 12 characters.");

            DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                cfg.Prefix = (prefix == this.Shared.BotConfiguration.DefaultPrefix) ? null : prefix;

            await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Successfully changed the prefix for this guild to: {Formatter.Bold(gcfg.Prefix ?? this.Shared.BotConfiguration.DefaultPrefix)}", important : false);
                public async Task SetActionAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                                 [Description("Action type.")] PunishmentActionType action)
                    DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                        cfg.AntifloodAction = action;

                    DiscordChannel logchn = this.Shared.GetLogChannelForGuild(ctx.Client, ctx.Guild);

                    if (!(logchn is null))
                        var emb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder {
                            Title = "Guild config changed",
                            Color = this.ModuleColor
                        emb.AddField("User responsible", ctx.User.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Invoked in", ctx.Channel.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Antiflood action changed to", gcfg.AntifloodAction.ToTypeString());
                        await logchn.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build());

                    await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Antiflood action for this guild has been changed to {Formatter.Bold(gcfg.AntifloodAction.ToTypeString())}", important : false);
Exemple #19
                public async Task ExecuteGroupAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                                    [Description("Enable?")] bool enable,
                                                    [Description("Sensitivity (messages per 5s to trigger action).")] short sensitivity,
                                                    [Description("Action type.")] PunishmentActionType action = PunishmentActionType.PermanentMute)
                    if (sensitivity < 4 || sensitivity > 10)
                        throw new CommandFailedException("The sensitivity is not in the valid range ([4, 10]).");

                    DatabaseGuildConfig gcfg = await this.ModifyGuildConfigAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, cfg => {
                        cfg.RatelimitEnabled     = enable;
                        cfg.RatelimitAction      = action;
                        cfg.RatelimitSensitivity = sensitivity;

                    DiscordChannel logchn = this.Shared.GetLogChannelForGuild(ctx.Client, ctx.Guild);

                    if (!(logchn is null))
                        var emb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder {
                            Title       = "Guild config changed",
                            Description = $"Ratelimit {(enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")}",
                            Color       = this.ModuleColor
                        emb.AddField("User responsible", ctx.User.Mention, inline: true);
                        emb.AddField("Invoked in", ctx.Channel.Mention, inline: true);
                        if (enable)
                            emb.AddField("Ratelimit sensitivity", gcfg.RatelimitSensitivity.ToString(), inline: true);
                            emb.AddField("Ratelimit action", gcfg.RatelimitAction.ToTypeString(), inline: true);
                        await logchn.SendMessageAsync(embed : emb.Build());

                    await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"{Formatter.Bold(gcfg.RatelimitEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")} ratelimit actions.", important : false);
Exemple #20
        public static async Task SetGuildSettingsAsync(this CommandContext ctx, GuildSettings gcfg)
            var dbb = ctx.Services.GetService <DatabaseContextBuilder>();

            using (var db = dbb.CreateContext())
                var cfg = db.GuildConfig.SingleOrDefault(xc => (ulong)xc.GuildId == ctx.Guild.Id);
                if (cfg == null)
                    cfg = new DatabaseGuildConfig {
                        GuildId = (long)ctx.Guild.Id
                    await db.GuildConfig.AddAsync(cfg);

                await db.SaveChangesAsync();