Exemple #1
        public static Chicken FromDatabaseChicken(DatabaseChicken dbc)
            if (dbc == null)

            return(new Chicken {
                GuildId = dbc.GuildId,
                Name = dbc.Name,
                OwnerId = dbc.UserId,
                Stats = new ChickenStats {
                    BareStrength = dbc.Strength,
                    BareMaxVitality = dbc.MaxVitality,
                    BareVitality = dbc.Vitality,
                    Upgrades = dbc.DbUpgrades.Select(u => new ChickenUpgrade {
                        Id = u.Id,
                        Modifier = u.DbChickenUpgrade.Modifier,
                        Name = u.DbChickenUpgrade.Name,
                        Price = u.DbChickenUpgrade.Cost,
                        UpgradesStat = u.DbChickenUpgrade.UpgradesStat
Exemple #2
 public DatabaseChicken ToDatabaseChicken(DatabaseChicken target = null)
     if (target is null)
         return(new DatabaseChicken {
             DbUpgrades = this.Stats.Upgrades.Select(u => new DatabaseChickenBoughtUpgrade {
                 GuildId = this.GuildId,
                 Id = u.Id,
                 UserId = this.OwnerId
             GuildId = this.GuildId,
             MaxVitality = this.Stats.BareMaxVitality,
             Name = this.Name,
             Strength = this.Stats.BareStrength,
             UserId = this.OwnerId,
             Vitality = this.Stats.BareVitality
         target.DbUpgrades = this.Stats.Upgrades.Select(u => new DatabaseChickenBoughtUpgrade {
             GuildId = this.GuildId,
             Id      = u.Id,
             UserId  = this.OwnerId
         target.GuildId     = this.GuildId;
         target.MaxVitality = this.Stats.BareMaxVitality;
         target.Name        = this.Name;
         target.Strength    = this.Stats.BareStrength;
         target.UserId      = this.OwnerId;
         target.Vitality    = this.Stats.BareVitality;
Exemple #3
            public async Task StrengthAsync(CommandContext ctx)
                if (this.Shared.GetEventInChannel(ctx.Channel.Id) is ChickenWar)
                    throw new CommandFailedException("There is a chicken war running in this channel. No trainings are allowed before the war finishes.");

                string result;

                using (DatabaseContext db = this.Database.CreateContext()) {
                    DatabaseChicken dbc = await db.Chickens.FindAsync((long)ctx.Guild.Id, (long)ctx.User.Id);

                    var chicken = Chicken.FromDatabaseChicken(dbc);
                    if (chicken is null)
                        throw new CommandFailedException("You do not own a chicken!");

                    if (chicken.Stats.TotalVitality < 25)
                        throw new CommandFailedException($"{ctx.User.Mention}, your chicken is too weak for that action! Heal it using {Formatter.BlockCode("chicken heal")} command.");

                    long price = chicken.TrainStrengthPrice;
                    if (!await ctx.WaitForBoolReplyAsync($"{ctx.User.Mention}, are you sure you want to train your chicken for {Formatter.Bold($"{price:n0}")} {this.Shared.GetGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id).Currency ?? "credits"}?\n\nNote: This action will also weaken the vitality of your chicken by 1."))

                    if (!await db.TryDecreaseBankAccountAsync(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, price))
                        throw new CommandFailedException($"You do not have enough {this.Shared.GetGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id).Currency ?? "credits"} to train a chicken ({price:n0} needed)!");

                    if (chicken.TrainStrength())
                        result = $"{ctx.User.Mention}'s chicken learned alot from the training. New strength: {chicken.Stats.TotalStrength}";
                        result = $"{ctx.User.Mention}'s chicken got tired and didn't learn anything. New strength: {chicken.Stats.TotalStrength}";

                    dbc.Strength = chicken.Stats.BareStrength;

                    await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                await this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Chicken, result);
Exemple #4
        public static Chicken FromDatabase(DatabaseContextBuilder dbb, ulong gid, string name)
            Chicken chicken = null;

            using (DatabaseContext db = dbb.CreateContext()) {
                DatabaseChicken dbc = db.Chickens
                                      .Include(c => c.DbUpgrades)
                                      .ThenInclude(u => u.DbChickenUpgrade)
                                      .FirstOrDefault(c => c.GuildId == gid && string.Compare(c.Name, name, true) == 0);
                chicken = FromDatabaseChicken(dbc);
Exemple #5
        public static Chicken FromDatabase(DatabaseContextBuilder dbb, ulong gid, ulong uid)
            Chicken chicken = null;

            using (DatabaseContext db = dbb.CreateContext()) {
                DatabaseChicken dbc = db.Chickens
                                      .Include(c => c.DbUpgrades)
                                      .ThenInclude(u => u.DbChickenUpgrade)
                                      .SingleOrDefault(c => c.GuildId == gid && c.UserId == uid);
                chicken = FromDatabaseChicken(dbc);
        public async Task HealAsync(CommandContext ctx)
            if (this.Shared.GetEventInChannel(ctx.Channel.Id) is ChickenWar)
                throw new CommandFailedException("There is a chicken war running in this channel. You are not allowed to heal your chicken before the war finishes.");

            using (DatabaseContext db = this.Database.CreateContext()) {
                DatabaseChicken dbc = await db.Chickens.FindAsync((long)ctx.Guild.Id, (long)ctx.User.Id);

                if (dbc is null)
                    throw new CommandFailedException("You do not own a chicken in this guild!");
                dbc.Vitality = (dbc.Vitality + 100) > dbc.MaxVitality ? dbc.MaxVitality : (dbc.Vitality + 100);
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            await this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Chicken, $"{ctx.User.Mention} healed his chicken (+100 to current HP)!");
        public async Task RenameAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                      [RemainingText, Description("New chicken name.")] string newname)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newname))
                throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("New name for your chicken is missing.");

            if (newname.Length < 2 || newname.Length > 30)
                throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("Name cannot be shorter than 2 and longer than 30 characters.");

            if (!newname.All(c => char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || char.IsWhiteSpace(c)))
                throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("Name cannot contain characters that are not letters or digits.");

            if (this.Shared.GetEventInChannel(ctx.Channel.Id) is ChickenWar)
                throw new CommandFailedException("There is a chicken war running in this channel. No renames are allowed before the war finishes.");

            using (DatabaseContext db = this.Database.CreateContext()) {
                DatabaseChicken dbc = db.Chickens.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GuildId == ctx.Guild.Id && c.UserId == ctx.User.Id);
                if (dbc is null)
                    throw new CommandFailedException("You do not own a chicken in this guild!");
                dbc.Name = newname;
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            await this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Chicken, $"{ctx.User.Mention} renamed his chicken to {Formatter.Bold(newname)}");