private void loadUserFileAndCheckGUID(Action action, IMyLog log) { string email = Data_AppUserFile.API_IdToEmail(m_RequId); if (email == null) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } DSSwitch.appUser().Update_General(email, delegate(Data_AppUserFile user, Object args) { m_User = user; if (m_User == null) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } if (!m_User.IsAccountActive(m_Message)) { throw new ArgumentException("Account not active (1). " + m_User.AccountStatusExplained()); } if (m_User.ApiGuId != m_RequId) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } action(); }, null, null, log); }
public static void EmailFromAPpiKey(IMyLog log, QuestionOption it) { var key = Question.Ask("Enter API Key"); string email = Data_AppUserFile.API_IdToEmail(key); email = Data_AppUserFile.EmailToRealEmail(email); Console.WriteLine(key); Console.WriteLine(email); Console.WriteLine(""); }
private void Init(string data, bool dataIsEmail) { if (dataIsEmail) { this.Email = data; this.APIId = null; } else { this.Email = Data_AppUserFile.API_IdToEmail(data); this.APIId = data; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // This comes from the AdminTool try { Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string XAPIId = Request.Headers["X-APIId"]; string email_ = Data_AppUserFile.API_IdToEmail(XAPIId); string email = Data_AppUserFile.EmailToRealEmail(email_); Data_AppUserFile user = DSSwitch.appUser().RetrieveOne(email, MyLog.GetLogger("APICredit")); switch (user.AccountStatus) { case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.commercial_monthly: Response.Write(user.MonthlyAccount.monthly_CurrentCredit.ToString()); break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.commercial_payassent: Response.Write(user.PayAsSentAccount.payAsSent_CurrentCredit.ToString()); break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.commercial_monthlyDifPrice: Response.Write(user.MonthlyDifPriceAccount.monthlyDifPrice_CurrentCredit.ToString()); break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.commercial_systemDuplication: Response.Write(user.SystemDuplicationAccount.systemDuplication_PaidUntil.ToUkTime(false)); break; default: Response.Write(Data_AppUserFile.GetNiceStatusText(user.AccountStatus)); break; } } catch (Exception) { Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("Fehler"); } }
public string SendWhatsApp(NiceSystemInfo niceSystem, string XAPIMobile, string Message, bool isWelcomeMessage, IMyLog log, out string fileName) { fileName = ""; string[] requTelList = null; string cleanMessage = null; bool sendFooter = true; bool deleteOnFailed = false; try { timeNow = DateTime.UtcNow; // 1 extract (check) input data #region 1 extract (check) input data if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(APIId)) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId missing"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XAPIMobile)) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIMobile missing"); } requTelList = XAPIMobile.Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < requTelList.Length; i++) { requTelList[i] = "+" + requTelList[i]; } cleanMessage = Message.Replace(":SE", ": SE").Replace(": SE", ": SE"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cleanMessage)) { throw new ArgumentException("No POST data"); } #endregion // 2 load user file and check guid #region 2 load user file and check guid string email = Data_AppUserFile.API_IdToEmail(APIId); if (email == null) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } DSSwitch.appUser().Update_General(email, delegate(Data_AppUserFile user, Object args) { if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } if (!user.IsAccountActive(cleanMessage)) { throw new ArgumentException("Account not active (7). " + user.AccountStatusExplained()); } if (user.ApiGuId != APIId) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } #endregion // 3 action user.CommitOrThrow_Send(requTelList, isWelcomeMessage, cleanMessage.Length, ref user.AccountStatus, out sendFooter); deleteOnFailed = user.DeleteOnFailed; }, null, null, log); // 5) createMessageFile bool noCounterUpdate = false; if (Message.StartsWith("__NoSend")) { noCounterUpdate = true; } else if (Message == "Welcome\r\n") { noCounterUpdate = true; } else if (Message == "Welcome to\r\n") { noCounterUpdate = true; } int telNoId = 0; foreach (string tel1 in requTelList) { fileName += createMessageFile( niceSystem, telNoId, requTelList[telNoId], cleanMessage, email, timeNow, log, noCounterUpdate, sendFooter, deleteOnFailed ? 1 : -1) + ", "; // move on telNoId++; } if (telNoId == 1) { return("queued"); } else { return("queued x" + telNoId.ToString()); } } catch (ArgumentException ae) { return(ae.Message); } }
public string Process_Registration_JustVerified(NiceSystemInfo niceSystem, out bool ok, bool sendAdminNotification, bool sendAdminNotificationToWhatsapp, IMyLog log, LogForEmailSend log4Email) { StringBuilder sbInfo = new StringBuilder(); string telToCheck = null; ok = false; string friendlyEmail = null; bool okIntern = false; try { timeNow = DateTime.UtcNow; // 1 extract (check) input data if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(APIId)) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId missing"); } // 2 load user file and check guid string email = Data_AppUserFile.API_IdToEmail(APIId); if (email == null) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } DSSwitch.appUser().Update_General(email, delegate(Data_AppUserFile user, Object args) { if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } if (user.ApiGuId != APIId) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } if (user.AccountStatus != Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.email_sent_for_verification) { throw new ArgumentException("AccountStatus is wrong"); } // 3 action, produce telCheck file and update AccountStatus user.AccountStatus = Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.verified_checkingTelNumbers; telToCheck = user.MobileNumbers_AllConfirmed__.getVal + user.MobileNumbers_AllUnConfirmed__.getVal; friendlyEmail = user.Email; okIntern = true; }, null, delegate(Object args) { // post process if (log != null) { log.Info(friendlyEmail + " just verified his email"); } if (sendAdminNotification) { EMail.SendAdminNotification(friendlyEmail + " just verified his email", log4Email); } if (sendAdminNotificationToWhatsapp) { NotificationInfo notificationInfo = DSSwitch.full().GetNotificationInfo(); NiceSystemInfo notifyToUse = DSSwitch.full().GetSystems(false).FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == notificationInfo.Name); if (notifyToUse != null) { Data_Net__00NormalMessage msg = new Data_Net__00NormalMessage( Data_AppUserFile.API_IdToEmail(notifyToUse.APIId), "zapi_" + notificationInfo.RxTel, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks, friendlyEmail + " just verified his email", 0, 10, true); DSSwitch.msgFile00().Store(notifyToUse, msg, Data_Net__00NormalMessage.eLocation.Queued, log); } } Data_Net__04CheckTelNumbers _04 = new Data_Net__04CheckTelNumbers(friendlyEmail, timeNow.Ticks, telToCheck, ""); DSSwitch.msgFile04().Store(niceSystem, _04, log); }, log); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { sbInfo.Append(ae.Message); } catch (Exception) { sbInfo.Append("ERROR"); } ok = okIntern; return(sbInfo.ToString()); }