private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Determine if we'll be inserting or updating
            switch (m_inUpdateMode)
            case true:
                // Perform an update on the selected DataSource - First populate a DataSource structure
                DataSourcesAccess.Datasource thisDataSource = m_dataSourceAccess.DataSourceCollection[m_selectedDataSourceID];
                thisDataSource.Source = txtSource.Text;
                thisDataSource.Notes  = txtNotes.Text;

                // Then perform the update and save

            case false:
                // Perform an insert. This is done directly through a method on the DataSourceAccess object
                m_dataSourceAccess.NewDataSource(txtSource.Text, txtNotes.Text);

            // Set the Canceled flag, hide the form
            m_canceled = false;
        private void tlbtnEditExisting_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Setup the form for an existing record
            tlbtnNewRecord.Font    = m_notBoldFont;
            tlbtnEditExisting.Font = m_boldFont;
            btnSave.Enabled        = true;

            // Get the DataSource in order to populate the fields
            DataSourcesAccess.Datasource thisDataSource = m_dataSourceAccess.DataSourceCollection[m_selectedDataSourceID];
            txtSource.Text = thisDataSource.Source;
            txtNotes.Text  = thisDataSource.Notes;

            m_inUpdateMode = true;
        public AddEditDataSource(IWorkspace theWorkspace, string selectedDataSourceID = null)

            // Set Class-level variables
            m_theWorkspace     = theWorkspace;
            m_dataSourceAccess = new DataSourcesAccess(theWorkspace);

            // Check to see if a Data Source is selected. If not, adjust form for new DataSource creation
            m_selectedDataSourceID = selectedDataSourceID;

            m_boldFont    = (Font)tlbtnEditExisting.Font.Clone();
            m_notBoldFont = new Font(m_boldFont, FontStyle.Regular);

            if (m_selectedDataSourceID == null)
                // Set the fonts appropriately in the form. Nothing to populate.
                tlbtnEditExisting.Font    = m_notBoldFont;
                tlbtnNewRecord.Font       = m_boldFont;
                tlbtnEditExisting.Enabled = false;
                tlbtnNewRecord.Enabled    = false;
                btnSave.Enabled           = false;

                m_inUpdateMode = false;
                // Fonts default appropriately. Load Source and Notes from the selected record.
                //m_currentDataSource = new DataSourceRecord(m_theWorkspace, m_selectedDataSourceID);
                m_dataSourceAccess.AddDataSources("DataSources_ID = '" + m_selectedDataSourceID + "'");
                DataSourcesAccess.Datasource thisDataSource = m_dataSourceAccess.DataSourceCollection[m_selectedDataSourceID];

                txtSource.Text = thisDataSource.Source;
                txtNotes.Text  = thisDataSource.Notes;

                // Enable the save button
                btnSave.Enabled = true;

                m_inUpdateMode = true;