private static async Task <DataObject> ToDataObject(DataPackageView src, CancellationToken ct)
            var dst = new DataObject();

            // WPF has no format for URI therefore text is used for both
            if (src.Contains(StandardDataFormats.Text))
                dst.SetText(await src.GetTextAsync().AsTask(ct));
                var uri = DataPackage.CombineUri(
                    src.Contains(StandardDataFormats.WebLink) ? (await src.GetWebLinkAsync().AsTask(ct)).ToString() : null,
                    src.Contains(StandardDataFormats.ApplicationLink) ? (await src.GetApplicationLinkAsync().AsTask(ct)).ToString() : null,
                    src.Contains(StandardDataFormats.Uri) ? (await src.GetUriAsync().AsTask(ct)).ToString() : null);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri) == false)

            if (src.Contains(StandardDataFormats.Html))
                dst.SetData(DataFormats.Html, await src.GetHtmlFormatAsync().AsTask(ct));

            if (src.Contains(StandardDataFormats.Rtf))
                dst.SetData(DataFormats.Rtf, await src.GetRtfAsync().AsTask(ct));

            if (src.Contains(StandardDataFormats.Bitmap))
                var srcStreamRef = await src.GetBitmapAsync().AsTask(ct);

                var srcStream = await srcStreamRef.OpenReadAsync().AsTask(ct);

                // We copy the source stream in memory to avoid marshalling issue with async stream
                // and to make sure to read it async as it built from a RandomAccessStream which might be remote.
                using var tmp = new MemoryStream();
                await srcStream.AsStreamForRead().CopyToAsync(tmp);

                tmp.Position = 0;

                var dstBitmap = new BitmapImage();
                dstBitmap.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.None;
                dstBitmap.CacheOption   = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;               // Required for the BitmapImage to internally cache the data (so we can dispose the tmp stream)
                dstBitmap.StreamSource  = tmp;

                dst.SetData(DataFormats.Bitmap, dstBitmap, false);

            if (src.Contains(StandardDataFormats.StorageItems))
                var files = await src.GetStorageItemsAsync().AsTask(ct);

                var paths = new StringCollection();
                foreach (var item in files)

