private DataModel.DataStructure ReadASCIIFile(string stlPath)
            DataModel.DataStructure dm = new DataModel.DataStructure();
            string[] lines             = File.ReadAllLines(stlPath); // Opens the STL ASCII file and read all lines of the file

            // defining all the components for the data structure
            DataModel.Normal  normal = null;
            DataModel.Point[] points = new DataModel.Point[3];
            int idxPoint             = -1;

            // Process of reading ASCII Data starts here
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                string   line  = lines[i].Trim();
                string[] parts = line.Split(' '); // each word in ASCII file structure will be represented as part
                if (parts.Length == 0)

                    switch (parts[0])
                    case "facet":
                        // invalid if the line 'facet' doesn't consist of 5 parts (words)
                        if (parts.Length != 5)
                            processError = true;
                        // if it's valid, normal will be added
                        DataModel.Point n = FromStrings(parts[2], parts[3], parts[4]);
                        normal   = new DataModel.Normal(n.X, n.Y, n.Z);
                        idxPoint = 0;

                    case "vertex":
                        // invalid if the line 'vertex' doesn't consist of 4 parts (words)
                        if (parts.Length != 4)
                            processError = true;
                        // Only implemented for other variation (Inventor STL File)
                        if (parts.Length > 4)
                            goto case "firstVariation";
                        // invalid if it's out of range
                        if (idxPoint > 2 || idxPoint == -1)
                            processError = true;
                        //if it's valid, points will be registered from the first vertex and continues until the 3rd vertex
                        points[idxPoint++] = FromStrings(parts[1], parts[2], parts[3]);

                    case "firstVariation":
                        if (parts.Length != 6)
                            Console.WriteLine("Structure for line 'vertex' not valid");
                            processError = true;
                        points[idxPoint++] = FromStrings(parts[3], parts[4], parts[5]);


                    case "endfacet":
                        if (idxPoint != 3)

                        //Punkte in pointlist, face erzeugen
                        int p1 = dm.points.AddOrGetPoint(points[0]);
                        int p2 = dm.points.AddOrGetPoint(points[1]);
                        int p3 = dm.points.AddOrGetPoint(points[2]);

                        DataModel.Edge e1 = new DataModel.Edge(p1, p2, dm);
                        DataModel.Edge e2 = new DataModel.Edge(p1, p3, dm);
                        DataModel.Edge e3 = new DataModel.Edge(p2, p3, dm);

                        int ei1 = dm.edges.AddOrGetEdge(e1);
                        int ei2 = dm.edges.AddOrGetEdge(e2);
                        int ei3 = dm.edges.AddOrGetEdge(e3);

                        dm.AddFace(ei1, ei2, ei3, normal);
                        idxPoint = -1;

                        //no information(?)

                    processError = true;

        private DataModel.DataStructure ReadBinaryFile(string stlPath)
            DataModel.DataStructure dm = new DataModel.DataStructure();
            byte[] binaryParts         = File.ReadAllBytes(stlPath); // Opens the STL Binary file

            DataModel.Normal normal = null;
            int byteIdx             = 0;

            int nr = BitConverter.ToInt32(binaryParts, 81); // Indicating the Number of Triangles

            byteIdx = 84;

            // The process starts here
            for (int i = 0; i < binaryParts.Length; i++)
                int start = 50 * i + 81 + 4;

                    // Showing face normal
                    DataModel.Point n = new DataModel.Point(BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, start), BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, start + 4), BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, start + 8));
                    normal  = new DataModel.Normal(n.X, n.Y, n.Z);
                    byteIdx = start + 12;

                    // Vertex 1
                    int             point1 = start + 12;
                    DataModel.Point v1     = new DataModel.Point(BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, point1), BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, point1 + 4), BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, point1 + 8));
                    byteIdx = point1 + 12;

                    // Vertex 2
                    int             point2 = point1 + 12;
                    DataModel.Point v2     = new DataModel.Point(BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, point2), BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, point2 + 4), BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, point2 + 8));
                    byteIdx = point2 + 12;

                    // Vertex 3
                    int             point3 = point2 + 12;
                    DataModel.Point v3     = new DataModel.Point(BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, point3), BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, point3 + 4), BitConverter.ToSingle(binaryParts, point3 + 8));
                    byteIdx = point3 + 12;

                    //Punkte in pointlist, face erzeugen
                    int p1 = dm.points.AddOrGetPoint(v1);
                    int p2 = dm.points.AddOrGetPoint(v2);
                    int p3 = dm.points.AddOrGetPoint(v3);

                    DataModel.Edge e1 = new DataModel.Edge(p1, p2, dm);
                    DataModel.Edge e2 = new DataModel.Edge(p1, p3, dm);
                    DataModel.Edge e3 = new DataModel.Edge(p2, p3, dm);

                    int ei1 = dm.edges.AddOrGetEdge(e1);
                    int ei2 = dm.edges.AddOrGetEdge(e2);
                    int ei3 = dm.edges.AddOrGetEdge(e3);

                    dm.AddFace(ei1, ei2, ei3, normal);

                    byteIdx = 134;

                    processError = true;

            int abc = BitConverter.ToUInt16(binaryParts, 133); // Attribute byte count

            byteIdx = 0;
