static void DataLabelsSeparator(IWorkbook workbook)
            #region #DataLabelsSeparator
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["chartTask1"];
            workbook.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet = worksheet;

            // Create a chart and specify its location.
            Chart chart = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Pie, worksheet["B2:C7"]);
            chart.TopLeftCell     = worksheet.Cells["E2"];
            chart.BottomRightCell = worksheet.Cells["K15"];

            // Display the category name and percentage.
            DataLabelOptions dataLabels = chart.Views[0].DataLabels;
            dataLabels.ShowCategoryName = true;
            dataLabels.ShowPercent      = true;
            dataLabels.Separator        = "\n";

            // Set the chart style.
            chart.Style = ChartStyle.ColorGradient;
            // Hide the legend.
            chart.Legend.Visible = false;
            // Set the angle of the first pie-chart slice.
            chart.Views[0].FirstSliceAngle = 100;

            #endregion #DataLabelsSeparator
Exemple #2
        public static void CreatePieChart(IWorkbook wbook)
            DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Worksheet worksheet = SetActiveWorksheet(wbook, "Range1");

            // Create a chart and specify its location
            Chart chart = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.PieExploded, worksheet["B2:C7"]);

            // Display the chart title
            chart.Title.Visible = true;

            chart.TopLeftCell     = worksheet.Cells["E2"];
            chart.BottomRightCell = worksheet.Cells["K15"];

            // Set the chart style
            chart.Style = ChartStyle.ColorGradient;

            // Hide the legend
            chart.Legend.Visible = false;

            // Rotate the pie chart view
            chart.Views[0].FirstSliceAngle = 100;

            // Display data labels
            DataLabelOptions dataLabels = chart.Views[0].DataLabels;

            dataLabels.ShowCategoryName = true;
            dataLabels.ShowPercent      = true;
            dataLabels.Separator        = "\n";
Exemple #3
        static void PieChart(Workbook workbook)
            #region #PieChart
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["chartTask1"];
            workbook.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet = worksheet;

            // Create a chart and specify its location
            Chart chart = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.PieExploded, worksheet["B2:C7"]);
            chart.TopLeftCell     = worksheet.Cells["E2"];
            chart.BottomRightCell = worksheet.Cells["K15"];

            // Set the chart style
            chart.Style = ChartStyle.ColorGradient;

            // Hide the legend
            chart.Legend.Visible = false;

            // Rotate the pie chart view
            chart.Views[0].FirstSliceAngle = 100;

            // Display data labels
            DataLabelOptions dataLabels = chart.Views[0].DataLabels;
            dataLabels.ShowCategoryName = true;
            dataLabels.ShowPercent      = true;
            dataLabels.Separator        = "\n";

            #endregion #PieChart
Exemple #4
        static void DataLabelsSeparator(IWorkbook workbook)
            #region #DataLabelsSeparator
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["chartTask1"];
            workbook.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet = worksheet;
            Chart chart = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Pie, worksheet["B2:C7"]);
            chart.TopLeftCell     = worksheet.Cells["E2"];
            chart.BottomRightCell = worksheet.Cells["K15"];
            DataLabelOptions dataLabels = chart.Views[0].DataLabels;
            dataLabels.ShowCategoryName = true;
            dataLabels.ShowPercent      = true;
            dataLabels.Separator        = "\n";
            chart.Style                    = ChartStyle.ColorGradient;
            chart.Legend.Visible           = false;
            chart.Views[0].FirstSliceAngle = 100;

            #endregion #DataLabelsSeparator
Exemple #5
        public static void CreateBubbleChart(IWorkbook wbook)
            Worksheet worksheet = SetActiveWorksheet(wbook, "Range6");

            // Create a chart and specify its location
            Chart chart = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Bubble3D);

            chart.TopLeftCell     = worksheet.Cells["F2"];
            chart.BottomRightCell = worksheet.Cells["L15"];

            Series s1 = chart.Series.Add(worksheet["A3"], worksheet["C3:C7"], worksheet["D3:D7"]);

            s1.BubbleSize = ChartData.FromRange(worksheet["E3:E7"]);
            Series s2 = chart.Series.Add(worksheet["A9"], worksheet["C9:C13"], worksheet["D9:D13"]);

            s2.BubbleSize = ChartData.FromRange(worksheet["E9:E13"]);

            // Set the chart style
            chart.Style = ChartStyle.ColorGradient;
            // Set the bubble size 1.5x relative to the default setting.
            chart.Views[0].BubbleScale = 150;

            // Hide the legend
            chart.Legend.Visible = false;

            // Display data labels
            DataLabelOptions dataLabels = chart.Views[0].DataLabels;

            dataLabels.ShowBubbleSize = true;

            // Set the minimum and maximum values for the chart value axis.
            Axis axis = chart.PrimaryAxes[1];

            axis.Scaling.AutoMax = false;
            axis.Scaling.Max     = 82;
            axis.Scaling.AutoMin = false;
            axis.Scaling.Min     = 64;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to create Excel based on options selected by the user.
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateExcel()
            openBtn.Enabled = false;
                FileInfo file = new FileInfo(RESULT_FILE);

                if (file.Exists && IsFileAlreadyOpen(file))
                string text = File.ReadAllText(SOURCE_JSON);

                ExampleList list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExampleList>(text);

                Workbook  book      = new Workbook();
                Worksheet dataSheet = book.Worksheets[0];
                dataSheet.Name = "DataSheet";
                Cell cell = dataSheet.Cells["A1"];
                cell.Value = "EmployeeId";

                cell       = dataSheet.Cells["B1"];
                cell.Value = "Type";

                cell       = dataSheet.Cells["C1"];
                cell.Value = "Price";

                dataSheet.Import(list, 1, 0);

                if (chartCB.Checked)
                    Worksheet chartsSheet = book.Worksheets.Add("Charts");
                    Chart     chart       = chartsSheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Pie);
                    chart.TopLeftCell     = chartsSheet.Cells["B2"];
                    chart.BottomRightCell = chartsSheet.Cells["P30"];
                    // Add chart series using worksheet ranges as the data sources.
                    Series series1 = chart.Series.Add(dataSheet["B1"], dataSheet["B2:B10"], dataSheet["C2:C10"]);
                    chart.Series.Add(dataSheet["A1"], dataSheet["A2:A10"], dataSheet["C2:C10"]);
                    // Display the category name and percentage.
                    DataLabelOptions dataLabels = chart.Views[0].DataLabels;
                    dataLabels.ShowCategoryName = true;
                    dataLabels.LabelPosition    = DataLabelPosition.OutsideEnd;
                    dataLabels.ShowPercent      = true;
                if (tableCB.Checked)
                    Worksheet tableSheet = book.Worksheets.Add("Table");
                    cell       = tableSheet.Cells["A1"];
                    cell.Value = "EmployeeId";

                    cell       = tableSheet.Cells["B1"];
                    cell.Value = "Type";

                    cell       = tableSheet.Cells["C1"];
                    cell.Value = "Price";

                    tableSheet.Import(list, 1, 0);

                    Table table = tableSheet.Tables.Add(tableSheet["A1:C" + (list.Count + 1)], true);
                    table.ShowTotals = true;
                    table.Style      = book.TableStyles[BuiltInTableStyleId.TableStyleMedium27];
                if (pivotCB.Checked)
                    Worksheet pivotSheet = book.Worksheets.Add("Pivot");

                    PivotTable table = pivotSheet.PivotTables.Add(dataSheet["A1:C10"], pivotSheet["A1"], "PivotTable");
                    table.Style = book.TableStyles[BuiltInPivotStyleId.PivotStyleDark6];
                dataSheet.Visible        = false;
                dataSheet.VisibilityType = WorksheetVisibilityType.VeryHidden;

                book.SaveDocument(RESULT_FILE, DocumentFormat.Xlsx);
                MessageBox.Show("Excel created successfully.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Some error occurred, Please try again.");
            openBtn.Enabled = true;