Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Take some raw Json text and convert it to a datatable for the provider
        /// to handle e.g. updates or insertions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="json">A JObject (Queryable) representation of the json data</param>
        /// <returns>A datatable with the given format</returns>
        public static DataTable ToDataTable(JObject json, ApiDefinition apiDefinition,
                                            DataItemDefinition dataItemDefinition)
            // Create the table from the definition
            DataTable result = dataItemDefinition.ToDataTable();

            // Call the data conversion for the root object
            DataRow row = ToDataRow(json, apiDefinition, dataItemDefinition, result);

            if (row != null)
                result.Rows.Add(row); // Add the row to the results table
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Take some raw Json text and convert it to a datatable for the provider
        /// to handle e.g. updates or insertions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="json">A JArray (Queryable) representation of the json data</param>
        /// <returns>A datatable with the given format</returns>
        public static DataTable ToDataTable(JArray json, ApiDefinition apiDefinition,
                                            DataItemDefinition dataItemDefinition)
            // Create the table from the definition
            DataTable result = dataItemDefinition.ToDataTable();

            // For each item in the array, call the data conversion
            foreach (JObject item in json.Children())
                DataRow row = ToDataRow(item, apiDefinition, dataItemDefinition, result);
                if (row != null)
                    result.Rows.Add(row); // Add the row to the results table

        /// <summary>
        /// Read the raw data file and populate the in-memory data table with it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawData">The raw flat file data from wherever it came from</param>
        /// <returns>If the translation was successful</returns>
        public static DataTable TextToDataTable(DataItemDefinition definition, DataConnection connection, String rawData)
            // Create a list of data items to return
            DataTable dataItems = definition.ToDataTable();

            // Create a helper to read the property bag items
            PropertyBagHelper propertyBagHelper = new PropertyBagHelper(connection);

            // Raw data has something to convert?
            if ((rawData ?? "") != "")
                // Open up a text reader to stream the data to the CSV Reader
                using (TextReader textReader = new StringReader(rawData))
                    // Get properties needed to process the file (total lines to skip etc.)
                    Int32 lineNo      = 0;
                    Int32 linesToSkip =
                        propertyBagHelper.Get <Int32>(PropertyBagItemTypeEnum.RowsToSkip, 0) +
                        (propertyBagHelper.Get <Boolean>(PropertyBagItemTypeEnum.HasHeaderRecord, false) ? 1 : 0);

                    // Loop each line of the file (ignoring lines that do not need to be processed)
                    String line = "";
                    while ((line = textReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        // Is this a line we should be processing
                        if (lineNo >= linesToSkip)
                            DataRow row = dataItems.NewRow(); // The new row to populate based on the defintion

                            // Process the row
                            if (ProcessRow(line, row, definition))
                                dataItems.Rows.Add(row); // Add the row if processing was successful

                        lineNo++; // Increment the line number counter

            return(dataItems); // Send the datatable back
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the raw data file and populate the in-memory data table with it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawData">The raw flat file data from wherever it came from</param>
        /// <returns>If the translation was successful</returns>
        public static DataTable TextToDataTable(DataItemDefinition definition, DataConnection connection, String rawData)
            // Create a list of data items to return
            DataTable dataItems = definition.ToDataTable();

            // Raw data has something to convert?
            if ((rawData ?? "") != "")
                // Open up a text reader to stream the data to the CSV Reader
                using (TextReader textReader = new StringReader(rawData))
                    // Create an instance of the CSV Reader
                    using (CsvReader csvReader = SetupReader(textReader, connection, definition))
                        // Get the record header if needed
                        if (csvReader.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord)
                            csvReader.Read(); // Do a read first

                            // Parse the header records so that they do not include enclosing quotes
                            Int32 headerId = 0;
                            while (headerId < csvReader.Context.HeaderRecord.Length)
                                // Clean the header
                                csvReader.Context.HeaderRecord[headerId] =

                                headerId++; // Move to the next header

                        // Loop the records
                        List <DataItemProperty> propertyValues = definition.ItemProperties
                                                                 .Where(prop => prop.PropertyType == DataItemPropertyType.Property)

                        while (csvReader.Read())
                            DataRow dataRow = dataItems.NewRow(); // Create a new row to populate

                            // Match all of the properties in the definitions lists
                                property =>
                                    // Try and get the value
                                    Object field       = null;
                                    Boolean fieldFound = GetPropertyValue(csvReader, property, definition, ref field);

                                    // Found something?
                                    if (fieldFound && field != null)
                                        dataRow[property.Name] = field;

                            // Add the row to the result data table

            return(dataItems); // Send the datatable back