Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the records asynchronous.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="filters">The filters.</param>
        /// <param name="Order">The order.</param>
        /// <param name="PageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="Page"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <EntityCollection <T> > GetRecords_Async <T>(Base.RequestFilters filters = null, Base.DataOrder Order = null, int PageSize = 0, int Page = 0) where T : class, IDataEntity
            var currentType = typeof(T);
            var records     = new EntityCollection <T>();

            //first set the source where we get the data
            //if there is not any Table attribute we set the source as the type name
            DataInterface.Attribbutes.Table TableAttribute = (DataInterface.Attribbutes.Table)(from attr in currentType.GetCustomAttributes(true) where attr.GetType() == typeof(DataInterface.Attribbutes.Table) select attr).FirstOrDefault();

            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Source))
                await connection.OpenAsync();

                    StringBuilder Query = new StringBuilder();
                    if (TableAttribute == null)
                        Query.Append($"Select * from {currentType.Name } where 1=1 ");
                        Query.Append($"Select * from {TableAttribute.Name} where 1=1 ");
                    SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand();

                    BuildWhereStaTement(filters, Query, com);

                    if (Order != null)
                        Query.Append($" order by {Order.Field} {Order.Order}");

                    if (Page != 0)
                        Query.Append($" OFFSET (({Page} - 1) * {PageSize }) ROWS FETCH NEXT {PageSize} ROWS ONLY; ");

                        BuildCountPagingQuery(filters, PageSize, currentType, records, TableAttribute, connection);
                    com.Connection  = connection;
                    com.CommandText = Query.ToString();
                    var result = await com.ExecuteReaderAsync(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);

                    if (result.HasRows)
                        FillresultsNew(currentType, records, result);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

            if (Page != 0)
                records.Pager.CurrentPage = Page;
                records.Pager.TotalRecords = records.Count;
            records.Pager.PageRecords = records.Count;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the record.
        ///   If there is a property marked as EntityKey the update will consider that field as Unique Key
        ///  If there is not any property marked as EntityKey the function will throw an exception
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="record">The record.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">
        /// There is not any property marked as EntityKey
        /// or
        /// A Class marked with attribute NotInsert cannot perform write opperations
        /// </exception>
        public bool UpdateRecord(IDataEntity record)
            List <PropertyInfo>         properties  = record.GetType().GetProperties().ToList();
            Dictionary <string, string> FieldsNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var customAttributes = record.GetType().GetCustomAttributes();

            //find if there is an EntityKey property. If there is not we abort the operation

            Boolean KeyExists = false;

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                DataInterface.Attribbutes.EntityKey KeyProperty = (DataInterface.Attribbutes.EntityKey)(from attr in property.GetCustomAttributes(true) where attr.GetType() == typeof(DataInterface.Attribbutes.EntityKey) select attr).FirstOrDefault();
                if (KeyProperty != null)
                    KeyExists = true;

            if (KeyExists == false)
                throw new Exception("There is not any property marked as EntityKey");

            DataInterface.Attribbutes.NotInsert NotInsertAttribute = (DataInterface.Attribbutes.NotInsert)(from attr in record.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(true) where attr.GetType() == typeof(DataInterface.Attribbutes.NotInsert) select attr).FirstOrDefault();

            if (NotInsertAttribute != null)
                throw new Exception("A Class marked with attribute NotInsert cannot perform write opperations");

            //first find the table attribute to obtain the maped db table
            DataInterface.Attribbutes.Table TableAttribute = (DataInterface.Attribbutes.Table)(from attr in record.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(true) where attr.GetType() == typeof(DataInterface.Attribbutes.Table) select attr).FirstOrDefault();

            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(this.Source))
                    StringBuilder Query = new StringBuilder();
                    if (TableAttribute != null)
                        Query.Append($"Update {TableAttribute.Name} set ");
                        Query.Append($"Update  {record.GetType().Name} set");

                    //get the properties of the entity

                    // create the insert query

                    CreateUpdateQuery(record, Query, properties, FieldsNames);

                    var com = new SqlCommand(Query.ToString(), connection);
                    //Create the sql parameters
                    if (_Encryptor != null)
                        if (record is IEncryptableClass)
                    SetInsetParameters(record, properties, FieldsNames, com);

                    foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                        DataInterface.Attribbutes.EntityKey KeyProperty = (DataInterface.Attribbutes.EntityKey)(from attr in property.GetCustomAttributes(true) where attr.GetType() == typeof(DataInterface.Attribbutes.EntityKey) select attr).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (KeyProperty != null)
                            DataInterface.Attribbutes.Field FieldProperty = (DataInterface.Attribbutes.Field)(from attr in property.GetCustomAttributes(true) where attr.GetType() == typeof(DataInterface.Attribbutes.Field) select attr).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (FieldProperty != null)
                                com.Parameters.AddWithValue($"@{FieldProperty.Name}", property.GetValue(record));
                                com.Parameters.AddWithValue($"@{property.Name}", property.GetValue(record));

                    //find the Key property of the entity

                    if (_Encryptor != null)
                        if (record is IEncryptableClass)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
Exemple #3
        private static void BuildCountPagingQuery <T>(Base.RequestFilters filters, int PageSize, Type currentType, EntityCollection <T> records, DataInterface.Attribbutes.Table TableAttribute, SqlConnection connection) where T : class, IDataEntity
            //count the records also
            var CountQuery = new StringBuilder();

            if (TableAttribute == null)
                CountQuery.Append($"Select count(*) from {currentType.Name } where 1=1 ");
                CountQuery.Append($"Select count(*) from {TableAttribute.Name} where 1=1 ");
            SqlCommand countcom = new SqlCommand();

            BuildWhereStaTement(filters, CountQuery, countcom);
            countcom.Connection  = connection;
            countcom.CommandText = CountQuery.ToString();
            var Totalrecords = Convert.ToInt32(countcom.ExecuteScalar());

            records.Pager.TotalRecords = Totalrecords;
            records.Pager.TotalPages   = (Totalrecords / PageSize) + 1;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the record asynchronous.
        /// If there is not a "Field" attribute on a property then the property is maped to the datasource
        /// with it's name.
        /// If a property is marked as EntityKey then the property will take the Identity value after the insert
        /// If there is a Table attribute on the Entity then the entity is mapped to the specified Datasource table otherwise is mapped with it's name.
        /// If an encryptor instance is available the properties marked as MuStEncrypt are encrypted before insert and decrypted after the insert
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Record">The record.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <bool> AddRecord_Async(IDataEntity Record)
            OnBeforeInsert(new OperatorEventArguments()
                Data = Record

            DataInterface.Attribbutes.NotInsert NotInsertAttribute = (DataInterface.Attribbutes.NotInsert)(from attr in Record.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(true) where attr.GetType() == typeof(DataInterface.Attribbutes.NotInsert) select attr).FirstOrDefault();

            if (NotInsertAttribute != null)
                throw new Exception("A Class marked with attribute NotInsert cannot perform write opperations");

            //first find the table attribute to obtain the maped db table
            DataInterface.Attribbutes.Table TableAttribute = (DataInterface.Attribbutes.Table)(from attr in Record.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(true) where attr.GetType() == typeof(DataInterface.Attribbutes.Table) select attr).FirstOrDefault();

            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(this.Source))
                    StringBuilder Query = new StringBuilder();
                    if (TableAttribute != null)
                        Query.Append($"Insert INTO {TableAttribute.Name} (");
                        Query.Append($"Insert INTO {Record.GetType ().Name} (");

                    //get the properties of the entity
                    List <PropertyInfo>         properties  = Record.GetType().GetProperties().ToList();
                    Dictionary <string, string> FieldsNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    List <string> FieldsHolders             = new List <string>();
                    // create the insert query
                    CreateInsertQuery(Record, Query, properties, FieldsNames);
                    var com = new SqlCommand(Query.ToString(), connection);
                    //Create the sql parameters
                    if (_Encryptor != null)
                        if (Record is IEncryptableClass)

                    SetInsetParameters(Record, properties, FieldsNames, com);

                    int result = Convert.ToInt32(await com.ExecuteScalarAsync());
                    //find the Key property of the entity
                    UpdateKeyPropery(Record, properties, result);

                    if (_Encryptor != null)
                        if (Record is IEncryptableClass)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                    OnRecordInsertFailed(new OperatorEventArguments()
                        Data = Record
            OnRecordInserted(new OperatorEventArguments()
                Data = Record