Exemple #1
        //you gots data
        private void RxDone(int iNumBytes)
            BaseDataPackage data;
            // save the current read position
            long lPos = _ms.Position;

            // seek to the end to append the data
            _ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

            // append the new data to the end of the stream
            _ms.Write(_bBuff, 0, iNumBytes);

            // restore the read position back to where it started
            _ms.Position = lPos;

            // show byte count received
            //Console.WriteLine("RxDone: Added " + iNumBytes.ToString() +
            //" bytes... for a total of " + (_ms.Length - _ms.Position).ToString());
                // attempt to extract 1 or more complete frames
                // save the stream position in case the
                // deserialization fails, and it has to be reset
                long lStartPos = _ms.Position;
                    // attempt to deserialize an object at this position
                    object o = _bf.Deserialize(_ms);
                    // no exception, so process the received frame and move on
                    if (o is BaseDataPackage)
                        data = (o as BaseDataPackage);
                        DataHandlers.CallMethod(_context, data);
                        Console.WriteLine("RxDone: unknown frame");
                catch (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException)
                    // deserialize failed, so move the read position back
                    // assume more data will show up that this item needs to be deserialized
                    _ms.Position = lStartPos;

                    // show that this time, a full object could not be pulled
                    Console.WriteLine("RxDone: Could not deserialize.... yet...");


                    // get out of the destacking loop
            }while (_ms.Position < _ms.Length);

            //update stats lables
            //if (_iBytesTotal < 1024)
            //    lBytes.Text = "Bytes RX'ed: B" + _iBytesTotal.ToString();
            //    if (_iBytesTotal < 1048576)
            //    lBytes.Text = "Bytes RX'ed: kB" + (_iBytesTotal / 1024.0).ToString("f2");
            //        if (m_iBytesTotal < 1073741824)
            //    lBytes.Text = "Bytes RX'ed: MB" + (_iBytesTotal / 1048576.0).ToString("f2");
            //    lBytes.Text = "Bytes RX'ed: MB" + (_iBytesTotal / 1073741824.0).ToString("f2");

            //lDestackAvg.Text = "Destack Avg.: " + (_iFrames / (double)_iRecieves).ToString("f2");
            //lFragments.Text = "Fragments: " + _iFragments.ToString();
            //lFrames.Text = "Frames RX'ed: " + _iFrames.ToString();

            // if all data has been read from the rx memorystream, reset it
            // otherwise it will continue to hold all data EVER received
            if (_ms.Position == _ms.Length)
                _ms.Position = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("RxDone: Resetting RX Memorystream...");
            // do optional trim, if buffer pounding is a concern
            // start another rx operation

                _socket.BeginReceive(_bBuff, 0, _bBuff.Length, SocketFlags.None, cbRxDone, _socket);
            catch (Exception)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if data is a complete package
        /// </summary>
        private void DataReceived(ClientReference client)
            //remove client if it is required
            if (client.BytesReceived == 0)
                    //dispatch call into the proper thread
                    _context.Post(s =>
                    }, null);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //dont trust user code
                    Console.WriteLine("Calling server ClientDisconnected event handler threw an exception");

                lock (_clients)


            //LineSegment LS; //Getting ready for some Lines received
            //List<LineSegment> lsList = new List<LineSegment>();
            //Putting the memory stream pointer in the correct place
            long lPos = client.ms.Position;

            client.ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
            client.ms.Write(client.Buffer, 0, client.BytesReceived);
            client.ms.Position = lPos;

            do //Defragmenting copy pasta
                long lStartPos = client.ms.Position;
                    object o = _bf.Deserialize(client.ms); //deserialize into object to check for types

                    if (o is BaseDataPackage)
                        //Data received is of the correct type
                        //calls the method registered to handle this package
                        DataHandlers.CallMethod(_context, (o as BaseDataPackage), client.Id);
                        //what the heck was this type? Someone trying to break our server!
                        Console.WriteLine("unknown shiz");
                catch (SerializationException)
                    //Get out of loop and wait for more data
                    Console.WriteLine("fragmentation of data");
                    client.ms.Position = lStartPos;
                    client.Fragments++; //increases the number of fragments that happened per connection

            }while (client.ms.Position < client.ms.Length);


            //display traffic information
            //string s;
            //if (ClientReference.TotalBytes < 1024)
            //    s = "Bytes RX'ed: B" + ClientReference.TotalBytes.ToString();
            //    if (ClientReference.TotalBytes < 1048576)
            //    s = "Bytes RX'ed: kB" + (ClientReference.TotalBytes / 1024.0).ToString("f2");
            //        if (ClientReference.TotalBytes < 1073741824)
            //    s = "Bytes RX'ed: MB" + (ClientReference.TotalBytes / 1048576.0).ToString("f2");
            //    s = "Bytes RX'ed: MB" + (ClientReference.TotalBytes / 1073741824.0).ToString("f2");

            //Text = "TolalBytes: " + s + " TotalFrames: " + CSam.TotalRecieved.ToString();

            //all data in stream has been read, reset stream
            if (client.ms.Position == client.ms.Length)
                //reset the memory stream pointer and length
                client.ms.Position = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("Resetting RX Memory stream");

                //Receive more stuff!
                client.sock.BeginReceive(client.Buffer, 0, client.Buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, cbRxDone, client);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("DataReceived:BeginReceive at end " + ex.ToString());