Exemple #1
        //Not yet implemented : Form Validation. All fields except Escort Name are required.
        //A Single Passenger has the following related information to be entered for them : EmployeeID, Pickup location, Destination location, In-Time
        //User is allowed to take anywhere between 1-3 passengers. If any detail of a passenger is filled, ALL remaining details are REQUIRED.
        //If NO details are filled DO NOT add that passenger to passengerlist.
        private async void SubmitButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <Passenger> passengerlist = new List <Passenger>();

            //Applicant gets added as passenger with related details as well
            passengerlist.Add(new Passenger
                employeeid  = Data.DataHandler.getEmployeeData().employeeid,
                in_time     = DateTime.Today + PassengerInTimePicker0.Time,
                pickup      = PassengerPickupEntry0.Text,
                destination = PassengerDestinationEntry0.Text
            //Currently only EmployeeID field is checked to be not null . If not null, add all related detailes to passenger list.
            //To be done : Add to passengerlist only if ALL details of that passenger are not null.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PassengerEmpIDEntry1.Text))
                passengerlist.Add(new Passenger
                    employeeid  = PassengerEmpIDEntry1.Text,
                    in_time     = DateTime.Today + PassengerInTimePicker1.Time,
                    pickup      = PassengerPickupEntry1.Text,
                    destination = PassengerDestinationEntry1.Text
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PassengerEmpIDEntry2.Text))
                passengerlist.Add(new Passenger
                    employeeid  = PassengerEmpIDEntry2.Text,
                    in_time     = DateTime.Today + PassengerInTimePicker2.Time,
                    pickup      = PassengerPickupEntry2.Text,
                    destination = PassengerDestinationEntry2.Text
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PassengerEmpIDEntry3.Text))
                passengerlist.Add(new Passenger
                    employeeid  = PassengerEmpIDEntry3.Text,
                    in_time     = DateTime.Today + PassengerInTimePicker2.Time,
                    pickup      = PassengerPickupEntry3.Text,
                    destination = PassengerDestinationEntry3.Text
            //Implement form validation. Do not send null data to server.
            Models.Application application = new Models.Application();
            application.travel_purpose      = TravelPurposeEntry.Text;
            application.roundtrip           = RoundtripSwitch.IsToggled;
            application.escort_name         = EscortNameEntry.Text;
            application.employeeid          = DataHandler.getEmployeeData().employeeid;
            application.managerid           = ManagerIDEntry.Text;
            application.manager_name        = ManagerNameEntry.Text;
            application.application_status  = "PENDING";
            application.project_bpcode      = ProjectBPCodeEntry.Text;
            application.submission_datetime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("s");
            application.cab_required_time   = (DateTime.Today + CabRequiredTimePicker.Time).ToString("s");

            int applicationid = await ApplicationController.AddApplicationAsync(application, passengerlist);

            if (applicationid != -1)
                PassengerController.AddPassengerAsync(passengerlist, applicationid);
                DataHandler.AddHomePageApplication(applicationid, application, passengerlist);
                await Navigation.PopAsync();