Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Arranges the content of the <see cref="T:Avalonia.Controls.Primitives.DataGridColumnHeadersPresenter" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The actual size used by the <see cref="T:Avalonia.Controls.Primitives.DataGridColumnHeadersPresenter" />.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="finalSize">
        /// The final area within the parent that this element should use to arrange itself and its children.
        /// </param>
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
            if (OwningGrid == null)

            if (OwningGrid.AutoSizingColumns)
                // When we initially load an auto-column, we have to wait for all the rows to be measured
                // before we know its final desired size.  We need to trigger a new round of measures now
                // that the final sizes have been calculated.
                OwningGrid.AutoSizingColumns = false;

            double dragIndicatorLeftEdge = 0;
            double frozenLeftEdge        = 0;
            double scrollingLeftEdge     = -OwningGrid.HorizontalOffset;

            foreach (DataGridColumn dataGridColumn in OwningGrid.ColumnsInternal.GetVisibleColumns())
                DataGridColumnHeader columnHeader = dataGridColumn.HeaderCell;
                Debug.Assert(columnHeader.OwningColumn == dataGridColumn);

                if (dataGridColumn.IsFrozen)
                    columnHeader.Arrange(new Rect(frozenLeftEdge, 0, dataGridColumn.LayoutRoundedWidth, finalSize.Height));
                    columnHeader.Clip = null; // The layout system could have clipped this becaues it's not aware of our render transform
                    if (DragColumn == dataGridColumn && DragIndicator != null)
                        dragIndicatorLeftEdge = frozenLeftEdge + DragIndicatorOffset;
                    frozenLeftEdge += dataGridColumn.ActualWidth;
                    columnHeader.Arrange(new Rect(scrollingLeftEdge, 0, dataGridColumn.LayoutRoundedWidth, finalSize.Height));
                    EnsureColumnHeaderClip(columnHeader, dataGridColumn.ActualWidth, finalSize.Height, frozenLeftEdge, scrollingLeftEdge);
                    if (DragColumn == dataGridColumn && DragIndicator != null)
                        dragIndicatorLeftEdge = scrollingLeftEdge + DragIndicatorOffset;
                scrollingLeftEdge += dataGridColumn.ActualWidth;
            if (DragColumn != null)
                if (DragIndicator != null)
                    EnsureColumnReorderingClip(DragIndicator, finalSize.Height, frozenLeftEdge, dragIndicatorLeftEdge);

                    var height = DragIndicator.Bounds.Height;
                    if (height <= 0)
                        height = DragIndicator.DesiredSize.Height;

                    DragIndicator.Arrange(new Rect(dragIndicatorLeftEdge, 0, DragIndicator.Bounds.Width, height));
                if (DropLocationIndicator != null)
                    if (DropLocationIndicator is Control element)
                        EnsureColumnReorderingClip(element, finalSize.Height, frozenLeftEdge, DropLocationIndicatorOffset);

                    DropLocationIndicator.Arrange(new Rect(DropLocationIndicatorOffset, 0, DropLocationIndicator.Bounds.Width, DropLocationIndicator.Bounds.Height));

            // Arrange filler
            DataGridFillerColumn fillerColumn = OwningGrid.ColumnsInternal.FillerColumn;

            if (fillerColumn.FillerWidth > 0)
                fillerColumn.HeaderCell.IsVisible = true;
                fillerColumn.HeaderCell.Arrange(new Rect(scrollingLeftEdge, 0, fillerColumn.FillerWidth, finalSize.Height));
                fillerColumn.HeaderCell.IsVisible = false;

            // This needs to be updated after the filler column is configured
            DataGridColumn lastVisibleColumn = OwningGrid.ColumnsInternal.LastVisibleColumn;

            if (lastVisibleColumn != null)