public IState Update() { if (progression == 0 || progression == 2) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; } if (progression == 0 && timer < 0) { progression++; dockingShip = GameObject.Instantiate(dockingShip, sd.transform.position + spawnerOffset + Vector3.up * -5, Quaternion.identity); } if (progression == 1 && DataDump.GetInt("PlayerDocked") > 0) { DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Well done!"); DialogueQueue.AddMessage("This was an entry to Ludum Dare 39: Running out of Power, created by Zak Reynolds in 48 hours."); DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Thanks for playing!"); progression++; timer = 15; var st = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <SmoothTrack>(); = dockingShip.transform; st.smoothTime = 0.5f; st.positionOffset = new Vector3(13, 5, -45); } if (progression == 2) { if (timer < 0) { // TODO: End progression++; DialogueQueue.AddMessage("END GAME\nESC to quit\nBACKSPACE to restart", 20); return(this); } } return(this); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.tag.Equals("Player")) { DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Great hit!", 2); sentMessage = true; Doomed(); DataDump.SetInt("TrainingTargetsHit", DataDump.GetInt("TrainingTargetsHit") + 1); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.tag.Equals("Player")) { DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Gah! Shoot them, don't ram them you maniac!", 2); sentMessage = true; Doomed(); } if (other.tag.Equals("PlayerBullet")) { DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Boom! Way to go!", 2); sentMessage = true; Doomed(); DataDump.SetInt("TrainingTargetsShot", DataDump.GetInt("TrainingTargetsShot") + 1); } }
public IState Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { // TODO: skip } if (progression == 0 && DataDump.GetInt("TrainingTargetsHit") >= ramCount) { DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Well done! Now try shooting them. Remember to move between the gun and engine using 'A' and 'D'."); progression++; var targets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("TrainingTarget"); foreach (var t in targets) { t.GetComponent <TrainingTarget>().Doomed(); } engineTrainingSpawner.SetActive(false); shootTrainingSpawner = GameObject.Instantiate(shootTrainingSpawner, sd.transform.position + spawnerOffset, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.left)); shootTrainingSpawner.GetComponent <SmoothTrack>().target = sd.transform; } if (progression == 1 && DataDump.GetInt("TrainingTargetsShot") >= shootCount) { var targets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("TrainingTargetShoot"); foreach (var t in targets) { t.GetComponent <TrainingTargetShoot>().Doomed(); } shootTrainingSpawner.SetActive(false); DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Nice shooting! You're pretty much a professional at this point."); DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Deliver the package safely. There might be a few birds on the way to watch out for, but nothing to worry about."); DialogueQueue.AddMessage("..."); progression++; } if (progression == 2) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; if (timer < 0) { progression++; return(new BirdsState()); } } return(this); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.tag.Equals("PlayerBullet")) { GobPool.Destroy(other.gameObject); DataDump.SetInt("BirdsKilled", DataDump.GetInt("BirdsKilled") + 1); var df = GobPool.Instantiate(deadFacade); df.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Doomed(); } if (other.tag.Equals("Player")) { DataDump.SetInt("BirdsKilled", DataDump.GetInt("BirdsKilled") + 1); other.GetComponent <ShipDriver>().TakeDamage(1); var df = GobPool.Instantiate(deadFacade); df.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Doomed(); } }
public IState Update() { if (progression == 0 && DataDump.GetInt("BirdsKilled") >= 20) { DataDump.SetInt("BirdsKilled", 0); progression++; birdSpawner.SetActive(true); } if (progression == 1 && DataDump.GetInt("BirdsKilled") >= 20) { DataDump.SetInt("BirdsKilled", 0); progression++; birdBomberSpawner.SetActive(true); } if (progression == 2 && DataDump.GetInt("BirdsKilled") >= 20) { DataDump.SetInt("BirdsKilled", 0); progression++; birdSpawner.SetActive(false); birdTightSpawner.SetActive(false); birdBomberSpawner.SetActive(false); } if (progression == 3) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; if (timer < 0) { loops--; progression = 0; birdTightSpawner.SetActive(true); timer = 10; if (loops <= 0) { return(new BossState()); } return(this); } } return(this); }
public IState Update() { if (progression == 0 || progression == 4) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; } if (progression == 0 && timer < 0) { DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Here they come!"); boss = GameObject.Instantiate(boss, sd.transform.position + spawnerOffset + Vector3.up * -5, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, Vector3.left)); boss.GetComponent <SmoothTrack>().target = sd.transform; progression++; } if (progression == 1 && DataDump.GetInt("BossHP") < 500) { DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Keep it up!"); progression++; } if (progression == 2 && DataDump.GetInt("BossHP") < 250) { DialogueQueue.AddMessage("You have them on the ropes!"); progression++; } if (progression == 3 && DataDump.GetInt("BossHP") <= 0) { DialogueQueue.AddMessage("Yeah! Great work comrade! The drop point is just ahead!"); timer = 5; progression++; } if (progression == 4 && timer < 0) { progression++; return(new DropoffState()); } return(this); }