/// <summary>
    /// A must override method that returns the actual data object.
    /// A data object could be anything, except a dynamic/ExpandoObject type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    /// The data as an object.
    /// </returns>
    public override object CreateDataObject()
        // Select an Option from the current Iteration.
        // this.SelectOption is a method of the OptionDependentDataCollector class
        // After selection the SelectedOption property will be set.
        var option = this.SelectedOption;

        // Get the tree of NestedElements for the selected Option.
        var nestedElementTree = new NestedElementTreeGenerator().Generate(option).ToList();

        // Create a CategoryDecompositionHierarchy instance that reads all elements in the ProductTree that
        // comply to the Hierarchy of categories defined here:
        // - Missions
        //   | Segments
        //     | Systems [1..5 nesting levels]
        //       | Subsystems
        // In case there are multiple nested Equipment levels in the model, the deepest level is selected
        // as the source for the parameter values.
        // The fieldnames in the result DataSource are set explicitly (second parameter of AddLevel method).
        var functionHierarchy = new CategoryDecompositionHierarchy
                                .AddLevel("Systems", "SystemName", 5)
                                .AddLevel("Subsystems", "SubsystemName")

        // Create a CategoryDecompositionHierarchy instance that reads all elements in the ProductTree that
        // comply to the Hierarchy of categories defined here:
        // - Missions
        //   | Segments
        //     | Systems [1..5 nesting levels]
        //       | Subsystems
        // In case there are multiple nested Elements levels in the model, the deepest level is selected
        // as the source for the parameter values.
        // The fieldnames in the result DataSource are set explicitly (second parameter of AddLevel method).
        var productHierarchy = new CategoryDecompositionHierarchy
                               .AddLevel("Elements", "SystemName", 5)
                               .AddLevel("Equipment", "SubsystemName")

        // Build a DataTable for the productHierarchy level (Product level)
        // The third parameter in the GetTable method indicates that elements that do not contain
        // any wanted parameters will not be shown in the result table.
        var resultDataSource =
            new DataCollectorNodesCreator <RowRepresentation>()
            .GetTable(productHierarchy, nestedElementTree, true);

        // Build a DataTable for the functionHierarchy level (Function level)
        // The third parameter in the GetTable method indicates that elements that do not contain
        // any wanted parameters will not be shown in the result table.
        var secondDataSource =
            new DataCollectorNodesCreator <RowRepresentation>()
            .GetTable(functionHierarchy, nestedElementTree, true);

        // Merge the two datatables

        var newView = new DataView(resultDataSource);

        newView.RowFilter          = "Segments = '" + Variables.SpaceSegmentName + "' And (P_on <> 0 Or P_stby <> 0)";
        resultDataSource           = newView.ToTable();
        resultDataSource.TableName = "MainData";

        // Create distinct rows for all ED's and summarize the NumberOfItems
        var resultColumnArray = resultDataSource.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>()
                                .Select(x => x.ColumnName)
                                .Except(new[] { "NumberOfItems", "n_items", "SubsystemName", "SystemName_3", "SystemName_4", "SystemName_5" })

        var distinctResultDataSource = new DataView(resultDataSource).ToTable(true, resultColumnArray);

        distinctResultDataSource.Columns.Add("NumberOfItems", typeof(double));

        // Summarize the relevant data and write to the merged DataRow
        foreach (DataRow distinctRow in distinctResultDataSource.Rows)
            distinctRow["NumberOfItems"] = 0D;
            foreach (DataRow row in resultDataSource.Rows)
                var write = true;
                foreach (var columnName in resultColumnArray)
                    if (!row[columnName].Equals(distinctRow[columnName]))
                        write = false;
                if (write)
                    distinctRow["NumberOfItems"] = ((double)distinctRow["NumberOfItems"]) + ((double)row["NumberOfItems"]);
        resultDataSource = distinctResultDataSource;

        //Build dynamic tables
        var systemModeList = this.Iteration.ActualFiniteStateList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ShortName == Variables.SystemModesShortName);

        if (systemModeList == null)
            System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Please set the correct ShortName of the System Mode ActualFiniteStateList in the Variables section of this report's code file.");

        var stateList = systemModeList.ActualState.ToList().Select(x => x.ShortName);

        foreach (var state in stateList)
            var newMeanColumn = new DataColumn("P_mean" + state, typeof(double));
            newMeanColumn.DefaultValue = 0D;

            var newMaxColumn = new DataColumn("P_max" + state, typeof(double));
            newMaxColumn.DefaultValue = 0D;

            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddValueTableCell("dynamicDutyCycleHeaderTable", state);
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddValueTableCell("dynamicP_meanHeaderTable", state);
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddValueTableCell("dynamicP_maxHeaderTable", state);

            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddFieldTableCell("dynamicDutyCycleTable", "P_duty_cyc" + state);
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddFieldTableCell("dynamicP_meanTable", "P_mean" + state);
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddFieldTableCell("dynamicP_maxTable", "P_max" + state);

            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddExpressionTableCell("dynamicP_meanOwnerTotalsTable", "sumSum([P_mean" + state + "])");
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddExpressionTableCell("dynamicP_meanSystemTotalsTable", "sumSum([P_mean" + state + "])");
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddExpressionTableCell("dynamicP_meanTotalsTable", "sumSum([P_mean" + state + "])");
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddExpressionTableCell("dynamicP_meanTotalsInclMarginTable", "sumSum([P_mean" + state + "] * (1 + ?SystemMargin / 100))");

            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddExpressionTableCell("dynamicP_maxOwnerTotalsTable", "sumSum([P_max" + state + "])");
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddExpressionTableCell("dynamicP_maxSystemTotalsTable", "sumSum([P_max" + state + "])");
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddExpressionTableCell("dynamicP_maxTotalsTable", "sumSum([P_max" + state + "])");
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddExpressionTableCell("dynamicP_maxTotalsInclMarginTable", "sumSum([P_max" + state + "] * (1 + (?SystemMargin / 100)))");

            foreach (DataRow row in resultDataSource.Rows)
                var emptyValues = new [] { "", "-" }.ToList();

                var P_duty_cyc        = emptyValues.Contains(row["P_duty_cyc" + state].ToString()) ? -1D : double.Parse(row["P_duty_cyc" + state].ToString());
                var redundancy_type   = row["redundancy_type"].ToString();
                var redundancy_scheme = row["redundancy_scheme"].ToString();
                var redundancy_k      = emptyValues.Contains(row["redundancy_k"].ToString()) ? 0D : double.Parse(row["redundancy_k"].ToString());
                var redundancy_n      = emptyValues.Contains(row["redundancy_n"].ToString()) ? 0D : double.Parse(row["redundancy_n"].ToString());
                var P_on            = emptyValues.Contains(row["P_on"].ToString()) ? 0D : double.Parse(row["P_on"].ToString());
                var P_stby          = emptyValues.Contains(row["P_stby"].ToString()) ? 0D : double.Parse(row["P_stby"].ToString());
                var NumberOfItems   = emptyValues.Contains(row["NumberOfItems"].ToString()) ? 0D : double.Parse(row["NumberOfItems"].ToString());
                var maturity_margin = emptyValues.Contains(row["maturity_margin"].ToString()) ? 0D : double.Parse(row["maturity_margin"].ToString());

                // --------------------------------------------------------
                // Calculate P_mean
                // --------------------------------------------------------
                var P_mean = 0D;

                if (P_duty_cyc != -1)
                    P_mean = double.NaN;

                    if (redundancy_type == "External")
                        if (redundancy_scheme == "Cold")
                            P_mean = (redundancy_k / redundancy_n) * NumberOfItems * ((P_on * P_duty_cyc) + (P_stby * (1 - P_duty_cyc))) * (1 + maturity_margin / 100);
                        else if (redundancy_scheme == "Standby")
                            P_mean = ((redundancy_k / redundancy_n) * NumberOfItems * ((P_on * P_duty_cyc) + (P_stby * (1 - P_duty_cyc)))) + (((redundancy_n - redundancy_k) / redundancy_n) * NumberOfItems * P_stby) * (1 + maturity_margin / 100);

                    if (Double.IsNaN(P_mean))
                        P_mean = NumberOfItems * ((P_on * P_duty_cyc) + (P_stby * (1 - P_duty_cyc))) * (1 + maturity_margin / 100);

                row["P_mean" + state] = P_mean;

                // --------------------------------------------------------
                // Calculate P_max
                // --------------------------------------------------------
                var P_max = 0D;

                if (P_duty_cyc != -1)
                    P_max = double.NaN;
                    if (P_duty_cyc == 0)
                        if (redundancy_type == "External")
                            if (redundancy_scheme == "Cold")
                                P_max = (redundancy_k / redundancy_n) * NumberOfItems * P_stby * (1 + maturity_margin / 100);

                        if (Double.IsNaN(P_max))
                            P_max = NumberOfItems * P_stby * (1 + maturity_margin / 100);
                        if (redundancy_type == "External")
                            if (redundancy_scheme == "Cold")
                                P_max = (redundancy_k / redundancy_n) * NumberOfItems * P_on * (1 + maturity_margin / 100);
                            else if (redundancy_scheme == "Standby")
                                P_max = ((redundancy_k / redundancy_n) * NumberOfItems * P_on) + (((redundancy_n - redundancy_k) / redundancy_n) * NumberOfItems * P_stby) * (1 + maturity_margin / 100);

                        if (Double.IsNaN(P_max))
                            P_max = NumberOfItems * P_on * (1 + maturity_margin / 100);

                row["P_max" + state] = P_max;

    /// <summary>
    /// A must override method that returns the actual data object.
    /// A data object could be anything, except a dynamic/ExpandoObject type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    /// The data as an object.
    /// </returns>
    public override object CreateDataObject()
        // Select an Option from the current Iteration.
        // this.SelectOption is a method of the OptionDependentDataCollector class
        // After selection the SelectedOption property will be set.
        var option = this.SelectedOption;


        // Create a CategoryDecompositionHierarchy instance that reads all elements in the ProductTree that
        // comply to the Hierarchy of categories defined here:
        // - Missions
        //   | Segments
        //     | Systems [1..5 nesting levels]
        //       | Subsystems
        // In case there are multiple nested Equipment levels in the model, the deepest level is selected
        // as the source for the parameter values.
        // The fieldnames in the result DataSource are set explicitly (second parameter of AddLevel method).
        var functionHierarchy = new CategoryDecompositionHierarchy
                                .AddLevel("Systems", "SystemName", 5)
                                .AddLevel("Subsystems", "SubsystemName")

        // Create a CategoryDecompositionHierarchy instance that reads all elements in the ProductTree that
        // comply to the Hierarchy of categories defined here:
        // - Missions
        //   | Segments
        //     | Systems [1..5 nesting levels]
        //       | Subsystems
        // In case there are multiple nested Elements levels in the model, the deepest level is selected
        // as the source for the parameter values.
        // The fieldnames in the result DataSource are set explicitly (second parameter of AddLevel method).
        var productHierarchy = new CategoryDecompositionHierarchy
                               .AddLevel("Elements", "SystemName", 5)
                               .AddLevel("Equipment", "SubsystemName")

        // Build a DataTable for the productHierarchy level (Product level)
        var resultDataSource =
            new DataCollectorNodesCreator <RowRepresentation>()
            .GetTable(productHierarchy, Variables.NestedElements);

        // Build a DataTable for the functionHierarchy level (Function level)
        var secondDataSource =
            new DataCollectorNodesCreator <RowRepresentation>()
            .GetTable(functionHierarchy, Variables.NestedElements);

        // Merge the two datatables

        // Create a DataView that contains all Distinct values in the resultDataSource's Segments column,
        var segmentsTable = new DataView(resultDataSource).ToTable(true, "Segments");

        // Create the DataSet that will be returned by this CreateDataObject method.
        var dataSet = new DataSet();

        resultDataSource.Columns.Add("MassWithoutExtraMargin", typeof(double));

        // Set Extra Mass Margin data if found on the second Element level.
        foreach (DataRow dataRow in resultDataSource.Rows)
            dataRow["MassWithoutExtraMargin"] = dataRow["Mass"];

            if (resultDataSource.Columns.Contains("SystemName_2_MassMargin"))
                if ((bool)dataRow["Products"] == true &&
                    dataRow["SystemName_2_MassMargin"] != DBNull.Value &&
                    (double)dataRow["SystemName_2_MassMargin"] != 0D)
                    dataRow["HasExtraMassMargin"] = true;
                    dataRow["ExtraMassMargin"]    = (double)dataRow["SystemName_2_MassMargin"] / 100;
                    dataRow["Mass"] = (double)dataRow["Mass"] * (1D + (double)dataRow["ExtraMassMargin"]);

        // Find the data rows that contain a Segments name that is equal to the SpaceSegmentName set in the top of this file
        // and add that table to the DataSet.
        foreach (DataRow dataRow in segmentsTable.Rows)
            var segment = dataRow["Segments"].ToString();

            if ((segment) == Variables.SpaceSegmentName)
                var newView = new DataView(resultDataSource);
                newView.RowFilter = "Segments = '" + segment + "'";
                newView.Sort      = "SystemName_1 ASC, SystemName_2 ASC, OwnerShortName ASC, SubsystemName ASC";
                var newTable = newView.ToTable();
                newTable.TableName = "MainData";

Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// A must override method that returns the actual data object.
    /// A data object could be anything, except a dynamic/ExpandoObject type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    /// The data as an object.
    /// </returns>
    public override object CreateDataObject()
        // Select an Option from the current Iteration.
        // this.SelectOption is a method of the OptionDependentDataCollector class
        // After selection the SelectedOption property will be set.
        var option = this.SelectedOption;

        // Get the tree of NestedElements for the selected Option.
        var nestedElementTree = new NestedElementTreeGenerator().Generate(option).ToList();

        // Create a CategoryDecompositionHierarchy instance that reads all elements in the ProductTree that
        // comply to the Hierarchy of categories defined here:
        // - Missions
        //   | Segments
        //     | Systems [1..5 nesting levels]
        //       | Subsystems
        // In case there are multiple nested Equipment levels in the model, the deepest level is selected
        // as the source for the parameter values.
        // The fieldnames in the result DataSource are set explicitly (second parameter of AddLevel method).
        var functionHierarchy = new CategoryDecompositionHierarchy
                                .AddLevel("Systems", "SystemName", 5)
                                .AddLevel("Subsystems", "SubsystemName")

        // Create a CategoryDecompositionHierarchy instance that reads all elements in the ProductTree that
        // comply to the Hierarchy of categories defined here:
        // - Missions
        //   | Segments
        //     | Systems [1..5 nesting levels]
        //       | Subsystems
        // In case there are multiple nested Elements levels in the model, the deepest level is selected
        // as the source for the parameter values.
        // The fieldnames in the result DataSource are set explicitly (second parameter of AddLevel method).
        var productHierarchy = new CategoryDecompositionHierarchy
                               .AddLevel("Elements", "SystemName", 5)
                               .AddLevel("Equipment", "SubsystemName")

        // Build a DataTable for the productHierarchy level (Product level)
        // The third parameter in the GetTable method indicates that elements that do not contain
        // any wanted parameters will not be shown in the result table.
        var resultDataSource =
            new DataCollectorNodesCreator <RowRepresentation>()
            .GetTable(productHierarchy, nestedElementTree, true);

        // Build a DataTable for the functionHierarchy level (Function level)
        // The third parameter in the GetTable method indicates that elements that do not contain
        // any wanted parameters will not be shown in the result table.
        var secondDataSource =
            new DataCollectorNodesCreator <RowRepresentation>()
            .GetTable(functionHierarchy, nestedElementTree, true);

        // Merge the two datatables

        var newView = new DataView(resultDataSource);

        newView.RowFilter          = "Segments = '" + Variables.SpaceSegmentName + "' And (P_on <> 0 Or P_stby <> 0)";
        resultDataSource           = newView.ToTable();
        resultDataSource.TableName = "MainData";

        //Build dynamic tables
        var systemModeList = this.Iteration.ActualFiniteStateList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ShortName == Variables.SystemModesShortName);

        if (systemModeList == null)
            System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Please set the correct ShortName of the System Mode ActualFiniteStateList in the Variables section of this report's code file.");

        var stateList = systemModeList.ActualState.ToList().Select(x => x.ShortName);

        foreach (var state in stateList)
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddValueTableCell("dynamicDutyCycleHeaderTable", state);
            this.DynamicTableCellsCollector.AddFieldTableCell("dynamicDutyCycleTable", "P_duty_cyc" + state);

    /// <summary>
    /// A must override method that returns the actual data object.
    /// A data object could be anything, except a dynamic/ExpandoObject type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    /// The data as an object.
    /// </returns>
    public override object CreateDataObject()
        // Select an Option from the current Iteration.
        // this.SelectOption is a method of the OptionDependentDataCollector class
        // After selection the SelectedOption property will be set.
        var option = this.SelectedOption;

        // Get the tree of NestedElements for the selected Option.
        var nestedElementTree = new NestedElementTreeGenerator().Generate(option).ToList();

        // Create a CategoryDecompositionHierarchy instance that reads all elements in the ProductTree that
        // comply to the Hierarchy of categories defined here:
        // - Missions
        //   | Segments
        //     | Systems [1..5 nesting levels]
        //       | Subsystems
        // In case there are multiple nested Equipment levels in the model, the deepest level is selected
        // as the source for the parameter values.
        // The fieldnames in the result DataSource are set explicitly (second parameter of AddLevel method).
        var functionHierarchy = new CategoryDecompositionHierarchy
                                .AddLevel("Systems", "SystemName", 5)
                                .AddLevel("Subsystems", "SubsystemName")

        // Create a CategoryDecompositionHierarchy instance that reads all elements in the ProductTree that
        // comply to the Hierarchy of categories defined here:
        // - Missions
        //   | Segments
        //     | Systems [1..5 nesting levels]
        //       | Subsystems
        // In case there are multiple nested Elements levels in the model, the deepest level is selected
        // as the source for the parameter values.
        // The fieldnames in the result DataSource are set explicitly (second parameter of AddLevel method).
        var productHierarchy = new CategoryDecompositionHierarchy
                               .AddLevel("Elements", "SystemName", 5)
                               .AddLevel("Equipment", "SubsystemName")

        // Build a DataTable for the productHierarchy level (Product level)
        // The third parameter in the GetTable method indicates that elements that do not contain
        // any wanted parameters will not be shown in the result table.
        var resultDataSource =
            new DataCollectorNodesCreator <RowRepresentation>()
            .GetTable(productHierarchy, nestedElementTree, true);

        // Build a DataTable for the functionHierarchy level (Function level)
        // The third parameter in the GetTable method indicates that elements that do not contain
        // any wanted parameters will not be shown in the result table.
        var secondDataSource =
            new DataCollectorNodesCreator <RowRepresentation>()
            .GetTable(functionHierarchy, nestedElementTree, true);

        // Merge the two datatables

        // Find the ParameterName in the Variables.ParameterOrder and set the Order property for that datarow using the Variables.ParameterOrder property.
        foreach (DataRow dataRow in resultDataSource.Rows)
            var parameterName = dataRow["ParameterName"].ToString();
            if (Variables.ParameterOrder.ContainsKey(parameterName))
                dataRow["Order"] = Variables.ParameterOrder[parameterName];
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Unknown Parameter Name '" + parameterName + "' not found. Please add it to the Variables.ParameterOrder property in the Code Editor.");


        // Create a DataView that contains all Distinct values in the resultDataSource's Segments column,
        var segmentsTable = new DataView(resultDataSource).ToTable(true, "Segments");

        // Find the data rows that contain a Segments name that is equal to the SpaceSegmentName set in the top of this file
        // and add that table to the DataSet.
        foreach (DataRow dataRow in segmentsTable.Rows)
            var segment = dataRow["Segments"].ToString();

            if ((segment) == Variables.SpaceSegmentName)
                var newView = new DataView(resultDataSource);
                newView.RowFilter = "Segments = '" + segment + "'";
                newView.Sort      = "ParameterName ASC, OwnerShortName ASC, SubsystemName ASC";
                var newTable = newView.ToTable();
                newTable.TableName = "MainData";

                // Return the table

        // If no table that contains the desired Variables.SpaceSegmentName was found then return null.