public JsonResult Save(ClientModel client) { Sys_User user = client.GetEntity <Sys_User>("user"); switch (CheckExists(user)) { case 1: return(Json(new { status = 1, msg = "用户账号已经存在" })); case 2: return(Json(new { status = 1, msg = "用户名称已经存在" })); default: if (!user.ID.HasValue) { user.dCreatedDate = DateTime.Now; user.cNonceStr = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); user.cPassword = DataCipher.MD5Encrypt(user.UserId + user.cNonceStr + "123456"); user.TenantId = Auth.TenantId; user.iStatus = 1; } user.InsertOrUpdate(); return(Json(new { status = 0 })); } }
public User LogIn(string email, string imageUrl, string password) { var regexp = new Regex(@"^[\w!#$%&'*+\-/=?\^_`{|}~]+(\.[\w!#$%&'*+\-/=?\^_`{|}~]+)*" + "@" + @"((([\-\w]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4})|(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}))$"); if (!regexp.IsMatch(email)) { throw new Exception("Error: Email is not Valid"); } var cypher = new DataCipher(); using (var db = new DbRepository()) { var pss = !cypher.IsEncrypt(password) ? new DataCipher().Encrypt(password) : password; var user = db.Get <User>().Where(x => x.Email.Contains(email) && pss == x.Password).ExecuteFirstOrDefault(); if (user == null && password == "") { user = new User { Email = email, Password = cypher.Encrypt(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")), Picture = imageUrl }; db.Save(user).SaveChanges(); new DirectoryManager(Actions.ImageRootPath, Actions.GenerateUserFolderName(user.Email)).Create(); } return(user); } }
public string Index() { string licence = DataCipher.RSAEncrypt(MachineData.MachineCode() + "|" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(20).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAmlx+ouP4MJehomQOn+8YqjBUnX3oUVXDR2R3I4HdC0QUG9Qq0565n1fPl3TZLdS3njamNtUMu9Ovjl2bI0/oRyv536J4px4QDKGrB78PRbLC/jIq+Nuk2V3ObEPXJA8EAnSrdGGqn3rb4fejZgCAKashTp96VD+SKbhaCk3kTbVL9TMIyCDTv9/QjK3xKSFxlq2x3bnt/hqTUMHveTcE93qFDpEV2jtNbUz1oT43//J/wvIFIHFU+Xd5CjEYqeo0gaX0uzt2oAODljHP7ce1R+d1Gt6ab2kYfKE2t5beXQhEETsWcAm3U1nmq4d/YNXoE2RwXNfQzFr01LsFmFks4QIDAQAB"); var a = MachineData.AppPeriod(licence); return(a.ValidityDate.ToString()); }
public void DecifradoDatos([FromForm] DataCipher _DataDeCipher, string decifrado) { MetodosNecesariosC _MetodosDecipher = new MetodosNecesariosC(); ZigZag _Zigzag = new ZigZag(); switch (decifrado.ToUpper()) { case "CEASER": if (!Directory.Exists(_environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoCeaser\\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoCeaser\\"); } _MetodosDecipher.DecifradoCeaser(_DataDeCipher.ArchivoCargado, _DataDeCipher.Llave, _DataDeCipher.NuevoNombre, _environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoCeaser\\"); break; case "ZIGZAG": if (!Directory.Exists(_environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoZigZag\\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoZigZag\\"); } _Zigzag.DescifradoZigZag(_DataDeCipher.ArchivoCargado, _DataDeCipher.TamanoCarriles, _DataDeCipher.NuevoNombre, _environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoZigZag\\"); break; case "ESPIRAL": if (!Directory.Exists(_environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoEspiral\\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoEspiral\\"); } _MetodosDecipher.DecifradoEspiral(_DataDeCipher.ArchivoCargado, _DataDeCipher.n, _DataDeCipher.m, _DataDeCipher.NuevoNombre, _environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoEspiral\\"); break; case "VERTICAL": if (!Directory.Exists(_environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoVertical\\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoVertical\\"); } _MetodosDecipher.DecifradoVertical(_DataDeCipher.ArchivoCargado, _DataDeCipher.n, _DataDeCipher.m, _DataDeCipher.NuevoNombre, _environment.WebRootPath + "\\ArchivoDecifradoVertical\\"); break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// 通过配置文件中的ProviderName来自动生成Connection对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="databaseName">在appsetting中配置的数据库连接对象名称</param> /// <returns></returns> public IDbConnection CreateConnection(string databaseName) { bool encrypt = TwinkleContext.Config.GetValue <bool>($"ConnectionStrings:{databaseName}:Encrypt"); string connectString = TwinkleContext.Config.GetValue <string>($"ConnectionStrings:{databaseName}:ConnectString"); //如果连接字符串被加密了 需要解密 if (encrypt) { connectString = DataCipher.RSADecrypt(connectString); } string providerName = TwinkleContext.Config.GetValue <string>($"ConnectionStrings:{databaseName}:ProviderName"); IDbConnection connection = null; switch (providerName) { case "System.Data.SqlClient": connection = SqlClientFactory.Instance.CreateConnection(); break; case "Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client": connection = new OracleClientFactory().CreateConnection(); break; case "MySql.Data.MySqlClient": connection = new MySqlClientFactory().CreateConnection(); break; default: throw new DataException("There is no suitable Provider for creating IDbConnection"); } connection.ConnectionString = connectString; this.Connection = connection; return(connection); }
internal void CleanDecoder(string replaceWith) { if (!EndWithDecoder()) { sb.Append(replaceWith); } else { MatchCollection matches = null; var result = new string[0]; while ((matches = DataEncodeExp.Matches(sb.ToString())).Count > 0) { var m = matches[0]; result = m.Value.Replace("</DataEncode>", "").TrimEnd(']').Substring(@"<DataEncode>\[".Length - 1).Split('|'); // get the key sb = sb.Remove(m.Index, m.Value.Length); if (replaceWith.Contains("String[")) { var spt = replaceWith.Split(new string[] { "]," }, StringSplitOptions.None).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)); var isFirst = true; foreach (var str in spt) { var xValue = str.Trim().Replace("String[", "").TrimEnd("]"); var rValue = xValue.TrimStart('%').TrimEnd("%"); var codedValue = new DataCipher(result.First(), result.Last().ConvertValue <int>().ConvertValue <DataCipherKeySize>()).Encrypt(rValue); if (xValue.StartsWith("%")) { codedValue = "%" + codedValue; } if (xValue.EndsWith("%")) { codedValue += "%"; } sb.Insert(m.Index, (!isFirst ? "," : "") + "String[" + codedValue + "]"); isFirst = false; } } else if (replaceWith.Contains("Date[")) { var spt = replaceWith.Split(new string[] { "]," }, StringSplitOptions.None).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)); var isFirst = true; foreach (var str in spt) { var xValue = str.Trim().Replace("Date[", "").TrimEnd("]"); var rValue = xValue.TrimStart('%').TrimEnd("%"); var codedValue = new DataCipher(result.First(), result.Last().ConvertValue <int>().ConvertValue <DataCipherKeySize>()).Encrypt(rValue); if (xValue.StartsWith("%")) { codedValue = "%" + codedValue; } if (xValue.EndsWith("%")) { codedValue += "%"; } sb.Insert(m.Index, (!isFirst ? "," : "") + "Date[" + codedValue + "]"); isFirst = false; } } else { sb = sb.Insert(m.Index, new DataCipher(result.First(), result.Last().ConvertValue <int>().ConvertValue <DataCipherKeySize>()).Encrypt(replaceWith)); } } } }
/// <summary> /// generic Json to object /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="json"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static T FromJson <T>(this string json, IRepository repository) { var o = JSON.ToObject <T>(json); void LoadJsonIgnoreProperties(object item) { if (item is IList) { foreach (var t in (IList)item) { LoadJsonIgnoreProperties(t); } return; } var type = item?.GetType().GetActualType(); if (type == null) { return; } if (!(item?.GetPrimaryKeyValue().ObjectIsNew() ?? true)) { var primaryId = item.GetPrimaryKeyValue(); foreach (var prop in DeepCloner.GetFastDeepClonerProperties(item.GetType()).Where(x => (x.ContainAttribute <JsonIgnore>() || !x.IsInternalType) && !x.ContainAttribute <ExcludeFromAbstract>() && x.CanRead)) { var value = prop.GetValue(item); if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(value?.ToString())) { value = string.Empty; } if (prop.IsInternalType && value == LightDataTableShared.ValueByType(prop.PropertyType)) // Value is default { var cmd = repository.GetSqlCommand($"SELECT [{prop.GetPropertyName()}] FROM [{type.TableName()}] WHERE [{item.GetPrimaryKey().GetPropertyName()}] = {Querys.GetValueByType(item.GetPrimaryKeyValue(), repository.DataBaseTypes)}"); var data = repository.ExecuteScalar(cmd); if (data == null) { continue; } if (prop.ContainAttribute <DataEncode>()) { data = new DataCipher(prop.GetCustomAttribute <DataEncode>().Key, prop.GetCustomAttribute <DataEncode>().KeySize).Decrypt(data.ToString()); } else if (prop.ContainAttribute <ToBase64String>() && data.ToString().IsBase64String()) { data = MethodHelper.DecodeStringFromBase64(data.ToString()); } else if (prop.ContainAttribute <JsonDocument>()) { data = data?.ToString().FromJson(prop.PropertyType); } prop.SetValue(item, data.ConvertValue(prop.PropertyType)); } else if (value != null) { LoadJsonIgnoreProperties(value); } } } } LoadJsonIgnoreProperties(o); return(o); }
internal static IList DataReaderConverter(Transaction.Transaction repository, IDataReader reader, DbCommandExtended command, Type type) { var tType = type.GetActualType(); var baseListType = typeof(List <>); var listType = baseListType.MakeGenericType(tType); var iList = DeepCloner.CreateInstance(listType) as IList; //#if (NETSTANDARD2_0 || NETSTANDARD1_3 || NETSTANDARD1_5) var props = DeepCloner.GetFastDeepClonerProperties(tType); //#endif try { while (reader.Read()) { object item = null; object clItem = null; //#if (NETSTANDARD2_0 || NETSTANDARD1_3 || NETSTANDARD1_5) item = DeepCloner.CreateInstance(tType); clItem = DeepCloner.CreateInstance(tType); var col = 0; while (col < reader.FieldCount) { var columnName = reader.GetName(col); var value = reader[columnName]; var prop = DeepCloner.GetProperty(tType, columnName); if (prop == null) { prop = props.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.GetPropertyName(), columnName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || x.GetPropertyName().ToLower() == columnName); } if (value != DBNull.Value && value != null && prop != null && prop.CanRead) { if (value as byte[] != null && prop.PropertyType.FullName.Contains("Guid")) { value = new Guid(value as byte[]); } var dataEncode = prop.GetCustomAttribute <DataEncode>(); var toBase64String = prop.GetCustomAttribute <ToBase64String>(); if (toBase64String != null) { if (value.ConvertValue <string>().IsBase64String()) { value = MethodHelper.DecodeStringFromBase64(value.ConvertValue <string>()); } else { value = MethodHelper.ConvertValue(value, prop.PropertyType); } } else if (dataEncode != null) { value = new DataCipher(dataEncode.Key, dataEncode.KeySize).Decrypt(value.ConvertValue <string>()); } else if (prop.ContainAttribute <JsonDocument>()) { value = value?.ToString().FromJson(prop.PropertyType); } else { value = MethodHelper.ConvertValue(value, prop.PropertyType); } prop.SetValue(item, value); prop.SetValue(clItem, value); } col++; } //#else // var cmReader = new DataRecordExtended(reader); // if (!CachedDataRecord.ContainsKey(tType)) // CachedDataRecord.GetOrAdd(tType, DynamicBuilder.CreateBuilder(cmReader, tType)); // var x = CachedDataRecord[tType]; // item = x.Build(cmReader); // clItem = !(repository?.IsAttached(item) ?? true) ? x.Build(cmReader) : null; //#endif if (clItem != null && !(repository?.IsAttached(clItem) ?? true)) { repository?.AttachNew(clItem); } iList.Add(item); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); if (repository.OpenedDataReaders.ContainsKey(reader)) { repository.OpenedDataReaders.Remove(reader); } } return(iList); }
private object Save(object o, bool isIndependentData, bool updateOnly = false, List <string> ignoredProperties = null, string lastProperty = null) { try { if (ignoredProperties == null) { ignoredProperties = new List <string>(); } if (lastProperty == null) { lastProperty = string.Empty; // not valid name } GlobalConfiguration.Log?.Info("Save", o); _repository.CreateTransaction(); var props = DeepCloner.GetFastDeepClonerProperties(o.GetType()); var primaryKey = o.GetPrimaryKey(); if (primaryKey == null) { throw new EntityException("Object must have a PrimaryKey"); } var primaryKeyId = !Extension.ObjectIsNew(o.GetPrimaryKeyValue()) ? o.GetPrimaryKeyValue() : null; var availableColumns = _repository.GetColumnSchema(o.GetType()); var objectRules = o.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <Rule>(); var tableName = o.GetType().TableName().GetName(_repository.DataBaseTypes); var primaryKeySubstitut = !primaryKey.GetCustomAttribute <PrimaryKey>().AutoGenerate ? primaryKeyId : null; object dbTrigger = null; if (objectRules != null && !CachedIDbRuleTrigger.ContainsKey(o.GetType())) { dbTrigger = objectRules.RuleType.CreateInstance(); CachedIDbRuleTrigger.Add(o.GetType(), dbTrigger); } else if (objectRules != null || CachedIDbRuleTrigger.ContainsKey(o.GetType())) { dbTrigger = CachedIDbRuleTrigger[o.GetType()]; } if (primaryKeyId != null && !updateOnly) // lets attach the object { var data = GetById(primaryKeyId, o.GetType()); if (data == null) { primaryKeyId = null; o.SetPrimaryKeyValue(); } else { if (!_repository.IsAttached(o)) { _repository.Attach(data); } var changes = _repository.GetObjectChanges(o); foreach (var item in props.Where(x => x.CanRead && !changes.Any(a => a.PropertyName == x.Name) && (x.IsInternalType || x.ContainAttribute <JsonDocument>()))) { item.SetValue(o, item.GetValue(data)); } } } if (!updateOnly) { dbTrigger?.GetType().GetMethod("BeforeSave").Invoke(dbTrigger, new List <object>() { _repository, o }.ToArray()); // Check the Rule before save } object tempPrimaryKey = null; var sql = "UPDATE " + (o.GetType().TableName().GetName(_repository.DataBaseTypes)) + " SET "; var cols = props.FindAll(x => x.CanRead && (availableColumns.ContainsKey(x.GetPropertyName()) || availableColumns.ContainsKey(x.GetPropertyName().ToLower())) && (x.IsInternalType || x.ContainAttribute <JsonDocument>() || x.ContainAttribute <XmlDocument>()) && !x.ContainAttribute <ExcludeFromAbstract>() && x.GetCustomAttribute <PrimaryKey>() == null); // Clean out all unwanted properties if (ignoredProperties.Any()) { cols = cols.FindAll(x => !ignoredProperties.Any(a => a == x.Name || a == (o.GetType().Name + "." + x.Name) || a == (lastProperty + "." + x.Name))); } if (primaryKeyId == null) { if (primaryKey.PropertyType.IsNumeric() && primaryKey.GetCustomAttribute <PrimaryKey>().AutoGenerate) { sql = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + "(" + string.Join(",", cols.Select(x => "[" + x.GetPropertyName() + "]")) + ") Values("; sql += string.Join(",", cols.Select(x => "@" + x.GetPropertyName())) + ");"; sql += _repository.DataBaseTypes == DataBaseTypes.Sqllight ? " select last_insert_rowid();" : (_repository.DataBaseTypes != DataBaseTypes.PostgreSql ? " SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('" + tableName + "');" : " SELECT currval('" + string.Format("{0}_{1}_seq", tableName, primaryKey.GetPropertyName()) + "');"); } else { var colList = new List <IFastDeepClonerProperty>(); tempPrimaryKey = primaryKeySubstitut == null?Guid.NewGuid() : primaryKeySubstitut; if (primaryKeySubstitut == null && primaryKey.PropertyType.IsNumeric()) { tempPrimaryKey = _repository.ExecuteScalar(_repository.GetSqlCommand(String.Format("SELECT MAX([{0}]) FROM {1}", primaryKey.GetPropertyName(), tableName))).ConvertValue <long>() + 1; } else if (primaryKey.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { tempPrimaryKey = tempPrimaryKey.ToString(); } colList.Insert(0, primaryKey); colList.AddRange(cols); sql = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + "(" + string.Join(",", colList.Select(x => "[" + x.GetPropertyName() + "]")) + ") Values("; sql += string.Join(",", colList.Select(x => "@" + x.GetPropertyName())) + "); select '" + tempPrimaryKey + "'"; } } else { sql += string.Join(",", cols.Select(x => "[" + x.GetPropertyName() + "]" + " = @" + x.GetPropertyName())); sql += Querys.Where(_repository.DataBaseTypes).Column(o.GetType().GetActualType().GetPrimaryKey().GetPropertyName()).Equal(primaryKeyId).Execute(); } var cmd = _repository.GetSqlCommand(sql); if ((!primaryKey.PropertyType.IsNumeric() || !primaryKey.GetCustomAttribute <PrimaryKey>().AutoGenerate) && primaryKeyId == null) { _repository.AddInnerParameter(cmd, primaryKey.GetPropertyName(), tempPrimaryKey); } foreach (var col in cols) { var v = col.GetValue(o); var defaultOnEmpty = col.GetCustomAttribute <DefaultOnEmpty>(); if (col.ContainAttribute <ForeignKey>() && (v?.ObjectIsNew() ?? true)) { var ob = props.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.PropertyType == col.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().Type) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(col.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().PropertyName) || col.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().PropertyName == x.Name)); var obValue = ob?.GetValue(o); var independentData = ob?.GetCustomAttribute <IndependentData>() != null; if (obValue != null) { v = obValue.GetType().GetPrimaryKey().GetValue(obValue)?.ObjectIsNew() ?? true? Save(obValue, independentData, false, ignoredProperties, ob.Name) : obValue.GetType().GetPrimaryKey().GetValue(obValue); col.SetValue(o, v); } } if (col.ContainAttribute <ToBase64String>()) { if (!v?.ConvertValue <string>().IsBase64String() ?? false) { v = MethodHelper.EncodeStringToBase64(v.ConvertValue <string>()); } } if (col.ContainAttribute <JsonDocument>()) { v = v?.ToJson(); } if (col.ContainAttribute <XmlDocument>()) { v = v?.ToXml(); } if (col.ContainAttribute <Stringify>() || col.ContainAttribute <DataEncode>()) { v = v?.ConvertValue <string>(); } if (col.ContainAttribute <DataEncode>()) { if (col.PropertyType != typeof(string)) { throw new EntityException(string.Format("Property {0} Contain DataEncode. PropertyType must be of type String .", col.FullName)); } v = new DataCipher(col.GetCustomAttribute <DataEncode>().Key, col.GetCustomAttribute <DataEncode>().KeySize).Encrypt(v.ToString()); } if (col.ContainAttribute <NotNullable>() && v == null && defaultOnEmpty == null) { throw new EntityException(string.Format("Property {0} dose not allow null.", col.FullName)); } if (v == null && defaultOnEmpty != null) { v = defaultOnEmpty.Value.ConvertValue(col.PropertyType); } _repository.AddInnerParameter(cmd, col.GetPropertyName(), v); } if (primaryKeyId == null) { primaryKeyId = _repository.ExecuteScalar(cmd).ConvertValue(primaryKey.PropertyType); } else { _repository.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); } var oState = dbTrigger != null?DeepCloner.Clone(o) : null; if (updateOnly) { return(primaryKeyId); } dbTrigger?.GetType().GetMethod("AfterSave").Invoke(dbTrigger, new List <object>() { _repository, o, primaryKeyId }.ToArray()); // Check the Rule before save foreach (var prop in props.Where(x => !x.IsInternalType && !x.ContainAttribute <JsonDocument>() && !x.ContainAttribute <XmlDocument>() && !x.ContainAttribute <ExcludeFromAbstract>())) { var independentData = prop.GetCustomAttribute <IndependentData>() != null; var type = prop.PropertyType.GetActualType(); var oValue = prop.GetValue(o); if (oValue == null) { continue; } var vList = oValue is IList ? (IList)oValue : new List <object>() { oValue }; foreach (var item in vList) { var foreignKey = DeepCloner.GetFastDeepClonerProperties(item.GetType()).FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>()?.Type == o.GetType() && string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().PropertyName)); foreignKey?.SetValue(item, primaryKeyId); var res = Save(item, independentData, false, ignoredProperties, prop.Name); foreignKey = props.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>()?.Type == type && (x.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().PropertyName == prop.Name || string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().PropertyName))); if (foreignKey == null || !foreignKey.GetValue(o).ObjectIsNew()) { continue; } if (o.GetType() == foreignKey.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().Type) { continue; } foreignKey.SetValue(o, res); } } if (oState != null && _repository.GetObjectChanges(o, oState).Count > 0) // a change has been made outside the function Save then resave { o.SetPrimaryKeyValue(primaryKeyId); Save(o, false, true, ignoredProperties); } o.SetPrimaryKeyValue(primaryKeyId); _repository.Attach(o, true); return(primaryKeyId); } catch (Exception e) { GlobalConfiguration.Log?.Error(e); _repository.Rollback(); throw; } }
internal static IList DataReaderConverter(Transaction.Transaction repository, IDataReader reader, DbCommandExtended command, Type type) { var tType = type.GetActualType(); var attachable = tType.GetPrimaryKey() != null; var baseListType = typeof(List <>); var listType = baseListType.MakeGenericType(tType); var iList = DeepCloner.CreateInstance(listType) as IList; var props = DeepCloner.GetFastDeepClonerProperties(tType); try { var colNames = new Custom_ValueType <int, string>(); var pp = new Custom_ValueType <int, FastDeepCloner.IFastDeepClonerProperty>(); while (reader.Read()) { object item = null; object clItem = null; item = DeepCloner.CreateInstance(tType); clItem = attachable ? DeepCloner.CreateInstance(tType) : null; var col = 0; while (col < reader.FieldCount) { string columnName; if (colNames.ContainsKey(col)) { columnName = colNames[col]; } else { columnName = reader.GetName(col); colNames.TryAdd(col, columnName); } var value = reader[columnName]; IFastDeepClonerProperty prop; if (!pp.ContainsKey(col)) { prop = DeepCloner.GetProperty(tType, columnName); if (prop == null) { prop = props.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.GetPropertyName(), columnName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || x.GetPropertyName().ToLower() == columnName); } pp.TryAdd(col, prop); } else { prop = pp[col]; } if (prop != null && value != DBNull.Value && value != null && prop.CanRead) { if (value as byte[] != null && prop.PropertyType.FullName.Contains("Guid")) { value = new Guid(value as byte[]); } var dataEncode = prop.GetCustomAttribute <DataEncode>(); if (prop.ContainAttribute <ToBase64String>()) { if (value.ConvertValue <string>().IsBase64String()) { value = MethodHelper.DecodeStringFromBase64(value.ConvertValue <string>()); } else { value = MethodHelper.ConvertValue(value, prop.PropertyType); } } else if (dataEncode != null) { value = new DataCipher(dataEncode.Key, dataEncode.KeySize).Decrypt(value.ConvertValue <string>()); } else if (prop.ContainAttribute <JsonDocument>()) { value = value?.ToString().FromJson(prop.PropertyType); } else if (prop.ContainAttribute <XmlDocument>()) { value = value?.ToString().FromXml(); } else { value = MethodHelper.ConvertValue(value, prop.PropertyType); } prop.SetValue(item, value); if (attachable) { prop.SetValue(clItem, value); } } col++; } if (clItem != null && !(repository?.IsAttached(clItem) ?? true)) { repository?.AttachNew(clItem); } iList.Add(item); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); if (repository.OpenedDataReaders.ContainsKey(reader)) { repository.OpenedDataReaders.Remove(reader); } } return(iList); }
/// <summary> /// DeSerilize Xml to object, this is supposed to handle all unknow object types but there has not been to many tests. /// </summary> /// <param name="xml"></param> /// <param name="transaction"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static object FromXml(this string xml, IRepository transaction = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml)) { return(null); } var doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xml); var o = FromXml(doc.DocumentElement); void LoadXmlIgnoreProperties(object item) { if (item is IList) { foreach (var t in (IList)item) { LoadXmlIgnoreProperties(t); } return; } var type = item?.GetType().GetActualType(); if (type == null) { return; } if (!(item?.GetPrimaryKeyValue().ObjectIsNew() ?? true)) { var primaryId = item.GetPrimaryKeyValue(); foreach (var prop in DeepCloner.GetFastDeepClonerProperties(item.GetType()).Where(x => (x.ContainAttribute <XmlIgnore>() || !x.IsInternalType) && !x.ContainAttribute <ExcludeFromAbstract>() && x.CanRead)) { var value = prop.GetValue(item); if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(value?.ToString())) { value = string.Empty; } if (prop.IsInternalType && value == LightDataTableShared.ValueByType(prop.PropertyType)) // Value is default { var cmd = transaction.GetSqlCommand($"SELECT [{prop.GetPropertyName()}] FROM {type.TableName().GetName(transaction.DataBaseTypes)} WHERE [{item.GetPrimaryKey().GetPropertyName()}] = {Querys.GetValueByType(item.GetPrimaryKeyValue(), transaction.DataBaseTypes)}"); var data = transaction.ExecuteScalar(cmd); if (data == null) { continue; } if (prop.ContainAttribute <DataEncode>()) { data = new DataCipher(prop.GetCustomAttribute <DataEncode>().Key, prop.GetCustomAttribute <DataEncode>().KeySize).Decrypt(data.ToString()); } else if (prop.ContainAttribute <ToBase64String>() && data.ToString().IsBase64String()) { data = MethodHelper.DecodeStringFromBase64(data.ToString()); } prop.SetValue(item, data.ConvertValue(prop.PropertyType)); } else if (value != null) { LoadXmlIgnoreProperties(value); } } } } if (transaction != null) { LoadXmlIgnoreProperties(o); } return(o); }
public JsonResult Login(ClientModel client) { string UserId = client.GetString("UserId"); string Password = client.GetString("Password"); string tenantId = this.Auth.TenantId;// 后期 tenantId 一般会是从登陆界面带过来 Sys_User user = Db.ExecuteEntity <Sys_User>("SELECT * FROM Sys_User WHERE UserId=@UserId and TenantId=@TenantId", new { UserId, TenantId = tenantId }); if (user == null) { return(Json(new { status = 1, msg = "账号不存在." })); } user.cLoginIP = this.Request.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString().Replace("::1", ""); if (user.cPassword != DataCipher.MD5Encrypt(user.UserId + user.cNonceStr + Password)) { if (user.dUnlockDate > DateTime.Now) { return(Json(new { status = 1, msg = "账户已经被锁定,请稍后再试或联系管理员." })); } if ((DateTime.Now - (user.dLoginDate ?? DateTime.MinValue)).TotalMinutes > 30) { user.nFailedCount = 0; } user.nFailedCount = (user.nFailedCount ?? 0) + 1; if (user.nFailedCount == 5) { user.dUnlockDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20); } else { user.dUnlockDate = null; } Db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE Sys_User SET cLoginIP = @cLoginIP,dLoginDate = GETDATE(),nFailedCount =@nFailedCount,dUnlockDate=@dUnlockDate WHERE UserId=@UserId AND TenantId=@TenantId", user); if (user.nFailedCount == 5) { return(Json(new { status = 1, msg = "由于多次密码错误,账号已经被锁定,请20分钟后重试." })); } else { return(Json(new { status = 1, msg = $"账号或密码错误,无法登陆,还可尝试 {5 - user.nFailedCount} 次." })); } } else { if (user.dUnlockDate > DateTime.Now) { return(Json(new { status = 1, msg = "账户已经被锁定,请稍后再试或联系管理员." })); } if (user.iStatus == 0) { return(Json(new { status = 1, msg = "账户已经被停用,请联系管理员." })); } user.nFailedCount = 0; user.dUnlockDate = null; Db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE Sys_User SET cLoginIP = @cLoginIP,dLoginDate = GETDATE(),nFailedCount =@nFailedCount WHERE UserId=@UserId AND TenantId=@TenantId", user); TwinkleContext.Login(new AuthUser { UserId = UserId, TenantId = tenantId }); return(Json(new { status = 0, userId = UserId, tenantId, })); } }
private object Save(object o, bool isIndependentData, bool updateOnly = false) { try { _repository.CreateTransaction(); var props = DeepCloner.GetFastDeepClonerProperties(o.GetType()); var primaryKey = o.GetPrimaryKey(); if (primaryKey == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Object must have a PrimaryKey"); } var primaryKeyId = !Extension.ObjectIsNew(o.GetPrimaryKeyValue()) ? o.GetPrimaryKeyValue() : null; var availableColumns = ObjectColumns(o.GetType()); var objectRules = o.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <Rule>(); var tableName = o.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <Table>()?.Name ?? o.GetType().Name; object dbTrigger = null; if (objectRules != null && !CachedIDbRuleTrigger.ContainsKey(o.GetType())) { dbTrigger = objectRules.RuleType.CreateInstance(true); CachedIDbRuleTrigger.Add(o.GetType(), dbTrigger); } else if (objectRules != null) { dbTrigger = CachedIDbRuleTrigger[o.GetType()]; } if (primaryKeyId != null && !updateOnly) // lets attach the object { var data = GetById(primaryKeyId, o.GetType()); if (data == null) { primaryKeyId = null; o.SetPrimaryKeyValue(); } else { if (!_repository.IsAttached(o)) { _repository.Attach(data); } var changes = _repository.GetObjectChanges(o); foreach (var item in props.Where(x => x.CanRead && !changes.Any(a => a.PropertyName == x.Name) && x.IsInternalType)) { item.SetValue(o, item.GetValue(data)); } } } if (!updateOnly) { dbTrigger?.GetType().GetMethod("BeforeSave").Invoke(dbTrigger, new List <object>() { _repository, o }.ToArray()); // Check the Rule before save } object tempPrimaryKey = null; var sql = "UPDATE [" + (o.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <Table>()?.Name ?? o.GetType().Name) + "] SET "; var cols = props.FindAll(x => availableColumns.FindByPrimaryKey <bool>(x.GetPropertyName()) && x.IsInternalType && !x.ContainAttribute <ExcludeFromAbstract>() && x.GetCustomAttribute <PrimaryKey>() == null); if (primaryKeyId == null) { if (primaryKey.PropertyType.IsNumeric()) { sql = "INSERT INTO [" + tableName + "](" + string.Join(",", cols.Select(x => "[" + x.GetPropertyName() + "]")) + ") Values("; sql += string.Join(",", cols.Select(x => "@" + x.GetPropertyName())) + ");"; sql += _repository.DataBaseTypes == DataBaseTypes.Sqllight ? " select last_insert_rowid();" : " SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('" + tableName + "');"; } else { var colList = new List <IFastDeepClonerProperty>(); tempPrimaryKey = Guid.NewGuid(); colList.Insert(0, primaryKey); colList.AddRange(cols); sql = "INSERT INTO [" + tableName + "](" + string.Join(",", colList.Select(x => "[" + x.GetPropertyName() + "]")) + ") Values("; sql += string.Join(",", colList.Select(x => "@" + x.GetPropertyName())) + "); select '" + tempPrimaryKey + "'"; } } else { sql += string.Join(",", cols.Select(x => "[" + x.GetPropertyName() + "]" + " = @" + x.GetPropertyName())); sql += Querys.Where(_repository.DataBaseTypes).Column(o.GetType().GetActualType().GetPrimaryKey().GetPropertyName()).Equal(string.Format("Guid[{0}]", primaryKeyId), true).Execute(); } var cmd = _repository.GetSqlCommand(sql); if (!primaryKey.PropertyType.IsNumeric() && primaryKeyId == null) { _repository.AddInnerParameter(cmd, primaryKey.GetPropertyName(), tempPrimaryKey, _repository.GetSqlType(primaryKey.PropertyType)); } foreach (var col in cols) { var v = col.GetValue(o); var defaultOnEmpty = col.GetCustomAttribute <DefaultOnEmpty>(); if (col.ContainAttribute <ForeignKey>() && (v?.ObjectIsNew() ?? true)) { var ob = props.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PropertyType == col.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().Type&& (string.IsNullOrEmpty(col.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().PropertyName) || col.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().PropertyName == x.Name)); var obValue = ob?.GetValue(o); var independentData = ob?.GetCustomAttribute <IndependentData>() != null; if (obValue != null) { v = obValue.GetType().GetPrimaryKey().GetValue(obValue)?.ObjectIsNew() ?? true? Save(obValue, independentData) : obValue.GetType().GetPrimaryKey().GetValue(obValue); col.SetValue(o, v); } } if (col.ContainAttribute <ToBase64String>()) { if (!v?.ConvertValue <string>().IsBase64String() ?? false) { v = MethodHelper.EncodeStringToBase64(v.ConvertValue <string>()); } } if (col.ContainAttribute <StringFy>() || col.ContainAttribute <DataEncode>()) { v = v?.ConvertValue <string>(); } if (col.ContainAttribute <DataEncode>()) { if (col.PropertyType != typeof(string)) { throw new NoNullAllowedException(string.Format("Property {0} Contain DataEncode. PropertyType must be of type String .", col.FullName)); } v = new DataCipher(col.GetCustomAttribute <DataEncode>().Key, col.GetCustomAttribute <DataEncode>().KeySize).Encrypt(v.ToString()); } if (col.ContainAttribute <NotNullable>() && v == null && defaultOnEmpty == null) { throw new NoNullAllowedException(string.Format("Property {0} dose not allow null.", col.FullName)); } if (v == null && defaultOnEmpty != null) { v = defaultOnEmpty.Value.ConvertValue(col.PropertyType); } _repository.AddInnerParameter(cmd, col.GetPropertyName(), v, (col.ContainAttribute <StringFy>() || col.ContainAttribute <DataEncode>() || col.ContainAttribute <ToBase64String>() ? _repository.GetSqlType(typeof(string)) : _repository.GetSqlType(col.PropertyType))); } if (primaryKeyId == null) { primaryKeyId = _repository.ExecuteScalar(cmd).ConvertValue(primaryKey.PropertyType); } else { _repository.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); } var oState = dbTrigger != null?DeepCloner.Clone(o) : null; if (updateOnly) { return(primaryKeyId); } dbTrigger?.GetType().GetMethod("AfterSave").Invoke(dbTrigger, new List <object>() { _repository, o, primaryKeyId }.ToArray()); // Check the Rule before save foreach (var prop in props.Where(x => !x.IsInternalType && !x.ContainAttribute <ExcludeFromAbstract>())) { var independentData = prop.GetCustomAttribute <IndependentData>() != null; var type = prop.PropertyType.GetActualType(); var oValue = prop.GetValue(o); if (oValue == null) { continue; } var vList = oValue is IList ? (IList)oValue : new List <object>() { oValue }; foreach (var item in vList) { var foreignKey = DeepCloner.GetFastDeepClonerProperties(item.GetType()).FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>()?.Type == o.GetType() && string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().PropertyName)); foreignKey?.SetValue(item, primaryKeyId); var res = Save(item, independentData); foreignKey = props.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>()?.Type == type && (x.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().PropertyName == prop.Name || string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().PropertyName))); if (foreignKey == null || !foreignKey.GetValue(o).ObjectIsNew()) { continue; } if (o.GetType() == foreignKey.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKey>().Type) { continue; } foreignKey.SetValue(o, res); } } if (oState != null && _repository.GetObjectChanges(o, oState).Count > 0) // a change has been made outside the function Save then resave { Save(o, false); } o.GetType().GetPrimaryKey().SetValue(o, primaryKeyId.ConvertValue(primaryKey.PropertyType)); _repository.Attach(o, true); return(primaryKeyId); } catch { _repository.Rollback(); throw; } }