Exemple #1
    private DataTable InitialDataTable(string Department)
        DataTable dt    = DataAnalysis.CreateDataTable();
        string    cWeek = Session["CurrentWeek"].ToString();

        if (cWeek == "0")//没有校历的情况
            for (int i = Convert.ToInt32(cWeek); i > 0; i--)
                string str1 = i.ToString();
                if (str1.Length == 1)
                    str1 = "0" + str1;  //周次
                int Late       = DataAnalysis.GetEveryAttendanceNumber(Department, str1, "迟到");
                int Early      = DataAnalysis.GetEveryAttendanceNumber(Department, str1, "早退");
                int Attandance = DataAnalysis.GetEveryAttendanceNumber(Department, str1, "旷课");
                int Leave      = DataAnalysis.GetEveryAttendanceNumber(Department, str1, "请假");

                DataRow dr = DataAnalysis.CreatDataRow(dt, str1, Department, Late, Early, Attandance, Leave);
            DataRow drLast = DataAnalysis.InsertLastRow(dt);
        public void Initilize()
            var cp   = CommonDataManager.GetCPCase(base.LocalID);
            var rule = CommonDataManager.GetAminRule(base.LocalID);

            this.TeacherClasses = DataAnalysis.GetTeacherClassAnalysisResult(cp, rule);
        public void Initilize()
            var cp   = CommonDataManager.GetCPCase(base.LocalID);
            var rule = CommonDataManager.GetAminRule(base.LocalID);

            this.ClassTimeSlots = DataAnalysis.GetClassTimeSlotAnalysisResult(cp, rule);
            if (this.ClassTimeSlots != null)
                this.ClassCount     = this.ClassTimeSlots.Count;
                this.TotalClassHour = cp.GetAvaliablePositions();

            this.TeacherAnalysises = DataAnalysis.GetGeneralTeacherAnalysisResult(cp);
            if (this.TeacherAnalysises != null)
                this.TeacherCount = this.TeacherAnalysises.Count;

            var rules = DataAnalysis.GetRuleAnalysisResult(cp, rule);

            int no = 0;

            rules.ForEach(r =>
                r.NO = ++no;

            this.Rules = rules;
Exemple #4
    public string getDataName2 = "new Array()"; //缺勤率
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            //Session["CurrentWeek"] = 17;//调试用
            InitDropList(DropDownList1, Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentWeek"]));

            string[] AllDepartment = { "会计系", "信息工程系", "经济管理系", "食品工程系", "机械工程系", "商务外语系", "建筑工程系" };
            getButtomTag = BuildButtomTag(AllDepartment);
            getClassName = "new Array('缺勤人数','缺勤率')";

            DataTable dt = DataAnalysis.GetDataAndCreateChartBySum(1, Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentWeek"]));

            string[] dataname1 = new string[dt.Rows.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                dataname1[i] = dt.Rows[i]["Sum"].ToString();
            getDataName1 = BuildButtomTag(dataname1);

            string[] dataname2 = new string[dt.Rows.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                dataname2[i] = dt.Rows[i]["SumRate"].ToString().TrimEnd('%');
            getDataName2 = BuildButtomTag(dataname2);

            GridView1.DataSource = dt;
Exemple #5
 public Core()
     VehMap = new Dictionary <string, string>();
     Bs = new BssClient()
         LocalPort  = SysParameters.BssLocalPort,
         RemoteIpep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(SysParameters.BssServerIp), SysParameters.BssServerPort)
     Bs.HandShakeMsg =
     Bs.Client.Connected    += BSClient_Connected;
     Bs.Client.DisConnected += BSClient_DisConnected;
     Gs = new GServer()
         LocalPort = SysParameters.GpsLocalPort
     Gs.Client.Connected    += GSClient_Connected;
     Gs.Client.DisConnected += GSClient_DisConnected;
     DA               = new DataAnalysis();
     DA.Connected    += DA_Connected;
     DA.DisConnected += DA_DisConnected;
        public void Initilize()
            var cl   = base.GetClCase(base.LocalID);
            var rule = base.GetClRule(base.LocalID);

            this.studentLessonAnalysis = DataAnalysis.GetStudentLessonAnalysisResult(cl);
            this.StudentCombinations   = DataAnalysis.GetStudentSelectionCombinationAnalysisResult(cl);
Exemple #7
        public void Initilize()
            var cl = base.GetClCase(base.LocalID);

            var rule = base.GetClRule(base.LocalID);

            this.TeacherAnalysis = DataAnalysis.GetTeacherClassAnalysisResult(cl, rule);
        public void Progress8Mock1_InputBetween45and49_AwardGradeOnePointFive()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.progress8Mock1(45);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 1.5);
        public void Progress8Mock1_InputBetween40and44_AwardGradeOnePointZero()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.progress8Mock1(40);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 1.00);
        public void Progress8Mock1_InputBetween60and64_AwardGradeFourPointZero()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.progress8Mock1(64);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 4.00);
        public void Progress8Mock1_InputBetween65and69_AwardGradeFivePointFive()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.progress8Mock1(67);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 5.50);
        public void DistanceTravelled_AverageMock1AndMock2Result_ReturnAverage()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.distanceTravelled(48, 55);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 51.5);
        public void Progress8Mock1_InputBetween70and75_AwardGradeSevenPointZero()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.progress8Mock1(70);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 7.00);
        public void Progress8Mock2_InputBetween0and39_AwardGradeZero()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.progress8Mock2(12);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 0.00);
        public void DistanceTravelled_Mock2Zero_returnMock1Only()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.distanceTravelled(48, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 48);
        public void Progress8Mock1_InputBetween76and80_AwardGradeEightPointFive()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.progress8Mock1(77);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 8.50);
        public void Progress8Mock2_InputBetween55and59_AwardGradeThreePointZero()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.progress8Mock2(55);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 3.00);
        public void Progress8Mock1_InputBetween50and54_AwardGradeTwoPointZero()
            DataAnalysis da = new DataAnalysis();
            double result = da.progress8Mock1(52);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 2.00);
Exemple #19
    protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string[] AllDepartment = { "会计系", "信息工程系", "经济管理系", "食品工程系", "机械工程系", "商务外语系", "建筑工程系" };
        getButtomTag = BuildButtomTag(AllDepartment);
        getClassName = "new Array('缺勤人数','缺勤率')";
        if (DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text == "开学至今")

            DataTable dt = DataAnalysis.GetDataAndCreateChartBySum(1, Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentWeek"]));

            string[] dataname1 = new string[dt.Rows.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                dataname1[i] = dt.Rows[i]["Sum"].ToString();
            getDataName1 = BuildButtomTag(dataname1);
            string[] dataname2 = new string[dt.Rows.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                dataname2[i] = dt.Rows[i]["SumRate"].ToString().TrimEnd('%');
            getDataName2 = BuildButtomTag(dataname2);

            GridView1.DataSource = dt;
            string dropSele   = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text;
            int    selectWeek = Convert.ToInt32(dropSele.Length == 5?(dropSele.Substring(2, 1)):dropSele.Substring(2, 2));//获取选择的周

            DataTable dt = DataAnalysis.GetDataAndCreateChartBySum(selectWeek, selectWeek);//

            string[] dataname1 = new string[dt.Rows.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                dataname1[i] = dt.Rows[i]["Sum"].ToString();
            getDataName1 = BuildButtomTag(dataname1);
            string[] dataname2 = new string[dt.Rows.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                dataname2[i] = dt.Rows[i]["SumRate"].ToString().TrimEnd('%');
            getDataName2 = BuildButtomTag(dataname2);

            GridView1.DataSource = dt;
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the buttons in the "symbol shortcuts" group box.  The entire box is
        /// disabled unless "symbol" is selected.  Other options are selectively enabled or
        /// disabled as appropriate for the current input.  If we disable the selection option,
        /// the selection will be reset to default.
        /// </summary>
        private void ConfigureSymbolShortcuts()
            // operandOnlyRadioButton: always enabled
            // labelInsteadRadioButton: symbol is unknown and operand address has no label
            // operandAndLabelRadioButton: same as labelInstead
            // operandAndProjRadioButton: symbol is unknown and operand address is outside project

            string labelStr = symbolTextBox.Text;

            ShortcutArg = -1;

            // Is this a known symbol?  If so, disable most options and bail.
            if (mProject.SymbolTable.TryGetValue(labelStr, out Symbol sym))
                labelInsteadRadioButton.Enabled       = operandAndLabelRadioButton.Enabled =
                    operandAndProjRadioButton.Enabled = false;
                operandOnlyRadioButton.Checked        = true;

            if (mAttr.OperandOffset >= 0)
                // Operand target is inside the file.  Does the target offset already have a label?
                int targetOffset =
                    DataAnalysis.GetBaseOperandOffset(mProject, mAttr.OperandOffset);
                bool hasLabel = mProject.UserLabels.ContainsKey(targetOffset);
                labelInsteadRadioButton.Enabled = operandAndLabelRadioButton.Enabled =
                operandAndProjRadioButton.Enabled = false;
                ShortcutArg = targetOffset;
            else if (mAttr.OperandAddress >= 0)
                // Operand target is outside the file.
                labelInsteadRadioButton.Enabled   = operandAndLabelRadioButton.Enabled = false;
                operandAndProjRadioButton.Enabled = true;
                ShortcutArg = mAttr.OperandAddress;
                // Probably an immediate operand.
                labelInsteadRadioButton.Enabled       = operandAndLabelRadioButton.Enabled =
                    operandAndProjRadioButton.Enabled = false;

            // Select the default option if the currently-selected option is no longer available.
            if ((labelInsteadRadioButton.Checked && !labelInsteadRadioButton.Enabled) ||
                (operandAndLabelRadioButton.Checked && !operandAndLabelRadioButton.Enabled) ||
                (operandAndProjRadioButton.Checked && !operandAndProjRadioButton.Enabled))
                operandOnlyRadioButton.Checked = true;
        public void peopleBillNumTest()
            string   path = @"D:\resource\test.txt";
            ReadFile file = new ReadFile(path);

            string[] data = file.data();

            DataAnalysis dataanalysis = new DataAnalysis(data);

            int[] peopleBillNum = dataanalysis.peopleBillNum();
            Assert.AreEqual(peopleBillNum[1], 2);
Exemple #22
        public void Initilize()
            var cl    = base.GetClCase(base.LocalID);
            var rule  = base.GetClRule(base.LocalID);
            var rules = DataAnalysis.GetRuleAnalysisDetailResult(cl, rule);

            int no = 0;

            rules.ForEach(r =>
                r.NO = ++no;

            this.Rules = rules;
        public DB_AGIN_Baccarat Clone()
            DB_AGIN_Baccarat baccarat = new DB_AGIN_Baccarat();

            baccarat.Id             = Id;
            baccarat.CoordinateX    = CoordinateX;
            baccarat.CoordinateY    = CoordinateY;
            baccarat.FileNames      = FileNames;
            baccarat.DataAnalysis   = DataAnalysis.Clone();
            baccarat.CreatedOn      = CreatedOn;
            baccarat.CreatedBy      = CreatedBy;
            baccarat.LastModifiedOn = LastModifiedOn;
            baccarat.LastModifiedBy = LastModifiedBy;
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lockname"></param>
        /// <param name="starttime"></param>
        /// <param name="endtime"></param>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string TotalDataAnalysis(string lockname, string starttime, string endtime)
            string        msg = string.Empty;
            RecordGolable obj = DataAnalysis.GetInstance().totalAnalysis(out msg, EventClass.GetInstance()._gloabledataTable, lockname, starttime, endtime);

            if (msg != "Success")
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj._analysisData);
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// 数据分析接口
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lockname"></param>
        /// <param name="starttime"></param>
        /// <param name="endtime"></param>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string StatisticalAnalysis(string lockname, string starttime, string endtime, string username)
            string        msg = string.Empty;
            RecordGolable obj = DataAnalysis.GetInstance().StatisticalAnalysis(out msg, EventClass.GetInstance()._gloabledataTable, lockname, starttime, endtime, username);

            if (msg != "Success")
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj._monthlydisplaysList);
        public void Initilize()
            var cp    = CommonDataManager.GetCPCase(base.LocalID);
            var rule  = CommonDataManager.GetAminRule(base.LocalID);
            var rules = DataAnalysis.GetRuleAnalysisDetailResult(cp, rule);

            int no = 0;

            rules.ForEach(r =>
                r.NO = ++no;

            this.Rules = rules;
        public void PersonIndexTest()
            string   path = @"D:\resource\test.txt";
            ReadFile file = new ReadFile(path);

            string[] data = file.data();

            DataAnalysis dataanalysis = new DataAnalysis(data);

            int[] personBillNum = dataanalysis.peopleBillNum();
            int[] personNum     = dataanalysis.peopleNum();

            int[] personIndex = GetPersonIndex.PersonIndex(data.Length, personBillNum);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, personIndex[1]);
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// TCPVOBC数据回调
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="receData">回调数据</param>
        void TcpVobc_EBackData(byte[] receData)
            VOBCProduct pro = CDeviceDataFactory.Instance.GetProductByIpPort(vobcServerIP, vobcServerPort);

            DataAnalysis.VOBCDataAnalysis(receData, pro.CTcpClient);

            //if (pro != null)
            //    //第一次建链即触发回调,在收到更新结果回复时在这里直接处理
            //    if (receData[2] == 0x06)
            //    {
            //        pro.WaitForUpdateResult();
            //    }
            //    LogManager.InfoLog.LogCommunicationError("VOBCCommand", "TcpVobc_EBackData", pro.ProductID + "未找到接收到的VOBC对象!");
Exemple #29
        public void PersonBillTest()
            string   path = @"D:\resource\test.txt";
            ReadFile file = new ReadFile(path);

            string[] data = file.data();

            DataAnalysis dataanalysis = new DataAnalysis(data);

            int[] personBillNum = dataanalysis.peopleBillNum();
            int[] personNum     = dataanalysis.peopleNum();

            int[] personIndex = GetPersonIndex.PersonIndex(data.Length, personBillNum);
            int[] groupIndex  = GetGroupIndex.GroupIndex(data.Length, personNum);
            float[,] personBill = GetPersonBill.PersonBill(personIndex, groupIndex, data);

            decimal result = 30;

            Assert.AreEqual(result, (decimal)personBill[0, 0]);
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Crée les objets d'affichage pour l'affichage de la grille.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="saveRef"></param>
        private void displayGrid(MonthlySave saveRef = null)
            var gridData = new List <DataAnalysis>();

            foreach (DistinctBudget budget in controler.getSortedBudgets())
                gridData.Add(new DataAnalysis(budget, saveRef));
            DataAnalysis totalRow = new DataAnalysis();

            grdBudgets.DataSource = gridData;
            grdBudgets.Visible    = true;

            bool isNull = MonthlySave.isNull(saveRef);

            grdBudgets.Columns[2].Visible    = !isNull; // mois de ref
            grdBudgets.Columns[4].Visible    = !isNull; // Evolution
            grdBudgets.Columns[2].HeaderText = ($"{Const.MONTHLYEXPENSES_HEADER} {dtpDateRef.Value.ToString("MMMM")} {dtpDateRef.Value.ToString("yyyy")}");
