Exemple #1
 public void setLimit(int limit)                          //sets the limit field
     if ((limit < 0 & limit != -1) | limit < tasks.Count) //Limit check
         log.Warn("invalid limit");
         throw new Exception("invalid limit");
     this.limit = limit;
     //Updating database
     DataAccessLayer.dataColumnController DCC = new DataAccessLayer.dataColumnController();
     DCC.Update(boardId, key, "limited", limit);
Exemple #2
        public void loadata()
            if (users.Count == 0) //Cant load data before deleting it
                DataAccessLayer.dataBoardController  boardController  = new DataAccessLayer.dataBoardController();
                DataAccessLayer.dataTaskController   taskController   = new DataAccessLayer.dataTaskController();
                DataAccessLayer.dataColumnController columnController = new DataAccessLayer.dataColumnController();
                DataAccessLayer.dataUserController   UserController   = new DataAccessLayer.dataUserController();
                //Loading from database to dal objects
                List <DataAccessLayer.dataBoard>  allBoards  = boardController.SelectAllBoards();
                List <DataAccessLayer.dataTask>   allTasks   = taskController.SelectAllTasks();
                List <DataAccessLayer.dataColumn> allColumns = columnController.SelectAllColumns();
                List <DataAccessLayer.dataUser>   allUsers   = UserController.SelectAllUsers();
                List <Board> boards = new List <Board>();

                foreach (var dataUser in allUsers)
                    Board busBoard = null;
                    foreach (var dataBoard in allBoards)
                        if (dataUser.email.Equals(dataBoard.emailCreator)) //Only add the board created by the user
                            Dictionary <int, Column> busColumns = new Dictionary <int, Column>();
                            foreach (var dataColumn in allColumns)
                                if (dataColumn.boardId == dataBoard.boardId)
                                    List <Task> busTasks = new List <Task>();
                                    foreach (var dataTask in allTasks)
                                        if (dataTask.column == dataColumn.ordinal & dataColumn.boardId == dataTask.boardId) //Only add the tasks that match the correct column
                                            busTasks.Add(new Task(dataTask));                                               //adding to task list business task which is the copy of the data task
                                    Column busColumn = new Column(dataColumn, busTasks);
                                    busColumns.Add(busColumn.getKey(), busColumn);
                            busBoard = new Board(dataBoard, busColumns);
                    User busUser = new User(dataUser, busBoard);
                    users.Add(busUser.getEmail(), busUser);

                foreach (var user in users)
                    if (user.Value.getBoard() == null) //A user that is not a board creator
                        foreach (var board in boards)
                            if (board.getBoardId() == user.Value.getBoardId())
                                user.Value.setBoard(board); //board is not null
                bc.loadData(users); //Loading all Boards to BoardController
Exemple #3
        public void removeColumn(int columnOrdinal, string email)
            email = email.ToLower();
            if (!isLoggedIn) //User is not logged in
                log.Warn("user is not logged in");
                throw new Exception("user is not logged in");
            if (!this.emailCreator.Equals(email))
                log.Warn("only board creator can remove column");
                throw new Exception("only board creator can remove column");
            if (columns.Count <= MinNumberOfColumns) //Board has 2 columns left - Cant remove column
                log.Warn("Cant remove this column - Board must have at least 2 columns");
                throw new Exception("Cant remove this column - Board must have at least 2 columns");
            if (columnOrdinal > 0 & columnOrdinal < columnCounterKey)//Removing column from the "middle"
                Column toRemove = columns[columnOrdinal];
                Column backup   = columns[columnOrdinal - 1];

                if (backup.getLimit() != -1 && toRemove.getTasksForColumns().Count + backup.getTasksForColumns().Count > backup.getLimit()) //The column to the left will exceed the limit after removing current column
                    log.Warn("the limit is smaller then the tasks number");
                    throw new Exception("the limit is smaller then the tasks number");
                List <int> listOfKeysToRemove = new List <int>();   //A list to hold all the keys of tasks we want to remove
                foreach (var item in toRemove.getTasksForColumns()) //Adding all tasks keys to the listOfKeysToRemove
                foreach (var item in listOfKeysToRemove) //Moving all tasks from the current column to the column to the left
                    Task removedTask = toRemove.removeTask(item);
                //deleting the column row from database-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                DataAccessLayer.dataColumnController DCC = new DataAccessLayer.dataColumnController();
                DCC.Delete(boardId, columnOrdinal);
                for (int i = columnOrdinal + 1; i < columnCounterKey; i++)//Moving column to the left to cover the gap
                    Column temp = columns[i];
                    foreach (var item in temp.getTasksForColumns())
                        item.setColumnId(i - 1);
                    temp.setKey(i - 1);
                    columns.Add(i - 1, temp);
                columnCounterKey--; //Decrease because a column was removed
                //Updating the database---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                DataAccessLayer.dataBoardController DBC = new DataAccessLayer.dataBoardController();
                DBC.Update(this.boardId, "columnCounterKey", columnCounterKey);

            else if (columnOrdinal == 0) //Removing the leftmost column
                Column toRemove = columns[0];
                Column backup   = columns[1];
                if (backup.getLimit() != -1 && toRemove.getTasksForColumns().Count + backup.getTasksForColumns().Count > backup.getLimit())//The column to the right will exceed the limit after removing current column
                    log.Warn("the limit is smaller then the tasks number");
                    throw new Exception("the limit is smaller then the tasks number");
                foreach (var item in toRemove.getTasksForColumns())
                    item.setColumnId(columnOrdinal); //Always set to 0
                //deleting the column row from database-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                DataAccessLayer.dataColumnController DCC = new DataAccessLayer.dataColumnController();
                DCC.Delete(boardId, columnOrdinal);
                for (int i = columnOrdinal + 1; i < columnCounterKey; i++) //i always starts from 1
                    Column temp = columns[i];
                    foreach (var item in temp.getTasksForColumns())
                        item.setColumnId(i - 1);
                    temp.setKey(i - 1);
                    columns.Add(i - 1, temp);
                columnCounterKey--;//Decrease because a column was removed
                //Updating the database---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                DataAccessLayer.dataBoardController DBC = new DataAccessLayer.dataBoardController();
                DBC.Update(this.boardId, "columnCounterKey", columnCounterKey);

            else //Invalid column ordinal
                log.Warn("invalid column ordinal");
                throw new Exception("invalid column ordinal");