Exemple #1
        public async Task <DataAccess.CustomModels.UserModel> Register(RegisterApiModel model, HttpRequestMessage request)
            var userModel = new DataAccess.CustomModels.UserModel
                Email     = model.Email,
                FirstName = model.FirstName,
                LastName  = model.LastName

            if (!request.IsValidClient())
                var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
                    Content      = new StringContent("Unauthorized, Client is not valid"),
                    ReasonPhrase = "Bad Request"
                throw new HttpResponseException(resp);

            if (model.Role.ToLower() == "patient" || model.Role.ToLower() == "doctor")
                    var user = new ApplicationUser {
                        UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email
                    var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

                    if (result.Succeeded)
                        SwiftKareDBEntities db = new SwiftKareDBEntities();

                        if (model.Role.ToLower() == "patient")
                            var resultRole = await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user.Id, "Patient");

                            var patient = new Patient
                                userId    = user.Id,
                                lastName  = model.LastName,
                                firstName = model.FirstName,
                                email     = user.Email,
                                active    = true
                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                            userModel.Id = patient.patientID;

                            //add the patient
                        else if (model.Role.ToLower() == "doctor")
                            var resultRole = await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user.Id, "Doctor");

                            var doctor = new Doctor
                                userId    = user.Id,
                                lastName  = model.LastName,
                                firstName = model.FirstName,
                                email     = user.Email,
                                active    = true,
                                status    = false
                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                            userModel.Id = doctor.doctorID;
                        userModel.Errors = result.Errors.ToList();

                catch (Exception)
                    throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
                        Content      = new StringContent("An error occurred while posting in api/Account/Register, please try again or contact the administrator."),
                        ReasonPhrase = "Critical Exception"
                var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented)
                    Content      = new StringContent("Role is undefined"),
                    ReasonPhrase = "Undefined Role"
                throw new HttpResponseException(resp);
Exemple #2
        public async Task <DataAccess.CustomModels.UserModel> Login(LoginApiModel model, HttpRequestMessage request)
            var userModel = new DataAccess.CustomModels.UserModel
                Email = model.Email

            if (!request.IsValidClient())
                var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
                    Content      = new StringContent("Unauthorized, Client is not valid"),
                    ReasonPhrase = "Bad Request"
                throw new HttpResponseException(resp);

            if (model.Role.ToLower() == "patient" || model.Role.ToLower() == "doctor")
                    //    var id = headerValues.FirstOrDefault();
                    // This doen't count login failures towards lockout only two factor authentication
                    // To enable password failures to trigger lockout, change to shouldLockout: true
                    var result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email, model.Password, false, shouldLockout : false);

                    var userId = UserManager.FindByName(model.Email)?.Id;
                    if (result == SignInStatus.Success)
                        SwiftKareDBEntities db = new SwiftKareDBEntities();
                        if (model.Role.ToLower() == "doctor")
                            var doctor = db.Doctors.SingleOrDefault(o => o.userId == userId);
                            if (doctor != null)
                                userModel.Id           = doctor.doctorID;
                                userModel.FirstName    = doctor.firstName;
                                userModel.LastName     = doctor.lastName;
                                userModel.Email        = doctor.email;
                                userModel.userId       = doctor.userId;
                                userModel.title        = doctor.title;
                                userModel.timeZone     = doctor.timezone;
                                userModel.userId       = doctor.userId;
                                userModel.role         = model.Role;
                                userModel.iOSToken     = doctor.iOSToken;
                                userModel.AndroidToken = doctor.AndroidToken;
                                userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                                userModel.Errors.Add("User does not exist with this role.");
                        else if (model.Role.ToLower() == "patient")
                            var patient = db.Patients.SingleOrDefault(o => o.userId == userId);

                            if (patient != null)
                                userModel.Id           = patient.patientID;
                                userModel.FirstName    = patient.firstName;
                                userModel.LastName     = patient.lastName;
                                userModel.userId       = patient.userId;
                                userModel.title        = patient.title;
                                userModel.timeZone     = patient.timezone;
                                userModel.userId       = patient.userId;
                                userModel.role         = model.Role;
                                userModel.iOSToken     = patient.iOSToken;
                                userModel.AndroidToken = patient.AndroidToken;
                                userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                                userModel.Errors.Add("User does not exist with this role.");
                    else if (result == SignInStatus.Failure)
                        userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                        userModel.Errors.Add("Login fail, please try later");
                    else if (result == SignInStatus.LockedOut)
                        userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                        userModel.Errors.Add("Account has been locked");
                    else if (result == SignInStatus.RequiresVerification)
                        userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                        userModel.Errors.Add("Account need to verify");
                    // return result;

                catch (Exception)
                    throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
                        Content      = new StringContent("An error occurred while posting in api/account/login, please try again or contact the administrator."),
                        ReasonPhrase = "Critical Exception"
                var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented)
                    Content      = new StringContent("Role is undefined"),
                    ReasonPhrase = "Undefined Role"
                throw new HttpResponseException(resp);
            if (userModel.Id <= 0 && userModel.Errors == null)
                userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                userModel.Errors.Add("Unexpected error from api/login");

Exemple #3
        public async Task <DataAccess.CustomModels.UserModel> UniversalLogin(PatientLoginApiModel model, HttpRequestMessage request)
            string[] lines = { "UniversalLogin", new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(model) };
            string   path  = System.IO.Path.Combine(@"C:\ApiLogs\", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmssff"));

            // string fullSavePath = Path.Combine(("~/Content/ApiLogs/{0}.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString()));
            //  string fullSavePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/Content/{0}.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString()));
            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(path, lines);

            var userModel = new DataAccess.CustomModels.UserModel
                Email = model.Email

            if (!request.IsValidClient())
                var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
                    Content      = new StringContent("Unauthorized, Client is not valid"),
                    ReasonPhrase = "Bad Request"
                throw new HttpResponseException(resp);

            //if (model.Role.ToLower() == "patient" || model.Role.ToLower() == "doctor")

                //    var id = headerValues.FirstOrDefault();
                // This doen't count login failures towards lockout only two factor authentication
                // To enable password failures to trigger lockout, change to shouldLockout: true
                var result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email.Trim(), model.Password.Trim(), false, shouldLockout : false);

                if (result == SignInStatus.Success)
                    /* if (model.offset != null)
                     * {
                     *    if (model.offset.Equals("330")) model.offset = "-330";
                     *    if (model.offset.Trim().Equals("")) model.offset = "-300";
                     * }
                     * else model.offset = "-300";*/

                    var userId     = UserManager.FindByName(model.Email.Trim())?.Id;
                    var roleFromDb = UserManager.GetRoles(userId).FirstOrDefault();

                    SwiftKareDBEntities db = new SwiftKareDBEntities();
                    if (roleFromDb.ToString().ToLower() == "doctor")
                        string iOSToken     = model.iOSToken;
                        string androidToken = model.andriodToken;

                        //update doctor table with  Tokens
                        Doctor doctor = db.Doctors.SingleOrDefault(o => o.userId == userId);
                        if (doctor != null)
                            if (model.offset != null)

                                if (model.offset.Trim() != "")
                                    if (doctor.timezoneoffset != model.offset.Replace("+", ""))
                                        model.offset = model.offset.Replace("+", "");
                                        DataAccess.TimeZone tz = db.TimeZones.FirstOrDefault(t => t.zoneOffset == model.offset);
                                        if (tz != null)
                                            doctor.timezone       = tz.zoneName;
                                            doctor.timezoneoffset = tz.zoneOffset;
                            if (iOSToken.Trim() != "" && iOSToken.Trim().ToLower() != "iostoken")
                                doctor.iOSToken = iOSToken;
                            if (androidToken.Trim() != "" && androidToken.Trim().ToLower() != "androidtoken")
                                doctor.AndroidToken = androidToken;
                            db.Entry(doctor).State = EntityState.Modified;
                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                        // var doctor = db.Doctors.SingleOrDefault(o => o.userId == userId);

                        if (doctor != null)
                            if (doctor.status == null || doctor.status == false)
                                userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                                userModel.Errors.Add("Account review is in progress. You can login after approval.");
                                userModel.Id           = doctor.doctorID;
                                userModel.FirstName    = doctor.firstName;
                                userModel.LastName     = doctor.lastName;
                                userModel.Email        = doctor.email;
                                userModel.title        = doctor.title;
                                userModel.timeZone     = doctor.timezoneoffset;// timezoneoffset
                                userModel.userId       = doctor.userId;
                                userModel.role         = roleFromDb.ToString();
                                userModel.iOSToken     = doctor.iOSToken;
                                userModel.AndroidToken = doctor.AndroidToken;
                            userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                            userModel.Errors.Add("User does not exist with this role.");
                    else if (roleFromDb.ToString().ToLower() == "patient")
                        string iOSToken     = model.iOSToken;
                        string androidToken = model.andriodToken;
                        //update patient table with  Tokens
                        Patient patient = db.Patients.SingleOrDefault(o => o.userId == userId);
                        if (model.offset != null)
                            if (model.offset.Trim() != "")
                                if (patient.timezoneoffset != model.offset.Replace("+", ""))
                                    model.offset = model.offset.Replace("+", "");
                                    DataAccess.TimeZone tz = db.TimeZones.FirstOrDefault(t => t.zoneOffset == model.offset);
                                    if (tz != null)
                                        patient.timezone       = tz.zoneName;
                                        patient.timezoneoffset = tz.zoneOffset;

                        if (iOSToken.Trim() != "" && iOSToken.Trim().ToLower() != "iostoken")
                            patient.iOSToken = iOSToken;
                        if (androidToken.Trim() != "" && androidToken.Trim().ToLower() != "androidtoken")
                            patient.AndroidToken = androidToken;
                        db.Entry(patient).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                        if (patient != null)
                            userModel.Id        = patient.patientID;
                            userModel.FirstName = patient.firstName;
                            userModel.LastName  = patient.lastName;
                            //  userModel.userId = patient.userId;
                            userModel.title        = patient.title;
                            userModel.timeZone     = patient.timezoneoffset;
                            userModel.userId       = patient.userId;
                            userModel.role         = roleFromDb.ToString();
                            userModel.iOSToken     = patient.iOSToken;
                            userModel.AndroidToken = patient.AndroidToken;
                            userModel.pictureUrl   = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["profilePictureURL"].ToString();
                            userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                            userModel.Errors.Add("User does not exist with this role.");
                else if (result == SignInStatus.Failure)
                    userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                    userModel.Errors.Add("Login fail,Incorrect User name or Password.");
                else if (result == SignInStatus.LockedOut)
                    userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                    userModel.Errors.Add("Account has been locked");
                else if (result == SignInStatus.RequiresVerification)
                    userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                    userModel.Errors.Add("Account need to verify");

            catch (Exception ex)
                userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                userModel.Errors.Add("Exception Occur:" + ex.Message);
                //userModel.Errors.Add(model.Email + "," + model.Password + "," + model.offset + "," + model.iOSToken);

                /* throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
                 *   {
                 *       //Content = new StringContent("An error occurred while posting in api/account/login, please try again or contact the administrator."),
                 *       Content = new StringContent(ex.Message),
                 *       ReasonPhrase = ex.Message
                 *   });
                 * }*/
            //var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented)
            //    Content = new StringContent("Role is undefined"),
            //    ReasonPhrase = "Undefined Role"
            //throw new HttpResponseException(resp);
            if (userModel.Id <= 0 && userModel.Errors == null)
                userModel.Errors = new List <string>();
                userModel.Errors.Add("Unexpected error from api/login");