/// <summary> /// To save new Employee /// </summary> /// <param name="employee">Employee Details of new Employee.</param> /// <returns>It returns true if Employee successfully added.</returns> public ResultStatus SaveEmployee(LicenseManagementMVC.BusinessEntities.Employee employee) { try { using (LicenseManagementMVCEntities salesDal = new LicenseManagementMVCEntities()){ Data.Model.Employee emp = new Data.Model.Employee() { FirstName = employee.FirstName, LastName = employee.LastName, Email = employee.Email, Password = new LoginBusinessLayer().EncodePassword(employee.Password), LocationId = employee.LocationId, RoleId = employee.RoleId, IsReleased = false, ReleaseDate = null, JoiningDate = employee.JoiningDate ?? DateTime.Now }; if (new LicenseManagementMVCEntities().Employees.Any(o => o.Email == emp.Email)) { return(ResultStatus.AlreadyExist); } salesDal.Employees.Add(emp); salesDal.SaveChanges(); return(ResultStatus.Success); } }catch (Exception exp) { //TODO return(ResultStatus.ConnectionError); } }
/// <summary> /// This method will add new employee to database /// </summary> /// <param name="objEmp">Object holding all the details of new employee</param> /// <returns>Returns ResultStatus enum which reflect the status of operation performed</returns> public ResultStatus SaveAddRecord(EmployeeVm objEmp) { try { using (Data.Model.LicenseManagementMVCEntities DbContext = new LicenseManagementMVCEntities()) { try { Data.Model.Employee employee = new Data.Model.Employee(); if (objEmp != null) { employee.FirstName = objEmp.FirstName; employee.LastName = objEmp.LastName; employee.Email = objEmp.Email; employee.RoleId = objEmp.RoleId; employee.LocationId = objEmp.LocationId; employee.JoiningDate = objEmp.JoiningDate; employee.ReleaseDate = objEmp.ReleaseDate; employee.IsReleased = objEmp.IsReleased; BusinessLayer.LoginBusinessLayer objLogin = new LoginBusinessLayer(); employee.Password = objLogin.EncodePassword("mindfire"); DbContext.Employees.Add(employee); int result = DbContext.SaveChanges(); if (result < 1) { return(ResultStatus.QueryNotExecuted); } } else { return(ResultStatus.QueryNotExecuted); } } catch (Exception) { return(ResultStatus.QueryNotExecuted); } } } catch (Exception) { return(ResultStatus.ConnectionError); } return(ResultStatus.Success); }