Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Clean a DatItem according to the cleaner
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datItem">DatItem to clean</param>
        internal void CleanDatItem(DatItem datItem)
            // If we're stripping unicode characters, strip machine name and description
            if (RemoveUnicode)
                datItem.Machine.Name        = RemoveUnicodeCharacters(datItem.Machine.Name);
                datItem.Machine.Description = RemoveUnicodeCharacters(datItem.Machine.Description);

            // If we're in cleaning mode, sanitize machine name and description
            if (Clean)
                datItem.Machine.Name        = CleanGameName(datItem.Machine.Name);
                datItem.Machine.Description = CleanGameName(datItem.Machine.Description);

            // If we are in single game mode, rename the machine
            if (Single)
                datItem.Machine.Name = "!";

            // If we are in NTFS trim mode, trim the item name
            if (Trim && datItem.GetName() != null)
                // Windows max name length is 260
                int usableLength = 260 - datItem.Machine.Name.Length - (Root?.Length ?? 0);
                if (datItem.GetName().Length > usableLength)
                    string ext = Path.GetExtension(datItem.GetName());
                    datItem.SetName(datItem.GetName().Substring(0, usableLength - ext.Length) + ext);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Set internal names to match One Rom Per Game (ORPG) logic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datItem">DatItem to run logic on</param>
        internal void SetOneRomPerGame(DatItem datItem)
            if (datItem.GetName() == null)

            string[] splitname = datItem.GetName().Split('.');
            datItem.Machine.Name += $"/{string.Join(".", splitname.Take(splitname.Length > 1 ? splitname.Length - 1 : 1))}";
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Read set information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmpr">ClrMameProReader to use to parse the header</param>
        /// <param name="resource">True if the item is a resource (bios), false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="statsOnly">True to only add item statistics while parsing, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="filename">Name of the file to be parsed</param>
        /// <param name="indexId">Index ID for the DAT</param>
        private void ReadSet(
            ClrMameProReader cmpr,
            bool resource,
            bool statsOnly,

            // Standard Dat parsing
            string filename,
            int indexId)
            // Prepare all internal variables
            bool    containsItems = false;
            Machine machine       = new Machine()
                MachineType = (resource ? MachineType.Bios : MachineType.NULL),

            // If there's no subtree to the header, skip it
            if (cmpr == null || cmpr.EndOfStream)

            // While we don't hit an end element or end of stream
            while (!cmpr.EndOfStream)

                // Ignore comments and nothingness
                if (cmpr.RowType == CmpRowType.None || cmpr.RowType == CmpRowType.Comment)

                // If we reached the end of a section, break
                if (cmpr.RowType == CmpRowType.EndTopLevel)

                // Handle any standalone items
                if (cmpr.RowType == CmpRowType.Standalone && cmpr.Standalone != null)
                    string itemKey = cmpr.Standalone?.Key.ToLowerInvariant();
                    string itemVal = cmpr.Standalone?.Value;

                    switch (itemKey)
                    case "name":
                        machine.Name = itemVal;

                    case "description":
                        machine.Description = itemVal;

                    case "year":
                        machine.Year = itemVal;

                    case "manufacturer":
                        machine.Manufacturer = itemVal;

                    case "category":
                        machine.Category = itemVal;

                    case "cloneof":
                        machine.CloneOf = itemVal;

                    case "romof":
                        machine.RomOf = itemVal;

                    case "sampleof":
                        machine.SampleOf = itemVal;

                // Handle any internal items
                else if (cmpr.RowType == CmpRowType.Internal &&
                         !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmpr.InternalName) &&
                         cmpr.Internal != null)
                    containsItems = true;
                    string itemKey = cmpr.InternalName;

                    // Create the proper DatItem based on the type
                    ItemType itemType = itemKey.AsItemType() ?? ItemType.Rom;
                    DatItem  item     = DatItem.Create(itemType);

                    // Then populate it with information

                    item.Source.Index = indexId;
                    item.Source.Name  = filename;

                    // Loop through all of the attributes
                    foreach (var kvp in cmpr.Internal)
                        string attrKey = kvp.Key;
                        string attrVal = kvp.Value;

                        switch (attrKey)
                        //If the item is empty, we automatically skip it because it's a fluke
                        case "":

                        // Regular attributes
                        case "name":

                        case "size":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Rom)
                                (item as Rom).Size = Utilities.CleanLong(attrVal);


                        case "crc":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Rom)
                                (item as Rom).CRC = attrVal;


                        case "md5":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Disk)
                                (item as Disk).MD5 = attrVal;
                            else if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Media)
                                (item as Media).MD5 = attrVal;
                            else if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Rom)
                                (item as Rom).MD5 = attrVal;


                        case "sha1":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Disk)
                                (item as Disk).SHA1 = attrVal;
                            else if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Media)
                                (item as Media).SHA1 = attrVal;
                            else if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Rom)
                                (item as Rom).SHA1 = attrVal;


                        case "sha256":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Media)
                                (item as Media).SHA256 = attrVal;
                            else if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Rom)
                                (item as Rom).SHA256 = attrVal;


                        case "sha384":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Rom)
                                (item as Rom).SHA384 = attrVal;


                        case "sha512":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Rom)
                                (item as Rom).SHA512 = attrVal;


                        case "spamsum":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Media)
                                (item as Media).SpamSum = attrVal;
                            else if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Rom)
                                (item as Rom).SpamSum = attrVal;


                        case "status":
                            ItemStatus tempFlagStatus = attrVal.AsItemStatus();
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Disk)
                                (item as Disk).ItemStatus = tempFlagStatus;
                            else if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Rom)
                                (item as Rom).ItemStatus = tempFlagStatus;


                        case "date":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Release)
                                (item as Release).Date = attrVal;
                            else if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Rom)
                                (item as Rom).Date = attrVal;


                        case "default":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.BiosSet)
                                (item as BiosSet).Default = attrVal.AsYesNo();
                            else if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Release)
                                (item as Release).Default = attrVal.AsYesNo();


                        case "description":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.BiosSet)
                                (item as BiosSet).Description = attrVal;


                        case "region":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Release)
                                (item as Release).Region = attrVal;


                        case "language":
                            if (item.ItemType == ItemType.Release)
                                (item as Release).Language = attrVal;


                    // Now process and add the rom
                    ParseAddHelper(item, statsOnly);

            // If no items were found for this machine, add a Blank placeholder
            if (!containsItems)
                Blank blank = new Blank()
                    Source = new Source
                        Index = indexId,
                        Name  = filename,


                // Now process and add the rom
                ParseAddHelper(blank, statsOnly);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove fields with given values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datItem">DatItem to remove fields from</param>
        public void RemoveFields(DatItem datItem)
            if (datItem == null)

            #region Common

            if (MachineFields != null && MachineFields.Any() && datItem.Machine != null)

            if (DatItemFields == null || !DatItemFields.Any())

            if (DatItemFields.Contains(DatItemField.Name))


            #region Item-Specific

            if (datItem is Adjuster)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Adjuster);
            else if (datItem is Analog)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Analog);
            else if (datItem is BiosSet)
                RemoveFields(datItem as BiosSet);
            else if (datItem is Chip)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Chip);
            else if (datItem is Condition)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Condition);
            else if (datItem is Configuration)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Configuration);
            else if (datItem is Control)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Control);
            else if (datItem is DataArea)
                RemoveFields(datItem as DataArea);
            else if (datItem is Device)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Device);
            else if (datItem is DipSwitch)
                RemoveFields(datItem as DipSwitch);
            else if (datItem is Disk)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Disk);
            else if (datItem is DiskArea)
                RemoveFields(datItem as DiskArea);
            else if (datItem is Display)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Display);
            else if (datItem is Driver)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Driver);
            else if (datItem is Extension)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Extension);
            else if (datItem is Feature)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Feature);
            else if (datItem is Info)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Info);
            else if (datItem is Input)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Input);
            else if (datItem is Instance)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Instance);
            else if (datItem is Location)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Location);
            else if (datItem is Media)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Media);
            else if (datItem is Part)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Part);
            else if (datItem is PartFeature)
                RemoveFields(datItem as PartFeature);
            else if (datItem is Port)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Port);
            else if (datItem is RamOption)
                RemoveFields(datItem as RamOption);
            else if (datItem is Release)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Release);
            else if (datItem is Rom)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Rom);
            else if (datItem is Setting)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Setting);
            else if (datItem is SharedFeature)
                RemoveFields(datItem as SharedFeature);
            else if (datItem is Slot)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Slot);
            else if (datItem is SlotOption)
                RemoveFields(datItem as SlotOption);
            else if (datItem is SoftwareList)
                RemoveFields(datItem as SoftwareList);
            else if (datItem is Sound)
                RemoveFields(datItem as Sound);

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Find duplicates and rebuild individual files to output
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datFile">Current DatFile object to rebuild from</param>
        /// <param name="datItem">Information for the current file to rebuild from</param>
        /// <param name="file">Name of the file to process</param>
        /// <param name="outDir">Output directory to use to build to</param>
        /// <param name="date">True if the date from the DAT should be used if available, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="inverse">True if the DAT should be used as a filter instead of a template, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="outputFormat">Output format that files should be written to</param>
        /// <param name="isZip">True if the input file is an archive, false if the file is TGZ/TXZ, null otherwise</param>
        /// <returns>True if the file was able to be rebuilt, false otherwise</returns>
        private static bool RebuildIndividualFile(
            DatFile datFile,
            DatItem datItem,
            string file,
            string outDir,
            bool date,
            bool inverse,
            OutputFormat outputFormat,
            bool?isZip = null)
            // Set the initial output value
            bool rebuilt = false;

            // If the DatItem is a Disk or Media, force rebuilding to a folder except if TGZ or TXZ
            if ((datItem.ItemType == ItemType.Disk || datItem.ItemType == ItemType.Media) &&
                !(outputFormat == OutputFormat.TorrentGzip || outputFormat == OutputFormat.TorrentGzipRomba) &&
                !(outputFormat == OutputFormat.TorrentXZ || outputFormat == OutputFormat.TorrentXZRomba))
                outputFormat = OutputFormat.Folder;

            // If we have a Disk or Media, change it into a Rom for later use
            if (datItem.ItemType == ItemType.Disk)
                datItem = (datItem as Disk).ConvertToRom();
            else if (datItem.ItemType == ItemType.Media)
                datItem = (datItem as Media).ConvertToRom();

            // Prepopluate a key string
            string crc = (datItem as Rom).CRC ?? string.Empty;

            // Try to get the stream for the file
            if (!GetFileStream(datItem, file, isZip, out Stream fileStream))

            // If either we have duplicates or we're filtering
            if (ShouldRebuild(datFile, datItem, fileStream, inverse, out ConcurrentList <DatItem> dupes))
                // If we have a very specific TGZ->TGZ case, just copy it accordingly
                if (RebuildTorrentGzip(datFile, datItem, file, outDir, outputFormat, isZip))

                // If we have a very specific TXZ->TXZ case, just copy it accordingly
                if (RebuildTorrentXz(datFile, datItem, file, outDir, outputFormat, isZip))

                logger.User($"{(inverse ? "No matches" : "Matches")} found for '{Path.GetFileName(datItem.GetName() ?? datItem.ItemType.ToString())}', rebuilding accordingly...");
                rebuilt = true;

                // Special case for partial packing mode
                bool shouldCheck = false;
                if (outputFormat == OutputFormat.Folder && datFile.Header.ForcePacking == PackingFlag.Partial)
                    shouldCheck = true;
                    datFile.Items.BucketBy(ItemKey.Machine, DedupeType.None, lower: false);

                // Now loop through the list and rebuild accordingly
                foreach (DatItem item in dupes)
                    // If we should check for the items in the machine
                    if (shouldCheck && datFile.Items[item.Machine.Name].Count > 1)
                        outputFormat = OutputFormat.Folder;
                    else if (shouldCheck && datFile.Items[item.Machine.Name].Count == 1)
                        outputFormat = OutputFormat.ParentFolder;

                    // Get the output archive, if possible
                    Folder outputArchive = GetPreconfiguredFolder(datFile, date, outputFormat);

                    // Now rebuild to the output file
                    outputArchive.Write(fileStream, outDir, (item as Rom).ConvertToBaseFile());

                // Close the input stream

            // Now we want to take care of headers, if applicable
            if (datFile.Header.HeaderSkipper != null)
                // Check to see if we have a matching header first
                SkipperRule rule = SkipperMatch.GetMatchingRule(fileStream, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(datFile.Header.HeaderSkipper));

                // If there's a match, create the new file to write
                if (rule.Tests != null && rule.Tests.Count != 0)
                    // If the file could be transformed correctly
                    MemoryStream transformStream = new MemoryStream();
                    if (rule.TransformStream(fileStream, transformStream, keepReadOpen: true, keepWriteOpen: true))
                        // Get the file informations that we will be using
                        Rom headerless = new Rom(BaseFile.GetInfo(transformStream, keepReadOpen: true));

                        // If we have duplicates and we're not filtering
                        if (ShouldRebuild(datFile, headerless, transformStream, false, out dupes))
                            logger.User($"Headerless matches found for '{Path.GetFileName(datItem.GetName() ?? datItem.ItemType.ToString())}', rebuilding accordingly...");
                            rebuilt = true;

                            // Now loop through the list and rebuild accordingly
                            foreach (DatItem item in dupes)
                                // Create a headered item to use as well

                                // Get the output archive, if possible
                                Folder outputArchive = GetPreconfiguredFolder(datFile, date, outputFormat);

                                // Now rebuild to the output file
                                bool eitherSuccess = false;
                                eitherSuccess |= outputArchive.Write(transformStream, outDir, (item as Rom).ConvertToBaseFile());
                                eitherSuccess |= outputArchive.Write(fileStream, outDir, (datItem as Rom).ConvertToBaseFile());

                                // Now add the success of either rebuild
                                rebuilt &= eitherSuccess;

                    // Dispose of the stream

                // Dispose of the stream
