public IActionResult GetDashboardReport1(DashboardReport1Request model)
            string sql = @"
                            select destination_address as DestinationAddress, count(1) as TotalCount
                                SELECT  CALL_TIMESTAMP as Delivery_Time,
                                        TRANSACTION_ID as Transaction_Id,
                                        ORIGINATING_ADDRESS as Origination_Address,
                                        DESTINATING_ADDRESS as Destination_Address, 
                                        STATUS as Message_Status
									select * from MCA_VMS_CC_01 UNION ALL select * from MCA_VMS_CC_02 UNION ALL select * from MCA_VMS_CC_03 UNION ALL select * from MCA_VMS_CC_04 UNION ALL select * from MCA_VMS_CC_05 UNION ALL select * from MCA_VMS_CC_06 UNION ALL select * from MCA_VMS_CC_07 UNION ALL select * from MCA_VMS_CC_08 UNION ALL select * from MCA_VMS_CC_09 UNION ALL select * from MCA_VMS_CC_10 UNION ALL
									select * from MCA_VMS_CC_11 UNION ALL select * from MCA_VMS_CC_12
                                ) a
                            ) a
                            where date_format(a.delivery_time, '%Y') = {0}
                            and (date_format(a.delivery_time, '%m') = {1} OR {1} = '')
                            and 'Success' = {2}
                            /*and IF(Message_Status = 255, 'Success', 'Fail') = {2}*/
                            group by destination_address
                            order by 2 desc

            var q = _context.DashboardReport1ViewModel.FromSqlRaw(sql, model.Year, model.Month, model.MessageStatus).Take(10);

Exemple #2
        public IQueryable <DashboardReport1ViewModel> QueryDashboardReport1(DashboardReport1Request model, string id)
            string sql = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@".\SQL\USSD_GETDASHBOARDREPORT.sql");

            sql = sql.Replace("[ID]", id);

            var q = _context.DashboardReport1ViewModel.FromSqlRaw(sql, model.Year, model.Month, model.MessageStatus).Take(10);

Exemple #3
        public IActionResult GetDashboardReport1(DashboardReport1Request model)
            var q = QueryDashboardReport1(model, "01");

            for (int i = 2; i <= 31; i++)
                q = q.Concat(QueryDashboardReport1(model, i.ToString("D2")));

            var qq = q
                     .GroupBy(a => new { a.DestinationAddress })
                     .Select(g => new DashboardReport1ViewModel
                DestinationAddress = g.Key.DestinationAddress,
                TotalCount         = g.Sum(b => b.TotalCount)

            qq = qq.OrderByDescending(a => a.TotalCount);
