Exemple #1
 private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //var conn = @"Data Source = C:\Users\AXB\Desktop\202009.db;Version = 3;";
     var conn  = @"Data Source = db\MarketData.db;Version = 3;";
     var sql   = "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and tbl_name = 'Kline'  ";
     var table = DapperUtil.GetTable(DataBaseType.SQLITE, conn, sql);
Exemple #2
 public static Task <DataTable> GetKlineRawDataTable(string symbol, string interval)
     return(Task.Run(() =>
         return DapperUtil.GetTable(DataBaseType.SQLITE, ConstVar.Conn, $"select * from {CommonHelper.GetTableName(symbol, interval, true)}");
Exemple #3
        public static Task <DataTable> GetKlineAna(string symbol, string interval)
            return(Task.Run(() =>
                var tableName = CommonHelper.GetTableName(symbol, interval);

                var sql = $@"select d.DateDiff 上币天数, '{symbol}' 交易对, a.Close, a.OpenTime, b.Low, b.Low_Time,(b.Low-a.Close)/a.Close [Low/Close], c.High, c.High_Time, (c.High-a.Close)/a.Close [High/Close], -1.0 Price ,-1.0 [Price/Close] from (

                select Close, Opentime from {tableName} where opentime =(select  min(opentime) from {tableName})) a cross join
                (select Low, opentime   Low_Time  from {tableName} where low =(select  min(low) from {tableName} where id<>(SELECT CASE count(1) WHEN 1 THEN -1 ELSE min(id) END from {tableName})) limit 1) b cross join
                (select High, opentime High_Time from {tableName} where high =(select  max(high) from {tableName} where id<>(SELECT CASE count(1) WHEN 1 THEN -1 ELSE min(id) END from {tableName})) limit 1) c cross join

                (select julianday('now','start of day') - (select julianday(min(OpenTime),'start of day') from {tableName}) + 1 DateDiff) d;";

                return DapperUtil.GetTable(DataBaseType.SQLITE, ConstVar.Conn, sql);