// type = USER_NAME, HR_ID_C, AGENT_ID_C public bool checkUserExist(string type, string value, string id) { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); String sql = "Select count(ID) from vwUSERS where ID != @id"; if (type == "USER_NAME") { sql += " AND USER_NAME = @username"; param.Add("@username", value); } if (type == "HR_ID_C") { sql += " AND HR_ID_C = @HR_ID_C "; param.Add("@HR_ID_C", value); } if (type == "AGENT_ID_C") { sql += " AND AGENT_ID_C = @AGENT_ID_C "; param.Add("@AGENT_ID_C", value); } param.Add("@id", id); int user = DapperORM.Count(sql, param); return(user > 0); }
public bool IsTeamExist(string ID, string NAME) { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); string conditionSql = ""; string sql = "Select count(*) from vwTEAMS where 1 = 1"; if (ID == null) { return(false); } conditionSql += " and ID = @ID"; param.Add("@ID", new Guid(ID)); if (NAME != null) { conditionSql += " and NAME = @NAME"; param.Add("@NAME", NAME); } sql += conditionSql; int total = DapperORM.Count(sql, param); if (total != 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool IsTeamExist(string id, string name) { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); StringBuilder conditionSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("Select count(*) from vwTEAMS where 1 = 1"); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) //{ // return false; //} //conditionSql.Append(" and ID = @ID"); //param.Add("@ID", new Guid(id)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { conditionSql.Append(" and NAME = @NAME"); param.Add("@NAME", name); } sql.Append(conditionSql); int total = DapperORM.Count(sql.ToString(), param); if (total > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public ResponseForm <int> CheckNameBranch(string ID, string NAME, string REGION_ID) { try { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); string query = "Select count(*) from vwBRANCHS where 1 = 1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ID)) { param.Add("@ID", new Guid(ID)); query += "and ID != @ID "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(REGION_ID)) { query += "and REGION_ID = @REGION_ID "; param.Add("@REGION_ID", REGION_ID); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NAME)) { query += "and NAME like @NAME"; param.Add("@NAME", Security.Encode(NAME)); } var branch = DapperORM.Count(query, param); ResponseForm <int> response = new ResponseForm <int>(branch, "ok", 200); return(response); } catch (Exception e) { ResponseForm <int> response = new ResponseForm <int>(-1, e.Message, 600); return(response); } }
public Object GetAssignedTsr(string campaignId, string assignedUserId, int limit, int offset, string sortField, int sortType) { try { if (limit == 0) { limit = 10; } DynamicParameters dynamicParameter = new DynamicParameters(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(@" SELECT ID, AGENT_ID_C, TSR_GROUP_NAME, FULL_NAME, TOTAL_ASSIGNED, STATUS FROM vwTSR_PHAN_CONG WHERE 1 = 1 "); StringBuilder conditionSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder countSql = new StringBuilder("Select count(ID) from vwTSR_PHAN_CONG WHERE 1 = 1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(campaignId)) { conditionSql.Append(" AND CAMPAIGNS_ID = @CAMPAIGN_ID"); dynamicParameter.Add("@CAMPAIGN_ID", campaignId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assignedUserId)) { conditionSql.Append(" AND ID != @assignedUserId"); dynamicParameter.Add("@ID", assignedUserId); } conditionSql.Append(" AND STATUS != @STATUS"); dynamicParameter.Add("@STATUS", "Active"); countSql.Append(conditionSql); // count total int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql.ToString(), dynamicParameter); sql.Append(conditionSql); // ORDER if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField)) { sql.Append(" ORDER BY " + sortField); sql.Append(sortType == 1 ? " DESC" : " ASC"); } else { sql.Append(" ORDER BY FULL_NAME ASC"); } sql.Append(" OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"); Console.WriteLine(sql); dynamicParameter.Add("@OFFSET", offset); dynamicParameter.Add("@SIZE", limit); List <Object> data = (List <object>)DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <object>(sql.ToString(), dynamicParameter); return(new ResponseListForm <object>(data, new Pagination(limit, offset, total), "ok", 200)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(new { message = "SQL fail", code = 600, data = "" }); } }
public object GetCallStatus(string NAME, string CALL_TYPE, string CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID, string STATUS, string REGION_ID_C, string ORDERBY) { try { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); String sql = "Select NAME, NOTES, ID, LIST_ORDER_C, CALL_TYPE, CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_NAME, STATUS from vwCALL_CATEGORY WHERE 1 = 1 "; String conditionSql = ""; String countSql = "Select count(*) from vwCALL_CATEGORY WHERE 1 = 1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NAME)) { conditionSql += " and NAME LIKE N'%' + @Name + '%'"; param.Add("@Name", Security.Encode(NAME)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CALL_TYPE)) { conditionSql += " and CALL_TYPE LIKE '%' + @Call_Type + '%'"; param.Add("@Call_Type", Security.Encode(CALL_TYPE)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID)) { conditionSql += " and Campaign_Category_ID = N''+ @Campaign_Category_ID + '' "; param.Add("@Campaign_Category_ID", CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(STATUS)) { conditionSql += " and Status = N'' + @Status + ''"; param.Add("@Status", STATUS); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(REGION_ID_C)) { conditionSql += " and Region_ID_C = N'' + @Region_ID_C + ''"; param.Add("@Region_ID_C", REGION_ID_C); } sql += conditionSql; sql += " ORDER BY " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ORDERBY) ? ORDERBY : " DATE_ENTERED DESC"); countSql += conditionSql; int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); //sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + // " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"; //param.Add("@OFFSET", (PAGE - 1) * SIZE); //param.Add("@SIZE", SIZE); var callCategories = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <CallCategoryDto>(sql, param); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(1, total, total); return(new { data = callCategories, pagination = pagination }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new { data = new { Message = ex.Message, ErrorCode = 600 } }); } }
public bool CheckUserNameExist(string username) { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@username", username); String sql = "Select count(ID) from USERS where USER_NAME = @username"; int user = DapperORM.Count(sql, param); return(user > 0); }
public Object GetAssignedCustomer(string campaignId, string assignedUserId, int limit, int offset, string sortField, int sortType) { try { if (limit == 0) { limit = 10; } DynamicParameters dynamicParameter = new DynamicParameters(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(@" SELECT ID, TEN_KH_C, GIOI_TINH_C, PHONE_MOBILE, NGAY_SINH_C, CMND_C , DIA_CHI_C, VUNG_C, ASSIGNED_USER_ID FROM vwPHAN_CONG_CONTACT WHERE 1 = 1 "); StringBuilder conditionSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder countSql = new StringBuilder("Select count(ID) from vwPHAN_CONG_CONTACT WHERE 1 = 1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(campaignId)) { conditionSql.Append(" AND CAMPAIGN_ID = @CAMPAIGN_ID"); dynamicParameter.Add("@CAMPAIGN_ID", campaignId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assignedUserId)) { conditionSql.Append(" AND ASSIGNED_USER_ID = @assignedUserId"); dynamicParameter.Add("@ASSIGNED_USER_ID", assignedUserId); } conditionSql.Append(" AND ASSIGNED_TO IS NOT NULL"); countSql.Append(conditionSql); // count total int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql.ToString(), dynamicParameter); sql.Append(conditionSql); // ORDER if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField)) { sql.Append(" ORDER BY " + sortField); sql.Append(sortType == 1 ? " DESC" : " ASC"); } else { sql.Append(" ORDER BY DATE_ENTERED ASC"); } sql.Append(" OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"); Console.WriteLine(sql); dynamicParameter.Add("@OFFSET", offset); dynamicParameter.Add("@SIZE", limit); List <Object> data = (List <object>)DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <object>(sql.ToString(), dynamicParameter); return(new ResponseListForm <object>(data, new Pagination(limit, offset, total), "ok", 200)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(new { message = "SQL fail", code = 600, data = "" }); } }
public Object FindTeam(string name, string campaignCategoryIdC, string regionIdC, int limit, int offset, string sortField, int sortType) { //1: desc , //default date enter desc DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("Select * from vwTEAMS where 1 = 1"); StringBuilder conditionSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder countSql = new StringBuilder("Select count(*) from vwTEAMS WHERE 1 = 1"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regionIdC)) { conditionSql.Append(" and REGION_ID_C = @REGION_ID_C"); param.Add("@REGION_ID_C", regionIdC); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { conditionSql.Append(" and NAME LIKE @NAME"); param.Add("@NAME", "%" + Security.Encode(name) + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(campaignCategoryIdC)) { conditionSql.Append(" and CAMPAIGNS_CATEGORY_ID LIKE @CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID_C"); param.Add("@CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID_C", "%" + campaignCategoryIdC + "%"); } countSql.Append(conditionSql); sql.Append(conditionSql); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField)) { sql.Append(" order by DATE_ENTERED DESC"); } else { sql.Append(" order by " + sortField + (sortType == 1 ? " DESC" : " ASC")); } sql.Append(" OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS FETCH NEXT @LIMIT ROWS ONLY"); param.Add("@OFFSET", offset); param.Add("@LIMIT", limit); int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql.ToString(), param); var teams = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <TeamDto>(sql.ToString(), param); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(limit, offset, total); return(new { message = "", data = teams, pagination = pagination }); }
// Api lấy danh sách chỉ tiêu nhóm gộp cùng api lấy chi tiết chỉ tiêu nhóm public object GetTeamTargetList(GetTeamTargetListInput input) { try { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); String sql = "Select ID, YEAR, NAME_CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY, TEAM_NAME, MONTH_1, MONTH_2, MONTH_3, MONTH_4, MONTH_5, MONTH_6, MONTH_7, MONTH_8, MONTH_9 ,MONTH_10 ,MONTH_11 ,MONTH_12, TOTAL, CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID, TEAM_ID from vwTEAM_TARGET_List WHERE 1 = 1 "; String conditionSql = ""; String countSql = "Select count(*) from vwTEAM_TARGET_List WHERE 1 = 1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID)) { conditionSql += " and CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID = @CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID"; param.Add("@CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID", input.CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.NAME_CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY)) { conditionSql += " and NAME_CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY = @NAME_CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY"; param.Add("@NAME_CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY", input.NAME_CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.TEAM_ID)) { conditionSql += " and TEAM_ID = @TEAM_ID"; param.Add("@TEAM_ID", input.TEAM_ID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.TEAM_NAME)) { conditionSql += " and TEAM_NAME = @TEAM_NAME"; param.Add("@TEAM_NAME", input.TEAM_NAME); } sql += conditionSql; sql += " ORDER BY " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.ORDERBY) ? input.ORDERBY : " YEAR DESC"); countSql += conditionSql; int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"; param.Add("@OFFSET", (input.PAGE - 1) * input.SIZE); param.Add("@SIZE", input.SIZE); var callCategories = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <TeamTargetList>(sql, param); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(input.PAGE, input.SIZE, total); return(new { data = callCategories, pagination = pagination }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new { data = new { Message = ex.Message, ErrorCode = 500 } }); } }
public ResponseListForm <BranchDto> Search(string name, string short_name, string rank, string region_group_c, int limit, int offset) { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); string sql = "Select ID, NAME, SHORT_NAME, REGION_GROUP_NAME, RANK, DATE_ENTERED, CREATED_BY from vwBRANCHS where 1 = 1 "; string countSql = "Select count(*) from vwBRANCHS where 1 = 1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { param.Add("@name", "%" + name + "%"); sql += "and NAME like @name "; countSql += "and NAME like @name "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(short_name)) { param.Add("@short_name", "%" + short_name + "%"); sql += "and SHORT_NAME like @short_name "; countSql += "and SHORT_NAME like @short_name "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rank)) { param.Add("@rank", rank); sql += "and RANK like @rank "; countSql += "and RANK like @rank "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(region_group_c)) { param.Add("@region_group_c", region_group_c); countSql += "and REGION_GROUP_C like @region_group_c "; sql += "and REGION_GROUP_C like @region_group_c "; } sql += "ORDER BY DATE_ENTERED DESC"; //int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"; param.Add("@OFFSET", offset); param.Add("@SIZE", limit); //Console.WriteLine(sql); //Console.WriteLine(countSql); var branch = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <BranchDto>(sql, param); int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(limit, offset, total); ResponseListForm <BranchDto> response = new ResponseListForm <BranchDto>(branch, pagination); return(response); }
public object GetCallReason(string CALL_RESULT_ID, string REGION_ID_C, string STATUS, string NAME, string ORDERBY) { try { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); String sql = "SELECT NAME, DO_NOT_CALL_LIST, REASON_TYPE, CALLBACK, FOLLOW_UP, CIC, DURATION, NOTES, ID, NEXT_STEP_C, RECALL_TIME_C, STATUS, CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID, CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_NAME FROM vwCALL_REASON WHERE 1 = 1 "; String conditionSql = ""; String countSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VWCALL_REASON WHERE 1 = 1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CALL_RESULT_ID)) { conditionSql += " and CALL_RESULT_ID = N'' + @CALL_RESULT_ID + ''"; param.Add("@CALL_RESULT_ID", CALL_RESULT_ID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(REGION_ID_C)) { conditionSql += " and REGION_ID_C = N'' + @REGION_ID_C + ''"; param.Add("@REGION_ID_C", REGION_ID_C); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(STATUS)) { conditionSql += " and STATUS =N'' + @STATUS +''"; param.Add("@STATUS", STATUS); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NAME)) { conditionSql += " and NAME =N'' + @NAME +''"; param.Add("@NAME", NAME); } sql += conditionSql; sql += " ORDER BY " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ORDERBY) ? ORDERBY : " DATE_ENTERED ASC"); countSql += conditionSql; //sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + // " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"; //param.Add("@OFFSET", (PAGE - 1) * SIZE); //param.Add("@SIZE", SIZE); var callCategories = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <CallReasonDto>(sql, param); int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(1, total, total); return(new { data = callCategories, pagination = pagination }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new { data = new { Message = ex.Message, ErrorCode = 600 } }); } }
//public ResponseListForm<TemplateListDto> GetCache(string LIST_NAME, string LANG) //{ // try // { // DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); // String sql = "SELECT NAME,DISPLAY_NAME,LIST_ORDER FROM vwTERMINOLOGY_List "; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LIST_NAME)) // { // sql += "where LIST_NAME = @LIST_NAME "; // param.Add("@LIST_NAME", LIST_NAME); // } // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LANG)) // { // sql += "where LANG = @LANG "; // param.Add("@LANG", LANG); // } // sql += "order by STT asc"; // var data = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList<TemplateListDto>(sql, param); // return new ResponseListForm<TemplateListDto>(data, new Pagination()); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // return new ResponseListForm<TemplateListDto>(null, new Pagination(), e.Message, 600); // } //} public ResponseForm <int> CheckCampaignProgress(string ID) { try { string query = "Select count(*) from vwCAMPAIGNS where STATUS = 'Active' and CALLMODE_C = 'Progressive' and CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID_C = '" + ID + "'"; //Console.WriteLine(NAME + " " + ID + " " + REGION_ID); int branch = DapperORM.Count(query); ResponseForm <int> response = new ResponseForm <int>(branch, "ok", 200); return(response); } catch (Exception e) { ResponseForm <int> response = new ResponseForm <int>(-1, e.Message, 600); return(response); } }
public object GetCallResultFollow(string CALL_CATEGORY_ID, string REGION_ID_C, string STATUS, string ORDERBY) { try { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); String sql = "Select ID, NAME, NOTES, EVENT_DATE_C, NEXT_RESULT_LIST_NAME, NEXT_RESULT_LIST_ID, STATUS from vwCALL_RESULT WHERE 1 = 1 "; String conditionSql = ""; String countSql = "Select count(*) from vwCALL_RESULT WHERE 1 = 1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CALL_CATEGORY_ID)) { conditionSql += " and CALL_CATEGORY_ID = N'' + @CALL_CATEGORY_ID + ''"; param.Add("@CALL_CATEGORY_ID", CALL_CATEGORY_ID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(REGION_ID_C)) { conditionSql += " and REGION_ID_C = N'' + @REGION_ID_C +''"; param.Add("@REGION_ID_C", REGION_ID_C); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(STATUS)) { conditionSql += " and STATUS = N'' + @STATUS + ''"; param.Add("@STATUS", STATUS); } sql += conditionSql; sql += " ORDER BY " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ORDERBY) ? ORDERBY : " DATE_ENTERED ASC"); countSql += conditionSql; int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); //sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + // " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"; //param.Add("@OFFSET", (PAGE - 1) * SIZE); //param.Add("@SIZE", SIZE); var callCategories = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <CallReultFollowDto>(sql, param); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(1, 10, total); return(new { data = callCategories, pagination = pagination }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new { data = new { Message = ex.Message, ErrorCode = 600 } }); } }
public bool CheckTsrInCharge(string id) { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@ID", id); String sql = "select count(vwPHAN_CONG.ID) " + " from vwPHAN_CONG left join CAMPAIGNS " + " on vwPHAN_CONG.CAMPAIGN_ID = CAMPAIGNS.ID " + " where vwPHAN_CONG.ASSIGNED_USER_ID = @ID and " + "(CAMPAIGNS.STATUS = 'Open' or CAMPAIGNS.STATUS = 'Active' or CAMPAIGNS.STATUS = 'Pause')" + " and CAMPAIGNS.START_DATE < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" + " and(FIRST_INTERACTION_ID is null or IS_RECALL = 1); "; int user = DapperORM.Count(sql, param); Console.WriteLine("VBB" + user); return(user > 0); }
public Object GetListTsr(string tsrGroupId, string campaignId, int limit, int offset) { try { if (limit == 0) { limit = 10; } DynamicParameters parameters = new DynamicParameters(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(@"SELECT ID, AGENT_ID_C, TSR_GROUP_NAME, FULL_NAME, TOTAL_ASSIGNED, STATUS FROM vwTSR_PHAN_CONG WHERE 1 = 1 "); StringBuilder conditionSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder countSql = new StringBuilder("Select count(ID) from vwTSR_PHAN_CONG WHERE 1 = 1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(campaignId)) { parameters.Add("@CAMPAIGNS_ID", new Guid(campaignId)); conditionSql.Append(" AND CAMPAIGNS_ID = @CAMPAIGNS_ID"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tsrGroupId)) { parameters.Add("@TSR_GROUP_ID", tsrGroupId); conditionSql.Append(" AND TSR_GROUP_ID = @TSR_GROUP_ID"); } parameters.Add("@STATUS", "Active"); conditionSql.Append(" AND STATUS = @STATUS"); countSql.Append(conditionSql); sql.Append(conditionSql); int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql.ToString(), parameters); sql.Append(" ORDER BY FULL_NAME ASC"); sql.Append(" OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"); parameters.Add("@OFFSET", offset); parameters.Add("@SIZE", limit); List <Object> data = (List <object>)DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <object>(sql.ToString(), parameters); return(new ResponseListForm <object>(data, new Pagination(limit, offset, total), "ok", 200)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(new { message = "SQL fail", code = 600, data = "" }); } }
public bool CheckTitleExistTsr(string userTypeC, string userTitleIdC) { string sql = "select count(ID) from vwUSERS where USER_TYPE_C = @userTypeC and USER_TITLE_ID_C = @userTitleIdC"; DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@userTypeC", userTypeC); param.Add("@userTitleIdC", userTitleIdC); int total = DapperORM.Count(sql, param); Console.WriteLine(total); if (total > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public Object FindTeam(string NAME, string CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID_C, string REGION_ID_C, int limit, int offset) { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); string sql = "Select * from vwTEAMS where 1 = 1"; String conditionSql = ""; string countSql = "Select count(*) from vwTEAMS WHERE 1 = 1"; if (REGION_ID_C != null) { conditionSql += " and REGION_ID_C = @REGION_ID_C"; param.Add("@REGION_ID_C", REGION_ID_C); } if (NAME != null) { conditionSql += " and NAME LIKE @NAME"; param.Add("@NAME", NAME); } if (CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID_C != null) { conditionSql += " and CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID_C LIKE @CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID_C"; param.Add("@CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID_C", CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID_C); } sql += conditionSql; sql += " order by DATE_ENTERED ASC"; sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @LIMIT ROWS ONLY"; param.Add("@OFFSET", offset); param.Add("@LIMIT", limit); countSql += conditionSql; int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); var teams = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <TeamDto>(sql, param); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(limit, offset, total); return(new { message = "", data = teams, pagination = pagination }); }
public bool IsDuplicateNameTitle(string id, string name, string region) { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); string sql = "Select count(ID) from vwTITLE where NAME = @name and REGION_ID_C = @region;"; param.Add("@id", new Guid(id)); param.Add("@name", name); param.Add("@region", region); int total = DapperORM.Count(sql.ToString(), param); if (total > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public ResponseForm <int> DeleteRole(string ID, string USER_ID) { try { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@ID", ID); string sql = @"update ROLES_TLS"; sql += " set DELETED=1, MODIFIED_USER_ID=@MODIFIED_USER_ID,DATE_MODIFIED=@DATE_MODIFIED where ID=@ID"; param.Add("@DATE_MODIFIED", DateTime.Now); param.Add("@MODIFIED_USER_ID", USER_ID); var role = DapperORM.Count(sql, param); ResponseForm <int> response = new ResponseForm <int>(role, "ok", 200); return(response); } catch { ResponseForm <int> response = new ResponseForm <int>(-1, "fail", 500); return(response); } }
public ResponseForm <int> Delete(string ID, string USER_ID) { try { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("@ID", new Guid(ID)); string sql = @"update BRANCHS"; sql += " set DELETED=1, MODIFIED_USER_ID=@MODIFIED_USER_ID,DATE_MODIFIED=@DATE_MODIFIED where ID=@ID"; param.Add("@DATE_MODIFIED", DateTime.Now); param.Add("@MODIFIED_USER_ID", USER_ID); var branch = DapperORM.Count(sql, param); ResponseForm <int> response = new ResponseForm <int>(branch, "ok", 200); return(response); } catch (Exception e) { ResponseForm <int> response = new ResponseForm <int>(-1, e.Message, 600); return(response); } }
// type = USER_NAME, HR_ID_C, AGENT_ID_C public bool CheckUserExist(string type, string value, string id) { try { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); String sql = "Select count(ID) from vwUSERS WHERE 1 = 1"; if (type == "USER_NAME") { sql += " AND USER_NAME = @username"; param.Add("@username", value); } if (type == "HR_ID_C") { sql += " AND HR_ID_C = @HR_ID_C "; param.Add("@HR_ID_C", value); } if (type == "AGENT_ID_C") { sql += " AND AGENT_ID_C = @AGENT_ID_C "; param.Add("@AGENT_ID_C", value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { sql += " AND ID != @id"; param.Add("@id", new Guid(id)); } Console.WriteLine(sql); int user = DapperORM.Count(sql, param); Console.WriteLine("user" + user); return(user > 0); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public Object FindUserForTeam(string agentId, string username, string region, int limit, int offset, string sortField, int sortType) { try { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); String sql = "Select ID,HR_ID_C, USER_TYPE_C, USER_NAME, EMAIL1, STATUS," + " USER_TITLE_ID_C, IS_ADMIN, AGENT_ID_C, GROUP_ID_C, ACCOUNT_NUMBER_C, NAME_USERTITLE, " + "NAME_TEAMS, FULL_NAME, PHONE_MOBILE, NAME_REGION, NAME_USER_TYPE_C,ROLE_NAME from vwUSERS where 1 = 1 "; String conditionSql = ""; String countSql = "Select count(ID) from vwUSERS WHERE 1 = 1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(agentId)) { conditionSql += " and AGENT_ID_C LIKE @AGENT_ID_C"; param.Add("@AGENT_ID_C", "%" + Security.Encode(agentId) + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { conditionSql += " and USER_NAME LIKE @USER_NAME"; param.Add("@USER_NAME", "%" + Security.Encode(username) + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(region)) { conditionSql += " and REGION_ID_C = @REGION"; param.Add("@REGION", region); } conditionSql += @" AND GROUP_ID_C IS NULL AND USER_TYPE_C IN( @USER_TYPE1, @USER_TYPE2) AND STATUS = @STATUS"; param.Add("@USER_TYPE1", new Guid("CFB11D62-8358-434C-91E2-A0317EF32E15")); param.Add("@USER_TYPE2", new Guid("DD330A41-F968-4D3F-A923-0F33C75C29D6")); param.Add("@STATUS", "Active"); sql += conditionSql; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField)) { string[] whiteListSort = { "ID", "HR_ID_C", "USER_TYPE_C", "USER_NAME", "EMAIL1", "STATUS", "USER_TITLE_ID_C", "IS_ADMIN", "ACCOUNT_NUMBER_C", "NAME_USERTITLE", "NAME_TEAMS", "FULL_NAME", "PHONE_MOBILE", "NAME_REGION", "NAME_USER_TYPE_C", "ROLE_NAME", "AGENT_ID_C" }; if (Array.IndexOf(whiteListSort, sortField) > 0) { sql += " order by " + sortField; sql += sortType == 1 ? " DESC" : " ASC"; } } else { sql += " order by DATE_ENTERED DESC"; } countSql += conditionSql; // count total Console.WriteLine(sql); int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"; param.Add("@OFFSET", offset); param.Add("@SIZE", limit); // Get list user Console.WriteLine(sql); var user = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <UserDetailDto>(sql, param); Console.WriteLine("query done"); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(limit, offset, total); return(new { data = user, pagination = pagination, message = "ok", code = 200 }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(new { data = "", code = 600, message = "ok" }); } }
public Object findUser(string AGENT_ID_C, string STATUS, string GROUP_ID_C, string USER_TITLE_ID_C, string FULL_NAME, string USER_NAME, string REGION, string EMAIL1, int limit, int offset) { try { Console.WriteLine("AAA" + ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("LOIX: " + e); } DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); String sql = "Select ID,HR_ID_C, USER_TYPE_C, USER_NAME, EMAIL1, STATUS," + " USER_TITLE_ID_C, IS_ADMIN, AGENT_ID_C, GROUP_ID_C, ACCOUNT_NUMBER_C, NAME_USERTITLE, " + "NAME_TEAMS, FULL_NAME, PHONE_MOBILE, NAME_REGION, NAME_USER_TYPE_C,ROLE_NAME from vwUSERS where 1 = 1 "; String conditionSql = ""; String countSql = "Select count(ID) from vwUSERS WHERE 1 = 1"; if (AGENT_ID_C != null) { conditionSql += " and AGENT_ID_C LIKE @AGENT_ID_C"; param.Add("@AGENT_ID_C", "%" + AGENT_ID_C + "%"); } if (STATUS != null) { conditionSql += " and STATUS = @STATUS"; param.Add("@STATUS", STATUS); } if (GROUP_ID_C != null) { conditionSql += " and GROUP_ID_C = @GROUP_ID_C"; param.Add("@GROUP_ID_C", GROUP_ID_C); } if (USER_TITLE_ID_C != null) { conditionSql += " and USER_TITLE_ID_C = @USER_TITLE_ID_C"; param.Add("@USER_TITLE_ID_C", USER_TITLE_ID_C); } if (FULL_NAME != null) { conditionSql += " and FULL_NAME LIKE @FULL_NAME"; param.Add("@FULL_NAME", "%" + FULL_NAME + "%"); } if (USER_NAME != null) { conditionSql += " and USER_NAME LIKE @USER_NAME"; param.Add("@USER_NAME", "%" + USER_NAME + "%"); } if (REGION != null) { conditionSql += " and REGION = @REGION"; param.Add("@REGION", REGION); } if (EMAIL1 != null) { conditionSql += " and EMAIL1 = @EMAIL1"; param.Add("@EMAIL1", EMAIL1); } sql += conditionSql; sql += " order by DATE_ENTERED DESC"; countSql += conditionSql; // count total Console.WriteLine(countSql); int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"; param.Add("@OFFSET", offset); param.Add("@SIZE", limit); // Get list user Console.WriteLine(sql); var user = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <UserDetailDto>(sql, param); Console.WriteLine("query done"); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(limit, offset, total); return(new { data = user, pagination = pagination }); }
public ResponseListForm <BranchDto> Search(string NAME, string SHORT_NAME, string RANK, string REGION_GROUP_C, string REGION_ID, string orderby, string sort, int limit = 10, int offset = 0) { try { if (limit <= 0) { limit = 10; } if (offset < 0) { offset = 0; } DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); string sql = "Select ID, NAME, SHORT_NAME, REGION_GROUP_NAME, RANK, DATE_ENTERED, CREATED_BY from vwBRANCHS where 1 = 1 "; string countSql = "Select count(*) from vwBRANCHS where 1 = 1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NAME)) { param.Add("@NAME", "%" + Security.Encode(NAME) + "%"); sql += "and NAME like @NAME "; countSql += "and NAME like @NAME "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SHORT_NAME)) { param.Add("@SHORT_NAME", "%" + Security.Encode(SHORT_NAME) + "%"); sql += "and SHORT_NAME like @SHORT_NAME "; countSql += "and SHORT_NAME like @SHORT_NAME "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RANK)) { param.Add("@RANK", Security.Encode(RANK)); sql += "and RANK like @RANK "; countSql += "and RANK like @RANK "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(REGION_GROUP_C)) { param.Add("@REGION_GROUP_C", REGION_GROUP_C); countSql += "and REGION_GROUP_C like @REGION_GROUP_C "; sql += "and REGION_GROUP_C like @REGION_GROUP_C "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(REGION_ID)) { param.Add("@REGION_ID", REGION_ID); countSql += "and REGION_ID like @REGION_ID "; sql += "and REGION_ID like @REGION_ID "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderby)) { sql += "ORDER BY " + orderby; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sort)) { sql += " " + sort; } } else { sql += "ORDER BY DATE_ENTERED DESC"; } //int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"; param.Add("@OFFSET", offset); param.Add("@SIZE", limit); //Console.WriteLine(sql); //Console.WriteLine(countSql); var branch = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <BranchDto>(sql, param); int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(limit, offset, total); ResponseListForm <BranchDto> response = new ResponseListForm <BranchDto>(branch, pagination); return(response); } catch (Exception e) { ResponseListForm <BranchDto> response = new ResponseListForm <BranchDto>(null, new Pagination(), e.Message, 600); return(response); } }
public ResponseListForm <object> SearchDoNotCallLists(string CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID, string CUSTOMER_ID, string PHONE_NUMBER, string CALL_REASON_ID, string CUSTOMER_NAME, string orderby, string sort, int limit = 10, int offset = 0) { try { if (limit <= 0) { limit = 10; } if (offset < 0) { offset = 0; } DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); string sql = "Select ID, PHONE_NUMBER, CUSTOMER_ID, CUSTOMER_NAME, DATE_ENTERED, AGENT_NAME,NAME_CALL_REASON, CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_NAME,DUE_DATE from vwDO_NOT_CALL_LIST where 1 = 1 "; string countSql = "Select count(*) from vwDO_NOT_CALL_LIST where 1 = 1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID)) { param.Add("@CAMPAIGNS_CATEGORY_ID", CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID); sql += "AND CAMPAIGNS_CATEGORY_ID = @CAMPAIGNS_CATEGORY_ID "; countSql += "and CAMPAIGNS_CATEGORY_ID = @CAMPAIGNS_CATEGORY_ID "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CUSTOMER_ID)) { param.Add("@CUSTOMER_ID", CUSTOMER_ID); sql += "and CUSTOMER_ID = @CUSTOMER_ID "; countSql += "and CUSTOMER_ID = @CUSTOMER_ID "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PHONE_NUMBER)) { param.Add("@PHONE_NUMBER", PHONE_NUMBER); sql += "and PHONE_NUMBER = @PHONE_NUMBER "; countSql += "and PHONE_NUMBER = @PHONE_NUMBER "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CALL_REASON_ID)) { param.Add("@CALL_REASON_ID", CALL_REASON_ID); sql += "and CALL_REASON_ID = @CALL_REASON_ID "; countSql += "and CALL_REASON_ID = @CALL_REASON_ID "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CUSTOMER_NAME)) { param.Add("@CUSTOMER_NAME", "%" + Security.Encode(CUSTOMER_NAME) + "%"); sql += "and CUSTOMER_NAME like @CUSTOMER_NAME "; countSql += "and CUSTOMER_NAME like @CUSTOMER_NAME "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderby)) { sql += "ORDER BY " + orderby; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sort)) { sql += " " + sort; } } else { sql += "ORDER BY DATE_ENTERED DESC"; } //int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"; param.Add("@OFFSET", offset); param.Add("@SIZE", limit); //Console.WriteLine(sql); //Console.WriteLine(countSql); var doNotCallList = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <object>(sql, param); int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(limit, offset, total); ResponseListForm <object> response = new ResponseListForm <object>(doNotCallList, pagination); return(response); } catch (Exception e) { return(new ResponseListForm <object>(null, new Pagination(), e.Message, 600)); } }
public Object GetContact(string campaignId, string ageFrom, string ageTo, string branchId, string campaignCategoryId, string customerType, string fromLevel, string toLevel, int limit, int offset, string sortField, string sortType) { try { DynamicParameters parameters = new DynamicParameters(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(@"SELECT ID, TEN_KH_C, GIOI_TINH_C, PHONE_MOBILE, NGAY_SINH_C, CMND_C , DIA_CHI_C, VUNG_C, ASSIGNED_USER_ID FROM vwPHAN_CONG_CONTACT WHERE 1 = 1 "); StringBuilder condition = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder countSql = new StringBuilder("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM vwPHAN_CONG_CONTACT WHERE 1= 1"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(campaignId)) { parameters.Add("@CAMPAIGN_ID", new Guid(campaignId)); condition.Append(" AND CAMPAIGN_ID = @CAMPAIGN_ID"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ageFrom)) { parameters.Add("@ageFrom", Int32.Parse(ageFrom)); condition.Append(" AND TUOI_C >= @ageFrom"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ageFrom)) { parameters.Add("@ageTo", Int32.Parse(ageTo)); condition.Append(" AND TUOI_C <= @ageTo"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchId)) { string[] branchs = branchId.Split('|'); parameters.Add("@BRANCHS", branchs); condition.Append(" AND MA_CHI_NHANH_C IN @BRANCHS"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(campaignCategoryId)) { if (campaignCategoryId == Constants.Constants.CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID.NND) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerType)) { condition.Append(" AND NND_CU_MOI = @CUSTOMER_TYPE"); parameters.Add("@CUSTOMER_TYPE", customerType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromLevel)) { condition.Append(" AND HAN_MUC_TIN_DUNG >= @LEVEL_FROM"); parameters.Add("@LEVEL_FROM", Int32.Parse(fromLevel)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toLevel)) { condition.Append(" AND HAN_MUC_TIN_DUNG <= @LEVEL_TO"); parameters.Add("@LEVEL_TO", Int32.Parse(toLevel)); } } if (campaignCategoryId == Constants.Constants.CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID.LANDING) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerType)) { condition.Append(" AND LENDING_CU_MOI = @CUSTOMER_TYPE"); parameters.Add("@CUSTOMER_TYPE", customerType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromLevel)) { condition.Append(" AND HM_THE_TELESALE >= @LEVEL_FROM"); parameters.Add("@LEVEL_FROM", Int32.Parse(fromLevel)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toLevel)) { condition.Append(" AND HM_THE_TELESALE <= @LEVEL_TO"); parameters.Add("@LEVEL_TO", Int32.Parse(toLevel)); } } if (campaignCategoryId == Constants.Constants.CAMPAIGN_CATEGORY_ID.HET_HAN) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromLevel)) { condition.Append(" AND HAN_MUC_T24 >= @LEVEL_FROM"); parameters.Add("@LEVEL_FROM", Int32.Parse(fromLevel)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toLevel)) { condition.Append(" AND HAN_MUC_T24 <= @LEVEL_TO"); parameters.Add("@LEVEL_TO", Int32.Parse(toLevel)); } } } condition.Append(" AND ASSIGNED_TO IS NULL"); sql.Append(condition); sql.Append(" ORDER BY SEQ_C ASC "); countSql.Append(condition); int count = DapperORM.Count(countSql.ToString(), parameters); sql.Append(" OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"); parameters.Add("@OFFSET", offset); parameters.Add("@SIZE", limit); Console.WriteLine(sql.ToString()); List <Object> data = (List <object>)DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <object>(sql.ToString(), parameters); Console.WriteLine("QUERY DONE"); return(new ResponseListForm <object>(data, new Pagination(limit, offset, count), "ok", 200)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(new { message = "SQL fail", code = 600, data = "" }); } }
public async ValueTask <Object> FindUser(string agentIdC, string status, string groupIdC, string userTitleIdC, string fullName, string userName, string region, string email1, int limit, int offset, string sortField, int sortType) { return(await WithConnection(async conn => { DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); String sql = "Select ID,HR_ID_C, USER_TYPE_C, USER_NAME, EMAIL1, STATUS," + " USER_TITLE_ID_C, IS_ADMIN, AGENT_ID_C, GROUP_ID_C, ACCOUNT_NUMBER_C, NAME_USERTITLE, " + "NAME_TEAMS, FULL_NAME, PHONE_MOBILE, NAME_REGION, NAME_USER_TYPE_C,ROLE_NAME from vwUSERS where 1 = 1 "; String conditionSql = ""; String countSql = "Select count(ID) from vwUSERS WHERE 1 = 1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(agentIdC)) { conditionSql += " and AGENT_ID_C LIKE @AGENT_ID_C"; param.Add("@AGENT_ID_C", "%" + Security.Encode(agentIdC) + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { conditionSql += " and STATUS = @STATUS"; param.Add("@STATUS", status); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupIdC)) { conditionSql += " and GROUP_ID_C = @GROUP_ID_C"; param.Add("@GROUP_ID_C", groupIdC); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userTitleIdC)) { conditionSql += " and USER_TITLE_ID_C = @USER_TITLE_ID_C"; param.Add("@USER_TITLE_ID_C", userTitleIdC); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName)) { conditionSql += " and FULL_NAME LIKE @FULL_NAME"; param.Add("@FULL_NAME", "%" + Security.Encode(fullName) + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { conditionSql += " and USER_NAME LIKE @USER_NAME"; param.Add("@USER_NAME", "%" + Security.Encode(userName) + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(region)) { conditionSql += " and REGION_ID_C = @REGION"; param.Add("@REGION", region); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email1)) { conditionSql += " and EMAIL1 = @EMAIL1"; param.Add("@EMAIL1", email1); } sql += conditionSql; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField)) { string[] whiteListSort = { "ID", "HR_ID_C", "USER_TYPE_C", "USER_NAME", "EMAIL1", "STATUS", "USER_TITLE_ID_C", "IS_ADMIN", "ACCOUNT_NUMBER_C", "NAME_USERTITLE", "NAME_TEAMS", "FULL_NAME", "PHONE_MOBILE", "NAME_REGION", "NAME_USER_TYPE_C", "ROLE_NAME", "AGENT_ID_C" }; if (Array.IndexOf(whiteListSort, sortField) > 0) { sql += " order by " + sortField; sql += sortType == 1 ? " DESC" : " ASC"; } } else { sql += " order by DATE_ENTERED DESC"; } countSql += conditionSql; // count total Console.WriteLine(sql); int total = DapperORM.Count(countSql, param); sql += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS " + " FETCH NEXT @SIZE ROWS ONLY"; param.Add("@OFFSET", offset); param.Add("@SIZE", limit); // Get list user Console.WriteLine(sql); var user = DapperORM.ExcecuteReturnList <UserDetailDto>(sql, param); Console.WriteLine("query done"); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(limit, offset, total); var query = await conn.QueryAsync <object>(sql, param); return new { data = query, pagination = pagination, message = "ok", code = 200 }; })); //try //{ //} //catch (Exception e) //{ // Console.WriteLine(e); // return new { data = "", code = 600, message = "ok" }; //} }