public async Task <IActionResult> Daily([FromRoute] string symbol, [FromRoute] int year, [FromRoute][Range(1, 12)] int month, [FromRoute][Range(1, 31)] int day) { if (!IsMonthValid(month) || !IsDayValid(day)) { return(BadRequest()); } var dateTime = new DateTime(year, month, day); var price = await _analyticsService.GetDailyAsync(symbol, dateTime); if (price == null) { return(NotFound()); } var result = new DailyModel() { Symbol = symbol, Day = dateTime, Price = Map(price) }; return(Ok(result)); }
public DailyModel GetDailyState(String Id) { DailyModel model = null; Lock(); if (m_pDailyState.ContainsKey(Id)) { model = m_pDailyState[Id]; } else { XmlElement e = m_pDoc.CreateElement(@"daily"); XmlAttribute attr = m_pDoc.CreateAttribute(@"id"); attr.Value = Id; e.Attributes.Append(attr); XmlNode dailys = m_pDoc.SelectSingleNode(@"root/dailys"); dailys.AppendChild(e); model = new DailyModel(e, this); m_pDailyState.Add(Id, model); SaveDbToFile(); } Unlock(); return(model); }
public void SetDone() { String key = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); DailyModel model = m_pDb.GetDailyState(key); Boolean ret = model.MissionComplete(Id); if (ret) { PocketModule pocket = m_pDb.GetPocketModel(); pocket.Point.UpdatePoint(Award); List <DailyMissionAssociatedAchievementModel> assolist = m_pModel.AssociatedAchievementModelList; foreach (DailyMissionAssociatedAchievementModel tmp in assolist) { AchievementGroupModel achi_model = m_pDb.GetAchievementsModel().GetAchievementGroup(tmp.AchievementId); if (achi_model != null) { achi_model.SetProgress(tmp.Progress); } } DateTime time = DateTime.Now; GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); int weekOfYears = calendar.GetWeekOfYear(time, CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay, DayOfWeek.Monday); String weekKey = time.Year + "-" + weekOfYears; WeeksModel weekModel = m_pDb.GetWeekyState(weekKey); weekModel.UpdateProgress(Award); } }
private DailyModel GetTodayDaily() { using (var db = new SystemDBContext()) { var today = DateTime.Today; var tomorrow = today.AddDays(1).AddHours(-1); var daily = db.Daylies.FirstOrDefault( x => x.UserHashId == UserToken.UserId && x.BeginTime >= today && x.EndTime <= tomorrow); if (daily == null) { daily = new DailyModel() { BeginTime = today, EndTime = tomorrow, IsDone = false, UserHashId = UserToken.UserId, DailyType = DailyModelHelper.GetDailyType(today) }; db.Daylies.Add(daily); db.SaveChanges(); } return(daily); } }
public bool Update(DailyModel model) { try { tbl_DailyDetail tbl = new tbl_DailyDetail(); tbl.Id = model.Id; tbl.FormTime = model.FormTime; tbl.ToTime = model.ToTime; tbl.Content_Job = model.Content_Job; tbl.Method = model.Method; tbl.Result = model.Result; tbl.JobId = model.JobId; tbl.DailyId = model.DailyId; db.Entry(tbl).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); string Total_Job = Calculator(model.DailyId); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Total_Job)) { var cal = db.tbl_Daily.Find(model.DailyId); cal.Total_Job = Total_Job; } ; db.SaveChanges(); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Monthly([FromRoute] string symbol, [FromRoute] int year, [FromRoute] int month) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { var response = await _analyticsService.GetMonthlyAsync(symbol, year, month); if (response != null) { var result = new DailyModel() { Symbol = symbol, Day = DateTime.Now.Date, Price = Map(response) }; return(Ok(result)); } return(NotFound()); } catch (Exception) { } } return(BadRequest("error occured")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Daily([FromRoute] string symbol, [FromRoute] int year, [FromRoute] int month, [FromRoute] int day) { //try //{ var prices = await _analyticsService.GetDailyAsync(symbol, new DateTime(year, month, day)); var result = new DailyModel() { Symbol = symbol, Day = new DateTime(year, month, day), Price = Map(prices) }; return(Ok(result)); //} //catch (ApplicationException exp) //{ // if (exp.Message.Contains("NotFound:")) // return NotFound(exp.Message); // return BadRequest(exp.Message); //} //catch (Exception exp) //TO DO [Done]: Move this exception moved to middleware extension //{ // return BadRequest(exp.Message); //} }
private void AddUpdate() { if (_date.Length == 0 || _name.Length == 0 || _amount.Length == 0) { return; } if (_isAddMode == false) { _selectedItem.DeleteData(); ItemCollection.Remove(_selectedItem); } DailyModel newItem = new DailyModel(); newItem.Type = _selectedType; newItem.Date = _date; newItem.Name = _name; newItem.Amount = int.Parse(_amount.Replace(",", "")); ItemCollection.Add(newItem); newItem.AddData(); _lastSearchedStartDayofPeriod = DateTime.MinValue; // In order to update period total amount _monthSearched = 0; // In order to update monthly total amount InitializeList(); // In order to update all the IDs TextBoxInitialize(); UpdateText(); }
private void Clear() { _isAddMode = true; _selectedItem = null; TextBoxInitialize(); UpdateText(); }
public void GetClientDailySuccess(DailyModel daily) { GetServiceDailySuccess(daily); if (daily.updatetime.AddMinutes(15) < DateTime.Now) { swipeRefreshLayout.Refreshing = true; OnRefresh(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Daily([FromRoute] string symbol, [FromRoute] int year, [FromRoute] int month, [FromRoute] int day) { // TODO: Add implementation for the daily summary //validate route values if (symbol.Length > 3 || symbol.Length < 3) { return(BadRequest("Symbol characters exceeded or below")); } if (year == 0 || month == 0 || day == 0) { return(BadRequest("Incorrect Route Values for date")); } if (year < 1000) { return(BadRequest("The year value is less")); } if (!Enumerable.Range(1, 12).Contains(month)) { return(BadRequest("The month value doesn't exist")); } if (!Enumerable.Range(1, 31).Contains(day)) { return(BadRequest("The day value doesn't exist")); } //Parse from route values Datetime object var queryTime = new DateTime(year, month, day); AnalyticsPrice todaysAnalyticsPrice = new AnalyticsPrice(); //Set validation for route values try { todaysAnalyticsPrice = await _analyticsService.GetDailyAsync(symbol, queryTime); } catch (Exception e) { return(NotFound(e.Message)); } var result = new DailyModel() { Symbol = symbol, Day = queryTime, Price = Map(todaysAnalyticsPrice) }; return(Ok(result)); }
public void ClearDatabase() { using (var context = new SystemDBContext()) { var felixHash = GetFelixHashId(); // Delete all Maps foreach (var id in context.Maps.Where(x => x.CreatorhashId != felixHash).Select(e => e.Id)) { var entity = new MapModel() { Id = id }; context.Maps.Attach(entity); context.Maps.Remove(entity); } // Delete all Dailies foreach (var id in context.Daylies.Where(x => x.UserHashId != felixHash).Select(e => e.Id)) { var entity = new DailyModel() { Id = id }; context.Daylies.Attach(entity); context.Daylies.Remove(entity); } // Delete all Leaderboards foreach (var id in context.Leaderboards.Select(e => e.Id)) { var entity = new LeaderboardModel() { Id = id }; context.Leaderboards.Attach(entity); context.Leaderboards.Remove(entity); } // Delete all Friends foreach (var id in context.Friends.Select(e => e.Id)) { var entity = new FriendModel() { Id = id }; context.Friends.Attach(entity); context.Friends.Remove(entity); } context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void InitDailyState() { m_pDailyState = new Dictionary <String, DailyModel>(); XmlNodeList list = m_pDoc.SelectNodes(@"root/dailys/daily"); foreach (XmlNode tmp in list) { DailyModel d = new DailyModel(tmp, this); m_pDailyState.Add(d.Id, d); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Daily([FromRoute] string symbol, [FromRoute] int year, [FromRoute] int month, [FromRoute] int day) { // TODO: Add implementation for the daily summary var result = new DailyModel() { Symbol = symbol, Day = new DateTime(), Price = Map(new AnalyticsPrice()) }; return(Ok(result)); }
public ActionResult Index(bool noLayout = false) { Cache = new DailyModel(); BountyManager.SampleApiTest(); if (noLayout) { return(View("PartialIndex", Cache)); } ViewBag.HtmlTagOverride = @"data-redirect=""/#daily"""; return(View("Index", Cache)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Daily([FromRoute] string symbol, [FromRoute] int year, [FromRoute] int month, [FromRoute] int day) { var dayDateTime = new DateTime(year, month, day); var analyticsPrice = await _analyticsService.GetDailyAsync(symbol, dayDateTime); var result = new DailyModel() { Symbol = symbol, Day = dayDateTime, Price = Map(analyticsPrice) }; return(Ok(result)); }
async Task <bool> RenewDailyUI(DailyModel model, DailyExtraModel modelEx) { if (model == null || modelEx == null || model.title == null) { return(await Task.FromResult(false)); } return(await Task.Run(() => { Title = model.title; CssFileName = "daily.css"; HtmlBody = model.body.Replace("img-place-holder", "img-place-holder1"); ProgressBarFinish(); return true; })); }
private void UpdateConfig() { AttackModel attackModel = new AttackModel { Boss = (bool)BossBattle.IsChecked, Friend = (bool)FriendBattle.IsChecked, Guild = (bool)GuildBattle.IsChecked, Brave = (bool)BraveBattle.IsChecked, DoS = (bool)DoSBattle.IsChecked, Expedition = (bool)ExpeditionBattle.IsChecked, PlanetTrial = (bool)PlanetTrialBattle.IsChecked, PlanetTrialRetryAmount = Convert.ToInt32(PlanetTrialRetry.Text), PlanetTrialAutoRetry = (bool)PlanetTrialAutoRetry.IsChecked, BraveMaxTickets = Convert.ToInt32(BraveMaxTickets.Text), BraveMaxCE = Convert.ToInt32(BraveMaxCE.Text), BraveAutoRetry = (bool)BraveAttackMore.IsChecked, GuildRetryAmount = Convert.ToInt32(GuildMax.Text), FriendRetryAmount = Convert.ToInt32(FriendRetry.Text), FriendMaxOnly = (bool)FriendMax.IsChecked }; GlobalVariables.attackSettings = attackModel; DailyModel dailyModel = new DailyModel { Alchemy = (bool)Alchemy.IsChecked, SendHearts = (bool)SendHearts.IsChecked, SpinWheel = (bool)SpinWheel.IsChecked, DailyTavern = (bool)CompleteTavern.IsChecked, CombineEquip = (bool)CombineEquip.IsChecked, CommonSummon = (bool)PerformCommon.IsChecked, GrandSummon = (bool)PerformGrand.IsChecked, DailyBrave = (bool)CompleteBrave.IsChecked, SendFriendReq = (bool)SendFriend.IsChecked, AcceptFreindReq = (bool)AcceptFriends.IsChecked, DeclineFriendReq = (bool)DeclineFriends.IsChecked, DailyBag = (bool)DailyBag.IsChecked, PurchaseDoSTicket = (bool)PurchaseDoS.IsChecked, DeleteMail = (bool)DeleteMail.IsChecked }; WriteIni.UpdateConfig(attackModel, dailyModel); }
public void GetServiceDailySuccess(DailyModel daily) { if (swipeRefreshLayout.Refreshing) { swipeRefreshLayout.Refreshing = false; } if (daily != null && > 0) { this.daily = daily; title = daily.title; txtTitle.Text = daily.title; txtAuthor.Text = daily.image_source; body.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true; body.Settings.DomStorageEnabled = true; var jsInterface = new WebViewJSInterface(this); body.SetWebViewClient(DailyWebViewClient.With(this)); body.AddJavascriptInterface(jsInterface, "openlistner"); body.LoadRenderedContent(daily.body.Replace("img-place-holder", "img-place-holder1")); jsInterface.CallFromPageReceived += delegate(object sender, WebViewJSInterface.CallFromPageReceivedEventArgs e) { switch (e.Type) { case WebViewJSInterface.CallFromType.Image: PhotoActivity.Start(this, e.Result.Split(','), e.Index); break; case WebViewJSInterface.CallFromType.Href: Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.SetAction("android.intent.action.VIEW"); intent.SetData(Android.Net.Uri.Parse(e.Result)); intent.SetClassName("", ""); StartActivity(intent); break; } }; if (daily.image != "") { Picasso.With(this).Load(daily.image).Into(titleImage); } else { appbar.LayoutParameters = new CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams(CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams.MatchParent, toolbar.Height); toolbarTitle.Text = title; } } }
public ActionResult SaveDaily(DailyModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { bool status = false; if (model.Id > 0) { status = new DailyDetailDao().Update(model); } else { status = new DailyDetailDao().Save(model); } return(Json(new { status = status }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } ViewBag.Job = new SelectList(new JobDao().GetWithUser(), "Id", "Ten_Job"); return(PartialView("_DetailDailyReport", model)); }
public ActionResult DetailReport(long mad, int ma) { if (new DailyReportDao().CheckPermission(ma)) { return(Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } DailyModel model = new DailyModel(); if (mad > 0) { model = new DailyDetailDao().detail(mad, ma); } else { model.DailyId = ma; } ViewBag.Job = new SelectList(new JobDao().GetWithUser(), "Id", "Ten_Job"); return(PartialView("_DetailDailyReport", model)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Daily([FromRoute] string symbol, [FromRoute] int year, [FromRoute] int month, [FromRoute] int day) { var result = await _analyticsService.GetDailyAsync(symbol, new DateTime(year, month, day)); if (result != null) { var dailyResult = new DailyModel { Price = Map(result), Symbol = symbol, Day = new DateTime(year, month, day) }; return(Ok(dailyResult)); } else { return(NotFound("not found")); } }
public override async Task InitializeAsync(object navigationData) { if (IsInitialize == true) { return; } model = await dailyPresenter.GetClientDaily(Id); //从本地数据库获取 modelEx = await dailyPresenter.GetClientDailyExtra(Id); //从本地数据库获取 IsProgressing |= await RenewDailyUI(model, modelEx) == false; ProgressBarRunning(); if (model.title == "" || model.updatetime.AddMinutes(15) < DateTime.Now) { model = await dailyPresenter.GetServiceDaily(Id); modelEx = await dailyPresenter.GetServiceDailyExtra(Id); await RenewDailyUI(model, modelEx); IsProgressing = false; } IsInitialize = true; }
private static bool ClaimDailies() { if (!Main.CheckSameDay(GlobalVariables.LAST_RAN)) { Main.LogConsole($"Bot Hasn't Been Ran Since {GlobalVariables.LAST_RAN} Completing Daily Tasks"); GlobalVariables.tasksSettings = new TasksModel(); //Resets Everything back to default GlobalVariables.LAST_RAN = DateTime.Now; } else { Main.LogConsole($"Bot Already Ran Today. No Need To Re-Do Everything"); } if (GlobalVariables.EVENTS_COMPLETED) { return(true); } TasksModel tasks = GlobalVariables.tasksSettings; DailyModel daily = GlobalVariables.dailySettings; if (!tasks.FriendsClaimed && daily.SendHearts) { Main.LogConsole("Claiming Friend Requests"); if (UpdatePlayerInfo.ClaimFriends()) { tasks.FriendsClaimed = true; tasks.SentHears = true; } } if (!tasks.DailyClaimed) { Main.LogConsole("Claiming Daily Privalege"); tasks.DailyClaimed = UpdatePlayerInfo.ClaimPrivellage();; } if (!tasks.Defeat3Claimed) { Main.LogConsole("Defeating Daily 3 waves"); tasks.Defeat3Claimed = UpdatePlayerInfo.Defeat3Main(); } if (!tasks.AlchemyClaimed && daily.Alchemy) { Main.LogConsole("Claiming Alchemy"); tasks.AlchemyClaimed = UpdatePlayerInfo.ClaimAlchemy(); } if (!tasks.SpunWheel && daily.SpinWheel) { Main.LogConsole("Spinning Daily Wheel"); tasks.SpunWheel = UpdatePlayerInfo.SpinWheel(); } if (!tasks.CompletedTavern && daily.DailyTavern) { Main.LogConsole("Completing Daily Tavern Quests"); tasks.CompletedTavern = UpdatePlayerInfo.ClaimTavernQuest(); } if (!tasks.CombinedEquip && daily.CombineEquip) { Main.LogConsole("Combining 3 Equipment"); tasks.CombinedEquip = UpdatePlayerInfo.CombineEquipment(); } if (!tasks.PerformedCommon && daily.CommonSummon) { Main.LogConsole("Performing Common Summon"); tasks.PerformedCommon = UpdatePlayerInfo.SummonCommonKey(); } if (!tasks.PerformedGrand && daily.GrandSummon) { Main.LogConsole("Performing Grand Summon"); tasks.PerformedGrand = UpdatePlayerInfo.SummonGrandKey(); } if (!tasks.CompletedBrave && daily.DailyBrave) { Main.LogConsole("Attacking Brave"); Attack.BraveAttackHandler(); Attack.BraveAttackHandler(); tasks.CompletedBrave = true; } if (!tasks.CompletedEvents) { Main.LogConsole("Attacking Daily Events"); tasks.CompletedEvents = UpdatePlayerInfo.ClaimEvents(); } if (tasks.CombinedEquip && tasks.AlchemyClaimed && tasks.SentHears && tasks.SentHears && tasks.SpunWheel && tasks.CompletedTavern && tasks.PerformedCommon && tasks.PerformedGrand && tasks.Defeat3Claimed && tasks.CompletedEvents) { Main.LogConsole("All Daily Quests Finishes. Claiming Rewards."); tasks.CompletedQuests = true; UpdatePlayerInfo.ClaimQuestReward(); } UpdatePlayerInfo.MineGuildGold(); UpdatePlayerInfo.SetGuildTeam(); GlobalVariables.LAST_RAN = DateTime.Now; //Claim Mail UpdatePlayerInfo.ClaimMail(); //Update Global Variables Settings GlobalVariables.tasksSettings = tasks; GlobalVariables.LAST_RAN = DateTime.Now; Ini.WriteIni.UpdateConfig(GlobalVariables.attackSettings, GlobalVariables.dailySettings); return(true); }
public static void ReadFile() { var IniFile = "BotConfig.Ini"; try { var parser = new FileIniDataParser(); IniData data = parser.ReadFile(IniFile); GlobalVariables.LAST_RAN = DateTime.Parse(data["General"]["Bot Last Ran"]); GlobalVariables.CURRENCY_INFO[2] = Convert.ToInt32(data["General"]["Player Level"]); AttackModel attackModel = new AttackModel { Boss = Boolean.Parse(data["Battle"]["Boss Battle"]), Friend = Boolean.Parse(data["Battle"]["Friend Battle"]), Guild = Boolean.Parse(data["Battle"]["Guild Battle"]), Brave = Boolean.Parse(data["Battle"]["Brave Battle"]), DoS = Boolean.Parse(data["Battle"]["DoS Battle"]), Expedition = Boolean.Parse(data["Battle"]["Expedition Battle"]), PlanetTrial = Boolean.Parse(data["Battle"]["Planet Trial Battle"]), PlanetTrialRetryAmount = Convert.ToInt32(data["Battle Extra"]["Planet Trial Retry"]), PlanetTrialAutoRetry = Boolean.Parse(data["Battle Extra"]["Planet Trial Auto Retry"]), BraveMaxTickets = Convert.ToInt32(data["Battle Extra"]["Brave Max Tickets"]), BraveMaxCE = Convert.ToInt32(data["Battle Extra"]["Brave Max CE"]), BraveAutoRetry = Boolean.Parse(data["Battle Extra"]["Brave Auto Retry"]), GuildRetryAmount = Convert.ToInt32(data["Battle Extra"]["Guild Retry"]), FriendRetryAmount = Convert.ToInt32(data["Battle Extra"]["Friend Retry"]), FriendMaxOnly = Boolean.Parse(data["Battle Extra"]["Friend Auto Retry"]) }; GlobalVariables.attackSettings = attackModel; DailyModel dailyModel = new DailyModel { Alchemy = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily"]["Alchemy"]), SendHearts = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily"]["Send Hearts"]), SpinWheel = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily"]["Spin Wheel"]), DailyTavern = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily"]["Daily 2 Tavern"]), CombineEquip = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily"]["Combine Equipments"]), CommonSummon = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily"]["Common Summon"]), GrandSummon = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily"]["Grand Summon"]), DailyBrave = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily"]["Daily Brave League"]), SendFriendReq = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily Extra"]["Send Friend Requests"]), AcceptFreindReq = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily Extra"]["Accept Friend Requests"]), DeclineFriendReq = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily Extra"]["Decline Friend Requests"]), DailyBag = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily Extra"]["Claim Free Gift Bad"]), PurchaseDoSTicket = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily Extra"]["Purchase DoS Tickets"]), DeleteMail = Boolean.Parse(data["Daily Extra"]["Delete Mail"]) }; GlobalVariables.dailySettings = dailyModel; } catch { Main.LogConsole("Error Reading Config! Reseting Config...."); File.Delete("BotConfig.ini"); WriteIni.WriteConfig(); } }
public DailyDetail(DailyModel model) { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = model; }
public void SetDay(DailyModel inDailyModel) { day = inDailyModel; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Daily([FromQuery] DailyModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); }
public static void UpdateConfig(AttackModel attackModel, DailyModel dailyModel) { var IniFile = "BotConfig.Ini"; var parser = new IniDataParser(); IniData parsedData; using (FileStream fs = File.Open(IniFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { parsedData = parser.Parse(sr.ReadToEnd()); } } // Modify the loaded ini file //General Header parsedData["General"]["version"] = "1.0"; parsedData["General"]["Bot Last Ran"] = GlobalVariables.LAST_RAN.ToString(); parsedData["General"]["Player Last"] = "0"; //parsedData["General"]["Bot Last Ran"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); parsedData["Battle"]["Boss Battle"] = attackModel.Boss.ToString(); parsedData["Battle"]["Friend Battle"] = attackModel.Friend.ToString(); parsedData["Battle"]["Guild Battle"] = attackModel.Guild.ToString(); parsedData["Battle"]["Brave Battle"] = attackModel.Brave.ToString(); parsedData["Battle"]["DoS Battle"] = attackModel.DoS.ToString(); parsedData["Battle"]["Expedition Battle"] = attackModel.Expedition.ToString(); parsedData["Battle"]["Planet Trial Battle"] = attackModel.PlanetTrial.ToString(); parsedData["Battle Extra"]["Planet Trial Retry"] = attackModel.PlanetTrialRetryAmount.ToString(); parsedData["Battle Extra"]["Planet Trial Auto Retry"] = attackModel.PlanetTrialAutoRetry.ToString(); parsedData["Battle Extra"]["Brave Max Tickets"] = attackModel.BraveMaxTickets.ToString(); parsedData["Battle Extra"]["Brave Max CE"] = attackModel.BraveMaxCE.ToString(); parsedData["Battle Extra"]["Brave Auto Retry"] = attackModel.BraveAutoRetry.ToString(); parsedData["Battle Extra"]["Guild Retry"] = attackModel.GuildRetryAmount.ToString(); parsedData["Battle Extra"]["Friend Retry"] = attackModel.FriendRetryAmount.ToString(); parsedData["Battle Extra"]["Friend Auto Retry"] = attackModel.FriendMaxOnly.ToString(); parsedData["Daily"]["Alchemy"] = dailyModel.Alchemy.ToString(); parsedData["Daily"]["Send Hearts"] = dailyModel.SendHearts.ToString(); parsedData["Daily"]["Spin Wheel"] = dailyModel.SpinWheel.ToString(); parsedData["Daily"]["Daily 2 Tavern"] = dailyModel.DailyTavern.ToString(); parsedData["Daily"]["Combine Equipments"] = dailyModel.CombineEquip.ToString(); parsedData["Daily"]["Common Summon"] = dailyModel.CommonSummon.ToString(); parsedData["Daily"]["Grand Summon"] = dailyModel.GrandSummon.ToString(); parsedData["Daily"]["Daily Brave League"] = dailyModel.DailyBrave.ToString(); parsedData["Daily Extra"]["Send Friend Requests"] = dailyModel.SendFriendReq.ToString(); parsedData["Daily Extra"]["Accept Friend Requests"] = dailyModel.AcceptFreindReq.ToString(); parsedData["Daily Extra"]["Decline Friend Requests"] = dailyModel.DeclineFriendReq.ToString(); parsedData["Daily Extra"]["Claim Free Gift Bad"] = dailyModel.DailyBag.ToString(); parsedData["Daily Extra"]["Purchase DoS Tickets"] = dailyModel.PurchaseDoSTicket.ToString(); parsedData["Daily Extra"]["Delete Mail"] = dailyModel.DeleteMail.ToString(); var fileparser = new FileIniDataParser(); fileparser.WriteFile(IniFile, parsedData); }