Exemple #1
            public async Task <DailyMealPlanDto> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var Id            = _userAccessor.GetCurrentId();
                var dailyMealPlan = await _context.DailyMealPlans.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Date == request.Date && x.UserId == Id);

                if (dailyMealPlan == null)
                    var userStats = await _context.UserStats.Include(x => x.UnitSystem).Include(x => x.Gender).Include(x => x.ActivityFactor).Include(x => x.Goal).FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.AppUserId == Id);

                    var macros = _macroCalculator.CalculateMacros(userStats);
                    dailyMealPlan = new DailyMealPlan
                        Date         = request.Date,
                        UserId       = Id,
                        ProteinGrams = macros.ProteinGrams,
                        CarbsGrams   = macros.CarbsGrams,
                        FatGrams     = macros.FatGrams,
                        Calories     = macros.Calories

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                dailyMealPlan = await _context.DailyMealPlans.Include(x => x.UserMeals).ThenInclude(x => x.Meal).Include(x => x.UserMeals).ThenInclude(x => x.MealType).FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Date == request.Date && x.UserId == Id);

                var mealPlanDto = _mapper.Map <DailyMealPlan, DailyMealPlanDto>(dailyMealPlan);

Exemple #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("MealPlanID,Date,DayOfWeek,RecipeID,ApplicationUserId")] DailyMealPlan dailyMealPlan)
            if (id != dailyMealPlan.MealPlanID)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!DailyMealPlanExists(dailyMealPlan.MealPlanID))
            ViewData["ApplicationUserId"] = new SelectList(_context.Set <ApplicationUser>(), "Id", "Id", dailyMealPlan.ApplicationUserId);
            ViewData["RecipeID"]          = new SelectList(_context.Recipes, "RecipeID", "RecipeID", dailyMealPlan.RecipeID);
Exemple #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("MealPlanID,Date,DayOfWeek,RecipeID,ApplicationUserId")] DailyMealPlan dailyMealPlan)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            ViewData["ApplicationUserId"] = new SelectList(_context.Set <ApplicationUser>(), "Id", "Id", dailyMealPlan.ApplicationUserId);
            ViewData["RecipeID"]          = new SelectList(_context.Recipes, "RecipeID", "RecipeID", dailyMealPlan.RecipeID);
Exemple #4
        public void SeedDatabase()
            if (_database.Table <DailyMealPlan>().Count() == 0)
                var dailymealplanner = new DailyMealPlan
                    Id       = 1,
                    RecipeId = 1,

                var dietrequirement = new DietRequirement
                    Id          = 1,
                    Description = "Normal"

                var dietaryoption = new DietaryOption
                    Id = 1,
                    DietaryRequirements = 1,
                    BudgetOption        = 250

                var ingredient = new Ingredient
                    Id                  = 1,
                    Description         = "Strawberry, Banana, Orange Juice",
                    QuantityDescription = "1 cup",
                    Volume              = 152,
                    VolumeUnit          = "g",
                    Image               = "vault.png"
                ingredient = new Ingredient
                    Id                  = 1,
                    Description         = "Strawberry",
                    QuantityDescription = "1 cup",
                    Volume              = 152,
                    VolumeUnit          = "g",
                    Image               = "vault.png"
                ingredient = new Ingredient
                    Id                  = 2,
                    Description         = "Banana",
                    QuantityDescription = "1 medium",
                    Volume              = 152,
                    VolumeUnit          = "g",
                    Image               = "vault.png"
                ingredient = new Ingredient
                    Id                  = 3,
                    Description         = "Orange Juice",
                    QuantityDescription = "1 cup",
                    Volume              = 152,
                    VolumeUnit          = "g",
                    Image               = "vault.png"

                var mealtype = new MealType
                    Id          = 1,
                    Description = "Breakfast"

                var recipe = new Recipe
                    Id                = 1,
                    Description       = "Breakfast fruit smoothie",
                    Prep              = 7,
                    CookTime          = 0,
                    Directions        = "Just put all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.  Optionally, blend with ice.  Then drink and enjoy!",
                    Volume            = 16,
                    Price             = 15,
                    Image             = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7e/Strawberry_BNC.jpg",
                    ServingSize       = "2 services",
                    Calories          = 300,
                    MealType          = 1,
                    DietRequirementId = 1

                var recipeingredient = new RecipeIngredient
                    RecipeId     = 2,
                    IngredientId = 1
                recipeingredient = new RecipeIngredient
                    RecipeId     = 2,
                    IngredientId = 2
                recipeingredient = new RecipeIngredient
                    RecipeId     = 2,
                    IngredientId = 3


                dailymealplanner = new DailyMealPlan
                    Id       = 2,
                    RecipeId = 2,

                dietrequirement = new DietRequirement
                    Id          = 1,
                    Description = "Normal"

                new DietaryOption
                    Id = 1,
                    DietaryRequirements = 1,
                    BudgetOption        = 250

                ingredient = new Ingredient
                    Id                  = 4,
                    Description         = "Apple",
                    QuantityDescription = "1 Apple",
                    Volume              = 129,
                    VolumeUnit          = "g",
                    Image               = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/15/Red_Apple.jpg"


                mealtype = new MealType
                    Id          = 1,
                    Description = "Breakfast"

                recipe = new Recipe
                    Description       = "Pick a Apple",
                    Prep              = 0,
                    CookTime          = 0,
                    Directions        = "Wilt spinach down in a small skillet over low heat with 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil. Season to taste.Beat the eggs and add to the skillet with the spinach.Stir slowly over medium - low heat until they reach your desired doneness.Sprinkle in the feta cheese and stir to combine and soften the cheese.",
                    Volume            = 7,
                    Price             = 10,
                    Image             = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Scrambled_Eggs_at_Cracker_Barrel.jpg",
                    ServingSize       = "1 Apple",
                    Calories          = 94,
                    MealType          = 1,
                    DietRequirementId = 1

                recipeingredient = new RecipeIngredient
                    RecipeId     = 3,
                    IngredientId = 9,


                dailymealplanner = new DailyMealPlan
                    Id       = 2,
                    RecipeId = 2,

                dietrequirement = new DietRequirement
                    Id          = 1,
                    Description = "Normal"

                new DietaryOption
                    Id = 1,
                    DietaryRequirements = 1,
                    BudgetOption        = 250

                ingredient = new Ingredient
                    Id                  = 4,
                    Description         = "Olive oil",
                    QuantityDescription = "1 cup",
                    Volume              = 2,
                    VolumeUnit          = "g",
                    Image               = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Scrambled_Eggs_at_Cracker_Barrel.jpg"
                ingredient = new Ingredient
                    Id                  = 5,
                    Description         = "Feta cheese",
                    QuantityDescription = "0.13 cup crumbled",
                    Volume              = 18,
                    VolumeUnit          = "g",
                    Image               = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Scrambled_Eggs_at_Cracker_Barrel.jpg"
                ingredient = new Ingredient
                    Id                  = 6,
                    Description         = "Spinach(Raw)",
                    QuantityDescription = "1 cup",
                    Volume              = 30,
                    VolumeUnit          = "g",
                    Image               = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Scrambled_Eggs_at_Cracker_Barrel.jpg"
                ingredient = new Ingredient
                    Id                  = 7,
                    Description         = "Egg",
                    QuantityDescription = "2 large",
                    Volume              = 100,
                    VolumeUnit          = "g",
                    Image               = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Scrambled_Eggs_at_Cracker_Barrel.jpg"

                mealtype = new MealType
                    Id          = 1,
                    Description = "Breakfast"

                recipe = new Recipe
                    Description       = "Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Feta",
                    Prep              = 5,
                    CookTime          = 10,
                    Directions        = "Wilt spinach down in a small skillet over low heat with 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil. Season to taste.Beat the eggs and add to the skillet with the spinach.Stir slowly over medium - low heat until they reach your desired doneness.Sprinkle in the feta cheese and stir to combine and soften the cheese.",
                    Volume            = 6,
                    Price             = 25,
                    Image             = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Scrambled_Eggs_at_Cracker_Barrel.jpg",
                    ServingSize       = "1 services",
                    Calories          = 280,
                    MealType          = 1,
                    DietRequirementId = 1

                recipeingredient = new RecipeIngredient
                    RecipeId     = 1,
                    IngredientId = 9,
                recipeingredient = new RecipeIngredient
                    RecipeId     = 1,
                    IngredientId = 10,
                recipeingredient = new RecipeIngredient
                    RecipeId     = 1,
                    IngredientId = 11,
                recipeingredient = new RecipeIngredient
                    RecipeId     = 1,
                    IngredientId = 12,