Exemple #1
        public void Update(DX11RenderContext context)
            for (int i = 0; i < this.FIn.SliceCount; i++)
                IDX11Geometry geom = this.FIn[i][context];

                if (geom is DX11IndexedGeometry)
                    DX11IndexedGeometry g = (DX11IndexedGeometry)geom;
                    this.FOutBuffer[i][context] = g.IndexBuffer;
                    this.FOutValid[i]           = true;
                else if (geom is DX11IndexOnlyGeometry)
                    DX11IndexOnlyGeometry g = (DX11IndexOnlyGeometry)geom;
                    this.FOutBuffer[i][context] = g.IndexBuffer;
                    this.FOutValid[i]           = true;
                    this.FOutBuffer[i][context] = null;
                    this.FOutValid[i]           = false;
Exemple #2
        private void BuildBuffer(DX11RenderContext context,int[] data, Pin<DX11Resource<DX11IndexOnlyGeometry>> respin)
            DX11IndexOnlyGeometry geom = new DX11IndexOnlyGeometry(context);

            geom.HasBoundingBox = false;
            geom.Topology = PrimitiveTopology.LineList;
            geom.InputLayout = new InputElement[0];

            var indexstream = new DataStream(data.Length * 4, true, true);
            indexstream.Position = 0;

            geom.IndexBuffer = new DX11IndexBuffer(context, indexstream, false, true);
            respin[0][context] = geom;
        public void Update(IPluginIO pin, DX11RenderContext context)
            if (this.CalculateSpreadMax() == 0)

            Device        device = context.Device;
            DeviceContext ctx    = context.CurrentDeviceContext;

            if (!this.deviceshaderdata.ContainsKey(context))
                this.deviceshaderdata.Add(context, new DX11ShaderData(context));

            DX11ShaderData shaderdata = this.deviceshaderdata[context];

            if (this.shaderupdated)
                shaderdata.Update(this.FInTechnique[0].Index, 0, this.FIn);
                this.shaderupdated = false;

            if (this.FInEnabled[0] && this.FIn.PluginIO.IsConnected)
                //Clear shader stages (important here)

                if (this.FIn.IsChanged || this.FInTechnique.IsChanged || shaderdata.LayoutValid.Count == 0)
                    shaderdata.Update(this.FInTechnique[0].Index, 0, this.FIn);

                if (shaderdata.IsLayoutValid(0) && this.varmanager.SetGlobalSettings(shaderdata.ShaderInstance, this.settings))

                    this.settings                = new DX11RenderSettings();
                    this.settings.RenderWidth    = 1;
                    this.settings.RenderHeight   = 1;
                    this.settings.View           = this.FInView[0];
                    this.settings.Projection     = this.FInProjection[0];
                    this.settings.ViewProjection = this.settings.View * this.settings.Projection;
                    this.settings.RenderDepth    = 1;
                    this.settings.BackBuffer     = null;

                    if (this.FInSemantics.PluginIO.IsConnected)
                    if (this.FInResSemantics.PluginIO.IsConnected)


                    if (this.clone == null || this.FIn.IsChanged || this.FInAsAuto.IsChanged || this.FInMaxElements.IsChanged || this.FInLayout.IsChanged || this.FInAutoLayout.IsChanged)
                        if (this.buffer != null)

                        bool           customlayout = this.FInLayout.PluginIO.IsConnected || this.FInAutoLayout[0];
                        InputElement[] elems        = null;
                        int            size         = 0;

                        if (this.FInAutoLayout[0])
                            elems = this.FShader.DefaultEffect.GetTechniqueByIndex(tid).GetPassByIndex(0).GetStreamOutputLayout(out size);
                            if (customlayout)
                                elems = this.BindInputLayout(out size);

                        #region Vertex Geom
                        if (this.FIn[0][context] is DX11VertexGeometry)
                            if (!this.FInAsAuto[0])
                                DX11VertexGeometry vg = (DX11VertexGeometry)this.FIn[0][context].ShallowCopy();

                                int    vsize = customlayout ? size : vg.VertexSize;
                                Buffer vbo   = BufferHelper.CreateStreamOutBuffer(context, vsize, vg.VerticesCount);
                                if (customlayout)
                                    vg.VertexSize = vsize;
                                vg.VertexBuffer = vbo;

                                this.clone  = vg;
                                this.buffer = vbo;
                                DX11VertexGeometry vg = (DX11VertexGeometry)this.FIn[0][context].ShallowCopy();

                                int maxv = vg.VerticesCount;
                                if (this.FInMaxElements[0] > 0)
                                    maxv = this.FInMaxElements[0];

                                int    vsize = customlayout ? size : vg.VertexSize;
                                Buffer vbo   = BufferHelper.CreateStreamOutBuffer(context, vsize, maxv);
                                vg.VertexBuffer = vbo;
                                vg.AssignDrawer(new DX11VertexAutoDrawer());
                                if (customlayout)
                                    vg.VertexSize = vsize;

                                this.clone  = vg;
                                this.buffer = vbo;

                        #region Inxexed geom
                        if (this.FIn[0][context] is DX11IndexedGeometry)
                            if (!this.FInAsAuto[0])
                                DX11IndexedGeometry ig = (DX11IndexedGeometry)this.FIn[0][context].ShallowCopy();

                                int    vsize = customlayout ? size : ig.VertexSize;
                                Buffer vbo   = BufferHelper.CreateStreamOutBuffer(context, vsize, ig.VerticesCount);
                                ig.VertexBuffer = vbo;
                                if (customlayout)
                                    ig.VertexSize = vsize;
                                this.clone  = ig;
                                this.buffer = vbo;
                                //Need to rebind indexed geom as vertex
                                DX11IndexedGeometry ig = (DX11IndexedGeometry)this.FIn[0][context];

                                int maxv = ig.VerticesCount;
                                if (this.FInMaxElements[0] > 0)
                                    maxv = this.FInMaxElements[0];

                                int    vsize = customlayout ? size : ig.VertexSize;
                                Buffer vbo   = BufferHelper.CreateStreamOutBuffer(context, vsize, maxv);

                                //Copy a new Vertex buffer with stream out
                                DX11VertexGeometry vg = new DX11VertexGeometry(context);
                                vg.AssignDrawer(new DX11VertexAutoDrawer());
                                vg.BoundingBox    = ig.BoundingBox;
                                vg.HasBoundingBox = ig.HasBoundingBox;
                                vg.InputLayout    = ig.InputLayout;
                                vg.Topology       = ig.Topology;
                                vg.VertexBuffer   = vbo;
                                vg.VertexSize     = ig.VertexSize;
                                vg.VerticesCount  = ig.VerticesCount;

                                if (customlayout)
                                    vg.VertexSize = vsize;

                                this.clone  = vg;
                                this.buffer = vbo;

                        #region Null geom
                        if (this.FIn[0][context] is DX11NullGeometry)
                            DX11NullGeometry ng = (DX11NullGeometry)this.FIn[0][context];

                            Buffer vbo = BufferHelper.CreateStreamOutBuffer(context, size, this.FInMaxElements[0]);

                            //Copy a new Vertex buffer with stream out
                            DX11VertexGeometry vg = new DX11VertexGeometry(context);
                            vg.AssignDrawer(new DX11VertexAutoDrawer());
                            vg.BoundingBox    = ng.BoundingBox;
                            vg.HasBoundingBox = ng.HasBoundingBox;
                            vg.InputLayout    = ng.InputLayout;
                            vg.Topology       = ng.Topology;
                            vg.VertexBuffer   = vbo;
                            vg.VertexSize     = size;
                            vg.VerticesCount  = this.FInMaxElements[0];

                            this.clone  = vg;
                            this.buffer = vbo;

                        #region Index Only geom
                        if (this.FIn[0][context] is DX11IndexOnlyGeometry)
                            DX11IndexOnlyGeometry ng = (DX11IndexOnlyGeometry)this.FIn[0][context];

                            Buffer vbo = BufferHelper.CreateStreamOutBuffer(context, size, this.FInMaxElements[0]);

                            //Copy a new Vertex buffer with stream out
                            DX11VertexGeometry vg = new DX11VertexGeometry(context);
                            vg.AssignDrawer(new DX11VertexAutoDrawer());
                            vg.BoundingBox    = ng.BoundingBox;
                            vg.HasBoundingBox = ng.HasBoundingBox;
                            vg.InputLayout    = ng.InputLayout;
                            vg.Topology       = ng.Topology;
                            vg.VertexBuffer   = vbo;
                            vg.VertexSize     = size;
                            vg.VerticesCount  = this.FInMaxElements[0];

                            this.clone  = vg;
                            this.buffer = vbo;

                        if (customlayout)
                            this.clone.InputLayout = elems;

                        if (this.FOutBuffer[0][context] != null)

                        if (context.ComputeShaderSupport)
                            this.FOutBuffer[0][context] = new DX11RawBuffer(context, this.buffer);
                            this.FOutBuffer[0][context] = null;

                    ctx.StreamOutput.SetTargets(new StreamOutputBufferBinding(this.buffer, 0));
                    shaderdata.SetInputAssembler(ctx, this.FIn[0][context], 0);

                    DX11ObjectRenderSettings ors = new DX11ObjectRenderSettings();
                    ors.DrawCallIndex  = 0;
                    ors.Geometry       = this.FIn[0][context];
                    ors.WorldTransform = Matrix.Identity;

                    this.varmanager.ApplyPerObject(context, shaderdata.ShaderInstance, ors, 0);




                    this.FOut[0][context] = this.clone;

                    this.FOut[0][context] = this.FIn[0][context];
                this.FOut[0][context] = this.FIn[0][context];
        public void Update(IPluginIO pin, DX11RenderContext context)
            if (this.FInvalidate || this.FEmpty)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.scenes.Count; i++)
                    if (scenes[i] != null)
                        AssimpScene scene = scenes[i];

                        for (int j = 0; j < scene.MeshCount; j++)
                            AssimpMesh assimpmesh = scene.Meshes[j];

                            List <int> inds = assimpmesh.Indices;

                            if (inds.Count > 0 && assimpmesh.VerticesCount > 0)
                                var indexstream = new DataStream(inds.Count * 4, true, true);
                                indexstream.Position = 0;

                                DX11IndexOnlyGeometry geom = new DX11IndexOnlyGeometry(context);
                                geom.IndexBuffer    = new DX11IndexBuffer(context, indexstream, false, true);
                                geom.InputLayout    = assimpmesh.GetInputElements().ToArray();
                                geom.Topology       = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
                                geom.HasBoundingBox = true;
                                geom.BoundingBox    = assimpmesh.BoundingBox;

                                DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3> p =
                                    new DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3>(context, assimpmesh.PositionPointer, assimpmesh.VerticesCount);

                                DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3> n =
                                    new DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3>(context, assimpmesh.NormalsPointer, assimpmesh.VerticesCount);

                                if (assimpmesh.UvChannelCount > 0)
                                    DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3> u =
                                        new DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3>(context, assimpmesh.GetUvPointer(0), assimpmesh.VerticesCount);

                                    this.FOutUvs[i][j][context] = u;

                                DX11RawBuffer rb = new DX11RawBuffer(context, geom.IndexBuffer.Buffer);

                                this.FOutPosition[i][j][context] = p;
                                this.FOutNormals[i][j][context]  = n;
                                this.FOutGeom[i][j][context]     = geom;
                                this.FOutIndices[i][j][context]  = rb;
                this.FInvalidate = false;
                this.FEmpty      = false;