protected void OnExistGameClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //rest start game message if exists GeneralErrorStartGame.Text = ""; DTO_GamePlay selectedGame = ((DTO_GamePlay[])Session[WebSiteManager.WATING_GAMES_LIST_SESSION])[gamesGV.SelectedRow.RowIndex]; DTO_ACCOUNT loggedInAccount = (DTO_ACCOUNT)(Session[WebSiteManager.LOGGEDIN_ACCOUNT_SESSION]); DTO_Player joiningPlayer = loggedInAccount.players[PlayerList2.SelectedIndex]; if (selectedGame.hostPlayerID == joiningPlayer.Id) { GeneralError.ForeColor = Color.Red; GeneralError.Text = "You are owner of this game,You allowed to close the game"; } else if (selectedGame.joinedPlayerID != joiningPlayer.Id) { GeneralError.ForeColor = Color.Red; GeneralError.Text = "You are not player in this game"; } else { WebSiteManager.ExistGame(selectedGame.Key); loadWatingGames(); // first time page loades we color the tabel for player at index 0 ColorGamesTableRows(PlayerList2.SelectedIndex); gamesGridViewPanel.Update(); } }
public int AddGame(DTO_GamePlay game) { GamePlay gp = new GamePlay { Host_Player_ID = game.hostPlayerID, Join_Player_ID = game.joinedPlayerID, Start_Date = game.createDate, Status = Application_Constants.GAME_STATUS_WATING_FOR_PLAYER, Name = game.gameName }; db.GamePlays.InsertOnSubmit(gp); db.SubmitChanges(); return(gp.GAME_ID); }
public static int AddGame(DTO_GamePlay game) { DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(DTO_GamePlay)); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); ser.WriteObject(stream, game); string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray(), 0, (int)stream.Length); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.Headers["Content-type"] = "application/json"; webClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; string res = webClient.UploadString(SERVICE_URL + "/WebAddGame", "POST", data); return(Int32.Parse(res)); }
// registation of new local game of player vs computer for storing game movments. public static void RegisterNewLocalGamePlay() { GameForm form1Ref = (GameForm)Application.OpenForms["GameForm"]; Thread thread = new Thread(delegate() { DTO_GamePlay gamePlay = new DTO_GamePlay { hostPlayerID = GameController.loggedInAccountPlayerPlaying.Id, joinedPlayerID = Constants.GM_PLAYER_ID, createDate = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(), gameName = GameController.loggedInAccount.NAME + " VS Checkers" }; GameController.currentPlayingGameID = duplexServiceClient.ClientAddGame(gamePlay); form1Ref.ShowAndStartLocalGamePlay(); }); thread.Start(); }
protected void OnStartGameClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isPlayerHostingOrJoinedGame(((DTO_ACCOUNT)Session[WebSiteManager.LOGGEDIN_ACCOUNT_SESSION]).players[PlayerList.SelectedIndex].Id)) { GeneralErrorStartGame.ForeColor = Color.Red; GeneralErrorStartGame.Text = "You Allready registared to game"; return; } try { DTO_ACCOUNT loggedInAccount = (DTO_ACCOUNT)(Session[WebSiteManager.LOGGEDIN_ACCOUNT_SESSION]); DTO_Player hostGamePlayer = loggedInAccount.players[PlayerList.SelectedIndex]; DTO_GamePlay game = new DTO_GamePlay { gameName = GameNameTB.Text, hostPlayerID = hostGamePlayer.Id, createDate = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime() }; int gameKey = WebSiteManager.AddGame(game); // load the wating games from db and bind to girdview table loadWatingGames(); // first time page loades we color the tabel for player at index 0 ColorGamesTableRows(PlayerList2.SelectedIndex); gamesGridViewPanel.Update(); GeneralErrorStartGame.ForeColor = Color.Green; GeneralErrorStartGame.Text = "Game successfully registared, Key : " + gameKey; } catch (WebException ex) { using (WebResponse response = ex.Response) { var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)response; using (Stream data = response.GetResponseStream()) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(data); } } } }
public int ClientAddGame(DTO_GamePlay game) { return(AddGame(game)); }
public int WebAddGame(DTO_GamePlay game) { return(AddGame(game)); }