Exemple #1
        public override void StopEncode()
            DSEncoder enc = this.encoder;

            if (enc != null)
Exemple #2
        public override void StartEncode(Stream output)
            using (DSEncoder enc = new DSEncoder())
                this.encoder = enc;

                string source = parameters["source"];
                if (source.StartsWith("desktop", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    //Zdroj je plocha PC
                    uint desktopFps = parameters.ContainsKey("desktopfps") ? uint.Parse(parameters["desktopfps"]) : 10;
                    bool captureWin = string.Equals(source, "desktop_window", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                    enc.SetInput(InputType.Desktop(desktopFps, captureWin));
                else if (string.Equals(source, "static", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    //Zdrojom je staticky obraz
                    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                        using (System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = HelperClass.GetTextBitmap(LanguageResource.Loading + "...", 720, 576, 25))
                            bitmap.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
                            enc.SetInput(InputType.Static(10, ms.ToArray()));
                else if (source.StartsWith("webcam", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    //Zdroj je webkamera
                    string[] webcamParam = source.Split(new char[] { '_' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (webcamParam.Length == 1)
                        enc.SetInput(InputType.Webcam(WebcamInput.GetVideoInputNames().FirstOrDefault(), WebcamInput.GetAudioInputNames().FirstOrDefault()));
                        enc.SetInput(InputType.Webcam(webcamParam[1], WebcamInput.GetAudioInputNames().FirstOrDefault()));
                    //Zdrj je subor, http link
                    bool reqSeeking = (parameters.ContainsKey("starttime") || parameters.ContainsKey("endtime")) &&
                                      this.codec != DSCodec.MPEG2_PS && this.codec != DSCodec.MPEG2_TS &&
                                      this.codec != DSCodec.MPEG2LAYER1_PS && this.codec != DSCodec.MPEG2LAYER1_TS;

                    //Nastavi sa preferovany demultiplexor podla guid, hodnoty su oddelene znakom |
                    IEnumerable <Guid> prefDsDemux = null;
                    if (parameters.ContainsKey("prefDsDemux"))
                        prefDsDemux = parameters["prefDsDemux"].Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(a => Guid.Parse(a));

                    enc.SetInput(source, reqSeeking, prefDsDemux);

                uint setVideo = this.video.HasValue ? this.video.Value : 1;
                uint setAudio = this.audio.HasValue ? this.audio.Value : 1;

                //Integrovanie titulkov, ak nie je zadany nazov - automaticka detekcia
                //Ak je zadany nazov - nastav prislusny subor
                string subPath   = null;
                bool   subtitles = parameters.ContainsKey("subtitles");
                if (subtitles)
                    if (parameters["subtitles"] != string.Empty)
                        subPath = parameters["subtitles"];

                //Nastavenie video a zvukovej stopy
                uint actVideo = 1, actAudio = 1, actSubtitle = 1;
                foreach (PinInfoItem item in enc.SourcePins)
                    if (item.MediaType == PinMediaType.Video)
                        //Ak sa jedna o stream a uzivatel nezadal index, nenastavuje sa IsSelected - necha sa povodne
                        if (item.IsStream && !this.video.HasValue)

                        if (actVideo == setVideo)
                            item.IsSelected = true;
                            item.IsSelected = false;
                    else if (item.MediaType == PinMediaType.Audio)
                        //Ak sa jedna o stream a uzivatel nezadal index, nenastavuje sa IsSelected - necha sa povodne
                        if (item.IsStream && !this.audio.HasValue)

                        if (actAudio == setAudio)
                            item.IsSelected = true;
                            item.IsSelected = false;
                    else if (item.MediaType == PinMediaType.Subtitle)
                        //Ak uzivatel nevyziadal titulky - nezapnu sa ani ked ide stream
                        string lang = ((PinSubtitleItem)item).LangName;
                        if (string.Equals(lang, subPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || actSubtitle.ToString() == subPath)
                            //Ak parameter zodpoveda nazvu jazyka alebo indexu nastavi sa IsSelected
                            //subPath sa nastavi na null - aby ho enkoder nepovazoval ze cestu k titulkom
                            subPath         = null;
                            item.IsSelected = true;
                            item.IsSelected = false;
                        item.IsSelected = false;

                //Zistenie sirky a vysky, povodna hodnota ak nezadane
                uint width  = this.width.HasValue ? this.width.Value : 0;
                uint height = this.height.HasValue ? this.height.Value : 0;

                //Zistenie bitrate pre audio a vide, povodna hodnota ak nezadane
                uint vidBitrate = this.vidBitrate.HasValue ? this.vidBitrate.Value : 0;
                uint audBitrate = this.audBitrate.HasValue ? this.audBitrate.Value : 0;

                //Zistenie kvality videa
                uint quality = 50;
                if (parameters.ContainsKey("quality"))
                    quality = uint.Parse(parameters["quality"]);
                    if (quality < 1 || quality > 100)
                        throw new HttpException(400, "Encode quality must be in range 1-100");

                //Zistenie poctu snimok za sekundu
                uint fps = 0;
                if (parameters.ContainsKey("fps"))
                    fps = uint.Parse(parameters["fps"]);

                //Zistenie ci zachovat pomer stran pri zmene rozlisenia
                bool keepAspect = parameters.ContainsKey("keepaspect");

                //Zistenie typu skenovania
                ScanType?scanType = null;
                if (parameters.ContainsKey("scan"))
                    if (parameters["scan"].Equals("i", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        scanType = ScanType.Interlaced;
                    else if (parameters["scan"].Equals("p", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        scanType = ScanType.Progressive;

                //Nastavenie velkosti buffera (KByte) pre async stream - mozne iba pre non-seekable container
                int outBufferSize = 0;
                if (parameters.ContainsKey("obufsize"))
                    outBufferSize = int.Parse(parameters["obufsize"]);
                    if (outBufferSize < 1)
                        throw new HttpException(400, "Output buffer size must be non-negative");
                    outBufferSize *= 1024;

                ContainerType container = null;
                switch (this.codec)
                case DSCodec.MPEG2_PS: container = ContainerType.MPEG2_PS(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps,
                                                                          scanType.HasValue ? scanType.Value : ScanType.Interlaced, subtitles, subPath, keepAspect, MpaLayer.Layer2, audBitrate * 1000);

                case DSCodec.MPEG2_TS: container = ContainerType.MPEG2_TS(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps,
                                                                          scanType.HasValue ? scanType.Value : ScanType.Interlaced, subtitles, subPath, keepAspect, MpaLayer.Layer2, audBitrate * 1000);

                case DSCodec.MPEG2LAYER1_PS: container = ContainerType.MPEG2_PS(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps,
                                                                                scanType.HasValue ? scanType.Value : ScanType.Interlaced, subtitles, subPath, keepAspect, MpaLayer.Layer1, audBitrate * 1000);

                case DSCodec.MPEG2LAYER1_TS: container = ContainerType.MPEG2_TS(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps,
                                                                                scanType.HasValue ? scanType.Value : ScanType.Interlaced, subtitles, subPath, keepAspect, MpaLayer.Layer1, audBitrate * 1000);

                case DSCodec.MPEG2_TS_H264: container = ContainerType.MPEG2_TS_H264(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps,
                                                                                    subtitles, subPath, keepAspect, audBitrate * 1000);

                case DSCodec.HLS:
                    if (!parameters.ContainsKey("hlsPlaylistUrl") || !parameters.ContainsKey("hlsFileUrl") || !parameters.ContainsKey("hlsSegmentTime"))
                        throw new HttpException(400, "Missing 'hlsPlaylistUrl', 'hlsFileUrl' or 'hlsSegmentTime' parameter");

                    container = ContainerType.HLS(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps, subtitles, subPath, keepAspect,
                                                  audBitrate * 1000, parameters["hlsPlaylistUrl"], parameters["hlsFileUrl"], uint.Parse(parameters["hlsSegmentTime"]));
                    outBufferSize = 0;
                    //HLS nepouzivat ako vystup stream
                    output = null;

                case DSCodec.WEBM: container = ContainerType.WEBM(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps, subtitles,
                                                                  subPath, keepAspect, audBitrate * 1000, false);
                    outBufferSize = 0;

                case DSCodec.WEBM_TS: container = ContainerType.WEBM(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps, subtitles,
                                                                     subPath, keepAspect, audBitrate * 1000, true);

                case DSCodec.WMV2: container = ContainerType.WMV(width, height, WMVideoSubtype.WMMEDIASUBTYPE_WMV2, vidBitrate * 1000, quality,
                                                                 fps, subtitles, subPath, audBitrate * 1000);

                case DSCodec.WMV3: container = ContainerType.WMV(width, height, WMVideoSubtype.WMMEDIASUBTYPE_WMV3, vidBitrate * 1000, quality,
                                                                 fps, subtitles, subPath, audBitrate * 1000);

                case DSCodec.AVI: container = ContainerType.AVI(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps,
                                                                scanType.HasValue ? scanType.Value : ScanType.Progressive, subtitles, subPath, keepAspect, audBitrate * 1000);
                    outBufferSize = 0;

                case DSCodec.MP4: container = ContainerType.MP4(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps, subtitles, subPath,
                                                                keepAspect, audBitrate * 1000, false);
                    outBufferSize = 0;

                case DSCodec.MP4_TS: container = ContainerType.MP4(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps, subtitles, subPath,
                                                                   keepAspect, audBitrate * 1000, true);

                case DSCodec.MP3: container = ContainerType.MP3(BitrateMode.CBR, audBitrate * 1000, quality, false);
                    outBufferSize           = 0;

                case DSCodec.MP3_TS: container = ContainerType.MP3(BitrateMode.CBR, audBitrate * 1000, quality, true);

                case DSCodec.FLV: container = ContainerType.FLV(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps, subtitles, subPath,
                                                                keepAspect, audBitrate * 1000, false);
                    outBufferSize = 0;

                case DSCodec.FLV_TS: container = ContainerType.FLV(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps, subtitles, subPath,
                                                                   keepAspect, audBitrate * 1000, true);

                case DSCodec.FLV_H264: container = ContainerType.FLV_H264(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps, subtitles, subPath,
                                                                          keepAspect, audBitrate * 1000, false);
                    outBufferSize = 0;

                case DSCodec.FLV_H264_TS: container = ContainerType.FLV_H264(width, height, BitrateMode.CBR, vidBitrate * 1000, quality, fps, subtitles, subPath,
                                                                             keepAspect, audBitrate * 1000, true);

                //Nastavenie casu zaciatku a konca v milisekundach (v parametroch su sekundy)
                long startTime = 0, endTime = 0;
                if (parameters.ContainsKey("starttime"))
                    startTime = (long)(double.Parse(parameters["starttime"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * 1000);
                if (parameters.ContainsKey("endtime"))
                    endTime = (long)(double.Parse(parameters["endtime"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * 1000);

                if (this.progressChangeDel != null)
                    enc.ProgressChange += new EventHandler <ProgressChangeEventArgs>(enc_ProgressChange);

                using (BufferedAsyncStream bufferedOutput = new BufferedAsyncStream(output, outBufferSize))
                    if (outBufferSize > 0)
                        output = bufferedOutput;

                    //Nastavenie vystupu
                    enc.SetOutput(output, container, startTime, endTime);

