public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, out DRObjects.Enums.InternalActionEnum? instruction, out object[] args)
            //We always handle a click by sending the instruction

            instruction = this.action;
            args = this.args;

            return true;
        public bool HandleKeyboard(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.KeyboardState keyboard, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out object[] args, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            //we don't handle the keyboard
            actionType = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;

            return false;
        bool IGameInterfaceComponent.HandleClick(int x, int y, MouseActionEnum mouse, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType,out InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args, out MapItem itm, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            //This component will 'absorb' the click, but do nothing whatsoever.
            actionType = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;
            internalActionType = null;
            itm = null;

            return true;
        public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum mouseAction, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args, out MapItem item, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            //This does nothing

            item = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;
            actionType = null;
            internalActionType = null;

            return visible; //If it's visible - block it. Otherwise do nothing
        public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum mouseAction, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType,out InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args,out MapItem itm, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            if (!visible)
                itm = null;
                actionType = null;
                destroy = false;
                coord = null;
                args = null;
                internalActionType = null;
                return false;

            //Check if we're in the middle of an animation cycle
            if (this.bigSizeSwitch == 0 || this.bigSizeSwitch == BIGSIZE)
                //toggle big mode
                this.bigMode = !this.bigMode;

                if (this.bigMode)
                    //Expand rectangle by 200 pixels - gradually

                    this.bigSizeSwitch = 0;

                    //  this.rect.Y -= 200;
                    // this.rect.Height += 200;
                    this.bigSizeSwitch = 200;

                    // this.rect.Y += 200;
                    // this.rect.Height -= 200;

            actionType = null;
            destroy = false;
            coord = null;
            args = null;
            internalActionType = null;
            itm = null;
            return true;
        public bool HandleKeyboard(KeyboardState keyboard, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out object[] args, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            actionType = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false; //If the user moves, destroy it

            if (keyboard.GetPressedKeys().Contains(Keys.Left) || keyboard.GetPressedKeys().Contains(Keys.Right) || keyboard.GetPressedKeys().Contains(Keys.Down) || keyboard.GetPressedKeys().Contains(Keys.Up))
                destroy = true;

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the action and handles feedback
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="?"></param>
        public void PerformAction(MapCoordinate coord, MapItem item, DRObjects.Enums.ActionType actionType, object[] args)
            //remove any viewtiletext components or contextmenu components
            for (int i = 0; i < interfaceComponents.Count; i++)
                var type = interfaceComponents[i].GetType();
                if (type.Equals(typeof(ViewTileTextComponent)) || type.Equals(typeof(ContextMenuComponent)))

            ActionFeedback[] fb = UserInterfaceManager.PerformAction(coord, item, actionType, args);

            //go through all the feedback

            for (int i = 0; i < fb.Length; i++)
                ActionFeedback feedback = fb[i];

                if (feedback == null)

                if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(AttackFeedback)))
                    AttackFeedback af = feedback as AttackFeedback;

                    var combatAf = CombatManager.Attack(af.Attacker, af.Defender, AttackLocation.CHEST); //always attack the chest

                    var tempFBList = fb.ToList();

                    fb = tempFBList.ToArray();

                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(OpenInterfaceFeedback)))
                    OpenInterfaceFeedback oif= feedback as OpenInterfaceFeedback;

                    //Generate one
                    if (oif.Interface.GetType() == typeof(CombatManualInterface))
                        var cmi = oif.Interface as CombatManualInterface;

                        CombatManualComponent cmc = new CombatManualComponent(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - 200, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - 150, cmi.Manual);

                    else if (oif.Interface.GetType() == typeof(ThrowItemInterface))
                        var tii = oif.Interface as ThrowItemInterface;

                        //Do we have LoS to that point?
                        if (GameState.LocalMap.HasDirectPath(GameState.PlayerCharacter.MapCharacter.Coordinate,tii.Coordinate))
                            ThrowItemComponent tic = new ThrowItemComponent(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y, tii.Coordinate, GameState.PlayerCharacter);
                            var tempFBList = fb.ToList();
                            tempFBList.Add(new TextFeedback("You can't see there"));

                            fb = tempFBList.ToArray();
                if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(TextFeedback)))
                    MouseState mouse = Mouse.GetState();

                    //Display it
                    interfaceComponents.Add(new ViewTileTextComponent(mouse.X + 15, mouse.Y, (feedback as TextFeedback).Text));
                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(LogFeedback)))
                    GameState.NewLog.Add(feedback as LogFeedback);
                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(InterfaceToggleFeedback)))
                    InterfaceToggleFeedback iop = feedback as InterfaceToggleFeedback;

                    if (iop.InterfaceComponent == InternalActionEnum.OPEN_ATTACK && iop.Open)
                        //Open the attack interface for a particular actor. If one is not open already
                        //Identify the actor in question
                        var actorMapItem = iop.Argument as LocalCharacter;

                        //Locate the actual actor
                        Actor actor = GameState.LocalMap.Actors.Where(lm => lm.MapCharacter == actorMapItem).FirstOrDefault(); //Yep, it's a pointer equals

                        bool openAlready = false;

                        //Do we have one open already?
                        foreach (AttackActorComponent aac in interfaceComponents.Where(ic => ic.GetType().Equals(typeof(AttackActorComponent))))
                            if (aac.TargetActor.Equals(actor))
                                openAlready = true;

                        if (!openAlready)
                            //Open it. Otherwise don't do anything
                            interfaceComponents.Add(new AttackActorComponent(150, 150, GameState.PlayerCharacter, actor) { Visible = true });

                    else if (iop.InterfaceComponent == InternalActionEnum.OPEN_ATTACK && !iop.Open)
                        //Close it
                        var actor = iop.Argument as Actor;

                        AttackActorComponent component = null;

                        foreach (AttackActorComponent aac in interfaceComponents.Where(ic => ic.GetType().Equals(typeof(AttackActorComponent))))
                            if (aac.TargetActor.Equals(actor))
                                component = aac;

                        //Did we have a match?
                        if (component != null)
                            //remove it

                    else if (iop.InterfaceComponent == InternalActionEnum.OPEN_TRADE && iop.Open)
                        //Open trade
                        var arguments = iop.Argument as object[];

                        TradeDisplayComponent tdc = new TradeDisplayComponent(100, 100, arguments[1] as Actor, arguments[0] as Actor);

                    else if (iop.InterfaceComponent == InternalActionEnum.OPEN_LOOT)
                        //Open Loot
                        TreasureChest lootContainer = (iop.Argument as object[])[0] as TreasureChest;

                        LootComponent lc = new LootComponent(100, 100, lootContainer);

                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(CreateEventFeedback)))
                    CreateEventFeedback eventFeedback = feedback as CreateEventFeedback;

                    var gameEvent = EventHandlingManager.CreateEvent(eventFeedback.EventName);

                    //Create the actual control
                    interfaceComponents.Add(new DecisionPopupComponent(PlayableWidth / 2 - 150, PlayableHeight / 2 - 150, gameEvent));

                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(ReceiveEffectFeedback)))
                    ReceiveEffectFeedback recFeed = feedback as ReceiveEffectFeedback;

                    EffectsManager.PerformEffect(recFeed.Effect.Actor, recFeed.Effect);
                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(ReceiveBlessingFeedback)))
                    ReceiveBlessingFeedback blessFeedback = feedback as ReceiveBlessingFeedback;

                    LogFeedback lg = null;

                    //Bless him!
                    //Later we're going to want to do this properly so other characters can get blessed too
                    BlessingManager.GetAndApplyBlessing(GameState.PlayerCharacter, out lg);

                    if (lg != null)
                        //Log it
                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(ReceiveItemFeedback)))
                    ReceiveItemFeedback receiveFeedback = feedback as ReceiveItemFeedback;

                    //Determine which item we're going to generate
                    InventoryItemManager iim = new InventoryItemManager();

                    InventoryItem itm = iim.GetBestCanAfford(receiveFeedback.Category.ToString(), receiveFeedback.MaxValue);

                    if (itm != null)
                        itm.InInventory = true;

                        GameState.PlayerCharacter.Inventory.Inventory.Add(itm.Category, itm);

                        GameState.NewLog.Add(new LogFeedback(InterfaceSpriteName.SUN, Color.DarkGreen, "You throw in your offering. You then see something glimmer and take it out"));
                        GameState.NewLog.Add(new LogFeedback(InterfaceSpriteName.MOON, Color.DarkBlue, "You throw in your offering. Nothing appears to be there. Hmm..."));

                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(LocationChangeFeedback)))
                    //Remove settlement button and interface
                    var locDetails = this.interfaceComponents.Where(ic => ic.GetType().Equals(typeof(LocationDetailsComponent))).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (locDetails != null)

                    var button = this.menuButtons.Where(mb => (mb as AutoSizeGameButton).Action == InternalActionEnum.TOGGLE_SETTLEMENT).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (button != null)

                    LocationChangeFeedback lce = feedback as LocationChangeFeedback;

                    if (lce.Location != null)

                        if (lce.Location is Settlement)

                            //Makde the components visible
                            LocationDetailsComponent ldc = new LocationDetailsComponent(GameState.LocalMap.Location as Settlement, PlayableWidth - 170, 0);
                            ldc.Visible = true;
                            menuButtons.Add(new AutoSizeGameButton(" Settlement ",, InternalActionEnum.TOGGLE_SETTLEMENT, new object[] { }, 270, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 35));
                            Window_ClientSizeChanged(null, null); //button is in the wrong position for some reason

                        GameState.LocalMap.IsGlobalMap = false;
                    else if (lce.VisitMainMap)
                        //If it's a bandit camp or a site, update the values of the members
                        if (GameState.LocalMap.Location as MapSite != null || GameState.LocalMap.Location as BanditCamp != null)
                            if (GameState.LocalMap.Location as BanditCamp != null)
                                var banditCamp = GameState.LocalMap.Location as BanditCamp;

                                banditCamp.BanditTotal = GameState.LocalMap.Actors.Count(a => a.IsActive && a.IsAlive && !a.IsPlayerCharacter
                                    && a.EnemyData != null && a.EnemyData.Profession == ActorProfession.WARRIOR);

                                //Has it been cleared?
                                if (banditCamp.BanditTotal == 0)
                                    //Find the item
                                    var campItem = GameState.GlobalMap.CampItems.FirstOrDefault(ci => ci.Camp == (GameState.LocalMap.Location as BanditCamp));

                                    if (campItem != null)
                                        campItem.IsActive = false;


                                        //Also find the coordinate of the camp, grab a circle around it and remove the owner
                                        var mapblocks = GameState.GlobalMap.GetBlocksAroundPoint(campItem.Coordinate, WorldGenerationManager.BANDIT_CLAIMING_RADIUS);

                                        foreach (var block in mapblocks)
                                            var tile = (block.Tile as GlobalTile);

                                            //Owned by bandit
                                            if (tile.Owner == 50)

                                        //Yes. Let's clear the camp
                                        GameState.NewLog.Add(new LogFeedback(InterfaceSpriteName.SWORD, Color.Black, "You drive the bandits away from the camp"));


                            else if (GameState.LocalMap.Location as MapSite != null)
                                var site = GameState.LocalMap.Location as MapSite;


                                foreach (var actorProfession in (ActorProfession[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(ActorProfession)))
                                    int count = GameState.LocalMap.Actors.Count(a => a.IsActive && a.IsAlive && !a.IsPlayerCharacter
                                    && a.EnemyData != null && a.EnemyData.Profession == actorProfession);

                                    site.SiteData.ActorCounts.Add(actorProfession, count);

                                if (site.SiteData.ActorCounts[ActorProfession.WARRIOR] == 0)
                                    //Out of warriors, abandon it. We'll decide who really owns it later
                                    site.SiteData.OwnerChanged = true;
                                    site.SiteData.MapRegenerationRequired = true;
                                    site.SiteData.Owners = OwningFactions.ABANDONED;
                                    site.SiteData.ActorCounts = new Dictionary<ActorProfession, int>();
                        //Serialise the old map

                        //Clear the stored location items
                        GameState.LocalMap.Location = null;


                        GameState.LocalMap.IsGlobalMap = true;

                    else if (lce.RandomEncounter != null)
                        //Get the biome
                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(DropItemFeedback)))
                    DropItemFeedback dif = feedback as DropItemFeedback;

                    //Drop the item underneath the player

                    //Remove from inventory
                    dif.ItemToDrop.InInventory = false;

                    GameState.PlayerCharacter.Inventory.Inventory.Remove(dif.ItemToDrop.Category, dif.ItemToDrop);
                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(TimePassFeedback)))
                    TimePassFeedback tpf = feedback as TimePassFeedback;

                    //Move time forth
                    GameState.IncrementGameTime(DRTimeComponent.MINUTE, tpf.TimePassInMinutes);

                    //Is the character dead?
                    if (!GameState.PlayerCharacter.IsAlive)
                        var gameEvent = EventHandlingManager.CreateEvent("Hunger Death");

                        //Create the actual control
                        interfaceComponents.Add(new DecisionPopupComponent(PlayableWidth / 2 - 150, PlayableHeight / 2 - 150, gameEvent));
                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(VisitedBlockFeedback)))
                    VisitedBlockFeedback vbf = feedback as VisitedBlockFeedback;

                    //Visit a region equal to the line of sight of the player character -
                    var blocks = GameState.LocalMap.GetBlocksAroundPoint(vbf.Coordinate, GameState.PlayerCharacter.LineOfSight);

                    //Only do the ones which can be ray traced
                    foreach (var block in RayTracingHelper.RayTraceForExploration(blocks, GameState.PlayerCharacter.MapCharacter.Coordinate))
                        block.WasVisited = true;
                else if (feedback.GetType().Equals(typeof(DescendDungeonFeedback)))
                    DescendDungeonFeedback ddf = feedback as DescendDungeonFeedback;

                    (GameState.LocalMap.Location as Dungeon).DifficultyLevel++;

                    this.LoadLocation(GameState.LocalMap.Location, true);


            //Update the log control
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates enemies on the map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="enemyCount"></param>
        /// <param name="enemyType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MapBlock[,] GenerateEnemies(MapBlock[,] blocks, int enemyCount, string enemyType, out DRObjects.Actor[] actors, int level, int equipmentCost = 0)
            ItemFactory.ItemFactory fact = new ItemFactory.ItemFactory();
            List<Actor> actorList = new List<Actor>();

            //We'll just pick blocks at random until we fail 50 times in a row or run out of enemies to place
            int failureCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < enemyCount; i++)
                if (failureCount == 50)

                int x = random.Next(blocks.GetLength(0));
                int y = random.Next(blocks.GetLength(1));

                //Is the block free
                if (blocks[x, y].MayContainItems)
                    int returnedID = -1;
                    //Put the enemy in there

                    //Get the basic Actor object

                    double multiplier = GameState.Random.Next(75, 125);

                    multiplier /= 100; //So we get a number between 0.75 and 1.25

                    Actor actor = ActorGeneration.CreateActor(enemyType, null, null, (int)(level * multiplier), (int)(equipmentCost * multiplier), null, out returnedID);

                    var mapObject = fact.CreateItem("enemies", returnedID);

                    (mapObject as LocalCharacter).Actor = actor;

                    //Create the Actor
                    actor.GlobalCoordinates = null; //useless for now
                    actor.IsPlayerCharacter = false;
                    actor.MapCharacter = mapObject;


                    blocks[x, y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(mapObject);

                    int missionType = random.Next(3);

                    if (missionType == 0)
                        //33% of them will Wander -
                        WanderMission mission = new WanderMission();
                        mission.WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);
                        mission.WanderRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, blocks.GetLength(0), blocks.GetLength(1));

                    else if (missionType == 1)
                        //33% will idle
                        IdleMission mission = new IdleMission();
                        //The rest will patrol
                        PatrolMission mission = new PatrolMission();
                        //Don't give them the point. We;ll choose it later

                    failureCount = 0;//reset
                    i--; //And again

            //return the map
            actors = actorList.ToArray();
            return blocks;
        public bool HandleKeyboard(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.KeyboardState keyboard, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out object[] args, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            actionType = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;

            if (keyboard.GetPressedKeys().Length > 0)
                //Destroy it
                destroy = true;

            return true;
        public bool HandleKeyboard(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.KeyboardState keyboard, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out object[] args, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            //This does nothing
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;
            actionType = null;

            return false; //This never does anything
        public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum mouseAction, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out DRObjects.Enums.InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args, out MapItem itm, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            actionType = null;
            internalActionType = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;
            itm = null;

            feedbackText = String.Empty;
            feedbackColour = Color.White;

            //Clicked on the button?
            if (swapButton.Contains(x, y))
                Buy = !Buy;

                //Remove all selections
                foreach (var item in row1Items.Union(row2Items).Union(row3Items))
                    item.Selected = false;

                return true;

            if (closeButton.Contains(x, y))
                //Close it
                destroy = true;
                return true;

            if (confirmButton.Contains(x, y))
                //Are they next to each other?
                if (this.VendorActor.MapCharacter.Coordinate - this.PlayerActor.MapCharacter.Coordinate > 2)
                    feedbackText = "You're too far away";
                    feedbackColour = Color.DarkRed;
                    return true; //invalid

                //Valid ?
                if (this.Buy)
                    if (this.totalSelected > PlayerActor.Inventory.TotalMoney)
                        feedbackText = "You can't afford that";
                        feedbackColour = Color.DarkRed;
                        return true;

                    //Allright, lets do this

                    //Take the items
                    foreach (var item in GetSelected())
                        this.VendorActor.VendorDetails.Stock.Remove(item.Item.Category, item.Item);
                        this.PlayerActor.Inventory.Inventory.Add(item.Item.Category, item.Item);

                    //Give him the money
                    this.PlayerActor.Inventory.TotalMoney -= totalSelected;
                    this.VendorActor.VendorDetails.Money += totalSelected;

                    //Remove all selections
                    foreach (var item in row1Items.Union(row2Items).Union(row3Items))
                        item.Selected = false;

                    feedbackText = "You finalise your purchase";
                    feedbackColour = Color.DarkGreen;
                    if (this.totalSelected > this.VendorActor.VendorDetails.Money)
                        feedbackText = "The Vendor hasn't got enough money to pay for those";
                        feedbackColour = Color.DarkRed;
                        return true;

                    //Allright, lets do this

                    //Take the items
                    foreach (var item in GetSelected())
                        this.PlayerActor.Inventory.Inventory.Remove(item.Item.Category, item.Item);
                        this.VendorActor.VendorDetails.Stock.Add(item.Item.Category, item.Item);

                    //Give him the money
                    this.PlayerActor.Inventory.TotalMoney += totalSelected;
                    this.VendorActor.VendorDetails.Money -= totalSelected;

                    //Remove all selections
                    foreach (var item in row1Items.Union(row2Items).Union(row3Items))
                        item.Selected = false;

                    feedbackText = "You finalise your trade";
                    feedbackColour = Color.DarkGreen;


            for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; i++)
                if (categories[i].Contains(x, y))
                    //Change category!
                    this.ChosenCategory = i;

                    //Remove all selections
                    foreach (var item in row1Items.Union(row2Items).Union(row3Items))
                        item.Selected = false;

                    //Handled. Naught else
                    return true;

            //Have we clicked on an item ?
            List<InventoryItemRectangle> allItemBoxes = new List<InventoryItemRectangle>();

            foreach (InventoryItemRectangle rect in allItemBoxes)
                if (rect.Rect.Contains(x, y))
                    //Does it contain an item?
                    if (rect.Item != null)
                        //Toggle the selection
                        rect.Selected = !rect.Selected;
                        return true; //Empty box


            return true;
        public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum mouseAction, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out DRObjects.Enums.InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args, out DRObjects.MapItem item, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            actionType = null;
            internalActionType = null;
            args = null;
            item = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;

            //Did they click on one of the Special Attacks ?
            for(int i=0; i < slotRectangles.Length; i++)
                Rectangle sRect = slotRectangles[i];

                if (sRect.Contains(x,y))
                    this.clickedNumber = i;

            //Did they click on cancel?
            if (this.cancelRect.Contains(x,y))
                destroy = true;
                return true;

            //Did they click on learn?
            if (this.learnRect.Contains(x,y))
                if (this.newAttack.SkillLevelRequired <= GameState.PlayerCharacter.Attributes.GetSkill(SkillName.FIGHTER))
                    //Learn it! Woo!
                    GameState.PlayerCharacter.SpecialAttacks[this.clickedNumber.Value] = this.newAttack;

                    //Destroy the inventory item
           = false;
           = false;


                    destroy = true;
                    return true;
                    //Can't learn it

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a camp
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MapBlock[,] GenerateCamp(int enemies, out MapCoordinate startPoint, out DRObjects.Actor[] enemyArray)
            MapBlock[,] map = new MapBlock[MAP_EDGE, MAP_EDGE];

            Random random = new Random();

            ItemFactory.ItemFactory factory = new ItemFactory.ItemFactory();

            int grassTileID = 0;

            factory.CreateItem(Archetype.TILES, "grass", out grassTileID);

            //Create a new map which is edge X edge in dimensions and made of grass
            for (int x = 0; x < MAP_EDGE; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < MAP_EDGE; y++)
                    MapBlock block = new MapBlock();
                    map[x, y] = block;
                    block.Tile = factory.CreateItem("tile", grassTileID);
                    block.Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

            //Now created a wall
            int pallisadeID = 0;

            factory.CreateItem(Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "pallisade wall lr", out pallisadeID);

            //Create a square of pallisade wall

            int startCoord = (MAP_EDGE - FORTIFICATION_EDGE) / 2;
            int endCoord = MAP_EDGE - ((MAP_EDGE - FORTIFICATION_EDGE) / 2);

            for (int x = startCoord + 1; x < endCoord; x++)
                MapBlock block = map[x, startCoord];
                MapItem item = factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", pallisadeID);


                block = map[x, endCoord];
                item = factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", pallisadeID);


            pallisadeID = 0;

            for (int y = startCoord + 1; y < endCoord; y++)
                factory.CreateItem(Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "pallisade wall tb", out pallisadeID);

                MapBlock block = map[startCoord, y];
                MapItem item = factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", pallisadeID);


                factory.CreateItem(Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "pallisade wall bt", out pallisadeID);

                block = map[endCoord, y];
                item = factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", pallisadeID);


            //We need to poke a hole in wall as an entrance
            //Let's poke one at the top and one at the bottom
            int center = MAP_EDGE / 2;

            int rValue = GameState.Random.Next(2);

            for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++)
                if (rValue == 1)
                    MapBlock block = map[center + x, startCoord];

                    MapBlock block = map[center + x, endCoord];


            rValue = GameState.Random.Next(2);

            for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++)
                if (rValue == 1)
                    MapBlock block = map[startCoord, y + center];
                    MapBlock block = map[endCoord, y + center];

            //Now, let's create some maplets in there

            //There's a single maplet containing the other maplets - let's get it
            LocalMapXMLParser lm = new LocalMapXMLParser();
            Maplet maplet = lm.ParseMapletFromTag("camp");

            LocalMapGenerator gen = new LocalMapGenerator();
            MapletActorWanderArea[] wanderAreas = null;
            MapletPatrolPoint[] patrolPoints = null;
            MapletFootpathNode[] footPath = null;

            var gennedMap = gen.GenerateMap(grassTileID, null, maplet, false, "", OwningFactions.BANDITS, out enemyArray, out wanderAreas, out patrolPoints,out footPath);

            gen.JoinMaps(map, gennedMap, startCoord + 1, startCoord + 1);

            //Let's add some trees and stuff
            int decorCount = (int)(map.GetLength(1) * 0.50);

            //Just find as many random points and if it happens to be grass, drop them
            int itemID = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < decorCount; i++)
                //Just trees
                MapItem decorItem = factory.CreateItem(Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "tree", out itemID);

                //Pick a random point
                MapBlock randomBlock = map[random.Next(map.GetLength(0)), random.Next(map.GetLength(1))];

                //Make sure its not inside the camp
                if (randomBlock.Tile.Coordinate.X >= startCoord && randomBlock.Tile.Coordinate.X <= endCoord && randomBlock.Tile.Coordinate.Y >= startCoord && randomBlock.Tile.Coordinate.Y <= endCoord)
                    //Not within the camp
                    continue; //try again

                if (randomBlock.MayContainItems && randomBlock.Tile.Name == "Grass")
                    //Yes, can support it
                //Otherwise forget all about it

            //Now select all the border tiles and put in a "Exit here" border
            for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                MapCoordinate coo = new MapCoordinate(x, 0, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                LeaveTownItem lti = new LeaveTownItem();
                lti.Coordinate = coo;
                lti.Description = "path outside the town";
                lti.Name = "Leave Town";

                lti.Coordinate = coo;

                map[x, 0].ForcePutItemOnBlock(lti);

                coo = new MapCoordinate(x, map.GetLength(1) - 1, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                lti = new LeaveTownItem();
                lti.Coordinate = coo;
                lti.Description = "path outside the town";
                lti.Name = "Leave Town";

                lti.Coordinate = coo;

                map[x, map.GetLength(1) - 1].ForcePutItemOnBlock(lti);


            for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                MapCoordinate coo = new MapCoordinate(0, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                LeaveTownItem lti = new LeaveTownItem();
                lti.Coordinate = coo;
                lti.Description = "path outside the town";
                lti.Name = "Leave Town";

                lti.Coordinate = coo;

                map[0, y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(lti);

                coo = new MapCoordinate(map.GetLength(0) - 1, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                lti = new LeaveTownItem();
                lti.Coordinate = coo;
                lti.Description = "path outside the town";
                lti.Name = "Town Borders";

                lti.Coordinate = coo;

                map[map.GetLength(0) - 1, y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(lti);

            #region Treasure Room

            //This is a bit naughty. We need to locate where the tiles become soil

            MapCoordinate soilStart = null;

            bool breakOut = false;

            for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                    if (map[x, y].Tile.Name.ToLower().Equals("soil"))
                        soilStart = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);
                        breakOut = true;

                if (breakOut)

            //Also naughty, we know it's 5x5

            #region Inner Wall

            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                factory.CreateItem(Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "pallisade wall lr", out pallisadeID);

                MapItem item = factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", pallisadeID);

                if (x != 2) //hole in the top
                    map[soilStart.X + x, soilStart.Y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(item);

                factory.CreateItem(Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "pallisade wall lr", out pallisadeID);

                item = factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", pallisadeID);

                map[soilStart.X + x, soilStart.Y + 5].ForcePutItemOnBlock(item);


            for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                factory.CreateItem(Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "pallisade wall tb", out pallisadeID);

                MapItem item = factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", pallisadeID);

                map[soilStart.X - 1, soilStart.Y + y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(item);

                factory.CreateItem(Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "pallisade wall bt", out pallisadeID);

                item = factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", pallisadeID);

                map[soilStart.X + 5, soilStart.Y + y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(item);



            #region Patrol Points

            //Now let's collect the patrol points. We're going to have two possible patrols - one around each of the entrances - and another on the outside corners of the map

            List<MapCoordinate> outsidePatrol = new List<MapCoordinate>();

            outsidePatrol.Add(new MapCoordinate(startCoord - 2, startCoord, 0, MapType.LOCAL));
            outsidePatrol.Add(new MapCoordinate(endCoord + 2, startCoord, 0, MapType.LOCAL));
            outsidePatrol.Add(new MapCoordinate(endCoord + 2, endCoord, 0, MapType.LOCAL));
            outsidePatrol.Add(new MapCoordinate(startCoord - 2, endCoord, 0, MapType.LOCAL));

            List<MapCoordinate> insidePatrol = new List<MapCoordinate>();

            insidePatrol.Add(new MapCoordinate(center, startCoord + 1, 0, MapType.LOCAL));
            insidePatrol.Add(new MapCoordinate(center, endCoord - 1, 0, MapType.LOCAL));
            insidePatrol.Add(new MapCoordinate(startCoord + 1, center, 0, MapType.LOCAL));
            insidePatrol.Add(new MapCoordinate(endCoord - 1, center, 0, MapType.LOCAL));

            //Go through all of those and make sure they're clear of anything that wouldn't let them walk upon them
            foreach (var coordinate in outsidePatrol)
                map[coordinate.X, coordinate.Y].RemoveTopItem();

            foreach (var coordinate in insidePatrol)
                map[coordinate.X, coordinate.Y].RemoveTopItem();


            #region Actors

            enemyArray = CreateBandits(enemies, outsidePatrol.Select(op => new PatrolPoint() { AcceptableRadius = 2, Coordinate = op }).ToList(), insidePatrol.Select(op => new PatrolPoint() { AcceptableRadius = 2, Coordinate = op }).ToList());

            int tries = 0;

            //Put them on the mappity map
            for (int i = 0; i < enemyArray.Length; i++)
                Actor actor = enemyArray[i];

                int randomX = random.Next(map.GetLength(0));
                int randomY = random.Next(map.GetLength(1));

                if (map[randomX, randomY].MayContainItems)
                    //Plop it on there
                    actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(randomX, randomY, 0, MapType.LOCAL);
                    map[randomX, randomY].ForcePutItemOnBlock(actor.MapCharacter);
                    tries = 0;

                    ////If they are wandering, make them wander in the right place
                    //var mission = actor.MissionStack.Peek();

                    //if (mission.MissionType == ActorMissionType.WANDER)
                    //    var wander = mission as WanderMission;

                    //    wander.WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate);
                    //    wander.WanderRectangle = new Rectangle(startCoord, startCoord, FORTIFICATION_EDGE, FORTIFICATION_EDGE);


                if (tries >= 50)
                    //give up


            startPoint = new MapCoordinate(map.GetLength(0) / 2, 0, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

            return map;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a dungeon having a particular amount of tiers, trap rooms, guard rooms and treasure rooms
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tiers">How many 'layers' the dungeon contains</param>
        /// <param name="enemyArray">A list of enemy actors</param>
        /// <param name="guardRooms">The maximum amount of guardrooms contained in the dungeon</param>
        /// <param name="maxOwnedPopulation">For each owned room which generates enemies, the maximum amount GENERATED in each room (does not preclude patrols from entering the same room)</param>
        /// <param name="maxWildPopulation">For each wild room which generates enemies, the maximum amount GENERATED in each room.</param>
        /// <param name="ownerType">For each owned room, the type of the enemies to create</param>
        /// <param name="percentageOwned">The percentage of the rooms which are owned as opposed to being wild. Bear in mind that wild rooms can spawn quite a bit of enemies</param>
        /// <param name="pointsOfInterest">The points of interest (ie guard and treasure rooms for instance) which have been generated. Used for patrols</param>
        /// <param name="startPoint">The entrance start point</param>
        /// <param name="utilityRooms">The maximum amount of Utility rooms to generate - these might contain civilian orcs which ignore the maxOwnedPopulation value</param>
        /// <param name="treasureRooms">The maximum amount of teasure rooms to generate</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MapBlock[,] GenerateDungeon(int tiers, int utilityRooms, int guardRooms, int treasureRooms, string ownerType,
            decimal percentageOwned, int maxWildPopulation, int maxOwnedPopulation,
            out MapCoordinate startPoint, out DRObjects.Actor[] enemyArray, out List<PointOfInterest> pointsOfInterest)
            startPoint = new MapCoordinate(0, 0, 0, MapType.LOCAL);
            pointsOfInterest = new List<PointOfInterest>();

            List<DRObjects.Actor> enemies = new List<DRObjects.Actor>();
            List<CitadelRoom> rooms = new List<CitadelRoom>();
            int uniqueID = 0;

            //Start with the root node
            CitadelRoom root = new CitadelRoom();
            root.SquareNumber = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)WIDTH / 2);
            root.TierNumber = 0;
            root.UniqueID = uniqueID++;
            root.Connections.Add(-1); //this is a special id. We'll use it to create a start point


            int currentTier = 1;
            int square = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)WIDTH / 2);
            CitadelRoom focusNode = root;

            Random random = new Random(DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond);

            while (currentTier < tiers)
                //Create a new node
                CitadelRoom newNode = new CitadelRoom();

                newNode.SquareNumber = square;
                newNode.TierNumber = currentTier;
                newNode.UniqueID = uniqueID++;
                newNode.CitadelRoomType = CitadelRoomType.EMPTY_ROOM;
                //connect the focus node to this node

                //change the focus node
                focusNode = newNode;
                //aaaand add it to the list

                //Now we decide whether to stay in the same tier - or increase the tier
                int randomNumber = random.Next(100);

                int siblings = rooms.Where(r => r.TierNumber.Equals(currentTier)).Count();
                int treshold = 0;

                switch (siblings)
                    case 1: treshold = PROB_2; break;
                    case 2: treshold = PROB_3; break;
                    case 3: treshold = PROB_4; break;
                    case 4: treshold = PROB_5; break;
                    default: treshold = 0; break; //NEVER

                if (randomNumber < treshold)
                    //then stay in the same place - go either left or right. Can we go in that direction?
                    bool canGoRight = !rooms.Any(r => (r.SquareNumber.Equals(square + 1) && r.TierNumber.Equals(currentTier)) || square + 1 > WIDTH);
                    bool canGoLeft = !rooms.Any(r => (r.SquareNumber.Equals(square - 1) && r.TierNumber.Equals(currentTier)) || square - 1 < 0);

                    if (canGoLeft && canGoRight)
                        //pick one at random
                        square += random.Next(2) == 1 ? 1 : -1;
                    else if (canGoLeft)
                        square -= 1;
                    else if (canGoRight)
                        square += 1;
                        //We've done it all

            //Now that that part is done, lets add some more paths so we turn this into a graph
            foreach (CitadelRoom room in rooms)
                //For each room, check who is a sibling or immediatly under him. There is a 50% chance of forming a link
                CitadelRoom[] potentialRooms = GetPathableRooms(rooms, room.TierNumber, room.SquareNumber);

                foreach (CitadelRoom potentialRoom in potentialRooms)
                    //Is there a connection already?
                    if (!potentialRoom.Connections.Contains(room.UniqueID))
                        if (random.Next(2) == 1)
                            //add a connection

            //go through the rooms and set some as wild rooms already
            foreach (var room in rooms)
                if (random.Next(100) > percentageOwned)
                    //Wild room
                    room.CitadelRoomType = CitadelRoomType.WILD_ROOM;

            //Lets assign the rooms based on the maximum amount.

            //Some rooms have more probability in certain regions.

            //So lets divide the rooms in 3
            //Favoured - x3
            //Other - x2
            //Unfavoured - x1

            int lowerBoundary = rooms.Count / 3;
            int upperBoundary = 2 * rooms.Count / 3;

            var orderedUtilities = rooms.Where
                (o => o.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.EMPTY_ROOM).OrderByDescending(o => random.Next(100) *
                (o.UniqueID > upperBoundary ? 1 : o.UniqueID > lowerBoundary ? 2 : 3)).Where(r => r.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.EMPTY_ROOM

            foreach (var room in orderedUtilities)
                room.CitadelRoomType = CitadelRoomType.UTILITY_ROOM;

            //Same thing for treasure rooms
            var orderedTreasure = rooms.Where
                (o => o.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.EMPTY_ROOM).OrderByDescending(o => random.Next(100) *
                (o.UniqueID > upperBoundary ? 3 : o.UniqueID > lowerBoundary ? 2 : 1)).Where(r => r.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.EMPTY_ROOM

            foreach (var room in orderedTreasure)
                room.CitadelRoomType = CitadelRoomType.TREASURE_ROOM;

            //And guard rooms
            var orderedGuard = rooms.Where
                (o => o.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.EMPTY_ROOM).OrderByDescending(o => random.Next(100) *
                (o.UniqueID > upperBoundary ? 1 : o.UniqueID > lowerBoundary ? 3 : 2)).Where(r => r.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.EMPTY_ROOM

            foreach (var room in orderedGuard)
                room.CitadelRoomType = CitadelRoomType.GUARD_ROOM;

            //Now that that part is done, we put them on the actual grid.

            //We go for a 15x15 room and connect the items in it.

            //15x15 - with a gap of 7 between them for tunnels
            int mapWidth = ((WIDTH + 7) * 20);
            int mapHeight = ((tiers + 7) * 20);

            //Create new blocks
            MapBlock[,] map = new MapBlock[mapWidth, mapHeight];

            for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                    map[x, y] = new MapBlock()
                            Tile = new MapItem()
                                Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL),
                                MayContainItems = false

            LocalMapGenerator gen = new LocalMapGenerator();
            LocalMapXMLParser xmlGen = new LocalMapXMLParser();

            //Start generating the maps and then stitch them upon the main map
            foreach (CitadelRoom room in rooms)
                MapBlock[,] gennedMap = null;
                string tag = String.Empty;

                switch (room.CitadelRoomType)
                    case CitadelRoomType.EMPTY_ROOM: tag = "Empty Dungeon"; break;
                    case CitadelRoomType.GUARD_ROOM: tag = "Guard Dungeon"; break;
                    case CitadelRoomType.UTILITY_ROOM: tag = "Utility Dungeon"; break;
                    case CitadelRoomType.TREASURE_ROOM: tag = "Treasure Dungeon"; break;
                    case CitadelRoomType.WILD_ROOM: tag = "Empty Dungeon"; break;
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Dungeon Room " + room.CitadelRoomType + " not planned for yet.");

                //Generate it :)
                Maplet maplet = xmlGen.ParseMapletFromTag(tag);

                Actor[] acts = null;
                MapletActorWanderArea[] wanderAreas = null;
                MapletPatrolPoint[] patrolPoints = null;
                MapletFootpathNode[] footPath = null;

                gennedMap = gen.GenerateMap(25, null, maplet, true, "", OwningFactions.ORCS ,out acts,out wanderAreas,out patrolPoints,out footPath);


                //Is it a treasure room?
                if (room.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.TREASURE_ROOM)
                    //Generate some loot
                    GenerateLoot(gennedMap, room.TierNumber);

                PointOfInterest mapletInterest = null;

                if (room.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.GUARD_ROOM || room.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.TREASURE_ROOM)
                    //This will be a point of interest. Select a random walkable point in the room and mark the place as such
                    for (int tryAmount = 0; tryAmount < 50; tryAmount++)
                        //Try for a maximum of 50 times
                        int x = random.Next(gennedMap.GetLength(0));
                        int y = random.Next(gennedMap.GetLength(1));

                        if (gennedMap[x, y].Tile.MayContainItems)
                            //Put this as the point
                            PointOfInterest interest = new PointOfInterest();
                            interest.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            if (room.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.GUARD_ROOM)
                                interest.Type = PointOfInterestType.GUARD_ROOM;
                            else if (room.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.TREASURE_ROOM)
                                interest.Type = PointOfInterestType.TREASURE;

                            mapletInterest = interest;

                DRObjects.Actor[] roomEnemies = new DRObjects.Actor[] { };

                if (room.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.GUARD_ROOM || room.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.TREASURE_ROOM)
                    //Create an amount of enemies - level doesn't matter, we'll regen later
                    gennedMap = gen.GenerateEnemies(gennedMap, random.Next(maxOwnedPopulation), ownerType, out roomEnemies, 10);


                if (room.CitadelRoomType == CitadelRoomType.WILD_ROOM)
                    //Create an amount of wild enemies - let's get a random type for this room. This will be of level 5. Later we'll have proper wildlife
                    string type = ActorGeneration.GetEnemyType(false);

                    gennedMap = gen.GenerateEnemies(gennedMap, random.Next(maxWildPopulation), type, out roomEnemies, 5);

                    //go through all of room enemies and set them to idle
                    foreach (var enemy in roomEnemies)
                        enemy.MissionStack.Push(new IdleMission());



                //fit her onto the main map

                int xIncreaser = room.SquareNumber * 20;
                int yIncreaser = (room.TierNumber * 20) + 3;

                //Fix the patrol points of any enemies
                foreach (Actor enemy in roomEnemies.Union(acts))
                    if (enemy.MissionStack.Count != 0 && enemy.MissionStack.Peek().MissionType == DRObjects.ActorHandling.ActorMissionType.WANDER)
                        //Change patrol point
                        MapCoordinate point = (enemy.MissionStack.Peek() as WanderMission).WanderPoint;
                        point.X += xIncreaser;
                        point.Y += yIncreaser;

                        //Change the rectangle x and y too
                        Rectangle rect = (enemy.MissionStack.Peek() as WanderMission).WanderRectangle;
                        rect.X = xIncreaser;
                        rect.Y = yIncreaser;

                        (enemy.MissionStack.Peek() as WanderMission).WanderRectangle = rect; //apparently rectangles are immutable or something
                //Update the point of interest if there is one
                if (mapletInterest != null)
                    mapletInterest.Coordinate.X += xIncreaser;
                    mapletInterest.Coordinate.Y += yIncreaser;

                for (int x = 0; x < gennedMap.GetLength(0); x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < gennedMap.GetLength(1); y++)
                        map[x + xIncreaser, y + yIncreaser] = gennedMap[x, y];
                        map[x + xIncreaser, y + yIncreaser].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x + xIncreaser, y + yIncreaser, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL);

                        foreach (var item in map[x + xIncreaser, y + yIncreaser].GetItems())
                            item.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x + xIncreaser, y + yIncreaser, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL);

                //Lets draw the connections - only the ones who's rooms we've drawn yet

                ItemFactory.ItemFactory factory = new ItemFactory.ItemFactory();

                foreach (var connection in room.Connections.Where(c => c < room.UniqueID))
                    if (connection == -1)
                        //Entrance hall!
                        //Create a line of 3 at the bottom and return the coordinates
                        int topEdgeY = yIncreaser;
                        int bottomEdgeXMin = 0 + xIncreaser;
                        int bottomEdgeXMax = gennedMap.GetLength(0) + xIncreaser;

                        //Find the start
                        int xStart = (bottomEdgeXMax - bottomEdgeXMin) / 2 + bottomEdgeXMin;

                        //Set the start point
                        startPoint = new MapCoordinate(xStart + 1, topEdgeY - 2, 0, MapType.LOCAL);
                        //Put the 'leave town' item on it

                        map[startPoint.X, startPoint.Y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(new LeaveTownItem());

                        int x = xStart;
                        int y = topEdgeY;

                        //go 3 steps down
                        for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++)
                            for (int x1 = 0; x1 < 3; x1++)
                                map[x + x1, y].Tile = factory.CreateItem("TILES", 25);
                                map[x + x1, y].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x + x1, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            y--; //move down

                        y = topEdgeY;

                        //Walk back
                            for (int x1 = 0; x1 < 3; x1++)
                                map[x + x1, y].Tile = factory.CreateItem("TILES", 25);
                                map[x + x1, y].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x + x1, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            y++; //move up
                        } while (x >= 0 && y < map.GetLength(1) && !map[x, y].Tile.MayContainItems);

                        //Put the spikes at the entrance
                        int dummy = -1;

                        map[xStart, topEdgeY - 2].ForcePutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem(Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "spikes", out dummy));
                        map[xStart + 2, topEdgeY - 2].ForcePutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem(Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "spikes", out dummy));


                    //Identify the room to be connected with
                    var roomToBeConnected = rooms.Where(r => r.UniqueID.Equals(connection)).FirstOrDefault();

                    //Determine the direction relative to the current room
                    if (roomToBeConnected.SquareNumber > room.SquareNumber)
                        //Find the rightmost edge of the room and start... somewhere

                        int rightEdgeX = gennedMap.GetLength(0) + xIncreaser;
                        int rightEdgeYMin = 0 + yIncreaser;
                        int rightEdgeYMax = gennedMap.GetLength(1) + yIncreaser;

                        //Pick a start at random
                        int yStart = random.Next(rightEdgeYMax - rightEdgeYMin - 2) + rightEdgeYMin;

                        //Now 'walk' from ystart-ystart+3 until you hit on something which has a block in it

                        int x = rightEdgeX;
                        int y = yStart;

                        while (x < map.GetLength(0) && y < map.GetLength(1) && !map[x, y].Tile.MayContainItems)
                            for (int y1 = 0; y1 < 3; y1++)
                                map[x, y + y1].Tile = factory.CreateItem("TILES", 25);
                                map[x, y + y1].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y + y1, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            x++; //increment x

                        x = rightEdgeX - 1;

                        //now lets walk backwards too
                        while (x >= 0 && x < map.GetLength(0) && y >= 0 && y < map.GetLength(1) && !map[x, y].Tile.MayContainItems)
                            for (int y1 = 0; y1 < 3; y1++)
                                map[x, y + y1].Tile = factory.CreateItem("TILES", 25);
                                map[x, y + y1].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y + y1, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            x--; //walk back

                    else if (roomToBeConnected.SquareNumber < room.SquareNumber)
                        //Find the leftMose edge of the room and start... somewhere

                        int leftEdgeX = xIncreaser;
                        int leftEdgeYMin = 0 + yIncreaser;
                        int leftEdgeYMax = gennedMap.GetLength(1) + yIncreaser;

                        //Pick a start at random
                        int yStart = random.Next(leftEdgeYMax - leftEdgeYMin - 2) + leftEdgeYMin;

                        //Now 'walk' from ystart-ystart+3 until you hit on something which has a block in it

                        int x = leftEdgeX;
                        int y = yStart;


                            for (int y1 = 0; y1 < 3; y1++)
                                map[x, y + y1].Tile = factory.CreateItem("TILES", 25);
                                map[x, y + y1].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y + y1, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            x--; //decrement x
                        } while (x >= 0 && x < map.GetLength(0) && y >= 0 && y < map.GetLength(1) && !map[x, y].Tile.MayContainItems);

                        x = leftEdgeX + 1;
                        //walk backwards
                            for (int y1 = 0; y1 < 3; y1++)
                                map[x, y + y1].Tile = factory.CreateItem("TILES", 25);
                                map[x, y + y1].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y + y1, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            x++; //walk back
                        } while (x >= 0 && x < map.GetLength(0) && y >= 0 && y < map.GetLength(1) && !map[x, y].Tile.MayContainItems);

                    else if (roomToBeConnected.TierNumber < room.TierNumber)
                        //Find the bottommost edge of the room and start... somewhere

                        int bottomEdgeY = yIncreaser;
                        int bottomEdgeXMin = 0 + xIncreaser;
                        int bottomEdgeXMax = gennedMap.GetLength(0) + xIncreaser;

                        //Pick a start at random
                        int xStart = random.Next(bottomEdgeXMax - bottomEdgeXMin - 2) + bottomEdgeXMin;

                        //Now 'walk' from xstart-xstart+3 until you hit on something which has a block in it

                        int x = xStart;
                        int y = bottomEdgeY;

                            for (int x1 = 0; x1 < 3; x1++)

                                map[x + x1, y].Tile = factory.CreateItem("TILES", 25);
                                map[x + x1, y].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x + x1, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            y--; //decrement y
                        } while (x >= 0 && x < map.GetLength(0) && y >= 0 && y < map.GetLength(1) && !map[x, y].Tile.MayContainItems);

                        y = bottomEdgeY + 1;

                        //Walk backwards
                            for (int x1 = 0; x1 < 3; x1++)
                                map[x + x1, y].Tile = factory.CreateItem("TILES", 25);
                                map[x + x1, y].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x + x1, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            y++; //walk back
                        } while (x >= 0 && x < map.GetLength(0) && y >= 0 && y < map.GetLength(1) && !map[x, y].Tile.MayContainItems);

                    else if (roomToBeConnected.TierNumber > room.TierNumber)
                        //TOP - Won't ever happen - but sure
                        //Find the topmost edge of the room and start... somewhere

                        int topEdgeY = yIncreaser + gennedMap.GetLength(1);
                        int bottomEdgeXMin = 0 + xIncreaser;
                        int bottomEdgeXMax = gennedMap.GetLength(0) + xIncreaser;

                        //Pick a start at random
                        int xStart = random.Next(bottomEdgeXMax - bottomEdgeXMin - 2) + bottomEdgeXMin;

                        //Now 'walk' from xstart-xstart+3 until you hit on something which has a block in it

                        int x = xStart;
                        int y = topEdgeY;

                            bool holed = false;

                            for (int x1 = 0; x1 < 3; x1++)

                                if (!holed)
                                    //Have a chance of putting in a hole
                                    if (random.Next(8) == 0)
                                        holed = true;
                                        continue; //don't put in a tile

                                map[x + x1, y].Tile = factory.CreateItem("TILES", 25);
                                map[x + x1, y].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x + x1, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            y++; //move up
                        } while (x >= 0 && x < map.GetLength(0) && y >= 0 && y < map.GetLength(1) && !map[x, y].Tile.MayContainItems);

                        //walk back
                        y = topEdgeY + 1;

                            for (int x1 = 0; x1 < 3; x1++)
                                map[x + x1, y].Tile = factory.CreateItem("TILES", 25);
                                map[x + x1, y].Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x + x1, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                            y--; //move down
                        } while (x >= 0 && x < map.GetLength(0) && y >= 0 && y < map.GetLength(1) && !map[x, y].Tile.MayContainItems);

            //We need to fix the enemies to conform to the standards

            enemyArray = enemies.ToArray();

            return map;
        public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum mouseAction, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args, out MapItem item, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            Point point = new Point(x, y);

            item = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;
            actionType = null;
            internalActionType = null;

            if (!visible)
                return false; //don't do anything

            //If we pressed a stance button, just change it
            if (this.defensiveStatusRect.Contains(point))
                //Swap stance to defensive
                attacker.CombatStance = DRObjects.ActorHandling.ActorStance.DEFENSIVE;
                return true;
            else if (this.aggressiveStatusRect.Contains(point))
                attacker.CombatStance = DRObjects.ActorHandling.ActorStance.AGGRESSIVE;
                return true;
            else if (this.normalStatusRect.Contains(point))
                attacker.CombatStance = DRObjects.ActorHandling.ActorStance.NEUTRAL;
                return true;

            //Where did the user click?
            if (attackButtonRectangle.Contains(point))
                //Then attack
                actionType = ActionType.ATTACK;
                List<object> argumentList = new List<object>();

                args = argumentList.ToArray();

                return true;

            //Did they click on something? Change the target
            if (headRect.Contains(point))
                this.currentAttackLocation = AttackLocation.HEAD;
                return true;

            if (leftArmRect.Contains(point))
                this.currentAttackLocation = AttackLocation.LEFT_ARM;
                return true;

            if (chestRect.Contains(point))
                this.currentAttackLocation = AttackLocation.CHEST;
                return true;


            if (rightArmRect.Contains(point))
                this.currentAttackLocation = AttackLocation.RIGHT_ARM;
                return true;

            if (legRect.Contains(point))
                this.currentAttackLocation = AttackLocation.LEGS;
                return true;

            if (closeRect.Contains(point))
                //Then close it
                destroy = true;

                return true;

            //Did we click on a special attack?
            for(int i=0; i < saRects.Length; i++)
                var rectangle = saRects[i];
                if (rectangle.Contains(x,y))
                    //Valid special attack?
                    if (attacker.SpecialAttacks[i] != null && attacker.SpecialAttacks[i].TimeOutLeft == 0)
                        //Then attack
                        actionType = ActionType.ATTACK;
                        List<object> argumentList = new List<object>();

                        args = argumentList.ToArray();

                        return true;


            return visible; //If it's visible - block it. Otherwise do nothing
        public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum mouseAction, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out DRObjects.Enums.InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args, out DRObjects.MapItem item, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            actionType = null;
            internalActionType = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;
            item = null;

            //Since this is modal it'll get all clicks. If the user has clicked out of the element, then we can destroy it
            if (!rect.Contains(x,y))
                destroy = true;

            Potion selectedPotion = null;

            //Determine the potion that was selected
            foreach(var r in this.ItemRects)
                if (r.Rect.Contains(x,y))
                    selectedPotion = r.Item as Potion;

            if (selectedPotion == null)
                //Never mind
                return true;

            //Otherwise, throw the stuff!
            //Determine who's in the splashzone
            var blocks = GameState.LocalMap.GetBlocksAroundPoint(targetCoordinate, 1);

            List<Actor> victims = new List<Actor>();

            foreach(var block in blocks)
                victims.AddRange(block.GetItems().Where(i => i.IsActive && i.GetType() == typeof(LocalCharacter)).Select(i => (i as LocalCharacter).Actor));

            //Remove dead ones - just in case
            victims = victims.Where(v => v.IsAlive).ToList();

            actionType = ActionType.THROW_ITEM;
            args = new object[3]

            destroy = true;

            //Oh, don't forget to discard the potion
            selectedPotion.InInventory = false;
            Actor.Inventory.Inventory.Remove(selectedPotion.Category, selectedPotion);

            return true; //modal
        public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum mouseAction, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out DRObjects.Enums.InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args, out MapItem itm, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            actionType = null;
            internalActionType = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;
            itm = null;

            //Clicked on a context menu item?
            foreach (var contextMenu in contextMenuChoices)
                if (contextMenu.Rect.Contains(x, y))
                    //Yes. Perform the action
                    //this.selectedItem.PerformAction(contextMenu.Action, this.CurrentActor, contextMenu.Args);
                    actionType = contextMenu.Action;
                    args = contextMenu.Args;
                    itm = selectedItem;

            //remove the contextual menu
            this.contextMenu = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
            contextMenuChoices = new List<ContextMenuItem>();
            selectedItem = null;

            for (int i=0; i < categories.Count; i++)
                if (categories[i].Contains(x, y))
                    //Change category!
                    this.ChosenCategory = i;

                    //remove the contextual menu
                    contextMenu = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
                    contextMenuChoices = new List<ContextMenuItem>();
                    selectedItem = null;

                    //Handled. Naught else
                    return true;

            //Have we clicked on an item ?
            List<InventoryItemRectangle> allItemBoxes = new List<InventoryItemRectangle>();

            foreach (InventoryItemRectangle rect in allItemBoxes)
                if (rect.Rect.Contains(x, y))
                    //remove the contextual menu
                    contextMenu = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
                    contextMenuChoices = new List<ContextMenuItem>();
                    selectedItem = null;

                    //Does it contain an item?
                    if (rect.Item != null)
                        //Yes - open contextual menu
                        contextMenu = new Rectangle(x+15, y+15, 0, 0);
                        selectedItem = rect.Item;

                        foreach (var action in rect.Item.GetPossibleActions(this.CurrentActor))
                            AddContextMenuItem(action, new object[0] { }, content);

                        return true;
                        return true; //Empty box


            //Have we clicked on an equipped item?
            foreach (EquippedItemRectangle rect in equipmentRectangles)
                if (rect.Rect.Contains(x, y))
                    //remove the contextual menu
                    contextMenu = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
                    contextMenuChoices = new List<ContextMenuItem>();
                    selectedItem = null;

                    //Does it contain an item?
                    if (rect.InventoryItem != null)
                        //Yes - open contextual menu
                        contextMenu = new Rectangle(x + 15, y + 15, 0, 0);
                        selectedItem = rect.InventoryItem;

                        foreach (var action in rect.InventoryItem.GetPossibleActions(this.CurrentActor))
                            AddContextMenuItem(action, new object[0] { }, content);

                        return true;
                        return true; //Empty box

            return true;
        public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum mouseAction, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out DRObjects.Enums.InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args, out DRObjects.MapItem item, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            actionType = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;
            internalActionType = null;
            item = null;

            if (this.crossRect.Contains(x, y))
                //close it
                destroy = true;
                return true;

            if (this.takeAllRect.Contains(x, y))
                //Take it, take it all!
                foreach (var i in this.treasureChest.Contents)
                    //Do we have an item with the same name in the inventory?
                    var oldItem = GameState.PlayerCharacter.Inventory.Inventory.GetObjectsByGroup(i.Category).Where(g => g.Name.Equals(i.Name)).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (oldItem != null)
                        //Instead we increment the total in that item in the inventory
                        GameState.PlayerCharacter.Inventory.Inventory.Add(i.Category, i);

                //Remove them
                this.treasureChest.Contents = new List<InventoryItem>();

                destroy = true; //and close it
                return true;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.itemRectangles.Count; i++)
                if (this.itemRectangles[i].Contains(x, y))
                    //Overlap! Put in the description

                    if (this.treasureChest.Contents.Count > i)
                        InventoryItem inv = this.treasureChest.Contents[i] as InventoryItem;

                        //take it!
                        GameState.PlayerCharacter.Inventory.Inventory.Add(inv.Category, inv);

                        //Remove it

                        if (this.treasureChest.Contents.Count == 0)
                            //Cleared it out. Close it
                            destroy = true;
                    return true;

            return true;
        public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum mouseAction, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args, out MapItem item, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            Point point = new Point(x, y);

            item = null;
            actionType = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;
            internalActionType = null;

            if (!Visible)
                return false;

            //Did the user click on one of the choices?
            foreach (var decision in decisions)
                if (decision.Rect.Contains(point))
                    //Send the details pertaing to this decision
                    actionType = decision.ActionType;
                    internalActionType = decision.InternalAction;
                    args = decision.Args;
                    destroy = true; //User has made a choice, so close it

                    return true;

            //Not handled. But if it's modal, we expect it to catch all handling
            if (IsModal())
                return true;
                return false;
        public bool HandleClick(int x, int y, Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum mouseAction, out DRObjects.Enums.ActionType? actionType, out InternalActionEnum? internalActionType, out object[] args, out MapItem item, out DRObjects.MapCoordinate coord, out bool destroy)
            Point point = new Point(x, y);

            item = null;
            actionType = null;
            args = null;
            coord = null;
            destroy = false;
            internalActionType = null;

            if (!Visible)
                return false;

            if (mouseAction != Objects.Enums.MouseActionEnum.LEFT_CLICK)
                return true;

            //Did the user click on one of the choices?
            foreach (var decision in this.currentEvent.Choices)
                if (decision.Rect.Contains(point))
                    //Decision has been made

                    //Do we have a next choice?
                    if (decision.NextChoice != null)
                        //Change the current choice
                        this.currentEvent = decision.NextChoice;
                        this.PerformDrag(0, 0); //force recreation
                        //terminate! Send back that its a multidecision, and the event name and the choices made
                        internalActionType = InternalActionEnum.MULTIDECISION;
                        args = new object[] { this.currentEvent.EventName, this.choicesMade };
                        destroy = true;

            //Not handled. But if it's modal, we expect it to catch all handling
            if (IsModal())
                return true;
                return false;